One minute time is simply not for the player to prepare props or think about countermeasures, this time is only enough for psychological preparation, and other things are too late. Soon one minute passed, and Tetu’s voice sounded again: "The test begins. Killing the creatures in front of you will count as a pass. Good luck to everyone."

Tetu just finished speaking, the black one on the other side The leopard shouted immediately. Although the leopard's call is not as majestic as the lion and tiger, it is also scary. After the call, the panther rushed to me immediately, and 100 meters is a few seconds to it. Ye Yue waved his hand from behind and shouted: "Master, come on!"

The Panther, regardless of the actual situation, just rushed forward. Although there is no equipment, the attribute points are still there. What's more, when I was at the base, I learned the general killing technique of the army, and later I also learned Tai Chi. I am not a completely ignorant person. I turned around when the panther flew over go out. But the Panther reacted quickly. As soon as it landed, I turned around and stretched out my claws to sweep over. I only felt a touch on my leg, and then felt hot liquid dripping down my calf.

The black panther succeeded in hitting it, grabbed my leg and climbed up, the upper limbs stood up all over, and opened his mouth to bite my neck. At first I was still worried. Although I have learned fighting skills, the black panther is not like a human being and I don't know how to use it. Now it just happened to pounce on me and stand up like a human. My right hand quickly came from behind his head and grabbed his mouth, then my left hand touched his chin, and then the right hand slammed to the side. With a click, I heard a very crisp cracking sound. The black panther was thrown out by me and fell on the sand without moving.

"Congratulations on passing the test. It took eleven seconds and seventy-three. You have created a new time record." Tetu's voice sounded over my head very quickly.

The whole battle was only a little over ten seconds. This included the few seconds for the Panthers to rush up. I myself didn't expect the speed to be so fast. However, I didn't know until after the test was over. In fact, 97% of the testers were eliminated in the first test. Many attributes can’t be played out in battles without equipment. Although several Egyptian gods spirit root made some adjustments according to the characteristics of the participants, most of them are still not used to this kind of battle, so many people are caught by poisonous snakes, leopards, and crocodiles. Such animals are killed.

After announcing that the first test passed, Tetu's voice rang again. "As a reward for passing the First Stage test, you will get your special attribute for defeating creatures. Because you defeated the Panthers, your speed will increase by 1%. Before starting the second test, please select the next Which two gods’ test camp do you want to belong to? First explain, this will affect the difficulty and prizes of your test. Your choices include those in front of you, please choose two of them."

I Suddenly a bunch of Spiritual God images appeared in front of him, with hundreds of people. Below these images is the title and name of the god, which can be easily selected. Tetu’s voice reminded again: "The last time you explain, the stronger the amount of divine force you choose, the higher the difficulty of the test you will encounter later, but the final reward will be more abundant. After you choose, tell me what you choose. The name of the god."

"Anubis and Cohopura." I believe in my own strength, so I hope to increase the difficulty of the test to get better rewards. Since Anubis can appear in hell like Black Qilin, it at least shows that Anubis's strength is very terrifying. And this guy is Death God spokesperson, which is closer to my attribute. The prizes he gave should be more useful to me. As for Kohopura, he is the god of beetles. Although he has not heard of the name of this god before, since he is even higher than Sun God, his strength It shouldn't be too bad.

Tetu's voice sounded again. "Very well, your difficulty score is ninety-nine points. After that, you will add this difficulty point to the results of each test."

The difficulty score is ninety-nine points, putting it that way Anubis The strength of Si and Scarab should be the top three among the gods, and one of them is ranked third, and the other is either the first or the second, otherwise there will be no difficulty score of ninety-nine points.

Tetu didn’t give me much time to think, and then started to say: "Well, since you have chosen to be in charge of Spiritual God, then I will give them the next guidance."


