I turned over and lay on the ground, my hands clasped the ground hard, but the suction became stronger and stronger, no matter how I grasped it, I was still being held upside down and slid towards the center of the vortex. Phantom and Bannon Songlan could not help, because they also encountered the same problem. The queen controlled my body and ran over to help, only to find that she couldn't touch me at all. I am now in a state of soul, no entity, and simply can't hold it. I pointed to Nobunaga Guishou and shouted at the queen who manipulated my body: "Leave me alone, go and kill him."

The queen looked back at Nobunaga Guishou and stood up immediately. Ran over. Nobunaga Guishou saw my fleshy body rushing over and immediately wanted to run, but the whirlpool seemed to have a suction to him, but it was not as big as mine. Judging from the situation at the scene, this vortex is probably absorbing all Spirit Physique. The queen occupies my fleshy body, so I didn't feel any pulling force. Guishou Nobunaga is different. He is Ghost Clan, which has half of the Spirit Physique characteristics, but because the other half is the fleshy body, it has little suction power. But these forces are enough to provoke his actions, but my fleshy body moves freely.

Guishou Nobunchang drew back in a panic, the queen manipulated my fleshy body to rush to the front, the Eternal Sword flicked and shattered into a whip shape. The queen seemed to be more adept at using the whip, and with a wave of her hand, the eternal whip was rolled out immediately, and the bang sent the ghost hand Nobunaga flying. Originally, Nobunaga Guishou was affected by the suction. As soon as the person left the ground, he could no longer control his body. The whole person flew to the vortex quickly, and at the same time shouted: "Purple Moon, I will be waiting for you below! hahahaha ...Huh?"

He didn't finish laughing, because a long whip caught his ankle first. If this guy is sucked in by the vortex with the Fleshy body, I will definitely suffer without the Fleshy body after I go down, so I can't let him go on intact. The queen knew what I meant, so she wrapped the ghost hand Nobunaga with a whip that became eternal. Before Guishou Nobunaga could react, a thinner thread had been wrapped around his neck, it was a dragon tendon cable. Eternally loosened suddenly, but Long Jinsuo wrapped around Guishou Nobunaga's neck instead of Eternally dragging him, competing with the whirlpool. The pulling force of the two powers is not too big, but the dragon tendons are wrapped around Guisou Nobunaga's neck, which is similar to hanging himself, and Guisou Nobunaga's face turns purple and coughs constantly.

Suddenly a white shadow on Nobunaga's body escaped and was quickly sucked in by the whirlpool. At the same time, Nobunaga's fleshy body also gave up struggling and stopped. It seems that Nobunaga's soul has been sucked into the whirlpool, and it's my turn next. At this time, there was a sudden chaos at the foot of the mountain, and there was a sound of shouting and killing. I looked at the passage of the card gallery down the mountain, and I had been sucked near the center of the vortex. Bannon Songlan and Phantom didn't run away, they were sucked into the center of the vortex one after another, and I was only a little close.

At this point, I can see the center of the vortex clearly. There is a wooden square well, and there are many stone statues lying face down on the ground outside. The black vortex came out of the well, and it is now pulling us Spirit Physique to the bottom of the vortex. My foot had touched the well head, and then the whole person was taken up, and the lower body was sucked into the well head first, but I would never give up until the last moment. My hands gripped the edge of the well tightly, and the vortex couldn't pull me in for a while.

"Purple Moon." There was a sudden call from the card gallery. I looked up and saw Ling rushing up with a large number of demons.

To be honest, I am surprised and moved. The familiars were supposed to be in the Phoenix Dragon space, but I don't know why they rushed out from the bottom of the mountain. But I am still very touched that they can come to rescue me, but unfortunately it is too late. With a snap, I pulled a piece off the edge of the well. I lost my support and was quickly pulled into the bottom of the well by the vortex. The surroundings instantly became dark, and my night vision seemed to be out of order, and I couldn't see anything at all. My hands and feet seemed to be in the void, I couldn't grasp anything, I couldn't touch anything, I just felt that they were constantly falling downward.

