Asuka broke through the three-kilometer-long passage with speed, and no mechanism played a role. Since the institutions have already been activated, it is much more convenient for me to be there. Take Eternity and come all the way, when you see the mechanism, these things are all EXP, and there is no threat to them after losing their concealment. Moreover, many mechanisms are disposable, and they only have destructive power at the moment of activation. Wait for us It's useless now.

I finally reached the end of the passage when there were two hours left. Here you can see that the passage turned to the left at a right angle, but from then on it was only more than five meters ahead, because a red wall was blocked in front of the passage. The wall and the surrounding channels are obviously not a kind of material, it is more like some kind of biological tissue, and there is mucus on the surface of red.

This five-meter passageway has no mechanism, but how to pass this red wall has become a problem. Of course, I decided to brute force the crack as I was used to, but I found that this wall of meat is impervious to sword and spear neither water nor fire can approach. The wall of flesh is too flexible. Eternally sticking on it can completely plunge the blade into the wall, but as soon as you let go, the wall will immediately eject the sword, and the place where it is stuck is not damaged. I had no choice but to try a few times with the skill, and the result was indeed a little cut, but as soon as my skill ended, the wound healed immediately. Even if this wall is flexible, it still has self-healing ability. How can this pass? Both Ling’s dark magic and Xiaofeng’s flame magic have been tried, and even the small dragon girl tried several times with a water blade, only to prove that the wall cannot be broken by external force.

Tetu was still laughing at Anubis's passage for uselessness. Didn't expect there will be such a wall of flesh that cannot be broken and cannot be torn apart. "Anubis, shouldn't this be that thing?" Tetu seemed to recognize this thing.

Anubis laughed: "Yes, this is the muscle tissue of the dark worm, the most elastic thing in the world. Purple Moon's knife is very sharp, but it is useless for this."

"That's not necessarily." Tetu suddenly said something strange.

Anubis looked at the special map in surprise, and then turned to the magical image. I saw in the picture I was removing a white flashing object from my arm.

"Yeyue, are you sure this is useful?" I asked Yeyue next to her.

Yeyue is very sure nodded: "I’m sure it’s definitely useful. Frozen and my petrochemical should have the same effect. The difference is that petrochemical will greatly increase the hardness of the target, but freezing will only make it. It’s getting more and more brittle."

I nodded put the frosty star in my hand close to the meat wall, and only saw the closest place to my hand on the meat wall began to form quickly. A layer of hoar frost, and then the frost area began to spread to all sides, the whole meat wall began to gradually whiten, and on the opposite side of the wall, the condensed ice layer had penetrated the entire wall and spread rapidly on the opposite wall. . In just one minute, the entire wall turned into a huge block of ice.

Ye Yue walked to me and pressed my hand down. "It's almost there now. Just find a stronger one."

"I'll do it myself." I quickly werewolf transformed, then stepped back and rushed up. With a bang, I lay on the wall in a big font. "Yeyue...You can just say it?"

Yeyue spit out her little tongue and said sorry: "Sorry, it seems that the wall thickness is beyond imagination."

Ling walked over and said, "I'll do it." She picked up the staff and tapped the tail of the staff gently on the wall. "Elemental Detonation."

The entire ice wall collapsed like a cannon fire, and even I fell in. When I got up again, the wall had become a piece of broken ice, but the passage in front of me was even more annoying.

"I knew that Anubis would not let me pass so easily."

The Anubis in front of the magical image laughed wildly: "hahahaha, Fight with me! I didn’t intend to go through this passage. It’s strange if you go there!"

Tettu looked at the situation in front and said with a weird expression: "Anubis, Although what they said in the past is detrimental to your face, if this person really can’t make it, what should we do? What should His Highness Sun God do?"

"This...!" A wild laugh Nubis suddenly couldn't laugh.

My face is similar to Anubis now. There was another straight passage in front of him, and this time it was only two kilometers long. What's even worse is that there is a sign hanging on the top of the hole at the end of the passage with the word exit written on it. According to Anubis, I was only five kilometers away from the end point. After the three kilometers of agency passage, the remaining two kilometers should be the final journey. But are these two kilometers so good?

The two-kilometer passage is densely packed with soldiers from Death God Legion. These monsters with jackal heads are more than three meters tall, and they all stand with golden arc moon knives and stare at me fiercely.

