"Look at the situation at the fork." Cohopura called: "Notify other Spiritual Gods to temporarily change the guidance work to the second fork."

The gods on the shore of the Netherworld River are so busy that a large number of Spiritual Gods have to trick the players who have gone to the sidewalk back, and then let them go to the second side road, because the first side road has no way. used. In the first two difficulties of the first fork, the bottom of the cliff was filled with water from the two lakes. Although it was far from being filled, most players can basically jump into the water and then climb the opposite cliff. The second test is even more complete, the lake is dry, and everyone can walk through it.

At this time, I didn't know that Spiritual Gods were having a headache for my behavior, and I was busy slaughtering fish at this time. After the lake was drained, the monsters in the two lakes were unable to function, but the crocodile in the lake at the entrance was still able to cope with the waterless environment, but the giant monster fish on the other side was unlucky. Although these fishes can no longer threaten my safety, I will not let them go easily. I can only blame one of the fish for being too brave.

I originally planned to leave directly, but the fish suddenly struggling to jump to my side and open its mouth to bite me. As a result, I found its white teeth. This guy bit into eternity in one bite, and ended up breaking two teeth, and then I discovered that this tooth is actually a very high-end item synthetic material. So in the spirit of not wasting any resources, I asked the evil spirit Knights to perform tooth extractions for all the fish here. But in the process, the evil spirit Knights accidentally touched a lot of fish scales. By coincidence, I discovered that the quality of the scales was also good, so these fishes were subjected to scale removal surgery again.

After discovering two high-end materials in succession, I thought this fish It shouldn't be as simple as that, so I checked his attributes with star pupils, and found that the fish was named dragon ghost fish, and its level was as high as 8. Hundred three Level 10. High Rank creatures usually have the ability to adapt to all terrains like giant dragons. If higher creatures are only suitable for a single terrain environment, then it must be very powerful in this environment. This kind of dragon ghost fish is only suitable for aquatic environment, and the level is so high, if they really fight in the water, they should be no less than the battle strength of the low-level giant dragon. Unfortunately, the water was drained, and these guys are not even as good as a rabbit at the moment.

High level creatures, and no battle strength, these are simply mobile material warehouses. After knowing their grade, I simply killed a fish and studied it. As a result, I found that this fish is really useful. The teeth of the dragon ghost fish are weapon synthesis materials, and the weapons synthesized with it carry Water Element damage. The scales of the dragon ghost fish are synthetic materials of armor and shields. The synthetic effect is 30% resistance to Water Element damage, and the equipment can have zero resistance effect in the water. Their bile is a highly effective poison, and it has many uses naturally. The glass in their eyes can replace the transparent crystal to make the magic light cannon. Their meat seems to be the feed of Water Element pets, and the effect is to increase the attack power of Water Element magic for the pets. Their bones are good materials for blessing emblems used in shipbuilding. The same blessing emblems, carved with dragon ghost fish bones, can increase the effect by 10%.

These guys are all treasures. It would be a pity to waste them. I didn't waste everything and let the evil spirit Knight collect them for me. In the end, I discovered that some of them still had live roe in their belly. Considering the problem of long-term use, I quickly collected these roe, and put them in jars, pots, and pots. After I went back, I would find a pool to cultivate them. In the future, it can be cultivated for a long time and provide special materials stably for a long time. Although those scales and teeth are dispensable, their eyeballs are so useful. The production of the Magic Light Cannon of our guild has always been limited by the output of the transparent crystal. Since this fish-eye glass body can replace the transparent crystal, its value is very considerable. Moreover, the size of the fish eyes can be controlled according to the size of the fish. If we want to build a large magic light cannon, we only need to raise it for a while. Anyway, the growth rate of monsters in the game is in days, and it won't take a long time to harvest.

Anubis stood in front of the magical image looking at the lake bed that had become a slaughterhouse, and was so angry that he couldn't say a word. "It doesn't matter if I dry up my lake. Even the monsters are killed. This Purple Moon is really a troublesome innate talent!"

Titu smiled and said: "When you were young, you didn’t The same?"

"I'm not so greedy at least."

"This is called rational use of resources. Anyway, the lake is also dry. It's better to wait for them to lie there and be so bad. Come and give it away."

Anubis was angry speechless, but he couldn't do anything about it. They are not allowed to intervene in the playing field, so he becomes angry, but he can't help me.