Just when I thought this void would continue endlessly, the surroundings suddenly lit up, and at the same time I felt that the direction of gravity seemed to be reversed. Just now, I clearly felt that I was falling down on my head and feet, but suddenly it became the feeling that I was no longer inverted. How can the direction of gravity suddenly reverse?

Before I thought of the result, the surroundings suddenly lit up, but I didn't feel any dazzling sensation, and then I suddenly saw the surrounding well walls. A light source appeared above my head, and I was shot out from the well, and I continued to fly up for seven or eight meters before falling back to the ground. But I didn't fall because I was caught.

Phantom and Bannon Songlan both appeared in human form, and they were holding me right and left. "You...?"

Bannon Songlan pointed to the front. I turned my head and realized that the major event was not good. We are now in a forest clearing, surrounded by big trees, there are small grass on the ground, and there is a stream not far away, but the environment is definitely not beautiful. Because those trees are all black, even the stems and leaves are black. The grass is yellow, and the scorched yellow color reminds me of the ghostly grass outside Yama Palace. As for the stream, gurgling is good, but the liquid inside is bloody red, and it also emits a stench. Looking at the sky, there is no sun and no moon. The sky is full of rust-red clouds. You can't see a piece of sky at all, except for clouds. The light that illuminates the surroundings can't find the source, it seems to be from the cloud itself, but the light that the rust-red cloud disperses is similar to its own color, and the world it shines is dim and hideous.

The natural environment can only be regarded as bad, and it is not dangerous for the time being. The real bad thing is the enemy in front of you. Guishou Nobunaga is standing less than 20 meters away from me, and behind him are a series of weird creatures. These things are grotesquely shaped. Some things can only be seen in nightmares. If you have to describe them, they can only be called demos and ghosts.

Seeing Guishou Nobunaga's posture is to fight me to the end, the problem is that he has at least one hundred thousand Demon behind him, but there are only two helpers behind me. The worst thing is that I also left my Fleshy body on the other side of the well. Only the soul came down, and many skills were restricted. In this state, fighting against the opponent was really a loss.

Ghost Nobunaga's face looks sinister took a step towards me. "Hahahaha, Purple Moon, today you can鈥檛 fly even with wings. Tell you, here is the Yellow Springs ghost mythical creature, resurrected on the spot after death, and unless you find a way back, you will wait for me to kill it back to level zero. Hahahaha!"

Oh... Nobunaga Guishou was smiling triumphantly, and a deafening dragon roar suddenly came from behind me. When I looked back, I just saw a huge dragon head at the mouth of the well flying straight to the sky, and a long dragon body soaring up, straight into the sky from the well.

"It's a small dragon girl! She's here to help." Phantom couldn't help but cried out excitedly.

The small dragon girl who flew out of the well immediately found us. She returned to her human form and fell by my side in midair. "Master, are you okay?"

I pointed to the front. "It's okay now, but not necessarily after the meeting." The small dragon girl is very powerful, but the four of us want to deal with 100,000 Demon is impossible, and there is a limit to power.

The woman didn't expect small dragon without any panic reaction, but said: "We still have one fight."

"One fight? Only four of us ??" Bannon Songlan stared at the small dragon female said: "Although I was arrogant before, but I am not as confident as you."

The small dragon female shook her head: "It's not that I am confident, but There are a lot of us."

After she finished speaking, there was another commotion in the well behind, and then a black figure suddenly jumped out of the well, and then steadily landed on the edge of the well. . That is my fleshy body. "Express delivery is here, which is Purple Moon, sign for it soon." The queen actually learned to joke.

Next to my fleshy body, there was another guy who looked exactly like me, but his armor was bright armor, shining with beautiful white light. This is the second demon that Anubis gave me. He and I have the same power, but the attribute can be exchanged back and forth. When I become light, he will be dark, and when I am dark, he will be bright.

