In fact, when Titans thought about it, it was what I was planning to do. The ungrateful kid Ditans wants to suppress me, so I simply find another backer. I have never minded multi-source development.

Filendil looked at Titans with slanted eyes, and I smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Goddess, if you want to, I don't mind helping you."

With that said, things are clear to Filindil. This woman can become the Goddess of the Light God Palace, naturally she also climbed out of the cruel competition, this implies that she can't understand it and she is not worthy to sit in this position. From my perspective, I can clearly see that Filindil's right hand hidden behind his back is opening and gradually gathering white light spots, while the opposite Ditans is slowly retreating.

"The Spear of Eternal Night." In the end, it was Titans who did it first. He could understand the hint just now, so he wanted to take the lead. A magical lance wrapped in black lightning was thrown out, and the target was Filendil.

"Spiritual barrier." Pepper completed the blocking magic almost the moment Titans moved. As my familiar, I can naturally understand what I mean.

The Spear of Eternal Night instantly penetrated the mental barrier, but the black lightning and hellfire on the spear were gone, leaving only a spear condensed with magical power. Jingjing appeared before the spear's flight path instantly. "Absolute barrier." Lance's shield in Jingjing's hand, under the protection of the absolute barrier, the shield's defensive power was brought to its limit. Although the absolute barrier made by Jingjing does not have the invincible attribute of my absolute barrier, it has no limit on the number of times. Lance broke through the absolute barrier and knocked Jingjing away with the shield. However, the spear body also tilted due to the shield blocking, and the speed was much slower, but at this angle it can still pass Felindir. body of.

A white spider silk flew out silently from the side, just sticking to the spear. The eight legs of the sickle plunged into the ground and pinned himself to the ground. The body of the spear was forcibly pulled by the spider silk and flew out. The sickle released the spider silk in time, and Lance was completely thrown out because of inertia, impossible to hurt any of us.

Dittens was planning to run while throwing magic, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a white light leaping towards him. His subconsciously raised his hand to block it, but the white light turned and walked away. His body flew to the side. Before he could react, a heavy hammer struck him with the whistling wind.

Ditans’ comprehensive strength is indeed much stronger than ours, but it does not mean that he is better than us in every convenience. At least he is definitely not an opponent of tanks, so he faced this fatal blow. He immediately chose to retreat and evade. However, it was useless. As soon as Titans retreated, he felt a huge pressure and hurriedly supported the defensive barrier, followed by another huge force. Vajra's heavy punches are not much worse than tanks, and Titans is not a brute force figure, and cannot withstand such an attack at all.

Although Ditans flying in the air didn't suffer any actual harm, he suddenly felt a familiar yet dangerous force. The magic prepared by Filindil is finally completed. The powerful light magic used by Goddess of Light can be very different from those light wizards. A big ball of light surrounded by six white ball of light flew straight towards Titans, but due to continuous attacks, Titans had no time to react at all.

"Ah!" Ditans screamed in the air. As soon as the white ball of light touched his body, it burned. Ditans' body began to become awkward at the speed visible by naked eye. He His lower body quickly turned into a cloud of fly ash. However, the Dark Lord is not so easy to die, and Titans, without his lower body, still insisted on flying out. However, he wisely chose to fly away by this power, rather than counterattack us. The current situation is very clear. Ditans is indeed better than Filindil, but it is not much different. With me here, he is impossible to injure Filindil. It is hard not to lose even if he is beaten.

"Do you want to run now?" Filindier is not a good man, and kill to the last one seems like she did it very happily. The white silhouette chased the black line, leaving a bunch of us standing here watching. Ditans has been seriously injured, and I won't have to help Felindir and she won.

Until this time, Princess ran up to me in surprise and shouted: "Purple Moon how do you know them?"

"Goddess of Light I don't know, Ditan I’ve known Si for a long time, and I’ve done some small businesses before."

The principal said seriously: "Ditans is the Lord of Darkness, and doing business with him will not be as simple as a small business. Right?"

"It depends on how to say it. In my opinion, it should be regarded as a small business, but...!"

"But what?" the director asked.

"But we should run away."

"Huh? Why?" I suddenly changed the subject and everyone was stunned. The reason was that there was a black line flying again on the horizon. To make matters worse, the white line that should have followed did not appear.

Dittens has been seriously injured, it is impossible to kill Felindir. Besides, this is too fast, right? Then the only possibility is that he got rid of Felindir, and this time he came back 100% to get my revenge.

"Purple Moon, don't run." Ditans' body has been restored to its integrity. As a god, creating a body is not a problem. This guy is almost mad now, he can't wait to catch me back to make soup.