I am very happy now. After taking a bunch of materials, I checked the arrow indication, and the direction should be the forest ahead. Two hours and thirty-five minutes have passed since six hours, and the rest of the journey must be accelerated. But the purpose of the jump channel is to prevent people from passing through, so even the seemingly ordinary forest is not so easy to pass through.

I was attacked by thousands of Insects as soon as I entered the forest. The number of these little things can be described as hiding the sky and covering the earth. Against ordinary players, hundreds of billions of Insects are absolutely deadly. Even if you can defeat a Divine Dragon, you will be helpless when facing hundreds of millions of Insects. But this is not a problem for me. Gently stroked the evil dragon guardian ring, the giant dragon's eyes entwined around the ring suddenly red glow flashed, and then a black flame more than ten feet high suddenly rose up on my body, and a large number of Insects rushed over to verify an idiom. ——Moth flies into the flame.

Hellfire’s attack power is very strong, and it also burns large creatures, not to mention small insects. These things simply can't get close to my body and have no effect on my actions. However, Anubis is not an idiot. He has considered this situation a long time ago, so these small insects are not the only ones in the forest.

After running a section of the road in the forest, a horizontal river appeared in front of him. After crossing the river, the Insect in the forest suddenly changed. The small Insect is gone, this time all the big guys over two meters in length came. Obviously it was a bit of a struggle to use hellfire to deal with these guys. I directly summoned all the ghost worms and scattered them to fight with the Insects. The Iron Wraith and the goblins also joined the battle, and an Insect war broke out in the forest.

The ghost worm has the ability to swallow evolution just like a tank. As long as you eat anything you can absorb its attributes and evolve, there are so many insects here. The ghost worm is almost like falling into a dyeing tank, because they eat differently. The insect has evolved in different directions. At first, most of the ghost bugs were white, but later they became multi-colored. I couldn't even recognize my own insects.

Anubis stood in front of the magical image and looked stupidly. Tetu said by the side: "It looks like your swarm tactics are helping the opponent evolve. After this forest passes, Purple Moon's insect can be used as a regular army."

"I don't think it is necessary. "Kohpra said: "The evolution of our insect race has boundaries. Infinite evolution does not really exist. It's just that there are too few opportunities for evolution. No one has discovered that Insect will evolve to its limit. From my experience, Purple Moon If the insects continue to evolve in this way, they are likely to be annihilated."

"Does the scarab think that those insects will evolve and cause death?" Tetu asked.

Kohpra shook his head: "It is not death, but rebellion. Once these larvae evolve beyond their mothers, their ability to restrain them will plummet. Finally, these insects have evolved to a very high level. Realm, but they are no longer under control. So for Purple Moon, his insects are not evolution, but equivalent to annihilation of the entire army. An insect that is not under his control, no matter how advanced it is, it doesn’t make any sense to him. "

"But I don’t think this kind of situation you said will happen anymore." Kohopura turned his head and looked towards the talking Tetu, and found that Tetu was pointing at the magical image, so he Also turned to look at the magical image.

In the picture, I was rolling on the ground in the forest with my face covered, and there was a flickering red light on my forehead. Suddenly following my scream, a pair of huge red rays of light wings pulled out from my forehead, and then stretched out. The huge wings of light are at least twenty to thirty meters long, and they are not physical. They traverse a large number of trees and Insects, but they have no effect.

As the wings spread out, a smooth back emerged from my forehead. Like the wings of light, this back also stretched out from my forehead from small to large. The owner of the back seemed to sit up from the water, and gradually emerged from my forehead into the air. Now all Spiritual Gods have seen the whole picture of that creature. This is a woman who is about the same length as a goblin. She has a pair of huge light wings and a complete female body. The difference is that she is completely composed of a kind of red rays of light, and does not have any entity.

This female creature is very beautiful, but also very strange, but if you want to say what you can feel from her, it is majesty.

Queen. This woman should be a queen, she doesn't need to say anything, as long as she stands there, she can use her temperament to convey her identity to the outside.

The queen who flew to in midair suddenly began to shrink and shrink. She has become a huge individual just now, but now she has taken it back again, and has become the size of a normal person, and her wings have also become smaller. Closed behind. She began to fall towards the ground, and when her toes touched the ground, a red circle of light instantly spread towards all around. The aperture speed is very fast, and the surrounding Insects have no intention to hide. In fact, there is no time to hide.

