When everyone heard Cohopura’s announcement, they immediately dispersed. With such a large amount of personnel eliminated, and it is stipulated that everyone must complete at least six sniper killings, everyone around him is not safe. In previous events, some people would form teams to fight because they knew each other, but now it's impossible. Most of the teams are eliminated, and the rest don't know each other, so no one can believe it.

I also hid away to see the situation first. Everyone in the venue obviously didn't plan to shoot first. The first action in this kind of battle means that it is very likely that others will take advantage of the fish, so no one wants to start this. But it doesn't seem to be the answer to keep waiting like this. I had no choice but to move first by myself. It wasn't that I was more noble than those people, but I was confident that even if some people wanted to take advantage of me while fighting, I wouldn't be in danger.

Considering that there is no danger now, I don't have a summon familiar, but rushed directly to the nearest player. When the other party saw me, the first reaction was that he wanted to run, but he turned around and rushed back after not running two steps. I know what he means. This guy must have seen me open the crystal cover at the level in between, so he thought my strength was very strong and planned to run when I saw it, but soon he realized that I am a beast trainer, except for the demon pet. The body should not be strong, so this guy rushed back immediately.

Seeing that there is a battle on our side, as expected, someone gathered around to pick up the bargain. The center of the entire battle field quickly moved closer to us. I still miscalculated. I thought it would be impossible to come together even if someone picked up the bargain. They didn't expect that others would actually surround themselves without aggression.

Since there are so many people, I can't waste time. My arm shook, and the eternity quickly became out of touch and turned into a whip blade to roll out. The guy in front didn't see my battle scene, so he didn't know the eternal formidable power, and he wanted to block with the sword. oh la la slammed into his sword body with a sound of inertia and then wound around his sword body. Around me fiercely, there was a ping-pong noise, and his sword was turned into dozens of fragments along the eternally winding route.

He was still staring at the only remaining sword hilt in his hand. Two red crescent blades suddenly fell from behind him, cutting his two arms from the left and the right. Broken, followed by a long crystal block like a satellite flew over and stopped on top of this guy's head. Suddenly a red rays of light shot from the crystal and shot in from the top of this guy's head, and then he saw a red light shot from his crotch penetrating the ground. It was obvious that the red light shot him through.

In the surprised eyes of the surrounding players, this guy fell to the ground, within five seconds. The people around originally planned to come over and pick up the cheap ones, but they didn't even get to the end of my game.

Suddenly a guy in the crowd shouted: "Kill him first, this guy is too strong." Although there were few caters, some people attacked with him.

A warrior jumped over and tried to chop me down, but the crystal flew at a faster speed and stopped on top of my head, followed by two red crescents. Knife blades flew from both sides and clicked into the crystal to form a steering wheel. The voice of the Artifact Spirit in the form of a little girl found in the dwarf tribe came out. "Discipline-the clock of time."

After modification by the God of Forging, the current half-moon combination form is the ring of commandments, but it is only a ring of disciplines, and does not have the ability to choose commandments. A rule will be randomly selected for each startup, and this time it is obviously Time Rule.

The player in front hasn't cut it down with a single knife. As a result, the speed of in midair suddenly changed to slow motion, and even the speed of falling became so slow. Everyone around was dumbfounded. A more knowledgeable player shouted: "It's time-space magic. Keep away from him. This guy is very dangerous."

"Guangling shines." A mage did not believe in evil and raised the law. Rod. "The speed of the light depends on how you hide."

The ring of discipline gleamed again. "Discipline-the law of motion."

Although the speed of light cannot be evaded, it takes time for the mage to recite the incantion. When his magic is completed, the commandment is also completed. I saw a beam of light emitted from the tip of his staff, but the beam did not move along a straight line, but drew a circle in front of him in an arc and returned to the staff. With a bang, the wizard's staff was shattered by his own magic.


"Discipline-the law of matter."

The mage who planned to recite the mantra was silent after halfway through, he Suddenly, his head became a big square. The square was dark-gray, a little larger than a human head, and completely wrapped the guy's head inside. The mage was still alive, desperately scratching the box on his head with both hands to get his head out, but he struggled for a while before suffocating and fell. The Ring of Discipline used the law of matter just now. As a result, all the matter in the air near this guy's head was turned into rocks. As a result, this guy's head appeared directly in the rock block and was suffocated alive.

