Nobunaga and Kanoichi were outside the stove listening to my movements. Suddenly they were shocked when they heard the cry of my throat, but they soon realized that I was still Shut in the stove, and immediately became arrogant. Nobunaga Guishou said loudly to me: "You come out if you come out! You are ruthless if you come out."

I didn't answer him, and directly took out a divine force essence and stuffed it into my mouth. The system hint sounded instantly, and the wound healed. At this time, I rose to 9Level 37. Besides me, the current global highest level is about 900, and I am at least 30 levels higher than him.

The wound is healed and the state is full, and I once again condensed my whole body magic to prepare to do it again. Nobunaga and Kamano Kazuto outside suddenly found the red light in the stove, and immediately panicked. They think that this skill can only be used once, but that is only under normal circumstances. It’s not always common for me to use super-upgraded medicines to replenish blood, but today I plan to open up their eyes.

"Countercurrent-Tornado Sword Burst."

Kano Ichihe heard my voice and exclaimed: "That's the trick again, run!"

I didn't give them time this time. They didn't move the tibia for the first time, so I just cut it off. A vertical sword glow flew out, and Kanye was instantly split into two. The ground and people along the road were cut open, but Nobunaga Oniji, who was only one step away from Kanno Ichigo, had nothing to do. This attack formidable power was too concentrated. The previous time it was a horizontal split, and there was also a problem of width. Now the vertical split can only hurt people in a straight line.

Although I didn't touch him, he still frightened Guishou Nobunaga and fell to the ground. The ruins behind them once again had a ditch. I swallowed the second divine force essence again without hesitation, and then another vertical split was one meter apart from the previous blow. This sword qi still didn't kill Guishou Nobunaga, but he cut off one of his arms. Taking advantage of this strength, I took the third divine force essence again, and then shot out another horizontal sword glow at the bottom edge of the two vertical slits. Without pausing, the fourth one fell. The last exciting sword qi formidable power has risen significantly. After all, I am now at 96Level 7, and the sword glow at this level has naturally increased a lot.

The four sword qis were completed, but the central square area did not fall off. I guess it is probably stuck. Swallow the last ordinary divine force essence, rise to 97Level 7, and then use all your strength to hit the square area.

There was a muffled sound. I thought I should be able to charge ahead, but I didn’t expect to hit myself full of gold stars. The cube suddenly popped out for more than a centimeter, but it stopped quickly again. It was obvious that someone could see the flow stopped immediately following the places where the water came out. I didn't realize until this time that the furnace had the ability to repair itself. At first, the water didn't come out after the first cut. I thought it was the stretchability of the metal that blocked the seam. Now it doesn't seem to be the case at all. This damn thing will repair itself, but this time it is really over. As long as this thing will repair itself, I will be impossible to punch the other three through before it repairs the first wound, so there is no way to form a quadrilateral, let alone get out!

These two guys said they would take my pill concocting, I don't want to be turned into a pill, but the problem is that this big pill furnace is too strong. In fact, it is not the stove that is strong, but the magical power outside. In terms of hardness alone, nothing can stop the eternal cutting, this furnace must have been cured by magic. If you guess right, there is probably a divine force on it. It’s just because I have the divine force stone, so I can cut the stove, but even if the divine force is offset, the remaining magic is still enough to trap me. This thing is really designed specifically for me, and the protection is just right, just enough to seal me out.

Onitou Nobunaga and Kano Kazuo both died once, but they were resurrected again soon. Seeing that the stove was quiet, Kano Kazuke came to the stove again and laughed at me. "Can your skills be used together? Try to cut a few more times, anyway, I am not afraid of being killed by you. I die at most two levels at a time. If you look back and eat a Divine Pill extracted from you, you can upgrade to level 50. You Killing me twenty-five times is a question for Divine Pill."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it." I replied inside.

"Let's see who of us is right." Nobunaga Guishou was even more arrogant than Kanoichi.

Although this pill furnace can repair itself, it always takes time. After so many holes, a lot of water has leaked out. I still need to try another solution, but the specific success depends on God's don't give face. I had to drain the water a little bit before the implementation. The water level is still a bit high now, and I need to buy time so that they can't let them cook me so quickly.

"Countercurrent-Tornado Sword Burst."

"Can you still put it?" Nobunaga Oni and Kano Kazuke were taken aback outside, but this time I launched The direction is not facing the two of them.

A sword glow flew directly from the bottom of the furnace, and with a boom, the strange fuel under the pill furnace was scattered all over. These things are high-efficiency fuel. The temperature of the fuel flying out with the fire star was quite high, and the people around were knocked down again.

Ghost Nobunaga said fiercely: "It's useless if you blow up the fuel. I have this thing. Once you blow it up, I will pile it up again. Sooner or later I will cook you up. Come on, come back. Fire."