Yeyue reminded: "Don't worry, maybe it's the same as the second test, it's not necessarily shoddy products."

"I think it's true this time." Ling raised the staff. "Dark magic bullet." A black light bullet flew out, but before it touched the enemy, it was stabbed with a knife by the soldier of Death God Legion. Ling put down his staff and said, "This kind of reaction speed is not the performance of a counterfeit. Moreover, even in the middle of the fight, those who are capable of flying monsters are not ordinary characters."

I looked at myself. Star pupil said: "Don't guess."

Ye Yue turned around and asked: "Has the attribute come out?"

"En. Death God Guards, a thousand-level creature The characteristic is the magic immunity of the necromancer. After being attacked, the wound cannot heal, and it is possible to transform the killing creature into a corpse to obey their command."

Ling was startled after listening. "A thousand level?"

Ye Yue also asked in surprise: "These are the Death God guards?"

Jing Jing said: "This is troublesome, even at level one thousand It was our heyday that we were only equal. How come we are only at level 900 now? How can we fight?"

Ling calmed down a bit: "A thousand levels are also divided into different levels of strength. Yes, it’s not that one thousand level must be a line of strength. Moreover, we are all above one thousand level. Even if our strength drops now, it won’t be much worse. The problem is that their number is a little too much."

Tetu shouted loudly beside Anubis: "Are you sick? Why did you put your guard over there?"

Anubis Reluctantly shook his head: "How would I know that someone is so strong? That channel is actually a test channel. The first three kilometers are only used to test the strength of the incoming personnel, and send a kind of subordinate members to me based on the opponent's strength. Guarding the last two kilometers of the passage. As a result, the Purple Moon actually passed the passage in such a short time, so Transmission Formation activated the highest level transmission and sent my guards over. Fortunately, only my subordinate units were restricted. , Otherwise it is possible that I am standing there now."

"You pig brains! Now they can't make it through. Who is going to save His Highness Sun God?"

Kehe Suddenly, Pupatted a special picture: "It seems we still underestimate this Purple Moon."

"What did he do?"

I saw Death God in the passage. Rushing frantically towards the corner where we are standing, but the twenty-one ringtone Knight is blocking the passage and preventing the opponent from moving forward. Originally, Ringtone Knight should not be able to defeat Death God's guards, but we have a lot of auxiliary monsters here. With the assistance of Xiaochun, Adyna, and the small dragon girl, she can barely support her for a while.

Behind the ring tone Knight, we are digging a tunnel frantically. Of course, we are not trying to dig a tunnel to escape, but want to widen this corner. Our only hope is the super magic light transmitter of the tank. Although it has many shortcomings, the frontal attack power even the main god must avoid its edge. But the problem now is that the passage is too narrow, which is no problem for us people, but the tank is definitely not able to summon in this place.

In the front, Skye was struggling with the bell sound of Knight, but in the back, we were surprised to find that the passage wall was completely unreachable. This wall doesn't seem to be stone, there should be something behind the wall that is blocking our destruction, and even eternity can't even enter. If you can't destroy the wall, you can't dig out the right space. The summon tank came out to help. I looked around anxiously, hoping to think of a way. Suddenly I thought of an alternative.

Place the space door at the turn of the passage, and then let the tank stand in the door and fire at this side. Anyway, the space door is the space of the Mother Earth God. It is big enough. The only trouble is that you need to dig a hole in the ground first. Otherwise, the tank cannot attack the creatures that are too low. You must first let the tank climb into the hole and only use the launcher. Just reach the height of the gate.

Fortunately, the Mother Earth’s space is on the dirt floor. The pioneers and rose vines helped us dig a big hole in twos Body in order to improve the destructive power, after all, the creatures in front are all 1,000-level creatures, and the tank’s own attack power alone may not be able to completely deal with the many 1,000-level creatures in front.

After the tank was ready, Eminis also copied himself into the shape of a tank and stood by. Xiaochun suddenly lost a flash of magic and forced the Death God guard on the opposite side to block his eyes. , Ringtone Knights took the opportunity to disengage and ran back into the space door.

I yelled at my surroundings: "All fall down. Tank, fire."

The launcher on the back of the tank reached a critical value in an instant, and an unprecedented huge beam of light emerged from the space door. Straight out. The Death God guards in the passage felt the danger and instinctively used weapons to protect them, but this showed no meaning to the magic light attack.