Easily finished with two people, and I'm full after only four people. The Ring of Discipline still intends to work, but I stopped it. This guy is so powerful that even a god will suffer, but I just learned the side effects of this guy. It is simply a black hole of magic power. After three attacks, my magic power has bottomed out. I don’t know what it is going to draw again. If the magic power is not enough to draw life, it will be ruined. Ashamed.

"The Ring of Discipline, dismantle." With my command, the connection on the Ring of Discipline suddenly exploded, and the ring of commandment flew out for two and a half months, and the center of commandment stone flew out and hung. The top of my head is spinning slowly.

I pointed at the guy who made everyone attack me at first. "Half moon."

The two half moons separated from the ring of commandments immediately rolled over to that guy, and the core part of the ring of commandments above my head also flew past. The guy turned around and ran. I hurriedly followed along. The other players were shocked to get out of the way when they saw my performance just now. No one dared to stop me.

Two and a half months, one left and one right rolled up from behind that guy, he reacted quickly, hiding behind the stalagmites on the side, and hitting the rock for two and a half months with a boom again Flew over from the opposite side. After waiting for a second, the stalagmite fell down with a bang, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror. The guy hurried forward in fright, but the core discipline stone of the ring of discipline caught up. peng sound, the eight short sticks of the stone of commandment all around are all separated from the stone of commandment, but each short stick is connected to the stone of commandment with a thread behind it.

Two of the eight short rolls flew in front of the guy, and then suddenly one crossed down and flew back against the ground. The guy ran well and suddenly felt that something was blocking his feet. He looked down and found that there were two more shiny thin threads on his ankles, and then he only felt a huge pulling force from the threads. His two feet were pulled together involuntarily and then the whole body was brought back, while his body was due to inertia. Fell forward.

He reacted fast enough. He supported the weight with his hands on the ground and did not go because of the earth, but the two short rollers immediately passed through his hands, and then tightened sharply in one turn at the same time. With a bang, the guy's hand was completely pulled down, and he still had to kiss the ground, but the fall was not too heavy.

He struggled to remember, but I took the eternally changing lance and jumped from behind him and stepped on his waist. I only heard a click, the guy was lifted by the two ends of my step. Then I aimed my spear at his cervical spine and pierced it hard. The ever-changing lance was so sharp that it was inserted between his cervical vertebrae at once, and then I grabbed the spear and pulled it back, prying his cervical spine directly out with a click, and the guy's struggling body instantly weakened.

Filing this guy, I suddenly turned around and swept away forever. When the throwing knives were beaten out and inserted into the stalagmites next to them, but when I was blocking the flying knives, the chest door opened. , A flying feather arrow made of bird of paradise tail feathers flew over with a colorful ribbon of light.

"Colorful Explosive Arrows?"

Suddenly three mercury shields appeared in front of me, but the arrows easily penetrated the three layers of shields and still went straight into my heart. The arrow hit a red light curtain just three centimeters from my chest, where the arrow tip and the light curtain touched sparks flying in all directions. The arrow continued to protrude inward on the magic barrier, and at the same time it made a sorely harsh sound. After about five seconds, the light curtain on my chest suddenly burst like glass. The arrow went on and hit the chest of the dragon armor, and then inserted it like cutting tofu. The mirror armor inside was once again on top of the arrow, only hearing a bang, a cloud of white light burst out of my chest, and then I The whole person flew backward more than three meters before hitting a stalagmite and stopped. "Wa!" I couldn't help but spray a mouthful of blood. There was blue smoke on my chest, and a fist-sized hole opened in the chest of the dragon armor. As for the arrow, it disappeared completely, leaving no trace.

The archer over there looked at me with a dull gaze, his eyes were full of surprise, but the arrogant expression on his face hadn't gone away yet.

I used the eternally changing spear tail to support the ground and stood up. "Cough cough... It is worthy of being a colorful explosive arrow with more than 800 crystal coins. The formidable power is really extraordinary, but unfortunately it is a little bit worse. Are you really willing to spend money?"

This kind of arrow is very famous. It is made by an expert with very rare special materials, and a total of seven are made. That person auctioned five of them online, and the one with the lowest transaction price was 800 crystal coins, so this one was worth at least 800 crystal coins. Because the formidable power of this kind of arrow is extremely large, and the materials may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, it is very expensive to sell, but it is definitely suitable for special personnel.

