"I know you can help you with summon Demon here, but if I just want to run, you can't stop me."

Three ghosts Shou Nobunaga slowly shook the head at the same time with the same action. "No no no, you made a mistake about what I meant. There are not many demons, this is a rebuilt shrine, no longer the scale of 100,000 demons back then. But! What you don't know is that the seal of your summon power is not just melted Pill furnace." They stretched out their hands at the same time again, yelling: "It's this mountain." Then they looked towards me together: "Do you understand now? I...is the...victor. And you... …Will be killed by me."

"It won’t be a big problem to die once."

"But you will die more than once." The three ghost hands Nobunaga are confident. Fully said: "This mountain can not only seal your summon ability, even if it is killed, you will not be able to resurrect and return to the city, because this mountain is used to lock the demon and calm the soul. The center of the mountain is the well of death. Once you die, I will immediately be sucked to the other side of the well, Heaven and Earth of the dead."

"Ask a question bastard." I stared at Nobunaga Guishou. "What if you die?"

"I won't die." Nobunaga, the real ghost, crossed both swords at the same time. "Blood cross."

Three big red crosses flew towards me at the same time. Fortunately, I kept the Purple Moon form and moved faster. The coverage of the three prongs was a bit too wide, and I couldn't get out of it like this alone, so I simply leaned on the mercury shield, and then pushed the dragon shield up. The Mercury Shield was defeated almost instantly, but two of the three red crosses were gone. It turned out to be just a bluff, and the other two ghost hands Nobunaga are phantoms, and simply are not physical Avatars. After the red cross in the center passed through the mercury shield, the rays of light were obviously dimmed, but what I didn't expect was that it could actually turn. The light fork did not touch the shield, but turned to the top of my head. As soon as I looked up, I saw it flipped over me and rushed down. I hurriedly raised the shield over my head, only to see Nobunaga Onishu rushing from the front and slashed it on my stomach.

Squeak. With a sound of metal rubbing, a large cut was cut in the abdomen of the body protection armor of the magic dragon suit, and blood dripped to the ground. I took a few steps to stand still, and almost fell. The red cross above my head is still floating there. The thing is simply remotely controllable. Nobunaga at first intends to use it to attract my attention. At this time, I was injured and backed up. The shield could no longer be lifted, but the red cross suddenly rushed down towards me. At this time, I didn't have the strength to block that thing, and I took it firmly. With a bang, my whole body was blown out.

Guishou Nobunaga wanted to laugh at me, but suddenly heard the wind in my ear. The experienced he immediately backed away, but didn't expect a fist the size of a container, and a strong wind blew across it, even the ground to the ghost hand Nobunaga and his two Avatars. Scratched off. Although I was unable to block the attack, I wouldn't let Oni Shou Nobunaga feel better. Summon Vajra would give him a temporary tie, anyway. Although this mountain suppressed the space channel and prevented me from summoning familiars and other creatures, the control of spirits is unrestricted.

Onitsuka nobunaga's Avatar disappeared immediately after being attacked, and he himself was shot directly into a burning building. The building had been burned on the verge of collapse. His crash was considered a complete reimbursement, and the entire building collapsed with a bang.

When I got up from the ground, the armor had been repaired automatically, but the wounds could not be healed. There are several magic familiars who can heal magic, which is equivalent to carrying a large number of nurses with me, so I don't have the habit of putting medicine in my belt at all. There is medicine in Fenglong Space, but unfortunately it can't be opened now. So the nurses can't summon, nor can they get the medicine.

The ghost hand Nobunaga hasn't come out yet, and suddenly a loud explosion sound is under the mountain, and a crimson ghost who is about the same height as Vajra ran up. There are two horns on the head of the evil spirit, which is quite dark and ugly. At the same time, crimson's skin is also very terrifying. When Vajra heard the sound, he turned around and rushed towards the big guy. The two huge monsters collided and rolled down the mountain with a roar. They forced a passage from the forest, and even the card gallery nearby was shaken down. A few memorial archways.