The silhouette above his head suddenly changed, and a hoarse and majestic voice appeared. "I'm Anubis. How many years have passed! There are people who choose two gods in the first three ranks to supervise the test at the same time. Your courage may also be your stupidity that touched me. Then, since you chose If my Spiritual God, the third ranked Spiritual God, is leading the assessment, then I will not be polite. Second test Your task is to defeat my First Army group. Whether you can win or not and the time you spend will be used as reference items. . So, let’s start the test."

"Wait a minute!"

"Is there anything else?" Anubis's voice was obviously a little impatient.

"Two questions."


"First, how many people are in your First Army group? Second, I can use Is it equipped? Is there anything I can summon creatures to help?"

"First, count the number yourself. Second, there are no rules in this level. As long as you can win, you can do everything . Then, I don’t think you need preparation time anymore, and the test will start right away."

I am dizzy, I want preparation time! Anubis, you bastard!

The desert in front of me shook for a while, and then a large black jackal warrior stood up from the sand. These guys are over three meters tall. Although they look thin, they are actually full of power. They all wear gold accessories, important parts of their bodies are protected by light armor, and each holds a large weapon over two meters long. As for the quantity that I am most worried about, it seems to be no less than 100,000.

Compared to the enemy's horrible lineup, I feel pitiful here. Yeyue stood behind me stupidly, while I was holding a helmet under my arm, holding combat boots in my hand, and wearing it while jumping, just as embarrassed as a lover caught and raped on the bed.

"You die Anubis, don't even give me a preparation time. Aiya!" It's really inconvenient to wear shoes while standing on one foot. "Phoenix Dragon, come out of the house. Ye Yue don't stand stupid, and help me put on armor. The door of the earth opens, and Skye will bring the evil spirit Knight to the team. There are enemies over there. Strange, where is my ring? Rose vine helped me find it, did it fall into the sand? Bannon Songlan, you, first go with the tank and body, take advantage of the distance from the enemy, first blow them up covered in dirt."

Ling As soon as he came out, he glared at Death God Legion, who usually rushed over there, mountain cry out and sea howl. "Wow! What are you doing? Why do you provoke so many enemies?"

"Isn't that the damn test yet?"

"You got to the final test so soon?"< /p>

"No! This is the second test."

"Are you kidding? Second test is difficult to do? Then how to test it later?"

" The ghost knows. Let's talk about it first. Hey, Skott, hurry up and let everyone get their formation."

Ling shook his head and said, "Good fellow, more than 100,000 people! Knight, the evil spirit There are fewer than nine thousand people? One to eleven, and the winning rate is less than three per thousand. How do you fight this battle?"

"No matter how many people he has, just kill them all."

Emmenes used a real mirror image next to the tank to turn himself into a tank, while the real tank and Bannon Songlan became a super turret mode. Emiennes used a wide range of magic crystal shelling, and now you don’t need to aim at it. A hundred thousand people are a huge area! As long as you fight out, it's hard to think about it.

The firepower of the tank and Bannon Songlan was fierce after the body, and the two magic crystal cannons on his body were alternately charged. I only saw the purple light bullet on his back flying out every seven or eight seconds. , The speed is scary. In the Death God Legion opposite, small mushroom clouds rose alternately, and slices of Death God soldiers were blown to pieces.

Ling looked at the enemy in the distance and said, "At most 30,000 or 40,000 people were eliminated before approaching, and the remaining 700,000 or 80,000 are enough to bury us."

" If so?" Bannon Songlan's voice suddenly rang. "Tank, give me control."

I saw the magic crystal cannon launcher on the back of the tank suddenly turned around and turned its back to the enemy, and then two crystals rose on both sides of the launcher. The object was docked to the transmitter, and then a small door was actually opened on the back of the transmitter, and a transistor channel wrapped in muscle tissue stretched out.

"haha, eat the sand, you dead dogs."

Suddenly white rays of light began to shine on the deformed transmitter, a sharp and piercing sound Gradually, we all had to plug our ears.