The beam of light swept directly across the Death God guards in the front row like a flood, and rolled back directly, and the rows of Death God guards were turned into ashes in the beam. But a thousand-level creature is a thousand-level creature. When placed elsewhere, each of them is super-level existence, impossible to accept concentrated slaughter in one place. The strongest beam after the fusion of the tank and the Bannon Songlan actually stopped after only advancing more than 30 meters in the dense crowd of Death God guards. The guards within more than 30 meters in front of them blocked the beam with their bodies. Protected everyone behind.

I and Anubis yelled at the same time: "This is impossible!"

I don’t believe that someone can block the frontal attack of the tank, and it’s still so close. Directly withstand the attack at a distance. Originally, I thought it should be a one-shot solution. Didn't expect only killed the enemy within 30 meters in front. The Death God guards at the back did not react at all. The reason Anubis shouted was that he did not believe that his own team had been killed by a single blow. In the past, his team had zero casualties when fighting the enemy. It is very rare to be killed. Don't even think about it when it's over.

Ling reacted very quickly. Before I recovered from the shock, she had already commanded instead of me. "The tank moved away from the launch position, and Emenes was on top, Bannon Songlan broke away from the tank and the Emenes and the body, Xiaochun and Amina helped the tank to restore its state, and the small dragon girl used water to cool down the tank's launch tube. Yeyue first used petrification to seal the enemies in the first row on the opposite side to give Emenes time to gather energy. They all moved, fast."

The Death God guards on the opposite side recovered from shock. But the row of people in front of them had been petrified by Yeyue, and these people blocked the path of those behind them. By the time those Death God guards knocked down the front and rushed over, Emenes' launch tube was already bright white.

"No." Anubis called out. In the screen, a beam of light broke into the Death God guard group again. A large swath of enemies turned into steam again, but only burned this time. The enemy more than 20 meters ahead. After all, Eminis is a mirror copy, not the tank itself, and its lethality is still lower.

This time everyone has adapted to the situation. Ling commanded immediately after Emménis’ shooting was completed: “Emménis moved away from the launch position. Chun and Amina went to help Emmenes recover, the small dragon female assisted to cool down, and Ye Yue first withstood the enemy."

The Death God guards on the opposite side quickly eased from the attack and rushed forward. , As a result, another row of petrochemicals was delayed for a while, and the tank was ready for a while, and the third attack was launched again. Anubis stood in front of the magical image and was so angry that it was not easy to break out, but I was nervous and happy in the Mother Earth space. Those in front are all level 1,000 creatures, not to mention that this channel seems to have an EXP bonus to everything that enters here. In short, the EXP of these guys is so high, I have the feeling of crazy upgrades at the two-three hundred level. NS.

Such repeated attacks are very costly. Although Emenez and the tanks are alternate attacks, they still can’t withstand such consumption. After firing a few shots each, they can’t stand it. As a last resort, I have to Inside, waiting for the tank and Emenis to fully recover. Anyway, the soldiers of Death God Legion dare not enter the space door, but the attack of the tank will have a certain degree of splash damage when it hits the target, so when Death God Legion Soldiers cannot shoot when they are too close to the space gate. They must repel the enemy for a certain distance before they can start an attack. at first Ling let Yeyue withstand the enemy and keep the enemy from approaching for this purpose, but now it’s not something that can be done in such a short time to restore the tank and Emenis, so impossible keeps us up there, even if it’s true. We can't stand it if we want to.

Under the dual recovery magic of Xiaochun and Ling, the tank and Emmenes recovered to their perfect state in twenty minutes, but the door of the space gate was full of Death God guards. I thought about it and called all the familiars over to explain it, and then let them start to act according to my plan.

Following my order, the sickle shot out a row of spider webs, and then violently pulled back. The Death God guards in the front row were pulled directly into the space, and these guys were almost entering The moment it turned into countless starlights and disappeared in the air, the divine force of the Mother Earth had absolute dominance in its own space, and any unauthorized entry would be finished in an instant.

As the first row of people disappeared, the big red thorns tail stood up, and then a row of long needles was shot like a machine gun. The Death God guards in the front row were knocked down, although they were not dead. But all of them were seriously injured. Immediately after this, a bright magic that Xiaochun prepared for a long time flew out, and instantly knocked the enemy in front to the ground. Ling opened a space door directly at the feet of those people, and threw all these guys into the space channel when they were injured and panicked.