After the aperture was swept, I only heard a clear prompt sound, I actually upgraded. The large Purple Moon is upgraded to level 900, and the small Silver Moon is upgraded to level 792. As I upgraded, the Insects that were scanned also changed. All the Insects that attacked us suddenly twitched violently. Those Insects made a huge zhi zhi sound, and their bodies were shaking constantly. From their joints and body connections, we can see that there are red rays of light flashing in their bodies. , That's probably the cause of their twitching.

Suddenly a giant grasshopper’s eyes sprayed out a foot-long flame, and then all the joints of its body sprayed out fire, and the grasshopper was finally in the flame. Falling down, his body turned into a pile of black coke, still burning with flames. The same situation happened to other insects one after another. All kinds of insects spewed flames from their bodies, screaming and being burnt into charcoal. The only ones that are not affected are the insects that belong to me, but also not completely unchanged.

Iron Wasp and the little goblin are indeed unaffected, but all the strange ghost bugs have changed. These guys have eaten too many different types of insects, and they all evolved weirdly, but they all started to evolve back after they came into contact with the aperture. However, it did not completely evolve back to its original appearance, it was just that the form changed back to the appearance of the ghost worm, but the volume was still much larger than before.

Cohopura in front of the magical image stared at all this dumbfounded. "Selected Evolution?" Cohopura muttered to himself.

"What is Featured Evolution?" Anubis asked Cohopura.

Kohpra first shook his head to calm himself down, and then explained: "I just said that the evolutionary potential of insect race is limited, but that's just a figurative statement. Actually. The evolutionary ability of the insect race is unlimited, but the problem is that the insect race itself cannot choose the direction of evolution, and can only passively accept external stimuli to evolve. But the result of evolution may not be a good thing, so many insect races will evolve astray. As for the ultimate destruction of oneself. But there is a kind of evolution that is perfect, that is, the selected evolution under collective wisdom. This evolution requires a king in an insect race cluster, this king must be highly intelligent and able to control himself and his subordinates. Our evolutionary direction. When evolution goes wrong, Wang can reverse the evolutionary direction, and when evolution goes wrong, Wang can also use wisdom to choose the most suitable evolutionary direction. The small insects just now are obviously over-evolved, some Insect is full of legs and obviously becomes unsuitable for survival. If ordinary insects will definitely die, but insect race clusters with leaders can reverse evolution."

"So say that Later, the woman who came out of Purple Moon's head should be the king of that insect race?"

"Yes. And now it seems that the female Insect King has very powerful characteristics. I am in her. I found at least two abilities that I don’t even possess. First, she has the ability to retain evolution attributes. It is said that reverse evolution should completely return to the form before this stage of evolution, but these small insects have restored their form and strength. It is obviously quite high, which means that although their evolution at this stage is unsuccessful, it is not completely wasted, at least they have absorbed the basic attributes. With such a queen, the evolution of this insect race will only get stronger and stronger. Never go back. Second, she has the ability to evolve after screening. Look at those small insects, they over-evolved before the queen appeared, but the queen came out in a normal form. What does this mean? It means she doesn’t Evolve with the larvae, but first watch the larvae evolve. After the larvae are all evolved, she decides to learn from some of the evolutionary abilities based on the effect of the actual reaction, and give up some unsuitable abilities, and then help her people The wrong evolution direction is also revised back. This is equivalent to double insurance. If the evolution is very destructive, at least the queen will not have a problem, she is equivalent to the larvae to test the feasibility before going to follow the evolution. And such an insect The race branch, as long as the queen does not die, it will never perish. As it evolves, it is not impossible to have a second sacred insect. "

Tetu said: "Master Kohopura is worried that she will surpass you?" "

Kohpra nodded: "Not worried, but definitely. I was just a small insect at the beginning, and it became what I am now because of the favor of my father. But she is different. She is a female Insect King. Innate is one level higher than me. If she evolves to the same level as me, she will still be one level higher than me because of the queen attribute. In other words, as long as we are at one level, she is definitely better than me. "

Anubis asked: "Do I need to kill her first?" "