A sudden explosion in the burning ruins attracted my eyes back. Nobunaga Guishou walked out of the ruins with purple flames burning all over his body. His armor was intact, but his walking posture was a bit strange. I guessed it in an instant. This guy's equipment must be automatically repaired like mine. He was indeed injured just now, but the armor repaired automatically and covered the wound.

Onitou Nobunaga ran out again, and I had to fight him, but compared with Onishou Nobunaga, I really suffered a lot. Speaking of it, I do have constant fortuitous encounters, but the whole world is so big, and there is not only me who can have fortuitous encounters similar to mine, so the strength of the top personnel of various countries will not be too big. To become the strongest in the country, it is natural to have a lot of fortuuitous encounters. But the problem is that I am an animal trainer, but the space channel is sealed here, and I can't summon the familiar at all. But Guishou Nobunaga is a main battle professional. His strength is all concentrated on his own battle strength, while my strength is mainly distributed on the demon pet. Is it unclear to hit me like this? That's enough. The damn thing is that I don't even have medicine, but this kid stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth like a okay person.

While he is still far away, I have to let him suffer a bit first, or I will suffer if the distance gets closer. The whirlwind flashed, and I entered the silver moon state again. Raise the staff and point it at Nobunaga Ghost Hand. "Sun Fireball."

Ghost letter Elder found Fireball in the distance, and he jumped into the air, but I still have a back move waiting for him. He is not the only one who can do continuous skills. I moved the staff up a bit. "Flame storm." Guishou Nobunaga originally planned to dodge in the air, didn't expect what I shot out was a large flame knife, which surrounded him up, down, left, and right. In desperation, Guishou Nobunaga had to desperately shrank himself into a ball to reduce the area of ​​attack, and at the same time put his weapon horizontally in front of him to form a defensive line. The name of the flame storm is very vivid. The rainstorm-like flame hit Nobunaga on the body, and he just smashed him back into the fire sea.

At the same time, I raised my left hand to the sky. "In the name of the god of water, let's condense the vapor."

Just as Nobunaga on the fire got up again from the fire sea, he suddenly saw what I was pointing at the sky, so he looked up too. After a glance, only a huge ice cube smashed down. This kid reacted fast enough that at the crucial moment the epoch actually rolled out. The ice cubes condensed by the water vapor were not dense enough, and they fell on the ground with a bang and immediately all split up and in pieces. Although Guishou Nobunaga rolled out, he was buried alive by crushed ice.

The broken ice suddenly burst with a boom, and Nobunaga Guishou stood up from below again. But he suddenly turned the two knives upside down and plunged into the ground while holding the hilt with both hands one-knee kneels. "Peel the soul."

The place where Nobunaga's two knives touched the ground suddenly exploded with two blue apertures, very fast. The aperture quickly swept across the surrounding ground, and the dead bodies of the players and NPCs on the ground flashed as if they were being swept by an electric current, and then all of them suddenly rose up with colored balls of light, each of which contained little melons. It's so big, with a tail behind it, probably something like a soul. Nobunaga Kisou let go of the hilt and stood up, and then he pointed at me with a strange mudra in his hands. "Tear him to me."

Damn, this guy wants to get rid of ghosts and kill me? I quickly switched back to the Purple Moon state again and drew a circle with my hands. "Tai Chi Soul Locking Array." This trick is specially used to lock souls. When you want to pull away the soul of a living person, you can only lock one individual, but you can deal with many dead souls that can't even gather their images at once. individual. As soon as the light balls approached, they were blocked by the Tai Chi array that lit up on the ground, and they couldn't get out no matter how they rushed inside.

"You actually know Taoism?" Nobunaga Guishou looked quite surprised.

"Little Japan, I'm a Chinese, what's so strange about knowing Taoism."