The player's surprised eyes suddenly turned fierce, and at the same time he drew an arrow from behind. "In that case, see if this one can be blocked by you?"

"Damn, calm down! A test doesn't have to be so stiff, right? Although it's not my arrow, but if such a good thing is Isn't it worth the waste here?"

I can't stand these people, I don't know how there are such crazy people. What this guy holds in his hand is a divine arrow, and the dark arrow body and the energy black hole that sparkles around it all indicate its identity.

The divine arrow this thing is not made by players, but sold by special NPCs. The most important thing is that its output is unlimited. As long as you are willing to spend money and use him as an ordinary arrow to shoot casually, no one cares about you. Compared with the armor-piercing characteristic of the colorful Explosive Arrow, the characteristic of Divine Arrow is to destroy power. If the colorful blasting arrow is a luxurious display weapon, then this divine arrow is the arrow of revenge.

It is said that the colorful explosive arrow is a weapon for show off, not because its formidable power is not big enough, on the contrary, because its formidable power is big enough, it is worth showing off. However, he is said to show off weapons, but mainly because the number is too small. A consumable weapon that cannot be supplied steadily is not a real weapon, but the characteristic of the extinguishing soul happens to be stability. As long as you have money, you can have as much as you want. Although the supply is unlimited, the extinguishing soul is defined as the arrow of revenge. The reason is that the attributes of the extinguishing soul are too vicious.

Exit divine arrow has no attack power. The attack power written on the attribute is 1-1, which means that even Level 1 newcomers will have to shoot several arrows to die. In addition to this attack power, the arrow body is also unable to break the defense, without attribute damage, and no auxiliary attack power. But the extinguishing soul has a very dangerous attribute, and this is its only attribute, that is-permanently reducing the random value of a random attribute.

The explanation of this attribute is that when it hits you, it will immediately draw an attribute out of all your staged attributes, and then randomize a value, and then reduce your attribute So many values. For example, if someone is shot, the random attribute is power, and the random value is 30, the player's power will be permanently reduced by 30 points, no matter whether he is upgraded or rewarded, his attribute is better than normal anyway. The value is thirty points lower. Once this attribute breaks out, it will usually cause the game account to be basically scrapped, and the character must be deleted and re-established to get rid of this punishment.

Permanently reducing attributes is very scary, even more annoying than lowering levels. If the level drops and you can practice again, if you directly lower the attribute, you will always be weaker than others at the same level, and that feels absolutely maddening. And that random number is also very dangerous. In case the random number is too big, it must be extremely unlucky. The main attributes of various professions are also very afraid of such weakening. An animal trainer like me is afraid that the attribute will get the number of pets, the warrior is afraid of the power, and the wizard is afraid of the magic. In short, if the key attribute wins the bid, it will be finished.

Compared with the weakening of uncertainty, another feature of extinguishing soul that is not an attribute is also a headache, that is, it can function without directly hitting the human body. The only way to deal with this kind of arrow is to dodge, blocking is useless. Although the formidable power of this arrow is so low that it can be blocked by a shield, even if it hits your shield, it will still affect you. Even if you use rocks or walls as obstacles, remember not to make direct contact with the obstacles, otherwise you will be hit directly.

Although the deterrent effect of this arrow is so great and it can be sold widely, there are not many players who oppose it. The reason is the price of this arrow. The selling price of a single arrow of extinguishing soul is 500,000 crystal coins, and if you want to use this arrow, you need to spend an extra million crystal coins to buy a set of divine arrow skills, otherwise you cannot use this arrow. The price is so exaggerated and the formidable power is unstable. Although the supply is stable, few people will buy it. This is why most players do not object to it.

But don’t think that no one will buy it because it’s so expensive. Of course single players won’t go, but what if it’s a guild? The elite personnel used to weaken the martial power of the opposing guild absolutely calculate, and with the upcoming national war, the sales of this arrow will be better.

