"So you are also a parasite?" I enthusiastically moved up and took a closer look at the thing on the back of that guy's neck. It turned out to be exactly the same as mine.

The youngster's voice was very loud just now, and many people around have heard our conversation. Now that this guy said something like this, the people around immediately believed that I had eavesdropped on what they were saying, so a large group of players gathered around, and it seemed that there was a plan to attack in groups. But am I so easy to deal with?

The youth has already seen the people surrounded by anger, he said more proudly: "Do you still want to quibble now?"

I smiled and stretched out my left hand. , And then a ghost worm came out by summon and stood on my wrist. "You are also a parasite, don't you mind to prove it?"

"Didn't you show Insect Queen?"

"Insect Queen doesn't move, some gems The same visual effect can also be achieved. Let me see if there is nothing at worst about the soldier bug, right?"

The youth hesitated a bit, and finally chose summon and got a soldier bug. His summon method is relatively backward, and he still stays in the way of crawling out of the wormhole exit on his wrist, and cannot directly perform spatial summon like me. "See? Now what do you have to say?"

This young soldier obviously adopts a different evolutionary method from mine. His soldier looks smaller and does not have me. The cool shape of the soldier insect does not seem to be a physical damage type, and may have special auxiliary functions.

An onlooker next to me has already angrily said: "You actually eavesdropped on our conversation, knowing that this is a very immoral behavior? I want to challenge you."

I He quickly stretched out his hand to signal him to be less restless, and then said: "Calm down first, and listen to me. This young man accused me of eavesdropping on everyone's conversations, so everyone was so angry, and the evidence he identified was my small insect. He climbed near you, and at the same time he is also a parasite."

"Do you have anything to deny about this?" the young man asked.

"I don't deny it, but your statement seems to be insufficient."

"Isn't this clear? What else is lacking?"

" The shortcoming is that you said that you are also a parasite. According to what you mean, you want to explain that because your soldier has the ability to eavesdrop, do you think I am also using the soldier to eavesdrop?"

< p>The young man said angrily: "My soldiers are not capable of eavesdropping. They can only tell me what they see and hear, but I will never use them to engage in eavesdropping activities. You fellow Engage in insects to eavesdrop on our conversation, do you want to quibble?"

"I don’t quibble, I only state the facts." I said loudly to the surrounding: "Since there are so many people present, everyone Be a testimony." I placed my soldier next to the soldier sent to the youth in my palm. "You should easily find that our two soldiers are not the same. I first declare that I am not denying that my insect and his insect belong to different creatures. I admit that they are a kind of creature, but these little things have a characteristic. It’s not a parasitic, so you may not know it. These little things grow in an undirected way. They will evolve according to the characteristics of the host. The most primordial ability of these little things is only the ability to gnaw, and they can eat anything hard. Things can be digested no matter what. But they have many different new abilities depending on the host. This insect is obviously out of the scope of physical attack ability, I don’t know what ability it is?"

< p>The youth was taken aback by my question, and then quickly explained: "It's a magic missile. My insect can launch a Level 1 magic missile. Although the formidable power is not large, the damage is terrible if the insect moves."

I nodded and said: "Look at my insect again, everyone. Their specialty is direct physical damage, so they are bigger and more powerful. This proves that soldiers are actually different. I am. I would like to ask this warrior again, what is your specific occupation?"

"holy sword warrior." The young man answered with pride.

"What are the magic bullets that small insects fire?"

"It is a holy light bullet."

I dragged my ghost insect. "I'm a dark class. I couldn't get rid of the red name because I had mistakenly drunk the fountain of evil before. In fact, if you saw me a few weeks ago, I should be burning with hell fire, but I was equipped recently. The upgrade gained the suppression ability, so now you can’t see these fires. Just because of my evil attribute, my soldier’s evolution direction is also evil. The type of this soldier insect is the ghost insect, a creature from hell The warrior is a sacred profession, so his insects fired holy light bombs, which proves that the insect I said is correct according to the evolution of the owner."

"Even so, What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Because I don’t have the habit of eavesdropping, my insects did not evolve in this direction. What you just explained clearly shows that your insects have this ability, and This ability is not inborn. Since your insect has evolved, it means that you like to listen to others. So please don’t treat others as a villain. My insects have not evolved into this room. Their evolutionary ability is physics. It’s just hurting. You just think that I have this ability just because your insect has evolved this ability. Isn’t it ridiculous?"