"Oh my God! What are you doing? Bannon Songlan?" I saw smoke from both sides of the transmitter on the back of the tank, and the muscle tissue attached to it began to contract rapidly, as if it were dried by air. Same. The large group of muscles are tangled together, and it is still spreading to other places quickly. "Bannon Songlan, you bastard, you will burn the tank!"

As soon as I finished shouting, there was a sudden bang from the transmitter, and a shock wave spread to all directions. Threw us all out. The six legs of the tank slammed around, and the huge body slammed on the sand. But at the same time, a spot of light shining with white flew out. Before that thing hit the ground, I heard the system hint that the tank was killed once, but due to the resurrection skills awarded by Xiaofeng, the tank reappeared in the same place, but its health was halved.

The white spot of light flew straight into the center of Death God Legion, and then suddenly flashed. It took a few seconds before we heard a bang. Almost at the same time, all the sand over there flew up. The dust storm swept across the ground at a terrifying speed, and my armor was hit by sparks flying in all directions. Ling and the others were protected by the plague with their bodies, and the large demons had to hard top them.

The dust came and went quickly. After the dust flew over, we up ahead and there was a huge crater that looked like a crater. The sand in the pit was blown away. On the periphery and bottom of the pit lay a large number of black bodies stumbling. Those were soldiers of Death God Legion, but at this time they were all very embarrassed.

The plague flicked off its wings and swept away the sand that covered it. Ling and the other humanoid familiars ran out from below. Ling looked at the situation in front of him and said: "Directly wiped out about 30,000, about 60,000 lost battle strength, and the remaining was less than 10,000."

Ling Gang finished speaking, those who fell under and around the bunker Black suddenly began to move, and then some soldiers of Death God Legion actually got up from the ground. Half of the body of one of the soldiers was gone, but suddenly a large amount of sand flew up on the ground to connect to his severed limb, and quickly became their body.

"Oh, correct the information just now. Directly kill 30,000, and the rest is invalid. We still have 70,000 enemies. Bannon Songlan, can you do it again?"

Bannon Songlan's voice is full of helplessness. "I'm fine, but the tank is not working."

Emmenes suddenly stood beside the tank in the form of a tank. "I'm OK."

Bannon Songlan's voice rejected: "You are not the main body, there are defects in copying, especially when I strengthen your ability, the defects will increase. You can't bear that. Things."

Emiennes stubbornly said: "At least I can kill ten thousand?"

"If you are talking about reducing the formidable power, then you can try "Bannon Songlan suddenly detached from the tank, and then attached to Emenes. "Get ready, relax your body and give me control. It may be a little painful, so hold back."

The same launcher popped up on the Emmeneis’s changed tank, but this time it was obviously formidable power. Not as loud as it was just now, the sound stopped without accelerating to a high frequency, and then a white light bounced out, and at the same time Emenes also hung up once.

This time the light bomb also caused a huge explosion, but it failed to set off a sandstorm, but the shock wave still knocked down a large number of Death God Legion soldiers who had just stood up.

Ling’s report is much more accurate this time. "Destroy more than 13,000 directly, leaving more than 55,000."

Bannon Songlan said: "Neither tanks nor Emines can launch that kind of launch anymore, but normal attacks should not be possible. The question is, they should be able to reduce the number to less than 30,000 before they rush to us."

Scott said: "But that still means one to three."

"At least better than one to eleven."

The plague throat screamed. "Don't use our Giant Dragon Race as soldiers. Our battles are always one-to-ten thousand. Dragon-slayer warriors have never been singlehanded. A giant dragon is equal to an army."

"That It is human battle strength, these are Death God Legion." Ling corrected the plague error.

The plague said disapprovingly: "Then at least one to two thousand, I believe I can do it."

Xiaochun suddenly said. "Don't always think about decisive battles with the enemy, we can fly. Those are just infantry."

Ling shook his head and said: "They can fight airborne ones. They don't necessarily help to fly."

Emmenes used ordinary magic crystals with the tanks to attack the enemies while saying: "If you don't mind, I think the ladies can prepare magic, they will soon enter the magic range. Thirty thousand is the damage of me and the tank. As a result, your magic should be able to destroy another ten thousand before contact. One-to-two is better than one-to-three."