Lingling followed Ling and was forced by a sword qi. The Death God guards in the back row had to take a step back, and then Yeyue became a petrified to seal their actions, temporarily preventing Death God guards from surging. come over.

I patted the tank: "Okay, the distance is enough, fire."

A beam of light flew out again, and the Death God guards were cleaned up before they reacted. Blockbuster. Anubis kept walking around on the magic airship angrily, but Tetu was calculating with Cohopura whether the remaining time was enough for me to complete the task.

Time passed in our repeated advancing, and the enemies in the passage were finally cleared with 30 minutes left. At this time, behind the only one-centimeter-thick rock at the end of the passage is the Transmission Formation as the end point. Now there are more than forty players gathered here, and they are busy digging tunnels. The Transmission Formation was actually protected by a crystal cover. When those players arrived here, they found that they couldn't get in at all. The hardness of the crystal cover was beyond imagination. They couldn't break it at all. The last player said that they could dig a tunnel to get in. Busy digging holes here.

When the time was only the last five minutes, there were more than a hundred players gathered here, but they were all digging holes in the ground crazily. Seeing that the time is approaching, the passage is still not dug through, but everyone Everyone knows that the tunnel is only the last point, so everyone is desperately digging holes.

Just when they were digging vigorously, suddenly there was a strange vibration from the mountain opposite them. At first no one paid attention to these things, but as the vibration became more and more severe, all players commented in unison. On this position.

Suddenly a loud explosion sound, a big hole exploded in the mountain, and a group of people rolled out among the flying rocks. After these people flew out, a bunch of people rolled out again. One or two hundred people ran out from the entrance of the cave, and they all looked exactly the same.

"It's Death God Legion." A player recognized these monsters with jackal heads.

All players quickly became alert, but soon they discovered that these monsters were not against them. The Death God guards who were blown out got up and went back from the hole. Then the players heard the messy weapon collisions in the hole, and occasionally some roars and explosions were mixed. The red or white rays of light flashed continuously at the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly white light flashed inside the cave, and after a huge explosion, I saw a lot of dust sprayed out of the cave entrance. Suddenly a few dark shadows flashed out of the shadow formed by the dust. The person taking the lead was wearing a black armor, and a beautiful woman with a shooting tail was behind him.

"cough cough cough... I said hitting people, who made you hit the wall?"

"It's not my fault, the tank missed it." Ye Yue defended.

"Where is the tank?"

A loud explosion sound, the entrance of the cave suddenly collapsed, and the huge sound of the tank rushed out from the cave. "Here! Wow..."

As soon as the tank came out, it was lifted off by a greater force, and the small dragon girl ran out from behind. "Don't get in the way, there is a large group behind!"

"Damn, who let you make the hole?" Emenes ran out of the smoke.

The tank turned back again: "After more than 300 shots were fired for more than a few hours, the crystal was overheated, and there was no way to guarantee the direction. If you didn't get it on your ass, you would be lucky."

"Can you touch the part of this Young Lady?" Eminis angrily ran to the tank and kicked him. "Didn’t it happen to hit the language reward? Is it necessary to show off?"

Just now in the channel, we unexpectedly discovered that this Death God guard not only has a huge EXP reward, but more importantly, these Individuals of the guys also carry some weird rewards. This kind of reward seems to appear randomly, and whoever kills gets whoever gets it will not be passed on to my master. The tank hit a high level language reward, and as a result, the originally underdeveloped language ability advanced by leaps and bounds became the hooligan of glib tongue.

"Run, catch up again!" Skeet yelled and ran out of the hole, followed by a few Death God guards.

We fought in the passage for more than an hour until we discovered that the original indestructible passage was only the 15-meter range near the turn, and the rest could be destroyed. In the last paragraph, we simply blew up a piece of the cave wall and buried those guys with gravel. But this was purely an accident. Originally, I wanted the tank to bombard people. He didn't expect that he missed the joint between the ceiling and the wall and caused a large area of ​​the cave wall to collapse.

Yeyue suddenly asked me: "How long is there?"

"One minute and fifteen seconds."

"Enough. "Ye Yue suddenly flashed beside me and snatched Eternity over. "Lend me." Then he flashed directly into the Death God guard group. There are only seven remaining Death God guards, but these guys are all thousand-level high level creatures, even one-on-one is very dangerous.