Seeing that I couldn't run away, I just turned around to fight. Titans did not slow down and did not intend to talk to me at all. Communication is only used for possible transactions or to buy time for a certain plan, but now Titans only wants to kill me, and his anger level is not possible to make any strategy, so he does not need to communicate now, and it is also used if he wants to communicate. Sword exchange.

"Darkness is against the current." Titans's horizontal sword swung a black half-moon sword qi with lightning glow.

"Avatar, beastization, and wild rage." I completed three skills almost instantly. The warrior Avatar and the second world stand on both sides of me. The warrior Avatar itself can be transformed into a beast, and the second generation inherits all of my own attributes. Of course, it can also be transformed into a beast, and will also have wild violent skills. In an instant, we became three werewolves, and we had entered a state of violent turmoil. The wizard Avatar also added a layer of magic armor to us at the moment he appeared, and he also threw a lightning chain out to try the formidable power of the sword qi first.

The test proves that the formidable power of sword qi is extremely powerful, which is almost a full strength attack of Titans. The chain of lightning was shocked without any suspense, Lingling split a sword qi from the side, but was also knocked off. Xiaochun once again added a layer of holy light shining armor to the three of us werewolves, and then the three of us stood together and raised our weapons to resist the attack.

With a squeak, the black half-moon sword qi hit the three of us at the same time, making a harsh sound that makes the roots of our teeth sour. The fire spattered at our contact point, and the three of us couldn't stop this power at all, and we were pushed back straight. But the warrior Avatar was suddenly pushed onto a piece of muddy ground. Although the top of the mountain was flat, it was not entirely rocky. This flat top is a mountain that has been cut off. Although most of it is rock, some places are still mud. The warrior Avatar is pushed onto a piece of mud at once, and the supporting force instantly loses balance. Titans’ sword qi also happened to be an explosion here, and the three of us were all knocked out.

Flying is flying, but the impact we have received is not fatal. The attack just now was weakened twice, and our side was blocked by three people together, and a lot of auxiliary defensive magic was added, so the impact was naturally much smaller. Being able to fly us all shows how terrifying Titans' power is. I feel that my health has been killed by nearly half. If it weren't for the three of us to resist together, it would have bottomed out my health at one time, and other familiars would have to help me share the damage, but it's not deadly now.

Flying in midair, we were quickly caught by a big spider web. The net was woven with a sickle. Now the rose vine is holding it with a dozen tentacles as a blocking net. Falling into the elastic net saves us the possibility of falling and losing more health.

The other familiars were not idle while we were knocked into the air. Ditans had just used his full strength to launch that attack, and now before he even lifted it up, he immediately ran into two magic crystal shells head-on. This guy's strength is so great that most people can only wait to die at this time, but he instantly supports a defensive barrier. However, my men and I are protected by the divine force stone. Our attack ignores the divine force. This defensive barrier may be invincible to most people, but after ignoring the divine force part, it is actually unstoppable. Live the magic crystal shelling, not to mention two shells.

A group of defensive lines instantly collapsed, and Titans was blown by the blast and turned a few somersaults out. Before he got up, a big tail suddenly swept over. Titans immediately hit the ground and flew into the air, but the other big tail drew him off. The plague's big tail was covered with barbs, and the formidable power was not small, and it left a striking mark on Titans.

Ditans spurted blood and fell to the ground, but he quickly rolled to the side and escaped from the other tail that followed the smashing down, but the tail flashed away, but was enveloped in flames. NS. Titans originally thought it was Dragon Flame. His magical barrier ignored the divine force and it was a little harder to resist Dragon Flame, but he still had the confidence to stop it, but soon he discovered that it was not Dragon Flame, because this thing actually wore it. It burned directly to him after passing the barrier.

"Damn it, is the sacred fire of the Easterners." Ditans couldn't help but scolded. It was indeed a dragon that set fire just now, but it was not a giant dragon but a Divine Dragon. The small dragon girl has always only used Water Element and Formation to attack Taoism. Outsiders like Ditans didn't even know that she would set fire. In fact, both Divine Dragon and giant dragon can play with fire, but the Chinese Divine Dragon usually likes to play with water.

Immortal Technique’s flame can’t be blocked by a normal magic barrier. Titans knew that it could block the Immortal Fire’s magic, but he was fooled and mistakenly regarded it as a dragon flame with physical characteristics. , And the wrong defensive magic was used. Immortal Fire burned up as soon as it stuck, and Titans ran far away to extinguish the fire, but he wasted too much time for it. A white line shot over from a distance, quickly turning into Filindil and standing on the flat ground on the top of the mountain.

