"Could you please tell me what exactly this test measures?" a player asked.

Kohpra said: "I'm sorry I can't answer you. Those who pass through will know the answer in a while, but others can only apologize. God also needs a secret. Then everyone Let’s start the test. It should be easy."

Since Kohopra has said so, we can’t help it. Everyone stands in a row and waits for Tetu to hold that strange book. Come test it out.

Number One Person puts his hand on the surface of the book and the obvious golden light flashed on the book, and then returns to calm. Tetu smiled. "Very good. Next one."

The second person did the same thing, but there was no response from the book. The guy tried again without believing in evil, but he still didn't respond. He wanted to try again, but Tetu had already put the book back. "Sorry, please go over there to claim your prize."

Although the man was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything, and finally left here. The next test is that some people can live and some people can't live. We don't know what attributes this thing is testing, so there is no way to prepare anything.

The last test was me. I was stopped by Special Tu as soon as I was about to reach out. I asked him what he meant with my eyes, and the special map opened the mouth and said: "With the left hand."

I looked at my left and right hands in confusion, is there any difference? Looking at the people in front, they seem to have both left and right! After thinking about it, I put my left hand up, and then entered a little magic power. There was no light on the surface of the book, but the page suddenly opened and my hand flicked away. The paper in the book rolled frantically until the middle page, and then a golden light shot out from the middle of the book, and a vain magical image appeared on the top of the book.

"I knew I would react to you." Tetu smiled and took the book away.

I looked at him puzzledly: "Is it counted or not?"

"Passed, and it’s a very high grade." Tetu closed the book, and then Turned around and walked back to the stage. Several little gods took away the unqualified people, and there were still seven people left on the field, including me. The Princess was there, and she waved to me desperately.

Cohopura walked off the stage. "Since the redundant personnel have been eliminated, now I can make a request to you."

"Request?" I looked towards Kohopura in surprise. "His Royal Highness Scarab, can I ask what the requirements are? Why do we have to complete the requirements if we are qualified?" Cohopura smiled and said: "It is a request instead of a request, everyone If you don't have to finish it, you can choose to give up."

"What's the content?" Princess asked Kohopra. "If it's not too much, of course we will consider it."

Cohopura said: "The request may be difficult, but we will give appropriate remuneration. The specific content must be known if you are willing to participate, otherwise If you do, I can’t tell you."

"If you don't say what you want us to do, how do we answer?" another player asked.

Cohopura thought for a while and said: "I can only tell you that this request is for you to go to a place where gods like us cannot enter, and then look for someone in it. If he is in danger , You have to save him back. If he is unwilling to come out for any reason, you have to come back and tell us what happened inside."

I concluded: "What you mean is to let us Go to an unknown location to find a specific person and rescue or send back information? So how difficult is the task? What force is preventing you from completing the task?"

Cohopra said: "The task is difficult for us I don’t know, because I don’t know what happened. If the target person is unwilling to come out because of special reasons, then your task may be just an errand task, but if he is in danger, the difficulty of the task may become Straight up, it’s not clear how complicated it will be. We gods can’t get in not because of a monster blocking it, but because that place forbids us to enter. If we enter there forcibly, the divine force will be sucked. Do it."

"Then we will have no problem?"

"It doesn't matter." Cohopura said: "The ban is only for Spiritual God and Demon in Egypt. , It will not affect you."

"Then what benefits can we get?" I am more concerned about this issue.

Anubis took a white pill and walked over and said, "This is the essence of divine force. No matter what happens inside, you can each get two of these pills. Taking it directly can increase the level. 10, and later physical and magic attacks will carry divine force damage. Divine force damage has the effect of deepening damage and non-healable effects on ordinary creatures, and has absolute heavy damage ability on evil creatures. In addition, you can also get this thing." Anubis took out a bunch of multi-colored pills. "These are the divine force essences that Spiritual Gods have condensed by themselves, and their attributes are different according to different Spiritual Gods. You can choose a divine force essence that you want to strengthen your ability. These are the basic rewards for you to enter. If the internal situation If there are changes, you can get extra rewards. If it’s just a task of running errands, then you only have so many rewards. If there is something really happening inside that requires you to fight, at least you will be given it again after coming out Each person has two ordinary divine force essences and one one-way divine force essence, and other rewards may be added according to the difficulty of the task encountered during the period."

