"holy light barrier." The angel did not react slowly, and a white light shield was completed instantly. The tank and Emenes are my favorites, and the power of the divine force stone is also passed on to them, so their attack also ignores the divine force. The angel's light shield was also mixed with divine force, which should have blocked this kind of attack, but after the divine force was cancelled, what remained was only a high level magic shield.

The moment the white beam of light hits the light shield, it splits on both sides like a river that hits a bridge pier, but the angels inside the beam of light are also uncomfortable. The moment the beam of light touched the shield, she knew that the divine force was not working, but at this time it was impossible to do anything to make up for it. She gritted her teeth against the light shield's attack, but she only persisted for a second when she heard a click on the light shield. She looked up in a panic, but found that several winding cracks appeared on the light shield, and the red cracks were spreading all around.

"Ah!" The light shield burst suddenly with a sound, and the angel was shot off by the beam of light in an instant.

The attack of Emmenes and the tank has also reached its limit, the beam of light gradually dimmed, and finally turned into a thin line suddenly broken into dots of starlight and disappeared in the air. The angel on the opposite side was blasted out for two to three hundred meters, rolled on the ground and threw out more than a hundred meters before it stopped completely. But she is a god after all, such an attack is impossible to instantly kill a god.

"You are really different." The angel struggled to stand up from the ground, but she was very angry, but in her current image, it was really not deterrent. The attack just now did not kill her, but it is not that absolutely does not have the effect. At present, the angel's wings are already wolfish, and most of the feathers on the right wing have been roasted brown. As for her body, the armor that was so bright just now is now tattered, and many places have been melted by the high temperature, and some places have been pierced.

"Kill her." I pointed at the angel, and the Phoenix Dragon Space and the Earth Gate opened to my left and right at the same time. Ring tone Knight rushed out with my familiars. Dealing with this Divine Grade creature is not something I can accomplish by myself. The quantitative advantage is useful if there is no absolute gap.

The angel on the opposite side was surprised. She didn't expect me to order her to be killed. As for the freedom behind me, they were completely stupid. They all knew that I was an animal trainer, but they didn't expect that my familiars would be so much. Titans was also a little surprised, but he had seen my familiar, so he was still calm.

The angel reacted for a while, and immediately waved his wings and wanted to fly. After only two slaps, he realized that his wings were so mutilated that he couldn't fly. Before she was ready for the next coping strategy, the fastest dart had arrived.

Don't underestimate the darts. Although they are speed-type monsters with low attack power, the speed in real combat is also a terrifying ability. The dart arrived in front of the angel in an instant. The angel reacted quickly and swung his sword to cut the dart, but the dart swayed around the body of the sword and appeared behind the angel, tearing off a large piece of flesh on the angel's wings with a bang. It hurts the angel. Wrinkled and didn't turn around to catch the dart, but the dart had already flashed out first.

The harassment was successful, and the angel failed to make any preparations before the other familiars arrived, and a group of white giant wolf-like creatures rushed up. The angel slashed towards the white giant wolf who rushed up first, but he knew that he had been fooled as soon as the blade touched it. There was no feeling of force coming from the sword, which meant that nothing was cut. That is actually the Phantom Clone of Bailang. Bailang can create his own phantom phantom and real phantom with real attack power at will. This is just a phantom that is used to attract attention, and simply has no attack power. The angel cut through the air with a sword, and it was too late to take back the sword. Bailang's real body rushed up, and the angel was thrown to the ground.

But God is still very difficult to deal with after all. The angel bent his knees and slammed his feet on Bailang’s belly and kicked Bailang out. But Bailang's attack has been completed, and he tore a big hole on the angel's shoulder. Without the restriction of divine force, Heavenly God is no longer invincible to me and my Familiar. It can be killed if it is injured. I am not worried about this.

Although the angel kicked off the white waves, he was already thrown to the ground. She just wanted to get up when she suddenly found a row of things flying over in front of her, and she hurriedly rolled out to the side in fright. dang dang dang...... The ground behind her sounded like a reed. Although the evil spirit Knight is not high in level, there are many people. For a team of a hundred gun shooters, the area of ​​the head can't be made up, and the formidable power can't be made up in number, so don't want to get around easily anyway. The angel rolled five or six meters and still hit a shotgun, and a blood stain was instantly drawn on his shoulder. Fortunately, her armor is strong enough, otherwise it won't be as simple as bleeding.

Squad stood behind the evil spirit Knight and cursed calmly: "Do you have eyes on your ass? Thousand Man Squad, change the cross javelin, and shoot intensively."

The evil spirit Knight was holding his breath when he was scolded. This time, a thousand people were on the scene, and they hulled one by one, covering a large area. The angel jumped up from the ground and swung his sword horizontally: "Holy light guard."

"Dark bomb." Ling's staff pointed, and a black ball of light hit the holy light guardian shield. With a bang, flowers bloomed on the shield, and the shaking angel took a few steps back. The guns followed arrived, oh la la smashed the holy light shield at once, and the remaining guns still wiped out a fire star from the angel's body. The armor was all pits, and a few penetrated the armor and wounded it inside. body of.

The angel may feel the pressure, not as arrogant as before. The body squatted and slashed horizontally. "Holy light sweep."

The angels were shot around like a bamboo forest. Under this sweep, all the shots were chopped off, and the gun body above flew out to face us like an explosion. Pepper suddenly stood on the back of the tank. "Spiritual guidance, come on."

The broken guns that flew to our side suddenly all flew towards in midair, and then lost their inertia and fell around the angel. Ye Yue took advantage of the chaos and rushed to the angel's side, and the six-handed snake sword flew like percussion. The angel was busy parrying, and the weapons on both sides hit ding ding dong dong with a chaotic sound.

