"Ditans, isn't it that harmful to people, right?" I looked towards Ditans here, hoping that he could help.

"Did I harm you?" Ditans looked on a matter of no concern to oneself. "I don’t seem to be doing anything, right?"

"Well, everyone is from Dark Element. There is no need to be so awesome, right?"

"I remember you Chinese have a saying It is necessary to Ann Nei when you call the foreigner, because we are both Dark Element, so you are more worrying than Filindil." Ditans has already said very clearly, and he intends to kill me.

I glared at Titans. "Is that what you did to your allies?"

"When did we become allies? Why don't I know?" Ditans became confused.

"I will ask one last time, will you help."

"Do I have a reason to help you?" Ditans asked seriously.

"Okay, I just hope you don't regret it."

Ditans replied with a smirk: "Haha, I never regret it."

< p>"humph." After snorted hard, I turned my gaze to Felindir in the sky. "His Lord Goddess of Light, this was just a misunderstanding just now."

"Misunderstanding?" Filindil couldn't hear any explanation in his anger. "You stand with this pig, Titans, and I can't tolerate you even if there's nothing just now."

My face instantly changes fiercely staring at Filindir and pointing to it. Filindil cursed loudly on his nose. "I don't allow you to insult the honest pigs like this. I ask you to apologize to the majority of pigs immediately. How can you compare them with Ditans? This is an insult to the pigs!"

< p>"Huh?" Both Dietens and Felindir looked towards me in a daze, without spirit slowly recovering.

Ditans didn’t expect, I would suddenly turn my head and scold him, Ferrin Dier planned to kill me and Ditans together, didn’t expect me Scolded Titans.

"Do you want to die?" Ditans first came back to his senses.

"Pu chi! hahahaha......" Feilendil smiled, clutching his belly and leaning forward, without any image of a lady. "I really convinced you. After so many years, you are Number One Person who can curse the cheeky pig face of Titans."

I still pretended to be very angry and said:" I said, don’t take the pig clan and this despicable guy mention on equal terms."

Filindir also smiled and cooperated with me and said: "Oh sorry, I forgot. Take the one that can provide meat Pigs are really wronged compared to this guy. At any rate, pork can still be eaten. This guy is useless and will only cause trouble."

Dittens's face was pale, and Filindill laughed. The flowers are trembling, and the images of the two great gods are very inelegant, but I am clear in my heart. Filindil and Titans have been fighting for many years and have not been able to tell the victory or defeat. It is not a small victory to be able to pick up cheap verbally, so I am very happy. As for Titans's attitude towards me, this guy was indeed okay with us in the past. Although his interests are paramount every time, he at least cooperates with us. However, there is obviously another reason for the 180-degree turn of the attitude, and this reason is also clear to me.

Filendil has never seen me before. Suddenly meeting someone like me should only be met by a strong third party. Besides, depending on the situation, I and Ditans are not on the right track, so she treats me The mood is going to ease up a lot. But Ditans was different. He had met me many times before and had done business. He knew that I was a very shrewd person, but my strength and his the difference between Heaven and Earth, he didn't take me seriously. He had a pretty good attitude towards me until I just met him on the top of this mountain, but his attitude suddenly changed when the angel was killed, not for anything else, or because I had the strength to kill that angel. This angel is not an ordinary angel, she is also a god. Divine Race is not a race, but a general term for all creatures that can reach a certain realm. This angel is one of the members of Divine Race, and Titans is also one of the members of Divine Race. Ditans is indeed better than that angel, but the difference is not that big. I can kill this angel, and naturally I can kill him, which means that I am already threatening to Titans. He knew my strength, and connected with my wisdom and the power that I already possessed. In addition to the sudden improvement in my strength, Titans naturally judged that I was too strong and threatened his safety sooner or later. Change attitude quickly.

Filendil didn’t know that my strength was improved in a short period of time. She was not afraid of my strength, because there was still a gap between my strength and hers, which made her not Care about my situation too much. Without my speed of progress as a reference, I am not considered a dangerous person by analyzing the total strength alone. Felindir suddenly put a smile away and said to me: "Although you and Titans are not the same, but you killed my attendant Martial God, this account cannot be forgotten."

I nodded said: "It is indeed my fault to kill Martial God, but my original intention was only for self-defense. Martial God was guided by Ditans' words and misunderstood my meaning, and I had no choice but to give me no chance to explain. Your Highness Goddess. I have a huge guild organization in the East, and I also have my branch in Europe, and my power is not small. Please believe that the strength of our guild can supplement the misunderstanding under Martial God Palace."< /p>

Of course, what I said was not to compensate Filindier for a Martial God, but to tell her that I was very valuable in disguised form. Being exploited is not terrifying, the key is to find a good balance. Utilization does not necessarily mean infringing on the interests of one party to serve the other party. The reciprocal utilization of both parties is the most common utilization relationship. As long as I can establish such a utilization relationship with Filindir, then Titans can step aside. The job of being a middleman is definitely not losing money. In Asia, I used this hand to get the support of several Great Influences. In Europe, I can just eat it.

Filendil understood what I meant immediately, and she smiled. "Since your attitude is so sincere, I can also consider ignoring your improper behavior. However, you'd better behave better in other areas, at least give me a reason to look at you differently."

< p>"That's natural." I turned my head and looked towards Ditans.

Dittens knows that things are not going to happen when he sees my eyes. It is not that he is afraid of not beating me, but that he is afraid that I will make trouble with him when he and Filindil fight for a while. I am not his opponent in frontal combat, but I am an expert in tossing people. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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