I raised a hand: "What if I find a baby among the quest apprentices?"

"Whoever finds it is whoever has it." Anubis replied very simply.

"I will participate." I called out first. This task is simply a must. My initial idea to participate in this test is to restore the strength of the divine force stone that has lost energy, but the last requested reward is the divine force essence. The divine force essence is the concentrated divine force, which is necessary to restore the divine force stone. divine force source. If I don't participate, I won't get that thing, and the task of the divine force stone is also dead together. After going around such a big circle, it makes no sense to give up halfway, isn't it? So you have to participate if you don't.

Seeing that I agreed, Princess actually jumped to my side and raised her hand: "I will participate too."

"Count me." A warrior raised her hand.

With three role models, the remaining four people nodded agreed to participate in the task. No matter how you look at this task, the rewards are quite rich. Two ordinary divine force stones are already equal to the level 20 reward. Even if the mission fails and the resurrection fails, they will lose two levels at most, and at least they can earn Level 18, which is not a loss. Besides, the level of people here is not low, Level 18 means extraordinary to us. Besides, there is a divine force essence that focuses on strengthening the attributes in a certain direction, so it is really a rich reward. Besides, in case it is a combat mission, you can get two more ordinary divine force essences and one directional strengthened divine force essence when you come back. In my guess, this is almost a 100% thing. It's impossible for such a high reward to just let us run errands, and we will definitely do it over there. In this way, if you can complete the task, the reward will be doubled. If you perform better, you can get more bonuses. This kind of good thing is not a fool.

Kohopura is very happy nodded: "Since you have agreed to join, there is no need to hide it. You will know when you perform the task anyway. Anubis, tell them The whole thing."

We looked towards Anubis together. Seeing Anubis stretched out a hand, a magical image appeared on the palm of his hand. In the magical image is a human image, he looks like an old fogey, and he seems to be quite sloppy.

"Is this the person we are looking for?" I asked Anubis.

Anubis nodded: "This is the great Sun God His Royal Highness, his name is Ra, but you had better not call His Royal Highness by his name, because it is extremely impolite behavior. Here Only His Royal Highness the Scarab can call His Royal Highness Sun God Ra. I will give each of you a memory crystal, which contains the image record of His Royal Highness Sun God, and the crystal has been engraved with a divine force recognition array. Once you get close to His Royal Highness Sun God The crystal will light up within three kilometers around, and as you get closer, the crystal will become brighter and brighter. If the image in the crystal leaves the crystal and floats out of the crystal, it means that you are less than 100 meters away from your Highness. ."

A player took the crystal passed by Anubis. "Poor bio-detector!"

"It's nice to have it." Anubis said a little angrily: "Do you think His Royal Highness Sun God is an ordinary person? If it's not in this crystal He instilled the divine force in advance, and it is simply impossible for us to use anything to detect the position of your Highness."

"You mean that there is Sun God's divine force in this thing?" I pointed it and just got it. Crystal.

"Yeah! What's the matter?" Anubis looked at me curiously.

"Oh! Nothing! You continue." There is also divine force in this thing. I don't know if the divine force can be added to the divine force stone. Ordinarily, the divine force demand of the divine force stone should not be large. If the precious concentrated divine force essence can not be wasted, it would be great to supplement it with this one-time detector. With those divine force essences to supplement the divine force stone, I can’t go up to Level 20. It’s a pity.

Anubis did not notice that I was thinking about things, but continued to say: "A hundred years ago, His Royal Highness Sun God entered the Netherworld River Holy Land to participate in a secret ceremony. This ceremony should have been held every ten years. Once, and besides His Royal Highness Sun God, it seems that no god in Egypt actually participated in such an event, but usually listening to His Royal Highness Sun God's statement, he should not be the only one who participated, so we don’t know if there are any more. Whoever participated in such an event, the gods here have never participated."

"In other words, you don't know anything about the internal environment, don't you?" a player asked.

Anubis was helplessly nodded: "Probably so!"