The effect of this attack was very good. The water flow naturally accelerated when drilling a hole under the stove, and quickly released the water to a large beach. Nobunaga Guishou asked Kanoichi with some worry. "The water in here is almost dry, there won't be any problems, right?"

"As long as it is not dry." Kano Kazuke turned and said to the surrounding people: "Hurry up and get the black flame wood. , By the way, bring more sand and soil, the ground is wet."

I looked inside and the water was almost leaking, so I quickly switched to the silver moon mode. Purple Moon is a large size that pays attention to defensive power and assault ability. In the past, the small equipment of Yinyue was relatively bad, so it was not very easy to use, but it is different now. With this set of Divine Item, the battle strength of the small silver moon is no less than that of the large one. And to deal with this self-repairing pill furnace, Yinyue, which pays attention to absolute formidable power, is the most suitable saboteur.

"Pannon Songlan, and body."

"As you bid." Bannon Songlan flashed and reconnected with me, directly strengthening my magical attack power , The phantom that was with me and the body also concentrated on the attack power.

I raised the sun rod. This thing happens to be able to support both heaven and earth in the stove. Fortunately, the stove is big enough, otherwise it won’t come out! "Sun summon." This trick can temporarily borrow the power of Sun God Apollo. As long as I use this skill, my magic power will bottom out, but now I have Bannon Songlan support, plus my own level and very high. Using this skill can also leave a lot of magic power. Hurry up and eat a directional divine force essence. Of course, I chose one of the two divine force essences I took later. The previous one is the divine force essence of Anubis, and the latter two are the divine force essence of the god of water. The nature is different. of. The essence of the divine force of the water god, I heard the upgrade prompt immediately. Originally, I thought this thing was just to strengthen the one-way ability, didn't expect can also be upgraded, but it can only be upgraded to Level 5, but this is enough. After the upgrade, the attributes were full. Before the sun summon expired, I followed me and used the second magic. "The field of the sun." This magic requires a perfect state to release. The effect is to create an ultra-high temperature area around itself. Although it can only support a short moment, its formidable power is incomparable. Especially I am using Sun. Using this magic in God's divine force state will greatly increase its formidable power.

This temperature is enough, but I am afraid that in case of failure, there will be no time to come a second time, so I just have to take a double insurance. Stretch out the hand with the ring of flames. "In the name of Flame God Amoral, burn everything here and let the flames start dancing!"

The ghost hands Nobunaga outside the pill furnace they only saw the inside of the furnace suddenly turned white A vast piece of land, immediately following the entire pill furnace, began to gradually turn red. The feet supporting the pill furnace quickly lost their hardness and were crushed by the weight of the furnace body into a puddle of red metal solution. The furnace body above is not much better, the red furnace body has begun to emit dazzling red light. With a snap, the special super crystal observation window all around the furnace burst at the same time, and flames burst out from the observation port instantly. People outside obviously felt the temperature rise suddenly, and the bodies of the few closest to the window instantly burned.

Guishou Nobunaga uses sword qi to block the flames while moving back. "What is this bastard doing in there? Kano Kazuke, can I self-repair if the observation window bursts?"

Kano Kazho also supported the high temperature and retreated: "No, it seems that the pill furnace is about to be unable to be sealed. He's here. Why is this guy's destructive power so big?"

The high temperature in the furnace is still venting outward, and the entire pill furnace is rapidly deforming and slumping downwards. The entire Yasukuni Shrine became a hot wave, and suddenly a building next to it started to smoke, and then a flame soon burst into flames. The surrounding buildings started to catch fire one after another, and the wooden houses are very easy to catch fire under the high temperature. The pill furnace in the center of the field collapsed to the ground as soon as I saw it. I mixed myself with the flames of crimson, and my long hair flew upwards along the heat wave. I stood in the middle of the molten steel melted by the pill furnace like a god of flames, all The ground around was smoking, and the high temperature almost ignited all the buildings around the square.

I turned my head and looked towards Nobunaga and Kanoichi who retreated to the edge of the square. "Who said to take my pill concocting?" I felt surprised as soon as I said it. My voice turned into a tremolo tone, which sounded like it came from a distant starry sky. It seems to be speaking in a huge basement. The frequency of the tone tremor is very high, which makes my voice quite clear. This tone can be heard clearly by people in the distance when the sound is not loud. I don't know why my voice has become like this, it may be caused by the heat wave.

Kano Ichibe is just an auxiliary combat professional, not a main attacker. He immediately retreated back when he saw me coming out. Nobunaga Onitou is different. This guy is Japan's current battle strength first, and he is considered the strongest person. He screamed fiercely, and then drew two strange long knives from his back with both hands. My sword glow cut off his knife before, but now he has pulled out two new long knives. The two knives are still Japanese knives, but they are slightly different. The blade of this knife is straight. Although it seems to be about the same length as a normal knife, because of this straight blade, its actual length should be slightly shorter than that of a normal Japanese knife. Apart from this, the two knives also have a distinctive feature that their blades are dark red. I have seen a lot of colored weapons. Unless it is a decorative weapon bought by a non-combat player, the bright color must mean that the weapon is very difficult to deal with, and it smells like a warning color.