Don’t understand? it's actually really easy. In the national war, each country will have two sets of national weapons, and their role and formidable power are absolutely strategic. So what if you use the extinguishing soul to sniper the opponent's national weapon owner? Once the national equipment is complete, the owner cannot be changed. At this time, as long as the strength of the opponent’s national equipment wearer is reduced, the national equipment attribute will also decrease. You can even make the opponent’s basic attribute lower than the basic requirement of the national equipment through multiple snipers. As a result, even though the player is wearing the national weapon, it is completely ineffective, and the player cannot give the national weapon to others because of the limited attribute of the national weapon, which is equivalent to a disguised blockade of the national weapon of the other country. Do you think 500,000 arrows of this kind of arrow are very expensive? I think it's too cheap.

In addition, as a super arrow of revenge, the original purpose of extinguishing soul is indeed the same as its name. It is used to extinguish the soul. After the start of the national war, part of the Spirit General of the opposing country was allowed to participate in the battle, and it is inevitable that the main god of the defending side of the country will participate in the battle. At this time, the usefulness of the extinguishing soul is revealed. Its attribute weakening ability is equally applicable to gods, and it is permanent. Even if it only hits the Avatar, it can also weaken the main god's body. In addition to getting the divine force stone like me, this divine arrow is one of the few weapons that players can use against higher gods.

Although I said that, this guy holding such an arrow at me really made me sweat. Defending the attribute in front of this arrow makes no sense at all. Even if you don’t wear it, you won’t be able to shoot people. It just consumes your attribute. Good luck may get insignificant attributes, or the weakened value is not high, and you are not lucky. When it comes to a key attribute, if you encounter a large value, it can kill you with one arrow. I originally planned to equip Jixiang Ruyi with some of these arrows after the start of the national war. With their infinite lucky attributes, the arrows shot out will hit 100%, and 100% will draw the strongest attribute, and will definitely draw in the end. To a large value crippled the enemy. It's just that I haven't worked out how to make Jixiang Ruyi learn archery. Their fat paws don't seem to be suitable for this kind of thing. No matter how lucky you are, you must shoot out to make a hit!

The archer in front of me looked at me with a vicious face. "This time... it will make you enjoyable." After he finished speaking, he let go of his hand, and Divine Arrow flew straight over, and the speed was extremely fast.

Puff. The arrow hit the chest, and then went straight into the ground behind him before stopping. The speed is amazing, and there is no possibility of evasion. With a triumphant smile on his face, the man looked at me standing in place with a surprised expression. "Didn't expect, right? Extinction divine arrow doesn't speed up the attribute except for weakening, but my bow is Divine Item. No one can think of going faster than my arrow." After speaking, the man suddenly wrinkled Raised his brows because he found something abnormal. The physical attack power of Divine Arrow should actually be considered very weak. It's normal to shoot me, but it's not right to hit me so deep after shooting through me. My armor was blocked by the colorful Explosive Arrows just now. It was unreasonable to be shot through by an extinguishing soul without formidable power, right? He suddenly began to look around alertly.

"Finally found it?" My voice suddenly appeared behind the guy.

The archer's eyes suddenly widened, and then he wanted to turn around, but as soon as he turned around, he suddenly left the ground. The surrounding players saw that the archer's feet were constantly kicking in midair, and his hands were still desperately grasping the void in front of his neck as if he was pinching something hard.

"Let...let...me!" The archer spoke in an abnormal voice.

"Did you say something? I can't hear." With this voice, a sharp claw suddenly appeared on the archer's neck, pinching his neck. With the appearance of the claws, the arms connected to the back of the claws gradually began to appear. At this time, the people around knew that the archer was not hanging in the air, and his hands weren't grasping the void. He was lifted by this paw, and his hands were pinching the wrist behind the paw in hopes of getting himself out.

Behind the wrist is the entire arm, then the shoulder, then the body, head, waist, legs, and feet. After the current creatures fully appeared, everyone discovered that this was a tall werewolf, and everyone knew that it was me, because when I passed the first level, I was in the form of a werewolf when I finally commanded the demons to lift the crystal cover. These people who could pass the level were all beside the hood, so they all knew that my werewolf form was like this.

Although it was confirmed that this was me, those players quickly realized that it was wrong. I just stood there and got an arrow. Why did I suddenly appear here? Everyone turned their heads and looked towards the other side, only to see the me who was standing there flashed a few times, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Phantom?" A player told the truth.