I said: "That means we don’t have any information except the task goal is to find people. Is it right? In case we enter and find that there is a large desert, which direction shall we go in? And how do we get back?" Anubis said: "The direction is a matter of us It can’t help. As for the return problem, we have a teleportation crystal ball with coordinates. When you need to return, you can smash it. You and the selected target within five meters of your side can be sent back. We will. Give each of you two as a backup plan in case of loss, and in case someone’s two are passed away, you can consider sharing one with others. Anyway, a five-meter radius as long as you are close together is enough to send you all back once. ."

I took a crystal ball and asked: "Is this thing expensive?"

"No, we did it ourselves, we can do it if we want A lot." Anubis replied.

"Do so much for us."

"Why? This thing can only be sent back here. It's useless if you want so much!"

"Of course it is useful. And besides the one we have now, do you have a larger area? For example, you can teleport two giant dragons at a time?"

"It can be done. Come out, but what do you want so much for?"

I explained: "Of course it is useful. First. In case something really happens, at least we can use this thing to transmit A scroll comes back to let you know what happened. And if you bring enough, we can even send you a mission briefing every time, even if we are suddenly wiped out, you can know where we are. The question is, you can take precautions next time you send a team. Second. If a powerful creature traps His Royal Highness Sun God, then I think the strength of this thing should be very terrifying. Although Sun God's status is very good. High, but in terms of battle strength, you seem to be the first among the Egyptian gods, right?"

"What's wrong with that?"

I said, "In case you encounter something like that We will first consider cooperating with Sun God to deal with the monster. In case it is not the opponent, we can simply smash it with a big teleporting crystal and send it to the monster together. You have so many Spiritual Gods here, plus battle strength first Of you, at least your chances of winning are much greater than ours? If you still don’t worry, you can just set up a big trap that can be remotely controlled. When you see the monster coming back, you will give him a fist and then kill him. You don’t think that I can’t solve even one enemy with so many gods, right?"

Anubis nodded: "No matter how powerful creatures are, they are at best a bit stronger than Sun God. If it were, I should be able to fight. A tie, with the help of His Royal Highness Scarab, the odds of winning are more than 90%. At first, I thought you were a brash man. Didn't expect your thinking still very comprehensive!"

"I think you compare Like a brash man. Actually the seven of us dared to send to that kind of place. I have confidence in myself, but I don't know where you come from. So I can only think that you are brash and are planning to do it brutally. "

"We are really forced." Anubis looked at us helplessly. "Considering your actual battle strength, it is definitely not as good as our Spiritual Gods, but we can’t enter the Netherworld River Holy Land, so we can only send you there. The reason for the rigorous testing is that we hope to try our best. Improve the quality of the participants. In addition, there are not many crystal stones handed to you, and once the things are brought in, they will not be able to come out. Therefore, we must carefully arrange the participants, in case before we find His Royal Highness Sun God I ran out of the only crystal that could roughly mark the location, and then there is no hope."

"Then why let us bring seven at a time? One team won't be finished with one?"


Anubis said: "Because of the tight time, we cannot wait until the next screening. If you do not succeed, His Royal Highness will use the incubation function to reborn a new Sun God incarnation and reincarnate into a god."

The god of water is the highest god in Egyptian mythology, and it has no entity and belongs to nothingness. Anubis said that, it must be that Sun God will really be replaced. Unlike these gods, water gods have no subjective consciousness and cannot communicate because they are not entities. To be precise, the water god is the force of nature. Without the Sun God, Egypt’s Spiritual God system loses its balance. The water god, the natural will, will regenerate a new Sun God according to changes in the environment. Other gods can’t find it if they want to dissuade them. Subject, can only watch Sun God being replaced. They are doing the last blog this time. If they succeed, they can bring Sun God back. If they fail, they can simply prepare for the arrival of the new god!

A player suddenly said: "Since it’s the last blog, then just give us more divine force essence. I heard that now the system has opened up to over 1,000 levels to upgrade the system, I don’t know if it is. It’s not true. Give us dozens of divine force essences to raise us all above level 1,000. Wouldn’t it be more reliable to complete the task?"

Anubis shook the head: "First, We don’t have so many divine force essences. Second, your body can’t bear so many divine force essences. At first, you said that in the case of your fighting, and you successfully return, you can provide the other three divine force essences. Consider this. Your body first absorbs these three essences, and then after fighting over there, the divine force will gradually absorb part of it, and then come back and add three It shouldn't be, which has the opposite effect. But directly put all six of them. If you give it to you, there will be problems."