Nobunaga Nobunaga no longer talks to me, backhand picked something from behind The thing came down and threw it forward, and the thing turned into a huge white phantom in the air and rushed towards me. At the same time, Nobunaga ghosts both hands forming seals muttered: "A ghost robs the soul."

It is said that it is robbing the soul, but it should be called robbing the body. The phantom was too fast and had no substance at all. My shield didn't work at all, and the white phantom hit me directly. I only felt a ringing in my ears, and then I fell out by myself. When I got up, I saw that my own body was still standing in place, and Nobunaga Guishou was walking towards my body. and many more. I see my body, that means my soul is out of the body?

Guishou Nobunaga walked toward my body, while his eyes were fixed on the soul of mine on the ground, but his mouth was saying: "Spontaneous ghost, take this body...you? "Onitou Nobunaga is only halfway through, because my body has already been inserted into his body with a sword. The unsuspecting Guishou Nobunaga was severely wounded, and after a few steps with his wound, he retreated with a long knife in his other hand to support it without falling. He looked at my body in surprise. "Did I not succeed in capturing the soul?"

Onitou Nobunaga's words immediately reminded me of something. "Phantom, is that you?" There is more than one soul in my body. The magic familiar Phantom is in a state of harmony with me at any time for 24 hours. What this mountain seals is only the space channel, not the pet itself, so Phantom can still help me.

Just after I asked about the Phantom’s voice, it suddenly appeared behind me. "Master, I am here."

I looked back in surprise, and saw the phantom Nether Soul floating behind me. I immediately remembered it again. "Bannon Songlan, are you manipulating it?"

Bannon Songlan actually emerged from the other side behind me. "I was threw away, too!"

I suddenly became nervous now. "Has Oninote Nobunaga succeeded in seizing the soul?"

Onitou Nobunaga immediately ignited hope after hearing my words. "Soul Servant, is that you?"

The white phantom that hit me just now appeared next to Nobunaga Onishu. "Master, there is a lot of power in this guy's body, I was bounced out."

I looked towards my body in surprise at the same time with Nobunaga Guishou, and asked out questioningly at the same time: "That Who's in it?"

"It's me." A feminine voice with a soft but majestic voice came from my body.

"Queen?" I am dizzy. This voice is the voice of the insect race empress parasitic on my body. Everyone was blasted out during the impact just now, but in the end, the empress stayed inside.

Ghost letter is not too long to be stupid, and he slams the white servant soul beside him violently. "He only has one soul left now. Go and grab the fleshy body."

The servant soul flew forward with the power of Nobunaga oni, and he was in front of my body, but I Suddenly light flashed red on his body, and the servant soul was immediately bounced back. "Oh!" The servant soul screamed and rolled to the feet of Nobunaga Guishou while still complaining. "Really strong spirit strength!"

The queen is the commander of the ghost worms on my body. The evolution of social insects is generally differentiated, and each individual in the population will evolve in different directions due to different tasks. As a leader, the queen's primary evolutionary direction is intelligence and spiritual strength, otherwise it would be impossible to manipulate millions of small insects. To manipulate a creature, even if it actively accepts it, you must have at least half its mental strength. No matter how weak the spirit strength of the ghost worms is, the tens of millions of bugs together will at least have the spiritual strength of thousands of people. The queen will use half of their spirit strength to manipulate them, so the queen’s spirit strength is at least an ordinary person. This servant soul is at most ten times the strength of an average person, and it is blocked by a soul with a strength of five hundred times.

I immediately laughed. "Onitou Nobunaga, this time I see if you will die. I am four-on-two now. Do you still have a chance of winning?" stand up. "Since this is the case, our Da Nippon warrior will not back down. If you can't beat you, I will go down and fight." He suddenly turned around and shouted into the fire sea. "Remove the seal of the death well."

A huge black vortex suddenly appeared in the fire sea, and the surrounding flames were instantly sucked in. At the same time, I felt a huge pulling force. Drag in the direction of that vortex. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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