"No way. "Kohpra said: "Even if she might reach the same level as me, you can't move her." This Purple Moon is so strong that I don't believe that the main gods of other civilizations didn't pay attention to this guy. At least I found several remnants of divine force in him. This guy must be in and out of the high level shrine frequently, so he has so much divine force on his body. If we act on him, it will draw the attention of other gods to us, which is very insecure. Ra is missing now, and a large part of our strength has been lost. If it is too early to fall out with other Divine Races, it will be very detrimental to us. "

Anubis nodded: "Then it can only be cheaper for that kid!" "

Kohopura is very attractive. "It can't be said that it is cheap, after all, it is his own strength. The evolution of those insects is due to his ability, not the evolution project we sent him. Besides, if we treat this Purple Moon better, maybe he can help us do some things that are inconvenient for us in the future. In this way, instead of conflicting with him, we will have more power. "

"Fortunately, I'm afraid he won't be willing to join us! "Tetu said.

Kohpra said: "Joining is definitely impossible. Such a strong person will not easily join a certain force, but it is absolutely fine to let him help us do odd jobs. "

"Why are you so confident that he will help us with odd jobs?" "

"Because he embarked on this dangerous road. A person who dares to take a difficult route for rewards, as long as he gives enough benefits, he can definitely help us. "

Anubis nodded. "With his greedy character, Lord Cohopura's words are indeed very possible. "

Those great gods are discussing policy issues for me, but I am studying the woman in front of me. Since she landed, her body has been materialized, and the body composed of red rays of light has also become She has a faint pink body. But don’t want to be crooked, she is not naked. Although the female Insect King looks like a human, she is still an insect. Below her waist is a red carapace like a miniskirt, and there is a circle on her chest. The shiny red carapace protection looks like the sexy short armor that is very popular in the game. Many girls in our guild have that kind of armor. Although the defensive power is not high due to the small area, the temptation is definitely better than nothing. Even better.

"Queen? Why did you run out? "The queen used to be able to communicate with me on my forehead, but this is the first time that she has completely materialized and left my body.

Eat it! "The queen said angrily: "If there is too much evolution, how dangerous is it?" Thanks to my protective measures, otherwise it would really be over. "

"sorry, I thought they could evolve at will! "

"Evolution is also a direction. Not all directions of evolution are appropriate. But now that it is under control, forget it. And you are lucky. I was actually affected by the larvae and evolved the ability of evolutionary selection. In addition, this body did not expect to gain the ability to move independently. "

In order to save time, I walked and talked with the queen. I learned some abilities and characteristics about the queen. The queen's new body is similar to a demon familiar to me. In the past, she only played as a larva. Our remote control function can actually participate in the battle now, and there is a very unexpected gain, that is, the queen has an Immortal Body.

Although the queen seems to be separated from me, She is still a parasite, and she cannot live alone without me. What really leaves is a physical body, the core crystal nucleus of the queen is still in my body, so the queen’s vitals are all with me, she is just a battle shell , Even if it’s broken, it doesn’t make any sense. This core in my body can regenerate a new body indefinitely, and the outer body doesn’t need to care at all.

Except for the immortality, the queen The physical attack power of is also quite terrifying. This body looks like a human, but it is still an insect race. Her power is astonishing, and her speed and attack power are perfect. The only drawback is that the queen can't magic, only a few A special attack method similar to instinct. In any case, evolution is always good. It is not bad to have a melee warrior.

After leaving the forest, I walked to the bottom of a cliff under the guidance of the pointing device. There is a hole on the cliff here, and the pointing device points directly into the hole. I heard Anubis’ voice as soon as I stepped in. "Didn't expect you can actually get here! "

"What do you mean? "

Anubis' voice replied: "To tell you the truth, since you chose this path, your mission has actually failed. But your strength slightly exceeded my prediction. I thought that the first three obstacles could block you, but didn't expect actually let you over. "

"Hehe, there are many people who think like you, but I have always been a miracle person. Didn’t you say at first that you can get extra rewards for walking this path? Could it be a lie to trick me into this road? "

Anubis immediately denied: "I did not lie, the reward does exist, but the premise is that you must get it. Although when we arranged this branch of the competition, we figured out that this road will not let anyone pass, but as long as you can pass, the reward will not be less for you. "

"So what can you do now?" Is it just to praise me for being here? "

"Of course not. I came to notify when the player reached the last five kilometers in accordance with the regulations. "

"What? Is the end five kilometers ahead? "

"Don't believe it? "Anubis asked back.