That player is full of ideas, but unfortunately what Anubis said should be the truth, so there is no way to get more divine force essence. But the benefits don't have to be the essence of divine force, and other things are the same. "His Royal Highness, since the essence of divine force can't be used too much, what about the equipment? Look at them. The best one is the staff of the mage lady over there, but it's just a Divine Item , Other people’s things are basically the same as tattered. I know that Divine Item is very expensive, but I think there should be no shortage of Divine Item for Spiritual God, right? Will you help us also arm it?"

Although these players I said that the equipment on my body was broken, but those people had no complaints at all, and they all helped me scream: "Yes, yes! You see our equipment is so bad, just don’t you Spiritual God sponsor it? A full set of Divine Item is not too much, right?"

Damn, these people are darker than me. Originally, I only intended to lie to one or two Divine Items for everyone, but these guys actually ordered one or two Divine Items. Do you think Divine Item is a ballpoint pen that can be wholesaled?

When Anubis was asked, he didn't know what to say, but Tetu ran over to relieve the siege. At any rate, he was a god of wisdom. "Don’t get excited, listen to me. We do have the Divine Item, but you should understand that the Divine Item formidable power is too large. If it floods, the damage will be more serious than that of Sun God. So we are impossible to provide for everyone. One set for one person. But since everyone has proposed it, it’s really not appropriate to let everyone go like this. Let’s discuss it first, maybe we can make an exception and arrange one for each person at a time."

Listen When it comes to special plans, everyone nodded agrees. In fact, when they shout out, those people also know that there is indeed a little more. Now that a single Divine Item is on the black market, even if the attribute is not good, it is generally not a problem to sell more than one million crystal coins. If the attribute is slightly better, then tens of millions of crystal coins are normal. Now they actually want a complete set, which is simply a thing of over 100 million crystal coins, purely a dreamlike behavior. Even if you get one, you're lucky.

Tetu, Anubis, and other Spiritual Gods walked to the distance to start urgent consultations, and after a while, they walked back. Still special plans to speak. "We have reached an agreement. Divine Item can be provided, but only one per person."

Another unsatisfied player asked: "Then how about providing some powerful devil beasts as a beast? ?"

"The level of the pet will be cleared after it is submissive. For you, it is not useful this time. We provide Divine Item to improve your battle strength and facilitate the completion of the task. Please do not use this opportunity Blackmail us."

"hahahaha, I just suggest it, when I didn’t say it!"

Tetu turned around and said: "Come with me, take you to choose your favorite Divine Item."

We followed Tetu towards the back of the great hall, it seems that the equipment library should be there. Other Spiritual Gods are also following us, probably intending to use the tactics of pressing people to prevent us from taking advantage of a crisis for personal gain from entraining private goods, but I am really planning how to get a few more items easily. The treasure trove I have entered so far will be emptied by me unless it is my own. Spiritual God's equipment library, there are all Divine Items in it, but I only let me get one. Think about my mood. It's like an extremely hungry person who enters a room full of various delicacies, only to be told that he can only choose one of them for a small bite.

don't let an opportunity slip by, the loss will never come again. I deliberately pretended to be indifferent and walked forward, then put my hands on my chest and shook slightly, Fenglong appeared in my arms. Seeing people carelessly put her on my left shoulder. Fenglong already knew what I meant through my spiritual contact, so he squatted on my shoulders obediently, waiting for a while to cooperate with me. However, phoenix and dragons alone are not enough. I need characters who cover and attract others' attention. Recruiting large-scale familiars must be impossible, this is not a battle, there is no possibility of summoning large-scale familiars. However, the humanoid monster can be considered, but it can't be too many. However, the familiar can only play cover, and the person who attracts attention needs to be far away from me, but the familiar must not be far away from me there, so the familiar is not suitable, and the players here must cooperate. After much deliberation, the lady Princess is suitable.

I walked to Princess's side naturally, and then more naturally stretched out a hand around her shoulders and pulled her into his arms, just like this, holding her forward. My face leaned against her ears, looking like her ears from behind, but I was actually talking. "Don't move, don't say anything, listen to me." Although Princess was surprised, and her body was stiff due to instinctive resistance, she still didn't move. "What are you doing?" she asked me in a low voice.