Ling and Xiaochun immediately turned around and started chanting after listening. The plague and crystal are the same. It is a pity that Xiaosan is not good at using magic, and luck is not there.

Hundreds of burning flame balls suddenly flew out of Xiaofeng, the fastest among all the magic familiars. Aimenes reminded: "That thing is changed from sand, they are not afraid of fire."

"That must not be my fire." After Xiaofeng finished speaking, her Fireball immediately fell into the enemy stack. . The Fireball flashed as soon as it landed, and a few clouds of smoke suddenly rose around, and a large area of ​​Death God Legion soldiers disappeared.

Emmenes was surprised: "Vapourization?"

Xiaofeng nodded: "Sand can also evaporate, as long as the temperature is high enough."

I have transformed into a silver moon state, and can use this mage identity to perform magic attacks before contact. The magic of giant dragons and mine appeared at the same time, and the effects were good, but there were too many enemies, and not enough destroyed. Xiaochun’s magic was completed one step ahead of Ling. A golden beam of light shot directly from Xiaochun’s hands. All Death God Legion soldiers swept by the beam of light immediately turned into a burst of blue smoke and disappeared in place, and the beam of light actually made the remaining tens of thousands. Death God Legion all the soldiers stopped. Those warriors with jackal heads all covered their eyes with their hands, as if the light made them very scared.

Yeyue said on the side: "Whether it comes from God or Demon, the creatures of hell are negative, and divine radiance is fatal to them."

Yeyue said After that, Ling's magic was also completed. Xiaochun's magic was over, and the soldiers of Death God Legion started to run again, but those soldiers of Death God Legion ran, and suddenly one of the soldiers collapsed without warning. This running silhouette turned into a pile of black sand and flew out according to inertia, sprinkled on the ground, and the soldier completely disappeared. With the disappearance of the first soldier, soldiers in the team began to collapse one after another into a pile of flying sand and disappear into the desert. Although only one soldier collapses each time, the speed of one after another is very fast, and a large area is missing in a short while.

I looked at Ling in surprise. "What kind of magic is this?"

Ling said with a smile: "It's just the reverse summon. They are soldiers of Death God, they shouldn't be here, I just used the reverse summon magic to disperse it. They. But they are from Death God summon, but I am not Goddess anymore. There is a difference in power and can only be dispelled by one by one. But don’t worry, my magic is continuous, unless they all return to the underworld, otherwise It will not end. As long as we have enough time, these things will be sent back."

I said loudly to the surrounding: "Have you heard it all? Hold on for long enough, and then victory belongs to us." "

Although Anubis did not prepare for an instant, fortunately, Death God Legion is far enough away from us, and our long-range strike methods are enough. Before those guys rushed to 100 meters in front of us, we finally controlled the number of enemies below 20,000.

I yelled to the surrounding: "Large Familiars are launched into the sky, the wizard type will go behind the evil spirit Knight, and the spell will support it. The melee type will start killing now."

Riding on the heavy armored dragon, he raised his long spear and pointed forward. "Evil spirit Knight prepare, rush..."

My evil spirit Knight is not an infantry soldier. Instead of forming a line of defense against the enemy, it is better to run and confront the enemy. Cavalry without speed means death.

After Ling and Xiaochun plus Emenez and Amina were transferred to the formation, the others flew up. Let the evil spirit Knight and the enemy have a head-on collision, and then we can go down. But I have already released the Ghost Worm, the Iron Wraith Bee, and the little fairies first. Although the power of these three summon creatures is not strong, as long as they can interfere with the enemy in the melee, the evil spirit Knight can take advantage.