Double swords represent double attack speed. The relatively shorter blade means more flexible mobility. This sword is a speed weapon. The straight blade is not conducive to dragging the knife and cannot increase the damage, but the breaking effect is stronger. This knife must take the route of frequent small injuries. The straight blade is not easy to bend and can be used for stab attacks. Critical attacks may also be used. The blade is short, has strong resistance to deformation, and the double knives occupy the position of the shield, so this knife should be able to be used as a barrier tool. Analyzing the characteristics of the knife, I probably understand the battle method of Onizu Nobunaga.

"Ghost power attracts." Guishou Nobunaga suddenly loudly roared again, and a layer of purple flame suddenly appeared on his body, his hair instantly turned silver white, and the whole person It seems to have become taller. "Purple Moon, if you can't burn the pill furnace anymore, I'll just cut you off."

"Then you must have this ability."

Ghost letter is long and short. He rushed towards me, the purple flame on his body seemed to be able to cut off the heat, and my high temperature had almost no effect on him. I raised my staff and pointed to him: "Fire Dragon jet." Usually, using Fire Dragon Technique is nothing more than a small Fire Dragon head. Now this strengthening state is so refreshing. The tip of the staff makes a loud dragon roar. The Chinese Divine Dragon composed of eight blue and white flames entangled with each other and rushed out. Guishou Nobunaga realized that this magical attack range was too large and he had no time to dodge, so he simply crossed the double swords in front of him.

As soon as Fire Dragon hits Nobunaga Guishou’s head, he was immediately blocked by a red air barrier. The flame split into two and rushed over from both sides of him. The house behind Nobunaga Guishou was instantly There is no more scum that was washed away. Fire Dragon continued to spray for four or five seconds before it was over. Onitsu Nobunaga vigorously swung the crossed swords to both sides. The wind blew out the flames remaining on the knife, and Onitsu Nobunaga began to rush towards me again. .

I turned around and aimed my left hand at him this time. "In the name of the creation god Pangu, crystallize the air!" With a click, the air in front of me seemed to freeze and instantly solidified into a crystal wall, but unfortunately there seemed to be too little divine force that I could borrow. NS. Nobunaga Guishou smashed the crystal wall without a pause, and then chopped it down with two swords.

I quickly raised my left hand again: "In the name of the god of water, run the river!"

A huge water column rushed towards Nobunaga Guishou like a river that suddenly appeared. Nobunaga Guishou immediately raised his sword again to resist, but the currents were different from the flames. They were very important and naturally had a great impact. Onitou Nobunaga was pushed more than ten meters away by the current before he stopped, but as soon as the current disappeared, a large amount of white mist rose up around him. Guishou Nobunaga clicked his hand, and when he lowered his head, he found that there were many cracks in his double swords, and his armor was the same. His purple flame does not seem to be completely insulated. The high temperature has already made his armor very hot. It is normal for him to burst suddenly when he is poured by cold water. However, his equipment didn't seem to be ordinary. Almost only a few seconds later, the cracks on the armor and weapons recovered at the speed that naked eye could see.

"You can't do anything to me." Nobunaga arrogantly roared: "You are indeed the strongest in China, but I am also the strongest in Japan. The country's powerhouse is average, you can't Conquer me."

"I can, because powerhouse is also different." I first swallowed the last directional divine force essence of the water god, and the trumpet of Yinyue was immediately upgraded to 8Level 28. Jin followed me and ended the sun summon skills and the sun domain skills, and after consuming it like this, I won't have the magic power to fight with Nobunaga oni. There was a whirlwind around, and I returned to Purple Moon mode. I swallowed the directional divine force essence that Anubis had given me and raised the Purple Moon account to level 900 82, and at the same time it was full. The directional attribute seems to significantly increase the concentration of dark magic in me, and I can already feel the magic with ice cold aura. "I'm a twin account. Do you think you can deal with the two of me here?"

"Of course not, but I am not alone." Nobunaga Onishu suddenly had two more people beside him. He is exactly the same person, and they all speak the same way. "I can be Avatar, three-on-two, I'm sure to win."

"It's not a good idea to have more people. Have you forgotten what my career is?" I smiled evilly. The expression on Nobunaga's face shows that he was so excited just now that he had forgotten this. I am an animal trainer, and he actually wants to be more than me.

"I really forgot for a while." Nobunaga's answer was beyond my expectation. He confidently said: "But you also forgot where this is."

Oops, I forgot that this is the Yasukuni Shrine. Of course, I have many Summon favorites, but if the ghost hand Nobunaga Summon Mountain Ghost, fairy, my beloved may not have more of him. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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