I shook the archer back and forth: "How does everything feel about Sovereign? Do you feel very excited when you controlled me just now? Now? What about your proud smile? You know Am I? That arrow can't shoot people at all, but it will bring more severe punishment than death, but here, even if you shoot me as a hedgehog, it won't let me be eliminated, then you are not for elimination. Me. Are you hurting me deliberately? Say, why did you do this? Is it because you are Japanese?"

The archer’s white eyes suddenly widened when I was pinched. Looked towards me.

"Oh, I guess I was right." I smiled and said, "You should have known me during the previous wars in Japan? This time it happened that I was here and wanted to kill me. Is it for Japan?"

The archer stared at me and didn't speak, but he couldn't say much. It’s hard to speak when I pinch my neck like this. I directly reached out and pulled out the quiver behind him.


"Be honest." I threw the quiver into the distance. Everyone's eyes moved far away with the quiver, only to see a white hand catching the quiver.

"Humanoid Familiar?" Some players couldn't help calling out, because they had rarely seen humanoid Familiar before.

Emmenes turned over with the quiver. "Is this kid full of money? Three extinguishing souls, one colorful Exploding Arrow, ten enchanted Exploding Arrows, the others are ordinary arrows, oh wait. Wow, didn't expect and this thing." Amy Nice unexpectedly drew a luxurious golden arrow from the quiver. "Is this a handicraft or a high level Divine Item?" Emenes shook the arrow towards us.

The archer didn't answer, I just walked over and used the appraisal skills to take a look. Anyway, there is an Appraisal Master job in my auxiliary job, and the appraisal is not a hassle. "Yeah, I found a good thing. God's grace arrow, the attribute is a temporary seal. The time is one hour. It is automatically recovered after launch, but it must wait until the second day before it can be used again."

This divine might arrow It is similar to destroying the divine arrow attribute, the same cannot be blocked, regardless of whether it penetrates the shield or not, as long as it is hit. But compared to the extinguishing soul, he is much gentler. The effect is only to seal the opponent for one hour, that is, it will not drop the level or cause permanent damage.

Suddenly, Emiennes found the beautiful longbow in the archer's hand. The main tone of this bow is white, the material seems to be some kind of wood, and a lot of decorative patterns are added to the surface. There is nothing at the bowstring. At first, I saw the other party use this bow. At that time, it seemed to use a golden lightstring, which was probably an energy bowstring. Aimenis grabbed the bow and handed it to me: "Look at this."

"Divine Item. Haierfa longbow. Good guy, the attack power is so high!"

< p>"How's the attribute?" Emiennes asked.

"There are not many attributes, but they are very practical. One is with directional magic, which eliminates all external interference. That is to say, you don’t care about the airflow. You can refer to it. Another attribute is a lightning bolt. The arrow accelerates to the speed of light, and a protective layer is added to the outside of the arrow to prevent the arrow body from being burned in the air due to air friction. The last attribute is the strong strike arrow, which allows the arrow body to maintain its inertia for ten seconds when it hits an object. To deal with some instant magical barriers. Although there are only three attributes, they are definitely worthy of Divine Item."

As a bow, its function is nothing more than to accurately and vigorously deliver the arrow to the target location. The first attribute of this bow determines the accuracy, the second attribute determines that the enemy can't dodge the arrow so fast, and the third attribute greatly improves the penetration and range. With this 3rd-layer function, almost all other functions can be abandoned.

I held the bow and shook it in front of the young man. "Have you heard?"

The young man didn't know what I wanted him to listen to, and looked at me suspiciously.

"Did you hear its crying? This bow is crying, do you hear it?"

"You...nervous...sick! Ah..." Archer As soon as I finished speaking, I squeezed and screamed.

I grabbed the bow in my hand and said: "Such a perfect weapon, you can't understand his true meaning, it is his misfortune to follow you."

I said it. , Several other archers around at the same time admired nodded. When they heard the attribute I reported, they all thought that this young archer was not worthy to use such a good weapon, because he didn't even understand the value of this bow. Although I am not an archer, I still know that a bow like this deliberately emphasizes the lethality of the arrow is actually an insult to him. The real use of this bow should be to match a heavy, all-steel arrow without attributes, and then rely on the attributes of this bow to perform critical attacks. At most, use arrows with demon attributes instead of pursuing the formidable power and attributes of the arrow itself. In other words, this is actually a sniper bow used by Zhang for assassination, but this guy has been using it as a slingshot.