"No. I just feel that the route seems too short. Isn’t it three hours before the final time? Five kilometers will take less than three hours anyway, right? "

"hahahaha, newborn calf! Only you can understand this specific situation by yourself. I believe you will be very satisfied with my arrangement. By the way, the so-called prizes are those things that block you in the passage. You can try to destroy a few, it will be very cool. "

"So cool? "I asked suspiciously, but didn't get an answer. Anubis is obviously already not in.

The end point is only five kilometers away, and there are two hours and five 13 points left, which should be more than enough. But, in Anubis’s tone, these five kilometers should be very difficult to walk, or there is a worse situation, that is, the five kilometers that Anubis said is a straight-line distance, and the road I really want to walk may be It will go to a far place.

Looking from the entrance of the passage, there is a straight passage of at least three kilometers in front, without turning at all. The passage is very spacious and there is no problem with running trains. It looks like it is very suitable here. I move at high speed, but the more I go like this, the more I worry. The five kilometers, three hours, the road is still a straight path, which is obviously unreasonable.

After three kilometers, there are all fork roads? Or there are lanes. Mechanism? Either there will be a long detour?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt uncertain, and then I suddenly reacted. This damn Anubis is really not so strong. This channel The existence itself is an intellectual trap. I just stood there for ten minutes just to estimate the danger. If I don’t react again, I might even stand here until I fail.

Leave him the The actual situation, I have always been recklessly doing things that I can't figure out. What can this channel do to me?

I stretched out my hand and summoned out of the gate of the earth. "Evil spirit Knight, rush forward. Just step on it and step on a safe passage for me. "

Anyway, the evil spirit Knight will not really die. Now I am at level 900, and I can summon nine thousand evil spirits Knight. What if the tunnel is full of traps? Nine thousand people have been tricked by the organization. After that, there will be no more institutions.

After returning from the Netherworld River, Anubis was still proud of his behavior, because he felt that he finally put me together. Look. When I was there thinking hard, Anubis knew that I was fooled. The other Spiritual Gods also shook their heads, but until just now, Anubis’ jaw suddenly fell again.

Tetu next to taking pleasure in other people's misfortune said: "Haha, it seems that our players are planning to use the abnormal breakthrough method again. "

Anubis gnashing one's teeth said: "Purple Moon, you bastard!" "

"Aye! "I suddenly sneezed at the entrance of the passage. "Strange, how do you feel that someone is speaking ill of me?" "

Scott walked over to me and said, "The passage in front looks very safe!" Why do you want to force an assault? "

"Because there is no time. You immediately organize manpower to force a breakthrough, and the speed must be fast. It doesn't matter if the casualties are a bit more serious, anyway, the evil spirit Knight has a chance to resurrect once a day. "

"Understood. "

Skoot led the evil spirit Knight to quickly organize a small trial team, because I asked for the speed advantage at all costs, so Skoot didn't consider any security issues anymore. Speed ​​is the first priority for all problems.

The three-kilometer-long dao fruit is not as simple as it seems. The path-exploring team encountered a pit in less than three meters, but fortunately The people behind reacted quickly and pulled the evil spirits in front of Knight, otherwise we would start to have casualties directly at three meters. Under the damn pit are two rollers on top of each other, and both rollers are inside. Rotating slowly, the principle is similar to that of an ore crusher. If anyone falls, they will be crushed by two rollers.

The width of the sinkhole is not large. An evil spirit who was lucky to have not fallen. Knight jumped straight over, but just as he landed on the opposite side, the rock under his feet suddenly sank. He looked down and found that the rock only sank less than a centimeter. We saw that he did not fall. I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but a board suddenly opened at the top of the up ahead hole, and then a giant hammer fell from the top. The evil spirit Knight did not react, but was hit back directly by the heavy hammer, knocking down a group of talents. I was caught.

Skeet complained: "Damn, what the hell is this passage! It’s just three meters away. "

I muttered to myself: "Now I know what Anubis means. "

At this time, Anubis proudly said in front of the magical image: "hmph, my institution can't be passed by more people, this time you know how good I am? "

Standing at the side of the pit, I looked at the two-meter-wide pit and the heavy hammer swinging back and forth, thinking about Anubis’ words. He asked me to destroy a few. Try the things that stop me, can it be said that these things are rewards? This reward is too special? Anyway, I decided to try it.

