When we were ready, we walked to the village. After we got closer, we finally confirmed that the shadows in the field were humans, oh no, they should be ghosts. In this kind of place, the human form is almost a ghost. These ghosts were actually plowing the land, but when they saw us, they immediately ran into the village, as if they had seen ghosts. Oh, I was wrong again! It should be the same as seeing people. They are ghosts. It is normal to see ghosts, and people will react more when they see them.

"What are they doing with such a big reaction?" Ye Yue asked suspiciously.

"Ghosts know."

Small dragon female nodded: "Yes, only those ghosts know by themselves."

Continue to walk forward, crossing the field area Then we entered the outskirts of the village, where there is a large open space, probably a threshing floor. Although this is the underworld, since there is a field, it is not surprising that there is a threshing ground. We just walked into the threshing field, and a large number of villagers suddenly emerged from the village ahead. These guys are holding a mess of farm tools to form a scattered line of defense at the entrance of the village, but their expressions are quite scared, as if they were not intercepting us, but we were intercepting them.

Although these villagers are all ghosts, the ghosts within the realm are not as illusory as they are in the world. This is the underworld, and ordinary ghosts have no magic power here. These ghosts are all dressed in ancient Japanese costumes. The male villagers wore a small upturned bag on their heads. They were dressed in clothing with a wide center and small trousers, and almost half of them were wearing straw sandals. The clothing of the female villagers is not the usual cumbersome kimono, but a relatively simple one, and looks rather shabby, but at least the women wear wooden clogs, which is happier than the men.

This boxer-like peasant armed forces made me a little dizzy. After playing the monster for so long, it was the first time I encountered such a weird situation. Among the creatures used to fight for players, there are not many human forms, and even if there are, they are organized armed like temples and Celestial Court. Those humanoid NPCs have a common feature, that is, they are powerful, at least so far no player's guild can surely kill a complete NPC group. But these villagers in front of them are almost like beggar, is this also an enemy? I can even hear the clanging and clinking of the farm tools in the opponent's hands because of the shaking.

After the confrontation, or we stood stupidly for five minutes, a villager who appeared to be in his forties came to the front. The villager was holding a tattered sickle in his hand, and trembling opened the mouth and said: "My lord, please let go of Miss Sha Yezi?"

"I think there is a misunderstanding, right?" To that person: "We don't know Sha Yezi!"

A voice suddenly appeared behind us. "I've used your trick long ago, it's not new! Boy, what came out of you?"

We turned our heads together and saw another group of ghosts approaching here. . There are dozens of people on the other side, two or three times more than mine. The three leading men rode horses, and the people behind were uniformly dressed in a black warrior armor, which looked a bit like Japanese ninja soldiers. Ninja soldiers are unique to Japan. They are between the ninja and the warrior. They belong to the light infantry type, and they all have a flagpole behind them. They are very easy to recognize. Immediately, the last two of the three men were also wearing black warrior armor, but they were more comprehensive than the ninja soldiers behind, and they were obviously quite high. The person in front is also a warrior armor, and also wears a ghost mask, but his costume is red, which is more conspicuous than the person behind, and there are a lot of silver white hairs connected under his helmet, which looks like It's hair, but it's actually attached to the armor.

The team swaggered towards us, and Sgoth felt that we should keep a distance in this case, so the command team leaned to the side of the road and kept a minimum distance from the opponent. Those people didn't dare to get too close to us and walked directly on the other side of the road, but they were also blocked by the villagers.

This time, the villager who took the lead was shaking more. Although there are hundreds of villagers behind him, everyone knows that their battle strength is almost zero. "Lord Faith and Hope, please let Miss Sha Yezi go!"

Halo, this is the request again. Could it be that Sha Yezi is a very difficult to deal with character, so everyone wants to solicit? No, if it's really difficult to deal with, then it doesn't exist and let it go. In other words, this young lady's power is not offensive. Could it be said that this young lady has a way to improve her ability? It's quite possible.

It was the Red Helmet warrior who was called Lord Faith and Hope. This guy ignored the villager and looked towards me instead. "Where did you come from? How come I haven't seen you?"

"Speak carefully." Scot is not at all polite.