Ye Yue rushed directly to Death God's guards, and then swept across. The Death God guards immediately stepped back and avoided the eternal attack. After playing for so long, they knew that eternity was cut open, so they wouldn't be stupid enough to use a shield to block them.

Yeyue forced the Death God guard back and suddenly threw Eternity away, and the sword body was broken into whiplashes, oh la la, and rolled up. I always feel that Yeyue’s use of eternity seems more suitable than me. Her Spirit Snake Dance is simply designed for weapons like eternity. The long whip sword is randomly turned by her dance like a snake, and the attack range is very large. With accurate heads, you can't guard against it. The Death God guard didn't hide fast enough and was curled into an arm by eternity. He just wanted to take away the eternity, and Ye Yue pulled the hilt of the sword directly and took the guy's arm away. The Death God guard next to him immediately rushed up with a weapon, but Yeyue's big tail suddenly swept up, and a guy snapped the guy back two steps.

"Isn't it okay?" Ye Yue asked after looking back.

"It's done, get out of the way." The tank shouted at Yeyue.

"I'll come." The soil at Ye Yue's feet suddenly collapsed, and a dozen vines stretched out from Ye Yue's feet like a fire like, and pulled her into the ground.

The rose vine took Yeyue away, and the tank immediately fired the magic crystal shell without any hesitation. After so many training sessions, tanks and Emmenes had already exhausted their magical powers, so the attack frequency became lower and lower during the last period of time. In addition, at first was unable to evade in the passage, and now the Death God guards are basically outside. Not afraid of magic light attack. Unfortunately, they didn't know that the attack method of tanks was not just magic light.

A magic crystal shell hit the center of the Death God guards, and blew up the remaining Death God guards with a bang. The tank himself yelled from here: "Yohoo...perfect home run."

"Don't be poor, there are only thirty seconds left." Ling's words more than just made us react. , Even the players over there realized that the major event was not good. Although the tunnel has almost been dug through, thirty seconds is still not enough.

Kohopura shook his head helplessly: "It seems that there is no qualified person this time. Hey! It's almost!"

Tetu said: "If They can open the crystal cover..."

"Impossible." Anubis denied: "That thing is seven meters thick. Even Purple Moon's sword will take a long time to cut. It’s impossible to open it."

Tetu shook his head and said: "I don’t mean to break it, but to open it."

"That’s also impossible, the thing is good. More than 10,000 tons." Anubis still shook his head.

Kohpra screamed suddenly. "That's right! Purple Moon's demon!"

By the side of Transmission Formation, I had rushed to the edge of the crystal, and after a little tap, I knew that this thing was impossible to break. Quickly turn around and hold a player who has given up. "Is this thing fixed on the ground?"

"'s too late!" The player sighed.

I shook him fiercely: "Quickly, is it fixed?"

"" That guy was startled by the look in my eyes.

I turned my head back and opened the Phoenix Dragon Space: "Give me all the strength, and open it!"

Three giant dragons, several giant Insects, plus restore the body The small dragon girl and the little phoenix in the state, as well as the giant Crane-like Vajra, at the same time reached the side of the cover and extended a claw into the lower edge of the crystal cover.

"One, two, three, get up!"

With a boom, the crystal cover weighing 10,000 tons was lifted and turned over two somersaults and flew out. The few people who sighed on the hood were all led somersaults. I opened the Fenglong space and the space door at the same time: "No matter which one, fast in."

The familiars quickly rushed into the two spaces, and after the last one entered, I closed both at the same time. The space then jumped into the teleportation point. The screen flashed and I was already at the teleportation point on the side of the Netherworld River. A few seconds after me, a large group of people teleported over.

Tetu looked at the increasing number of people at the teleportation point with a smile on his face, while counting the time: "Seven, six... two, one." The last grain of sand in the hourglass finally fell into the bottom. For half of the time, the white flame on the teleportation station at the end of the mission was also extinguished at the same time. The last three players jumped up but were not teleported away, only a fraction of a second.

"Congratulations everyone, you have passed the first official test. Those who pass the next two tests will become the last chosen one to receive our reward and get an optional task. If If you are willing to execute it, you can get more rewards."