Following them, Ling, Yeyue, Eminis, Xiaofeng, Plague, Xiaosan, Darts, Bailang, Night Shadow, Trailblazer, Rose Vine, Red Thorn, and Scythe all appeared. Nobunaga Guishou's eyes straightened, but after following, Gangfang and Hong Ling also followed, followed by Lingyin Knight and the evil spirit Knight. Fortunately, the number of evil spirit Knights is really a lot, and there are nearly 10,000 more people behind me. This was not over yet, and a big tornado emerged from behind. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that they were composed of a large group of steel wraith bees. Following the Hades was the goblin and the ghost worm. After this pile of things ran out, two big trees appeared in the well, and Nobunaga Guishou almost fainted.

"You...how did you come here?"

I mean myself. "I was sucked in!"

"It's not about you. This well will automatically inhale the Spirit Physique around you, but other things can't get through. How did those behind you get in? "

To be honest, I am also very curious about this question, so I turned around and looked towards them.

The small dragon woman said proudly: "Divine Dragon, Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, is there something that can block me?"

The queen manipulates My body said: "Purple Moon, you still have the title of Acting Hell, Yellow Springs World is originally your scope of authority! Even if you can't get in, you can still fucking ass?"

Refers to me: "I live in symbiosis with you, and I have your attributes, not to mention that I was originally a mummy, and this is my hometown."

Ling said: "I am the dark Goddess. It is very difficult to enter the hell. Is it weird?"

Ye Yue also said: "I am also the legacy of Divine Race, this is nothing in itself."

Emmenes quickly said: "I am also Dark. The god of God Palace, isn鈥檛 this strange?"

Xiaofeng said: "I鈥檓 Phoenix. The essence of infinite resurrection is that I can cross the line of life and death at will. Without this well, I still came in. Besides, there is still a passage there."

The plague also explained: "I and Xiaosan are both Black Dragons. Hell is where we build our nests. How can we not come in?"


White Waves said: "I and the darts belong to demon spirit creatures. It is instinct to cross the barrier of life and death."

The unspoken trailblazer and rose vine of Emenes explained: "The trailblazer It鈥檚 a hell worm. I conquered him in the underworld. The rose vine itself is also a plant here. Didn鈥檛 you find that it is the same color as the surrounding plants?"

Red Thorn said to himself: "I am Insect King, demons and ghosts all call hell their home, and it鈥檚 normal for me to come here. It鈥檚 just that the big idiot of the tank was a dragon beetle, and he brought divine aura, so I couldn鈥檛 make it!"

< p>The sickle explained: "Our thunder spiders are hell creatures, and this is my hometown."

Hong Ling turned into a human form and stood in front of me and said: "I am Heavenly Fire Shinki, able to wear and jump out Apart from Three Realms Five Elements, isn鈥檛 a small Six Paths of Reincarnation easy to get in and out? As for Steel Teeth, he is Qilin, and Celestial Court goes up, and it鈥檚 okay to go to hell."

Guishou Nobunaga couldn't believe it, pointing at the evil spirit Knight and Lingyin Knight behind me, and asked, "What about them?"

< p>Skeet sarcastically said, "Do you have any brains?" We are the guards from Dark God Palace. Have you ever seen Ghost Soldier who can't pass Gates of Hell? The evil spirit Knight is similar, they are all undead, even if they don't want to jump in, your well will suck them in. "

"What about these insects?" "

No need for them to answer this time, I explained: "Those are little fairies, you should know by their names, fairies, spirit creatures, isn't it a piece of cake to enter and leave the underworld?" Those who are noisy and bombarded behind are the Iron Hornet. Does the Hornet know? It is the ants of the underworld, do you think they will not come in? Those in the back are ghost insects, which are ghost insects. This place seems to be ghost insects. What's so strange about them appearing here? "

"Then why are the trees coming in?" "Guishou Nobunaga is already on the verge of mental breakdown.