I grabbed Eternity in my hand, lowered my head and rushed over, suddenly jumped up ten meters away from the angel. "Yeyue get out of the way."

Yeyue's eyepiece suddenly popped open, and her beautiful big eyes aimed at the angel. Although the angel didn't know what function Yeyue's eyes had, he felt the crisis instinctively and quickly protected him with a sword. Yeyue's petrification only petrified the angel's arm and sword together, and did not hurt the angel. But Yeyue didn't intend to hurt her, but just took the opportunity to retreat and make way for me.

I flew into the air, spinning around in the air, slashing down in the eternal fierce volley. The speed and formidable power are not blocked by ordinary people. The angel saw that it was too late for me, not to mention that one arm was petrified and could no longer fight back. Her sword was still in front of her. It was originally used to block Yeyue, but now it is used to block me, but it is in the middle of her arms.

"Break." I yelled, and the weight of the whole person hit her sword from top to bottom. Ping made a crisp sound, and eternity passed by, the sword in the angel's hand broke at the sound, half of the sword flew out and nailed into the ground.

After all, the angel is of very good level. Yeyue’s petrification can only take a few seconds, and her hand has returned to normal again, but the sword has been broken. The eternal Divine Item destruction attribute is not good-looking. Since I got it, no one but Lingling has confronted me with swords, because 100% of the weapons used against the eternal will be cut off by a sword. The angel looked at his Broken Sword in shock, and then looked up at me, but people didn't see clearly but only saw one foot.

The Familiar II that Anubis just sent me flew from behind me on my shoulder and kicked at the angel’s face. She was hit in succession and she was not prepared for this. The kick was strong, and she was kicked flying in one fell swoop.

The angel fell to the ground and remembered that she could not be in a daze, and threw the Broken Sword away. She turned over and jumped up, but oncoming three pillars of fire came. Xiaosan's three heads use Longyan Jet at the same time, and the formidable power is not ordinary.

"Ah!" Before the angel’s magic shield opened, the flames burned her hair and feathers. Although she still flashed out at the end, there was no such thing as a noble angel. It looks like an African refugee.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you." The angel found that the blond hair and white feathers he was proud of were gone, and rushed up like crazy. Even if she is an angel, she is still a woman, disfigurement is more harmful than killing her, so it can arouse her anger even more.

The angel rushed up frantically, but couldn't get close to me. Jingjing slammed the angel out with the Holy Shield for more than 30 meters away. The angel had gone mad just now, and he rushed up like this without using any strength, otherwise Jingjing wouldn't be able to knock her into the air no matter how strong she was. Far. Lingling waved the holy sword and rushed forward, a big cut, and the angel turned over and flashed past, but Yeyue's snake sword followed at a faster speed, forcing her to turn back again. Ye Yue saw the opportunity, and the eyepiece popped open again. The angel had suffered a loss once, and this time his reaction changed quickly, but it happened to be against Lingling's holy sword. An angel without a weapon has nothing to stop, and can only use his hand to grab the blade.

The golden blood light splashed out with a scream, the angel's left palm was cut off in half, the sword was inserted into the ground and her right arm was cut with a big cut. Ye Yuefei followed, and the six swords were inserted through the six holes in the angel's armor in no particular order. The angel's body fiercely wanted to use the covering magic, and Ye Yue and Lingling flew backwards at the same time, and the tank's sledgehammer smashed down in the air. Bang, like the sound of a watermelon breaking, the bone hammer of the tank fell on the ground, and a large amount of yellow liquid spewed from the bone hammer all around.

The tank slowly retracted its claws, and there was only a piece of broken armor that was hammered on the ground and golden liquid on the ground, sometimes mixed with some pink paste, this is the angel All the rest.

Ditans suddenly appeared next to me. "You really killed her?"

"Why? Is there anything wrong?"

"No, I just..." Ditans thought for a long time and didn't know What to say. There are countless battles between these gods, but it is the first time that a god has been completely killed, and it was killed by my player.

I suddenly heard the system hint: "Congratulations to the player Purple Moon for destroying Divine Race alone, allowing the opening of the thousand-level obstacle line, and all the relevant blockades of the new level." What does this mean? The system hint confuses me. Could it be said that the prerequisite for reaching a thousandth level or above is to kill a god? its not right! In the past, the system hint said that the ability to upgrade after level 1,000 is open to all players. Doesn't it make sense for me to add one more level? By the way, I suddenly remembered. After level 600, there will be a quest level for every 200 level. It is said that there should be an upgrade level at level 1000, and the quest for this level is actually to kill a god. So this task after level 1000 is not really open to all players, but just a symbolic opening, and there won't be too many people who can really pass it. Without the help of the divine force stone, even a level 1000 player is impossible to defeat a god, so simply is a hopeless period. Only some lucky lucky ones and some people like me who are able to cross this threshold are superb. For most players, level 1000 is the end and will not exceed this standard.

"What did you do?" Angry roar interrupted my thinking from the top of my head.

"You are in a lot of trouble now." Ditans said to me, standing by my side, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

I look at Titans, and then look at the beauty in white clothes and lightly in the sky. "Won't she just...?"

Ditans was nodded, and my heart sank to the bottom in an instant. Now the situation is obvious, the woman in the sky is Felindir. Titans mentioned her, and the angel who just killed attacked me because I said such a woman's name. According to the angel, this woman is her superior, so I am not allowed to insult this woman. The superior of the angels, together with Ditans, the adversary of the Dark Lord, should know her identity without even thinking about it. She is the Light Lord of the Light God Palace in Europe.

"Sure enough, it's a big trouble!" I looked at this woman and my heart trembled. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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