Death God’s spokesperson would actually make a joke. This is a bit weird anyway. Fortunately, our psychological endurance is pretty good.

Anubis then said to us: "The joke is over, now give the reward. You should have received the scarab reward, and my reward is more affordable. Accept it."


With the voice of Anubis, a black crystal stone appeared in front of me. I reached out and caught the crystal stone, and after checking the attributes, I found that it belongs to the same type of magic pet egg as the angel crystal. A certain creature is sealed in this crystal, which should be used as a pet egg. Rewarding the pet egg is the ultimate reward in any task, really didn't expect Anubis to be so generous.

"What creature is this?" I asked Anubis while looking at the crystal.

"If you want to know, just drop a drop of blood and see for yourself." Anubis' voice was full of expectation.

I nodded, then put the crystal stone on the ground, and cut my finger and dripped a drop of blood on it. It should have been a very prudent thing to receive the familiar, but since this is a gift from Anubis, It shouldn't be too bad, so I boldly gambled this time.

As soon as the blood dripped on the crystal, it immediately penetrated, and then banged, and the crystal exploded. I hadn't realized what was going on yet, a cloud of black air suddenly escaped from the bursting crystal. The black air quickly condensed in front of me and gathered into a small mummy. This mummy seemed to be a mummy made by a little child after his death, standing on the ground less than one metre tall, and in tatters. I can't think of other words to describe this little thing except "weak".

"What is this?" Ling looked at the little mummy wrinkled and didn't ask.

Xiaochun reminded me more directly: "Look at the attribute, maybe it just looks weaker."

Everyone agrees that Anubis’s move will definitely not be rubbish. , But seeing that Anubis just made a bad joke with us just now, we don't have the bottom right now. I was completely stupid after opening the attribute. The prompt message shows that this thing is called a guardian mummy. I have read all the attributes and none of them are qualified. His current image is still in the state of 8.9 Level 18, and the comprehensive battle strength evaluation probably has great difficulty even defeating a five-level 10 monster. Even the white skeleton that I blackmailed back from the Dark God Palace by Summoning Technique is stronger than this guy's battle strength. What's even more annoying is that he is actually a battle-type creature without auxiliary abilities. After reading the attribute, there is only one thought left in my mind-being fooled.

"His Royal Highness Anubis." I tried to suppress my temper. "Can you give a reasonable explanation?"

"Explanation?" Anubis' voice was full of triumph. "Is there anything I need to explain?"

"The familiar you gave me is rubbish."

"Did I say how powerful the familiar I gave you was? It’s just to inform you that the prize is a familiar. As for accepting him, that is what you want. I didn’t force you."

Now I finally understand why this Anubis is a Death God spokesperson. . His character is really devilish. Except for Death God's spokesperson, no one has such a bad character. Fortunately, I carry a lot of familiars, even if I waste a place, it won’t be a big problem. Moreover, although this mummy is small, it is still defined as a humanoid familiar. It also has two familiars, so it’s not too bad. .

When I was gnashing teeth that I hated Anubis, Anubis's voice suddenly rang again. "Are you angry?"

"I'm not angry because it doesn't make any sense." I replied calmly.

"hahahaha, not bad, you really are the one I like. You passed the assessment this time."

"Ah? What assessment?"

< p>Anubis’s voice carefully explained: “The prizes are actually for the 3rd stage test. After the second stage tests your mental endurance, relax your mental guard in the name of rewarding. I'll give you another major blow, and use this to test your crisis response and rational thinking ability."

"You mean that everything just tested me?"


"Then this little bit can be returned?"

Anubis's voice swept away the jokes just now, and said very majesticly: "Don't underestimate it." This thing. He is indeed not very strong, but it is because you did not really activate him. Others get him to use as a normal monster, but I think you will never be inferior to the giant dragon if you use it."

"How to start?"

"Use skill transfer is fine."

"Transfer?" I opened my skill list and took a look. "I don't have this skill!"

"As long as his master naturally has this skill, it is a hidden skill. You can't feel it. Just activate it directly."

"You won't be fooling me again, are you?" Anubis's behavior is really terrible. I don't know which is the truth and which is the lie.

"Of course I'm not kidding you, hurry up and try."

At the urging of Anubis, I finally turned on this skill. It was clearly in the list that didn't expect No, it really started when I called out. With a bang, a hell fire more than one meter high suddenly rose from my body. in the sky Suddenly there was a burst of thunder, and then large black clouds began to gather above my head. After these dark clouds gathered together, they began to rotate clockwise. A faintly discernable whirlwind was gradually forming underneath the clouds. At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and the desert that had just been scorching hot suddenly turned black. It's like night.

"Why is this?" I suddenly found that the evil dragon guardian ring could not be controlled by myself, and a large amount of evil mist began to spread in the surrounding space. The performance level, which was originally reduced due to the light problem, has now become even lower. The mist of purple is scattered all around, in the sky is a thick cloud layer, here is almost like hell.

At this time, I suddenly heard a cry-like voice. The voice seemed to come from many people, including men and women. All my familiars swiped their eyes to me, and I quickly shook my hand: "It's not what I called."

Ling ran over and put his ear to my chest and listened. "The sound seems to come from your body."

Ye Yue said: "Is this the legendary ghost cry?"

Ling nodded: "With Dark God Palace The voices of the prisons of the wronged souls were similar."

As the strange cry became louder and louder, the flames of hell on my body began to pulsate gradually. The beating flames became more and more restless, and suddenly the flames began to violently twist, vaguely as if a terrifying human face was formed. This person was crying with his mouth open. The image was very scary. At the same time, the sound of ghost crying became louder and louder.

The distorted face formed by the flame suddenly disappeared after crying for a while, but the flame did not return to calm, but moved more vigorously. The entire flame has turned into countless half-length human figures, seeming to be about to come out of me. These guys only have the appearance of the upper half of their bodies. The second half of them are connected to the flames, while the first half are trying to struggle to get out of the flames.

Anubis's voice came in suddenly. "Didn't expect you to have so many wronged souls, this time you are well developed."

I didn’t understand what Anubis meant, so suddenly the top of my head flashed a blue purple. The beam of light hit the sky directly, and a few seconds later, in the sky shot another beam of light of the same color directly on the little mummy.

A reminder sounded in my ear: "The transmission started. Please try not to go offline or use any skills."

The flames on my body are all rolling up the beam of light. , The whirlwind in the sky has gradually strengthened, and the embryonic form of a tornado can already be seen. Those human figures struggling in the flames of hell on me all rolled up with the flames, shot into the sky along the beam of light, and then howled and shot down from the beam of light on the other side and fell into the body of the little mummy.

Almost every soul rushes into the little mummy, he will shake, and because there are so many wrong souls falling, he shakes very quickly, like an electric shock, but with each soul’s When he enters, he will grow up a bit, and I can even see that his body is gradually becoming fuller and no longer shriveled.

A number composed of red flames suddenly appeared next to the little mummy, but this number is not stable, it is constantly rolling like a horse watch, and the number is getting bigger and bigger. I quickly guessed that the thing was showing the number of souls absorbed by the little mummy, and I could see it beating like crazy. The little mummy is gradually stretching out from the ground with the beating of the numbers. He is constantly growing taller, all the rags on his body are broken, but under that cloth a layer of black armor appears. The same thing.

When this little mummy had grown to the same size as me, he stopped growing, but the beam of light was still continuously pumping the soul into his body. Anubis was surprised after the little mummy had grown to my size: "How many people did you kill? Why are there so many wronged souls? This does not match the prediction!" (To be continued, if you want to know what happened , Please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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