Just as the archers around were cheering for my words, I added another sentence. "Given your inferior abilities, I don't think you are worthy of this bow, so I temporarily confiscated this bow. I will help you find an archer worthy of him."

When the archers heard it, all of them almost fainted. After doing it for a long time, I said that it was so high-sounding to embezzle this bow. They just cheered for me, and now they do it one by one like eating dead flies.


The archer wanted to grab his bow, but I threw him into the sky. Before he fell, I drew an arrow from the quiver Eminis was holding, holding the bow with one hand, and hitting the bow with the arrow in the other hand, and a golden bowstring appeared immediately. Pulling the bow forcefully into the full moon, aiming at the guy above it and letting it go fiercely. The arrow disappeared without making any sound. After a while, the archer's body fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground, with an arrow stuck in his wrist.

I touched my head awkwardly: "haha, I really don’t want to be an archer! Emiennes, take the bow for me first. Go back and remember to find an archer to give him a gift."


The Japanese archer who was killed was very wise. After he came back from his resurrection, he simply abstained. The weapons are gone, and it's useless to come back. Anubis’s voice appeared over the venue: "Remind everyone, although we have no time limit, don’t you want to spend the night in the venue, right?" It's not a way to stay in a daze like this. The scene suddenly became chaotic. Everyone looked for their opponents to fight together, and the venue instantly became lively. But I always don't seem to be with the group. I didn't fight just now. I was fighting together. Now the fight is so lively. As a result, all of them ran far away and no one wanted to approach me.

"Isn't that right?"

Emiennes smiled and said: "The master just over-exacted, and you still snatched things from other people. Who is stupid, isn't he playing with you? Are you ready to be robbed?"

"Cut. I wouldn’t be bothered to rob it if that kid had Divine Item. Anyway, this bow is really handsome! It’s a pity that I’m not an archer. "

Emiennes smiled and said: "Don't look at me, there is really no one who is good at archery in the master's favorite."

I thought about it as if Indeed it is. I have so many familiars, as long as they are in human form, they all can shoot arrows, but none of them are good at archery. The difference between being good at and being good at it is too big. Let them shoot a horse, ten arrows and nine arrows are fine, but if they are replaced with a rabbit, ten arrows and nine arrows are normal. Speaking of which Knight and the evil spirit Knight and the evil spirit Knight seem to be good at the arrow technique, but unfortunately they are only good, and they are far from being good at it.

Count the record so far. The warrior who first attacked me was slowed down by Time Law and then I was interfered by the wizard who fired the beam, so I only slowed down his speed at the time and didn’t have time to do it, but this guy is now a corpse lying on the side. , Obviously taken advantage of by others. Although the troublesome beam mage was attacked by the Ring of Discipline, he was only injured by the bomb and didn't die. Now when I look for it, I only see the corpse. It must have been picked up by some bastard. It is cheap. In this way, it seems that there is only one person I attacked at first, plus the guy who was suffocated to death by the law of matter, and the person who encouraged everyone to attack me, and the last one was the archer from Japan. Halo, only four achievements, the minimum requirement is six!

I looked up and glanced at the neighborhood, and the rest of the people were actually in the half-time over there, and the half-time here was completely empty. These people know that I am not to be trifled with, and moving me is tantamount to asking for trouble, so they simply hide away together.

"Emiennes, help me be invisible. I'll fill up the remaining two places."

The group of people all gathered in a small area to fight, look It really looks like a magical version of hooligan fighting in groups. I glanced at it with my eyes, and immediately selected two targets. The first goal is a mage closest to me. The mage has low defense and is so close to me, it is easier to start. The second goal is the opponent of the mage, an animal trainer of the same profession as me. He was chosen because this guy's familiar had just died in battle, and now he has no familiars, and he is more vulnerable than the mage, and after attacking the mage, I will be very close to him.

Anyway, no one saw me in the invisible state, so I touched it carefully, and I suddenly appeared behind the mage. The left hand went around from behind and hooked his neck, the right hand slammed up, and the claws popped out. He pressed hard against the mage's back spine and pu chi sounded. The mage lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the three blade tips that came out of his stomach. The middle finger moved again, and there was another blast, and the claws flicked out again. The mage's eyes suddenly widened, and

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