"The tree? Oh, you mean them? That is Tree Demon. Don鈥檛 you also have a hundred thousand Demon behind you? I only brought two, what's so strange? "

Ghost Nobunaga's original plan was quite good, but unfortunately he miscalculated too many things. He originally thought that he is Ghost Clan, here can order Demon to deal with me together. And I dropped I lost my fleshy body when I came down, and it must be easy to deal with, and the sacred mountain blocked the space channel. I can鈥檛 summon my favorites and I will definitely be beaten when I come down. It鈥檚 a pity that he didn鈥檛 expect my fleshy body to pass through the hell barrier. What's even more confusing is why my familiars and summon creatures all ran out. Ordinarily, they should not be able to get out.

Actually, the Nether barrier is not completely useless, at least my demon Not all the pets have come down. This at least proves that some are blocked. As for why they came out without summon, I don鈥檛 know.

I carefully stepped back and asked Skye: "You are How did you get here? Isn't the space gate suppressed by the mountain? "

Skeet immediately explained to me in a low voice: "Isn't Sister Ling able to command for you?" "

I suddenly remembered that Ling has a loyal heart. After acquiring this skill, even if I die in battle, Ling can still command the demon pet and summon creatures instead of me, unlike other people. The same is true when the owner dies and the demon dies follow.

Scott said: "We know you are in trouble, but you can鈥檛 get out. Sister Ling first asked Fenglong to open the space channel to Mother Earth鈥檚 garden. , And then everyone came together, and then we borrowed her teleportation station with the Mother Earth and took a long way to get here. Remember the villa you gave to the Mother Earth God? "

"You mean the mobile temple I found in Switzerland?" "

"Yes. The Transmission Formation in the garden of the Mother Earth directly leads to this temple, and then we come out of the temple and we are in the normal space. But the temple is now parked in the deep mountains of France. We flew all the way to find the nearest city, and then Sister Ling used your funds to rent the Transmission Formation and sent us to the French-German border. After that, we crossed the national border, and then used the Transmission Formation of the German city to transmit to Tianyu City. Only the transnational Transmission Formation of Tianyu City was used to transmit to the Fulcrum City on the Japanese side, and then out of the city, all the way to the Yasukuni Shrine. I didn't expect to meet some Japanese people at the foot of the mountain, but there were not many of them, and they were quickly killed. After we rushed up the mountain, we saw you being sucked into the well. Sister Ling sensed that the well was connected to the Netherworld, so she directed people who could not enter here to guard the well, and then the small dragon woman used the divine force to penetrate the entire passage and was able to enter. All the people ran over. "

"Your circle is really big enough. "

"Not really. Fortunately, everyone can fly, otherwise you won鈥檛 break your leg! "

Nobunaga Guishou pointed at us frantically and shouted: "I don't care how you come in, it's the same anyway. Your regular battle strength is only 10,000. Those small insects are nothing to worry about. There are 100,000 Demons on my side. Ten to one, you are dead. "

"That may not be true. "Scott said to Guishou Nobunbu very confidently: "One hundred thousand refugees and ten thousand regular army are still the regular army. Keep your trash fish as pets for you. It's a bit short of fighting them with us. "

A monster with huge horns and long bat wings came out. "Don't be arrogant, our Demon is not easy to provoke." "

Ling took the staff in one fell swoop. "Winner is the king, loser is the villain. Today, we can only keep one of us, and the other will die. "Speaking, Ling said to Scott: "The order is placed on the Spirit Gathering Array. "

Skeet drew a few gestures backwards. The army behind us changed in an instant, and the army automatically separated to the two sides. My pet and I retreated back into the formation to form a line of defense. Fight. It鈥檚 very important to have a reasonable battle formation. The battle formation allows the warriors鈥?battle strength to reach their limits. Everyone can become a blade and a shield at the same time. Under mutual cover, the battle strength can at least double. .Now the characteristic of this Spirit Gathering Array is that it can rely on powerful individuals to form small battle groups, regardless of whether they are broken up or connected together, they can exert the greatest killing effect. Of course, the most central position in this formation is Mine, and all here is the defensive line composed of the ring tone Knight, which can be described as the strongest destructive power center.