I stood up and looked around, and there were about seventy-eighty people lying on the teleportation station, all of whom looked fortunate. One of the players close to me reached out to me. "Thank you. Without you, none of us can get through today."

"You are welcome." I shook hands with him politely and pulled him from the ground by the way.

Anubis walked over and looked at me. I took off the helmet and stuffed it into the phoenix space, then turned and stared at Anubis. The people around us all looked at us and they didn't know why, only Tetu and Cohopura knew what was going on with us.

After insisting on one minute, Anubis only gnashing teeth and said: "Congratulations, you have passed the test, and welcome to join the team of pre-selected candidates."

Me too In the same way, he responded with a murderous tone: "Thank you for being magnanimous!"

After saying that, the two of us smirked three times in a very blunt tone at the same time, and then each turned back and left.

Kohpra walked to the middle of us and said: "Okay, everyone has worked hard. Now you are allowed to rest for an hour, and then start the next test. The way to come back is the same as the last time, just send the target please Choose the Dark Arena, then you can start free activities."

I left here with the teleportation ring immediately after I got the news. After returning to Cairo City, I went to the hotel to buy a lot of food, and then I found someone Open the space door where there is no one, and then close the space door when you go in. The summon Phoenix and Dragon space let all the familiars come out. The food was shared with everyone in order to treat the injuries. We were all injured this time. The two-kilometer-long passage was full of Death God guards. We should thank the tanks and Emenis for their attacking power to come back alive. If it weren't for the narrow passage and Death God guards couldn't dodge the strong frontal attack of the tank's formidable power here, then we would definitely not be able to complete the mission. But although the enemy's strength is indeed very strong, but the rewards are the same.

Upgrade is the most basic. I now have a large Purple Moon 911 Level 17, and a small Silver Moon 801 Level 18. Speaking of it, I have only risen more than a dozen levels, but I have to consider that my level is already astonishingly high. Now every level 1 level is as difficult as heavenly ascension, not to mention that we only get through a five-kilometer-long channel. After so many levels, it can be seen how rich the EXP theory in this channel is.

In addition to the level rewards, there are also many strange rewards in the channel, but these rewards are basically obtained by Tanks and Emines. Individual members of those Death God guards carry special attribute rewards. As long as you kill them, you can get these attributes. But our main reason is that Emenis and tanks have the ability to mass destroy each other, so the rewards are basically They both took it. In addition to direct rewards for defense or attack points, the rewards also include reward skills and various special attributes. Anyway, the number is quite large, and the tank alone has three-four hundred rewards.

After checking the rewards, we ate something and took a break. One hour is actually just for the supply of ordinary players. After all, not everyone has the space to equip and store a large amount of materials, so most players still need to return to the city to supply them from time to time.

When the hour was about to arrive, I had already returned to the test site first. Follow the prompts when you leave and choose the dark arena as the teleportation point. When I came here, there were almost all people here. I first looked at the environment. It's an arena just like the name of the place, but it's not as dark as the name. On the contrary, the sun is a bit too much, and I feel uncomfortable. This arena is very large, and there are no real sports venues comparable to it. And not only is it big, but the facilities inside are also very strange. The ground of the entire site is sand, but there are a lot of stone pillars above the ground in the site, making it like a stone forest. Except for the center of the site where we stand, there are stone pillars almost everywhere, and the density is still very high.

When the last person arrived at Qi, Kohopra appeared on top of our heads, and the other gods all sat in the peripheral auditorium.

"If you can reach this level, it shows that everyone is very capable. I hope you can perform better in the following level. Now I will talk about the details of this level. First, let me know Everyone, the detailed number of people who entered this session is 131, which is more than the number of people in the previous tests. Relatively, the difficulty of your test will also increase, because the task of this round is to interact with each other. Fight."

Sure enough, there is still another battle mission. Although the nasty woman was very hateful at the beginning, in essence, what she said was not wrong. Those of us who passed by heard the news and all sank. After all, fighting with players around is the most troublesome task, and the probability of failure is also very high, because players are much more unpredictable than monsters.

Cohopura continued: "You have all participated in a battle between testers before, but the rules are a bit different this time. The first thing to tell you is that this time we only need you 20% of the winners, which means that we only have 26 people. The test still uses the last elimination system, but being killed first does not mean being eliminated. Each of you has three lives in this arena, and you are the first to be eliminated. Those who kill three times are eliminated, and on

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