"Want to get a few more Divine Items?"

She wanted to turn her head to look at me in surprise, but my head was fixed by the double pressure of my arms and face and couldn’t move. . "Don't turn your head, this will be seen by the guys behind us."

"Do you have a way?" she asked.

"I need your help."

"What about compensation?"

"I account for 80% of the final results, and the rest is yours."



"Because theft, cover, and transfer are all my responsibility, you are only responsible for attracting attention."

"I want 30%."



"What do I need to do?"

As soon as I reached out, I took out the dart and summoned it, and then gave it to Princess. "Hold him. This is a dart, my demon, good at speed. When you start picking weapons, you let him stand on your shoulders. As long as he scratches your neck with his tail, you will find a way to move Come out to attract everyone’s attention. It’s best to attract everyone. I’m responsible for starting at that moment."

"It seems easy. Okay, I will do it."< /p>

"Then it will be all up to you in a while. The more you attract others' attention, the longer the time, the more our benefits. A Divine Item is at least a few million crystal coins, Spiritual God’s collection may be tens of millions of best products, so you must work hard. One more second may add a few million more commissions."

Princess, the little girl’s eyes flashed with the $ symbol, Just waiting to count the money.

Soon we were outside the treasure house, where there is a huge gate with many strange pictures and texts carved on it. Kohopra walked to the door with ten other Spiritual Gods, and then everyone reached out and pressed his hand to the door. The hands of the eleven Spiritual Gods glowed brightly at the same time, and then all the lines carved on the door lit up. When they withdrew their hands, the ground shook, and then the door slowly moved to both sides.

"What a thick door! Hmm? Why is it still a wall?"

Only from the cracks in the door, I saw the gold wall behind, and there was no equipment warehouse. When we were puzzled, the doors on both sides were completely opened, and Anubis and the other seven gods walked up together and pressed their hands on a specific position on the golden wall. With a click, the ground shook again, and then the golden wall began to retreat. When this wall retreated more than seven meters, we suddenly found a seam on the left wall. As the golden wall continued to retreat, the seam grew bigger and bigger, quickly revealing a tunnel entrance five meters wide and three meters high.

After we walked to the entrance of the tunnel together, we discovered that there was a door more than ten meters deep into the tunnel. Tetu walked over and pressed his hand on the gate, and then the golden gate immediately began to rise. Compared with the previous two doors, the thickness of this door is two meters thin. But what I want to know more is whether the thing is pure gold or not. If these people are not there, I plan to move that door back first.

As soon as this door opened a crack, we saw dazzling golden rays of light inside. As the door was fully opened, the rays of light completely irradiated us, as if each of us had changed. Become golden.

"Wow! What a beautiful equipment!"

Behind the gate is a huge equipment display room. Compared with the luxurious gate outside, the splendorous and majestic inside is even more exaggerated. . The people watching the various equipment are dazzled, and really want to move them all, but they can only steal a few pieces.

As soon as a player saw the equipment, he was excited and ran into it. Tetu suddenly stepped up to block him. "Before you go in, let me talk about the situation. The equipment here is the treasure left by the Spiritual God of the past. The power is extraordinary. It is an exception to give you one piece, so it is best not to think too much. In addition, there is a magic detection device on this door, which will be detected through the Divine Item here, so it is better not to be embarrassed when the time comes. In order to help you choose equipment, we will also arrange one for each person Guide, help explain performance and provide reference."

The special picture is very tactful, but the meaning is also very clear. If we don’t think about stealing, there is also a warning that there is a magic barrier for detection on the door, equivalent to an electronic detector standing at the entrance of the supermarket. There is also a guide that everyone will follow for a while, but it is a guide, I think the role of surveillance is greater.

Anyway, he said his, I am not afraid. I walked to the gate first after Tettu finished speaking, and Anubis immediately followed. "I'll be your guide."

I didn't say anything, just continued to move forward. The others quickly followed, and everyone was followed by a Spiritual God to monitor their behavior.