"Kill them. "Guishou Nobunaga waved forward, and the 100,000 Demon behind his back immediately moved. The terrifying Demon hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed up. This battle is still quite scary, but unfortunately the people here have good psychological qualities. It鈥檚 surprising that none of them were scared.

"Ghost Nobunaga, don鈥檛 think you are Ghost Clan and I鈥檓 afraid of you. "I deliberately insulted Guishou Nobunaga in order to attract him to me. Once he enters this formation, even if ten of him appear together, he will die.

It is a pity that Guishou Nobunaga will Not stupid, he directed a group of Demons to rush into the encirclement. A encirclement encircling a part of the enemy is encirclement, but if the encircled power is too much, then it is not encircled, but reverse encircled. Demon of Nobunaga Ghost Too many, a large number of Demon rushed into the encirclement without remembering the casualties, and they just broke up the team.

The evil spirit Knights tried to control the evil dragon sitting down, but they couldn鈥檛 move at all during the battle. The shape was finished soon. Ling fired two magic bullets, one red and one white, into the sky. After seeing the evil spirit Knight below, he no longer maintained the formation, but began to form a five-person razor squad and rush forward.

A group of five evil spirits Knight, this squad formation is better to maintain, and the lethality is also very strong. A Demon that looks like a dragon suddenly rushes to a group of five, this monster has a very long body , But there are no claws under his body, and his head is not a dragon's head, but a lion-like head. As soon as the monster rushed to the front, the evil spirit Knight at the front of the five-person team suddenly commanded the mount to jump up and avoid the opponent's head. The subsequent evil spirit Knight threw a lasso and hung the monster's neck, and then tightened and pulled it violently. The two evil spirits behind commanded the mount to pounce on it at the same time, and the hook and sickle spear hooked the monster. His mouth violently pulled back, and cut the monster's mouth to the sides to his neck. The evil spirit that jumped up in front of Knight just fell, and the tip of the gun puchi was inserted into the monster's body. The evil spirit underneath him The dragon faced the monster's back with a bite, tearing off a large piece of meat. The monster fell to the ground with a bang, and the two evil spirits with nooses, Knight, also rushed up and gave the monster a mess.

The battlefield is chaotic. It looks out of order. In fact, our command is not at all messy. The formation looks scattered, but in fact they are under control. Oniji Nobunaga intended to take us After rushing away, didn't expect the messenger around him and he was rushed out of sight. He was trying to determine the battlefield situation, and suddenly felt the sound of breaking wind behind him, suddenly turned his body around with a knife and a ding sound. I flew a metal object, and I didn鈥檛 know what it hit. But another thing flew up on the other side, and he dodges quickly, only to find that it was just a stone.

We again It鈥檚 not a little gangster fighting. Of course it鈥檚 impossible to attack him with a stone. Nobunaga Guishou knew that he was fooled. He dodges and avoids a blank area where there was no fluctuation. There was strong pressure, forcing him to stop his figure quickly, but it was still a little late. A sword struck diagonally, and the scared Guishou Nobunaga hurriedly used the knife to block it. With the sound of metal collision, Nobunaga Guishou was smashed out sideways.

Up to now, if Guishou Nobunaga didn't know that I was invisible, he could go to death. In a panic, he grabbed it and spilled the dirt. The broken soil suddenly hit something in mid-air, forming a rough outline, and Nobunaga Onizu immediately threw a saber out as a dart. I tilted my head to let it go, but felt that there was another murderous aura approaching behind me. I dodged and avoided again, but it was a little slower. The knife went around in a circle and came back, leaving a small opening in my neck, and it was only a short cut off my neck.