"Didn't expect Lord Titans to escape so well, and he has learned to use a substitute. Did you often run away to practice?" Filindier explained to me clearly that she did not The reason for coming back in time to help me, and at the same time satirize Ditans' embarrassment.

Ditans gnashing teeth glared at Filindil and me, then turned around and opened a Transmission Gate. This guy is completely planning to run away this time. Felindir shot a white beam of light, but it missed. The Transmission Gate has been closed first.

Filendil just wanted to say something to me, but the light spots in the sky didn’t know why they were hitting lower and lower. Then one light group was smashed by another light group, and other light groups followed Landed. The space in front of us was distorted, and Titans unexpectedly came out again. This guy just went back to heal the damage, not really intending to escape.

After a large number of light spots landed, they all stopped, and the scene became more complicated.

I have never met most of the people here, but there are many acquaintances, and none of them are simple characters.

"Purple Moon?" The first person who called me was a curly guy.

The image of this guy is so distinctive that Princess, a European, called out before me. "Sun Wukong?"

"Does little girl recognize me?" Sun Wukong looked at Princess with a funny face.

Princess shook her head quickly: "I just heard."

I let all the familiars gather behind me while walking towards Sun Wukong, which is more worthy of Sun Wukong than Felindir. Trust a little. According to the legend, Sun Wukong should be of a relatively straightforward type. Besides, I rescued him from Buddhism. No matter what he did, he was kind to him. Besides, everyone is on the ground in China, and they have more in common in their interests.

Actually, Sun Wukong is not the only Oriental Spiritual God here. There is a beauty in purple costume standing beside him. At a glance, I recognize her as Zizhu Fairy. In the Celestial Court’s mission to rescue two characters, one was Sun Wukong and the other was Zizhu Fairy. There were a few familiar faces beside them. The one with a halo behind it is obviously Primordial Heavenly Venerable, next to him is the same sect Lao Tzu, and a white clothed woman is standing next to her, but I don’t know who she is, but she also belongs to Celestial in this way. One of the Court forces.

There is a small group of people standing not far from the side of the Celestial Court. They all seem to be ordinary humans, but one of them is one of the four Great Protectors of Monster Race. A water is empty. If Shui Xu is here, then needless to say, besides the other three Monster Race guardians, there are three other people standing with him must be the left and right monsters and the Monster King. Monster Race, these guys have developed very quickly after they got the blessed land in the battle against Buddhism last time. Monster King shouldn’t have been able to resurrect, but the guy standing in the front here is obviously the leader, and he also brought four Greats. Protector, its status in Monster Race should not be low. The only result I can think of is that Monster Race has rebuilt a Monster King by using the powerful power of the earth veins.

Monster Race used to be Titans and a small group of people behind him. These are obviously the forces of Dark God Palace. And then to this side are Felindier and her gang, obviously they represent the European Light God Palace.

I don't know a group of people on Felindir's side at all, and there are three groups of people around them, I don't know all of them. These four groups of forces should be existences that I haven't come into contact with.

These four groups of forces are two groups that I am very familiar with. A group of Al Ni and her entourage from the Dark God Palace in Asia, but unfortunately the number is not as large as the Dark God Palace in Europe. After all, the Asian Dark God Palace was split from the European Dark God Palace, which is not as understandable as the headquarters. The group of people on Al Ni's side are more familiar. They are people from the Light God Palace in Asia. The leader is naturally Mijol, but the god angels are not there, and some other angels follow.

There are several groups of people next to the Asian Light God Palace, and they still don’t know them. Continue to search here and found acquaintances. The two-faced guy with three swords in Tathagata was standing there with a face of compassion, and the few behind him were all ruthless characters. The most terrible thing was that I saw a beautiful woman in colorful xia robes all over. This woman was the person whom the Jade Emperor took special care of before he rescued Sun Wukong, because she was the Great Wheel Pluto Peacock. Although it is a joke, Dalun Pluto is nominally known as the mother of Buddha. This identity is not for nothing, it is a symbol of strength.

Sweep around the audience. Although there are only a few people in each team, it is definitely over a hundred if you add them together. So many forces obviously come from all parts of the world, and they are all gods, or existences with godlike powers. Those guys in Shui Xu were really bad before, but that was because none of the Spiritual Qi in Qiankun Bottle Gourd could be absorbed, and their strengths have almost been polished over the years. Now with the aid of the spirit vein, the strength of these guys recovers very quickly.

Princess leaned close to me and whispered: "It looks like the situation is a bit messy?"

I carefully pointed a direction for Princess to watch. "Did you see who it was?"

"Sun God pull?" Princess recognized the guy instantly, but she quickly reacted. "That's not right! How can the divine force crystal fail to respond when it's so close?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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