This huge equipment library is very particular about the placement of items. Starting from the door, the equipment is placed in order according to the category, and the last wall is full of complete sets of equipment. Because we only let us take one piece this time, the set of equipment won't let us move. Otherwise, if we take one piece away, the effect of the remaining unset will be greatly reduced.

According to my arrangement, I was the first to enter, so I walked in the forefront, and Princess walked at the end, so that when he attracts people's attention, I will be able to do things.

After walking a few steps, I said to Anubis: "My familiars also know equipment very well. I summon them to help you identify them, right?"

" Familiar?" Anubis thought for a while, and then nodded, but still added: "Don't be too much."

"Don't worry, there are too many people here, right?" I deliberately started Slow summon the door of the earth, this thing opens slowly, not as flexible as the Fenglong space, but this way it can rule out my suspicion of using the space door to steal, because everyone knows that I’m impossible to summon the space door in front of so many people. discover. Emiennes and the small dragon girl, who had been prepared for a long time, walked out of the space door. Thanks to moving the familiars into the space door during the last test, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

The task of the small dragon girl is to really help identify items. It is also Divine Dragon. She has a keen intuition for high-level magic items, and the Immortal Technique includes special knowledge of refining equipment. Therefore, the small dragon female of the Eastern Divine Dragon is much better than other demon pets in terms of equipment appraisal. . As for Eminis, I should be able to guess what she is responsible for without me.

Everyone entered the room and began to choose the right equipment. Unlike me, they didn't actually start choosing equipment, but ran around looking at the equipment like a tour. After all, Divine Item this thing is usually very rare. It is rare to see so many at once, and the Egyptians seem to be very interested in gold. Ninety percent of the colors of Divine Item are golden, which looks more like crafts than weapons. equipment.

I am also a Divine Item person anyway, and I am fairly resistant to these things. So Damn drooled and started looking for something suitable, and at the same time pretending that I was also looking blindly, so that I could take advantage of some special equipment.

The small dragon girl’s live-body radar is really useful, and I found something good when I came up. "Master, here." The small dragon woman called me in the touch of heart, others could not hear her.

I pretended to look casually and swayed to a position with the small dragon girl. The non-full set of equipment has only four categories: weapons, shields, jewelry, and consumables, and all other things are complete sets. Among these equipment, weapons and jewelry have the most types. Now what we are looking at is the location of the jewelry. The male players are looking at the weapons. Princess was assigned to look at the weapons there. Only me and another female player are looking at the jewelry. I just want this kind of environment with fewer people. Moreover, jewelry is small in size and convenient to start, and secondly, it has a wide range of applications. It is convenient whether it is auctioned or given away. Anyone can bring it, unlike weapons that have to be screened separately for occupations.

I picked up a small dragon female reminder I took a ring and looked at it. It looks like just a golden ring ring, but at first glance the attribute is amazing. This thing is actually the thing of the previous god of darkness, which can open the dead divine ability and draw away the enemy's soul. This is the first time I've seen such a great equipment.

Anubis saw that I was holding a ring and looked at it, so he leaned over and asked: "How about? Do you like this? This is a very good thing, to deal with those extremely troublesome The enemy can have unexpected effects."

"It’s really good, but it’s a pity that I have similar equipment, so forget it." I put down the ring at will, and turned to leave. At the same time I also sent a signal to the darts.

On Princess's side, Dart received the signal and immediately scratched Princess's neck with his tail. Princess had a meal immediately, and then pretended to be playing and picked up a battle ax next to her. Princess itself is very small, this battle axe is very disproportionate in her hand, but it is suitable for her performance. Princess pretended to try and lifted the axe above her head vigorously.

The little god who accompanied Princess immediately discouraged: "Miss, this is not suitable for you, or let it go? Be careful!"

Princess immediately pretended to be very stubborn. "You boys and children look down on our girl, I can definitely lift it up. Ah..." Princess pretended to be very forceful and tried her best to lift the axe, but because of too much force, the axe couldn't be split back when it was thrown behind her back. , And she herself turned around because of the weight of her body, and suddenly her body tilted, and the axe flew out from behind.




Patter oh la la!

The axe flew out and hit the foot of the little god. Although he was a god, the axe was a Divine Item, and it was immediately inserted into his foot. He was screaming in pain, and Princess

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