My evil spirits Knight and Death God Legion are both armies based on black. From above, two black torrents collided together. The soldiers of Death God Legion are more than three meters tall, and their running speed is no less than that of ordinary cavalry, but the evil spirit Knight’s mount evil Spirit Dragon is not a horse. These fierce little fellows are also about two meters tall, and the Knight above is actually a bit taller than the soldiers of Death God Legion. Moreover, the speed of the evil Spirit Dragon is not comparable to that of a war horse. These guys run like a gust of wind and are powerful. After the two armies collided, the impact of the evil spirit Knight was significantly higher by 10%, and the Death God soldiers in the front row were all knocked upside down and flew out, exploding into the air as sand and dust.

The evil spirit Knight wielded a long spear with a big throat: "Our slogan..."

"Those who stand against me die!" More than 8,000 evil spirits Knight shouted at the same time. . That is to say, these Death God Legions on the opposite side, if the team is formed by players, this roar would be enough to crash the opponent's army.

The two armies quickly crossed together and mixed into a messy formation. The soldiers were twisted together and couldn't distinguish at all. Fortunately, magic automatically distinguishes enemy from ourselves, but tanks and Emenes cannot be used. It was shelled, and that kind of attack does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. The tank rushed into the formation and directly used physical attacks, while Eminis mirrored himself as Yeyue and participated in the battle. Yeyue’s big tail in the desert is obviously much more flexible than two legs, and Yeyue’s own battle strength is also quite terrifying.

Along the way, I saw Yeyue wielding a six-handed snake sword and moving horizontally like a dance. The black gravel that he passed by kept flying up, and one Death God soldier after another disappeared beside her.

The initial contact battle proved my guess that these Death God Legion soldiers are not real Death God Legion, they are the illusion of mana cohesion. These guys have very poor battle strength, even the evil spirit Knight can easily deal with it. We are obviously overly worried. This is only a second test after all. Even if I choose a difficulty of 99 points, I shouldn't let me deal with the 100,000 army alone. Even if at first Anubis considers that I have more summon creatures, the 100,000 army is too terrifying. Now it seems that it is not Anubis deliberately making things difficult, the battle strength of these things is so weak, even if Bannon Songlan at first does not let the tanks fight, we should be able to deal with these guys.

I regained my Purple Moon form and jumped into the enemy's camp. The surrounding Death God Legion soldiers immediately surrounded me. I directly turned Eternity into a whip, shook my hand, and the whip swept out with the sound of the wind. There was a continuous muffled sound, and a row of Death God soldiers in front were directly swept off their heads, and the remaining bodies immediately collapsed into gravel and disappeared on the ground. The whip for large-scale attacks is really suitable to deal with these troops with general defensive power. However, although these things are counterfeit, they are Anubis summon's things after all. As long as they can't destroy their heads, these things can regenerate indefinitely, so you must also choose the attack position carefully when fighting.

I was fighting, when the bird flew past me at supersonic speed, a row of black dog heads flew into the sky, and then all the Death God soldiers in a straight line disappeared. This bird is so fierce that it used its wings to cut the heads of these monsters after launching a supersonic assault. It's also because these guys are tall enough, otherwise Asuka would be really hard to deal with them.

The battle ended soon, and the number of enemies who fought with us in close quarters was less than 20,000. We still have less than one-to-two rounds. In addition, the opponent's strength is not very good, so the final victory is easy. .

Almost at the same time when the last Death God soldier fell, Anubis's voice and another weird voice appeared at the same time. The weird voice rang first. "Very good, young adventurer. I am the Egyptian Scarab Kohopra Ancient God. I saw that there are some of my kin in your team, didn't expect you to understand the power of our beetles. As this victory As a reward, I will provide all your beetles with a chance to advance."

At the same time that Kohopra finished speaking, the tank and the ghost bugs started to react, but it is a pity that the red thorn Neither the scythe nor the sickle has changed. Probably arthropods are not classified as beetles, so they do not receive rewards.

Before I had time to watch the changes of the tank and the ghost worm, Anubis's voice rang again. "How do you feel?"

"Not so much."

"hahahaha." Anubis actually laughed, but his voice became ugly. "A little joke, test your psychological endurance." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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