Evil Knight standing so many can't help much. , I asked Scott and the others to carry the injured evil spirit Knight back first, and then left ten people down, and then let Ling, Ye Yue, Jingjing, Lingling and Bailang all out to help. Ling is a magic consultant, Ye Yue He is an almighty character, Jingjing is skilled in defense, Lingling is good at attacking, and Bailang is an expert in organs. With the help of five of them, he should be able to suffer less.

Take the extra people back first, and then I started to destroy the first mechanism. First let everyone hide away, and then took a bundle of pre-equipped explosives and threw them into the big pit. After throwing the explosives, I quickly turned around and ran for a few steps. Outside the cave, the huge steel drum was slowly rotating with explosives. The explosives were sent to the center of the two drums by the drums, and then the drums on both sides continued to carry the explosives downwards. At the same time, the pressure suddenly increased because of the need to pass through the close part of the drums. Big. A loud explosion sound, a burst of smoke came out from the passage, and when we entered, the two rollers were already lying on the bottom of the pit crookedly. The formidable power of the explosives was still good.

Almost when I saw the dilapidated pit, I heard the reward prompt. This drum actually has EXP. The EXP obtained by blowing it up is no less than the entire EXP of a monster in a small leveling area. It turns out that this is the reward, destruction. These organs can get more than a hundred times more EXP than normal monsters.

After confirming the prompt, I smiled and looked towards the sledgehammer above that was still dangling back and forth. "Lingling, cut down that thing. "

Lingling moved so fast, only seeing the sword light flashed, the hammer in front fell off with a bang, and there was a smooth cross-section on the handle of the hammer.

Solved The remaining part after the two obstacles is about to start the evil spirit Knight exploring the way again. The two evil spirits Knight moved carefully and quickly in front of them. The two of them fell in front of the road and cut off the road. The two of them were about to turn around and talk to me. There was a loud explosion sound again. Another large gate fell between us, and they were sealed in the passage in front. The ground shook suddenly, and a rumbling sound came from across the wall. We heard the two evil spirits inside, Knight, seem to be smashing the wall for help.

Ye Yue came over to extend the hand to me and Lingling: "Give me your sword. "

I handed Eternity to Yeyue, and Lingling also passed the holy sword. Yeyue grabbed Two Swords and walked to the Qianjin Gate to dance around, and then suddenly stopped and put on a pose. After less than two seconds, there was a sudden rumbling in front of us, and the Qianjin gate shattered into dozens of pieces in front of us and dropped to the ground. Two evil spirit Knights quickly flashed out. It was sealed in that section. In the passage, the walls on both sides are actually moving closer to the center. If we were to slow down, the two evil spirits Knight would definitely be crushed into pancakes.

The two walls crashed a few seconds after the evil spirit Knight came out. Closed together, Yeyue went up for another sword dance, then turned around and handed the weapon to us. The walls that were closed on both sides and the gate on the other side became countless fragments together.

Magic In front of the image, Anubis was stunned at the way we passed. He was not surprised at my speed, but at the sharpness of Yeyue’s sword moves and the two weapons. You know that the two-sided gates are divine. Force-reinforced steel gate, and its thickness has exceeded thirty centimeters, it is unreasonable to be shredded by Two Swords, the back wall is even more wrong, the hardness of the whole rock more than two meters thick is no less than the front What's more, the gate behind it was broken when it was not cut down. Looking at this situation, the sharpness of this sword is too exaggerated, and considering the actual damage depth, the sword also has a powerful magic attribute. , Otherwise, even if the sword is a little more than one meter sharp, it won’t be able to chop up a total of three meters thick obstacles at once.

In the passage, I walked with Eternal and asked Yeyue: "You What was the name of the trick you just played? "

"Spirit Snake Dance. "

"Is it a dance?" "Lingling asked very interested.

Ye Yue said: "It can be regarded as a dance. But to be more precise, it should be an offensive dance. It can be used as a performance, but it can only be a solo dance, because once the dance moves are fully unfolded, the sword qi cannot be controlled. Minced into shredded meat. "

"What a dangerous dance. "

"Because it was originally not an ornamental dance! "Ye Yue muttered: "You haven't seen the Cai Ji Wu used by Empress Nuwa, that is really the formidable po

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