"Not bad, you are good." I showed my silhouette, jumped up and rushed at Nobunaga Onitou. Guishou Nobunaga rolled back on the spot, but did not roll away, but stopped after only half a turn. Both of his hands supported the ground, his body bounced upside down, his legs straightened and kicked out. . I happened to fall on his foot. It would be a big hit if I hit him, but I won't hit it. The huge wings bounced off with a whirr, and I slid over an inch above his feet, but I didn鈥檛 fly away. I just drew away his feet and retracted my wings, and my body fell suddenly, while he was about to kick. I hit his stomach with a stretched straight chance and kicked it down.

Guishou Nobunaga saw that I was about to step on him, and as soon as I pulled my abdomen back, I fell back, and I fell to the ground, lightly touched on the ground, jumped up in place, and completed a roundabout kick in midair. . Huh. "Aiya!" Guishou Nobunaga clutched his belly and fell out, his abdomen was cut open by the ice blade under my feet. This ice skate is usually folded behind the calf. I suddenly popped out in midair just now, and he didn't notice it at all, so it suffered a lot.

After I landed on the ground, my toes were a little bit, and the blade bounced back again. "Nobunaga Guishou. Do you know how good I am? I am not much weaker than you without a pet."

"Ah...!" Nobunaga Guishou screamed and rushed up again, half On the way, he was suddenly knocked out from the side by a huge black figure. It turned out to be Emenes who had turned into a tank.

I smiled and said to Guishou Nobunaga: "But I still like the feeling of bullying people with the devil."

Nobunaga Guishou was almost mad at me. , Jumped up and kept the attacking posture frozen. At first I thought he was thinking about something, but the more I looked at it, the more I felt something was wrong. His knife was gradually turning green, and it started to glow.

"Not good, hurry up." I shouted to the evil spirits behind Knight.

Guishou Nobunaga suddenly pressed the two knives together, and the two knives were combined into one. The style did not change much, but the blade became much longer. He just swept the long knife at me far away from me. "Lanqie." A green blade glow that was at least seven meters long flew out sideways, scared me and lay on the ground quickly. The blade glow flew in front of me, and the evil spirits behind Knight had not had time to escape, all of them were beaten and cut.

I quickly sat up and wiped the sweat from my forehead. "What a great blade glow."

I flipped a dozen somersaults back and pulled away, and then grabbed Eternal. "Countercurrent-Tornado Sword Burst." Damn, you are not the only one who can super sword glow. Now I have a demon pet that can help me replenish my blood, so I am not afraid of you!

Seeing that I did this trick again, Guishou Nobunaga quickly stood still, holding his knife in front of him like burning incense. "Hundred ghosts-ghost. charm. ghost. ghost."

My sword is gathering red light, while Ghost Nobunaga's knife is gathering green light, and the intensity of the rays of light on both sides is obvious. rise rapidly. Ling was fairly experienced and knowledgeable, and immediately sent orders to the people around us: "Flash. It's a desperate trick."

The people around me heard desperate tricks and began to retreat, especially letting Open my attack frontally. The Demon of Nobunaga on the other side probably had seen Nobunaga's trick, and they retreated to the other side, and the battlefield was so separated.

Ling pointed at me decisively: "Bannon Songlan, go up and help. I can assist with magic."

Bannon Songlan and I are in harmony, my strength is obvious Starting to ascend rapidly, Ling and the other familiars' auxiliary magic one, two and three all came up, obviously feeling that their power has increased again. Sure enough, a beast trainer still needs a demon to exert the greatest battle strength. If there was such a level of strength in the stove, it might be able to come out, and it would take so much trouble.

On the other side of Guishou Nobunaga, those who are not to be outdone have also begun to bless Guishou Nobunaga with magic. Unfortunately, most of those Demons are of their own battle-type, and not many will assist magic. But their number is relatively large, although the proportion of magicians is small, the total amount is quite large.

The magic on both sides reached the peak, almost at the same time, the two of us moved at the same time. I turned and swept a sword horizontally, and a red blade glow flew horizontally at a height of 1.2 meters above the ground. Guishou Nobunaga raised the straight knife in his hand over his head and slashed hard, and the blade glow flew over.