"A domestic slave is also so arrogant, do you want to die?"

The guy just finished talking, and a black armored warrior behind him suddenly threw away a blade glow from immediately . Skye reacted super fast, knocking the blade glow with a backhand. The other party was taken aback for a while, and immediately jumped up from the horse, and put his hand on the hilt of the knife at his waist until he was about to fall in front of Skot and suddenly white light flashed in front of him. It seems to be called Blade Drawing Technique. I heard that it is very popular in Japan. It can greatly increase the attack speed and attack power, and it is sudden. It is a very practical trick, but unfortunately my people are all influenced by me. More practical than the Japanese. The tip of the guy's knife stopped one foot in front of Skott, and he stopped moving, and Skott was holding his gun against that guy's throat. This is the underworld, Spirit Physique does not mean that physical attacks are invalid here. Besides, Skod was originally an undead creature, even if the opponent did not possess the entity, this shot would definitely make him the soul flew away and scattered.

The other party obviously didn't expect our strength here is so strong. The black armored warrior's move was obviously to show off his strength. Didn't expect didn't cut anyone, but his voice made people top Living. Lingyin Knight's gun was not ordinary, and the magic on the tip of the gun made the guy know that Lima would be done if he moved it.

Scott actually learned cold humor. "Remember to bring a longer knife next time." Lingyin Knight's Knight gun is less than two meters long, and no longer a knife can reach it! Skott said this is purely bullying.

"Yeah, isn't this Lord Faith and Hope?" A voice full of sarcasm came from the other side.

"Damn, another one!"

The guy who came this time was similar to this trustworthy style. The difference was that his team was completely white armored and even the flag was white. It was the guy who took the lead at the front. He didn't wear a mask, and he was still handsome, but he didn't look very comfortable.

"Does Leichuan's family want to intervene?"

"If you only believe in the family's intervention, can't we let Leichuan take a bite? You caught it in the past few years. There are also a lot of talents. Eighty percent of them are unfamiliar. It's better to let us Leichuan's family."

The villager who took the lead at the entrance of the village said again: "The two adults, please Let go of Miss Sha Yezi! Miss, she just wants to live quietly here!"

"Yellow Springs has not been peaceful since ancient times. Does Miss Sha Yezi think she should rest in peace if she is dead?" Third-party forces once again Appeared, but this time he appeared on the opposite side of the village. This small village is not big, so you can directly see the situation on the opposite side.

In fact, more than one party came this time. It depends on the situation is a large group of people, and they do not belong to the same group with each other, they just go along the way. The villagers were surrounded back and forth, and could only retreat to the center of the village to form a circle, but it was not Miss Sha Yezi who was protected in the center, but a well. Could it be that Miss Sha Yezi is under the well? This young lady really has a strange hobby!

"Didn't expect our 33 mansions to come together?" A leader of the group of people on the opposite side said with a smile, but his laughter was full of ironic surprises.

33 mansions obviously represent thirty-six forces. I didn't count them in detail. I can roughly judge that there are more than thirty forces. The situation on each side here is similar, with a leading warrior with two close-fitting warriors, followed by a team of soldiers, the difference is only the number and equipment of the soldiers. However, the party with the most troops here is no more than 200 people, and the least may be only forty people. Of course, I didn't count myself in it. At present, I have the fewest people, but as long as I need it, I can become the most at any time.

A guy in a blue warrior armor said to the villager who took the lead: "Mu Village Zuanosuke, open the well of bones, you know how many doubles you have."

< p>The villager was so hard-spirited, even though he was shaking like a sieve, he still insisted: "I will never let you see Miss Sha Yezi."

"Stubborn!" A leader casually said. Threw a sword qi and chopped the loyal villager directly to the ground. Really didn't expect, the undead here will still bleed, but the color is black. The leader said to the other villagers: "I know you all will open this well. If you don't want to die, help me open the well."

The villagers looked at the leading villager who fell on the ground, and his body was shaking. It's more powerful, but still gritted his teeth and said nothing, it seems that he intends to desperately protect this young lady Sha Yezi. Ordinarily, this is nothing to do with me, but their performance made me interested in this Miss Sha Yezi. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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