The people around you don’t even speak at all, and many people do. He began to scold the young man for being mean, and the crowd slowly dispersed again. The young man pointed at me very angrily: "Take it down for me." After speaking, he turned and walked away quickly.

"No delivery! Go well! Don't fall!" Bang. In my super hypocritical farewell message, that guy really fell a big somersault and ran away without looking back after getting up.

To tell you the truth, I want to study the parasites carefully, but unfortunately this guy is too unfriendly, so I can’t communicate. Fortunately, I’m only interested, so I don’t have to communicate with him. .

After getting rid of that guy, the screening work started after a while. When it was almost zero, there were a lot of people around. Many people went offline to take a break in order to participate in the screening, and they went online together soon. I just felt that the empty space around me was filled up in an instant. The familiars originally wanted to cheer me on, but after seeing too many people, they all returned to the Phoenix Dragon space, leaving Ye Yue alone as a temporary guard.

At twelve o'clock, the big pit like an inverted gold pagoda suddenly lit up, and the whole site turned into a big searchlight, and a huge square beam of light shot directly into the sky. The sand in the center of the site suddenly began to gather toward the center, and gradually rose from the ground to form a similar human shape. The sand is still changing, and the limbs and head are clearly visible, but the human-shaped head seems a little different.

The humanoid creature made up of gravel is actually more than three meters high, and his legs seem to be slightly different from humans. The strangest thing is that his head, even though there is only sand, can still see that his face is protruding forward, and it is gradually elongated, and then two sharp objects appear on his head. After the gravel formed a rough shape, it suddenly began to materialize from the head downward. Soon I discovered that the pair of pointed things were actually two ears, and the long mouth was full of sharp teeth. When the head was completely separated from the gravel, I recognized that it was actually a dog's head, or a wolf's head. As the gravel evolves further downwards, the body of a humanoid is also completed.

"Anubis." I instantly recognized the creature appearing in the center of the field. This guy is also a well-known figure among the Egyptian gods, and the only Egyptian god many foreigners remember is him. I remember that Black Qilin seems to have said that he has seen this guy under Eighteen Levels of Hell, obviously he is also very powerful existence. The creatures in Eighteen Levels of Hell are basically powerful, with a low god status, but not weak.

A pile of sand suddenly appeared beside Anubis, and they quickly formed another half-human creature. At first glance, this creature resembles the eagle-body Banshee, but a closer look will reveal that there is still a big difference. This creature stands very straight, with a head like an eagle, with a pair of wings, but no hands, and the thighs are like humans but below the knee joints are like eagles. You can tell from her bulging breasts that this is still a woman, but I don't know who she is. I don't know much about the bosses in Egypt.

Yeyue seemed to know what I was thinking, and directly explained: "That is the truth Goddess Maat." I nodded that I know.

There was a third pile of gravel in the field, this time faster, a guy with an owl-like head but a completely human body emerged. Yeyue explained again: "This is the goddess of wisdom, Goddess Maat is her wife."

"Oh, it turns out to be a family." I nodded asked again: "Ah. Does Nubis have anything to do with them?"

Yeyue nodded and said: "Let’s put it this way. Without the help of the god of wisdom, Anubis’ parents would not be able to combine and give birth to Anu Bis, so Anubis still has something to do with them."

After the three gods in the venue appeared, they did not immediately start the screening work, because he turned and retreated to both sides. Anubis stood alone in one direction, and the other two stood side by side, facing each other, leaving a relatively large space in the middle. In this space, the fourth pile of sand began to gather.

This time, a god who is completely human-like appeared, but then I can't even recognize who he is. Fortunately, Ye Yue is like a living dictionary, knowing everyone. "This is Osiris."

"Osiris?" I searched the memory bank, as if there was no such individual. "What does he do?"

"Osiris is the god of hell, the ruler of hell."

"Isn't hell fragmented?"

" Yes, the hell in Egypt is under the management of Osiris. In addition, Osiris is the father of Anubis. Also, Osiris does not actually live in hell, and his identity as a god of the underworld is just a name, he simply Never intervene in the things of hell. Anubis is nominally Osiris’ spokesperson who helps father manage the underworld. In fact, he is the real manager of the underworld. So Anubis is often called the Death God of Egypt, but In fact, he is just the god of mummies. Death God is Anubis’ father. He is just taking care of him."

"Yo, the fifth man has appeared."