The two blade glows collided in the middle of the two sides, and only heard a strange sound as if someone was tearing a steel plate, followed by a sudden change of commands around, and nothing was seen anymore . My helmet eyepiece instantly became completely opaque, preventing my eyes from being burned, but I was still caught in the light by the light, and my eyes hurt so much. The strong light is followed by the shock wave. The huge formidable power seems to be trembling in Heaven and Earth. I just feel as if something hits my body, I didn't catch it in one breath, and then I lost consciousness.

When I regained consciousness again, I first heard a groaning sound around me, but it seemed that it was not from my side, but from the opposite side. At the same time, I heard the sound of fighting. Feeling that I was being held by someone, I quickly pushed away the mask and sat up. Ling who was holding me, saw me sitting up, she immediately asked, "Are you okay?"

"My chest hurts so much, it feels like I was hit by a truck!"

"You are lucky to survive." Ling explained the situation for me.

I just used the attack blade glow at the same time as Nobunaga Onishou, my own attack power is slightly lower than Nobunaga Onishou, but it is quite cheap in terms of auxiliary magic. Nobunaga's own battle strength has advantages, but his assistance is not as good as ours. The actual attack power that hit us at the end was a little bit higher than Nobunaga Oni's sword. As a result, my sword glow cut off Nobunaga鈥檚 sword glow. But our attack method is different. I slashed it horizontally, and Nobunaga Guishou slashed it vertically. The two sword glows actually crossed and collided with each other. My sword glow passed through Nobunaga's sword glow and continued to move forward. Because it was advancing horizontally, the formidable power covered a large area of 鈥嬧€媏nemies. Almost a thousand Demons were cut off by a sword, and Nobunaga was also killed. A slight blow. After all, his blade glow offsets the formidable power of the middle part of my sword glow, so the part that hit him has no damage. Our side is different. The blade glow of Nobunaga Oniji flew upright, only a small piece was cut off in the middle, and the rest was still moving straight forward, and then almost covered my whole person from head to toe. Go in and plow a deep trench in the ground at the same time. My attack was tantamount to all the opponents, but Nobunaga Oni's attack was only directed at me alone, so I was knocked out, but Nobunaga Oniji was almost unharmed.

According to Ling, I was in a coma for less than one minute, and the situation on both sides was fairly stable. The fighting sound came from Nobunaga Onishu and my beloved. The II, Emmenes, Yeyue, and the small dragon girl are besieging Nobunaga Guishou in a four-to-one manner, but their goal is to trap Nobunaga Guishou, not kill him. Others are seizing the time to massacre the Demon on the opposite side. The attack just now caused a big explosion. Although my sword glow only killed less than a thousand Demons, the impact of the explosion shook all the opponents suddenly and suddenly, and Skye took everyone while the opponent was temporarily losing battle. Opportunities for strength are cheaper. Nobunaga Guishou wanted to prevent our people from slaughtering his men, but unfortunately he was surrounded by my four great experts and allowed him to charge to the left and dash to the right. He just couldn't get out.

The second generation has all my personal strengths, and he is almost the same as me without the summon skills. The true mirror image of Eminis is also a practical magic. At this time, she is participating in the battle with Lingling's face. Although Lingling can't get in, it is not bad to have Eminis copied Lingling. Needless to say, Ye Yue, the direct descendant of the High God clan itself is not fake, plus she can use six swords at the same time, the attack speed and formidable power are terrifying. Moreover, although her petrification technique could not completely seal the ghost hand Nobunaga, it made him unable to use it, and constantly interfered with his actions. In the end, the Chinese Sword Art of the small dragon girl was pretty slippery, and she also played with Taoist spells from time to time. Being trapped inside by this Four Great Vajra, don't think of it for a while.

I tried to get up from the ground. Ling had obviously treated me and there was no obvious pain in my body. After checking the health value, the remaining amount is above 80%, which is basically normal. Massacre I can't get any faster in the past, so I'd better put the ghost hand Nobunaga down first. Let Ling used a Dark Recovery Technique for me again, and then rushed toward

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