Venue A creature gathered in the middle again, but this time it has almost no human characteristics except for standing with two hind limbs. It looks like this guy is like a big beetle standing up on two hind legs. The strange thing is that this beetle still appears after Osiris, and the four who came out first, including Osiris, all attacked the big beetle. A salute. Even more bizarre is that many players at the scene gave a one-knee kneels salute.

"Who is this? Why did the adventurer also salute him?"

Ye Yue said: "All the salutes are Egyptians. This is Kohopura, an Egyptian legend The scarab beetle in China, that is, the god of beetles. The status second only to Supreme God Nu."

"Who is Nu?"

" Nu is not. In Egyptian mythology, Nu It is the water god. The Egyptians believe that all life comes from water, so the water god is the Supreme God. All the gods in Egypt are the direct or indirect descendants of the water god Nu. But this Nu is the same as the Chinese Heaven and Earth. It’s just a description, not There really is such a god. You can understand Nu as nature. As for this Kohopura, it is said that it is the first spiritual God born directly in Nu’s body. Even the Sun God of Egypt is his nephew. "

"So he is very strong, isn't it?"

"I don't know if he is strong or not, but the status is absolutely high."

I stared at Cohopura with gleaming eyes. "It seems worthy of fawning."

"Fucking?" Ye Yue looked at me in surprise: "This guy is not easy to deal with. He is called a scarab in Egypt for no reason, not just Strength, his scheming is not as strong as usual."

"That’s better. It’s better to have scheming to communicate well. Talk to smart people and save effort, do you know?"

I'm talking Then, there was a sudden change in the front field. Anubis suddenly spoke, the voice was very loud, and at the same time it was majestic. "The bi-monthly selection day has begun, and the rules will be told during the test. Now, those who want to participate enter the venue, and those who don't want to participate will leave."

The speech was really straightforward, and just two sentences completed the opening remarks. Because I eavesdropped on the news in advance and knew that the First Stage test was conducted at the same time, I walked in without a hassle. Of course, Yeyue is still with me.

The barrier on the periphery of the inverted pyramid suddenly lost its blocking effect. People who walked into the field were no longer blocked, but simply disappeared. After I walked in, I only felt like teleporting, and I immediately entered a desert oasis. It was clearly night, but suddenly it turned into daytime. All the people who were still with me just now were gone, except for Ye Yue who was still with me, there was no one around me.

"We seem to have entered the test site." Yeyue calmly said to me.

I looked around. This seems to be a small oasis. There are a dozen coconut trees next to me and a small puddle. The rest is sand.

The voice of the Wisdom God Tetu suddenly rang. "Don’t be nervous, everyone. You are entering the screening venue created by divine force. The time you are in is random, so some people may enter the daytime scene. I will send a creature to each venue right away. You You need to kill this creature to pass the first round test. But pay attention to the rules, no equipment is allowed in the test. Please take off some items with attributes on your body immediately, or you will be deemed to have given up screening qualifications. If you have summon creatures , Please don’t help the master to fight. It’s okay to stand by, but you can’t participate in the battle, otherwise it will be considered to be voluntarily giving up and withdrawing from the screening."

The meaning of special picture is to be completely stripped off. Many players don't like to wear anything in the equipment. Fortunately, I don't have this habit and don't have to appear naked. But anyway, it is the mission-specific venue, even if you are naked, no one can see it. Of course, the humanoid monster will say otherwise. I quickly put everything down on my body, and I couldn't even leave the ring or anything.

In one sentence, the nearly one million players who participated in the test have all returned to the newcomer status. I was wearing a short coat without attributes and standing on the field, Ye Yue pointed at me beside me and laughed. I couldn't bear it anymore.

About ten minutes later, the sound rang again. "Very well, everyone has completed this step, and now start sending in combat creatures."

"What is this?" A swarthy body appeared in front of me less than a hundred meters away from me. A creature with bright black hair, a closer look revealed that it was a leopard, a black leopard without a single hair. Although a leopard is only a natural creature, it is a wild beast after all, and it is not so simple to fight with bare hands.

Tetu’s voice sounded again: "You should see your goal. The battle will officially begin one minute later, and there will be no time limit until one party kills the other party, or you choose to abstain. Screening Please do not use any of your own items, and do not use your own summon creatures, but you are allowed to use items that already exist in the scene to fight. Okay, I wish you all who can be recognized by us. Now we start the countdown to the one minute event." To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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