"pu...!" I sprayed out the dirty water in my mouth. "It's just a little water, I'm not that weak." I stood up from the ground, and the ground all around was full of sorrow. The sudden flood washed all the people outside and injured many people. The priests who flew out with me also lay not far beside me, but they fainted again. No matter how strong the mana is, it is also a priest, not comparable to our armored warriors.

Bai Lang imagined appearing sloppyly beside me. "Should we get out of here as soon as possible?"

"Wow, how did you become Bailang?" As a shadow beast, Bailang has a fluffy white hair and looks very mighty and beautiful. But now these hairs are all wet, without the usual fluffy feeling, they are all attached to the body, and it feels like white waves have suddenly lost weight.

Bai Lang did not answer me, but shook his body like a dog and threw all the water out of him. "Now?"

"It's much better." I got up from the ground, and said: "Hurry up and flash, we will be unlucky when these people get up."

I summoned the plague directly, then put away the white waves, and climbed onto the back of the plague with Ye Yue, and the plague took us to fly. After leaving the ground high, I discovered that the area of ​​this oasis is not large. Except for a lake in the center, there is a religious building complex and a large forest. Those who participated in the sacrifices just now should be people who came from other places. Of course, those are NPCs, and players will not participate in this kind of activity.

Hovering in the air, I quickly found the Nile River as the iconic terrain, and let the plague fly north along the river. My name is Night Moon. "Give me the divine force stone."

Ye Yue took out the divine force stone and handed it to me. It can be said that this gemstone is not much different from ordinary gemstones in appearance, and it is even simply not different except that it is wrapped with a relatively obvious aperture. However, if you look closely, you will find that there seems to be a white flame burning in the center of the transparent gem. There is no hint about the attribute except that the name is a divine force gem.

"It's weird, obviously the gems are already in hand, why didn't I hear the end of the mission?"

"Will it be fake?" Ye Yue boldly assumed .

"No! The result of the appraisal is called the divine force stone!"

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out why this happened. Yeyue was obviously not good at using his brains, so she had to call Ling and Xiaochun, as well as Chili, Emines, small dragon girl, Grandma, Xiaofeng, and even Bannon Songlan and Hong Ling. Ling, Xiaochun, Emiennes, and small dragon women have good intelligence, and analysis of problems is very difficult to deal with. Pepper, Grandma and Xiaofeng often know some special things, and occasionally they can provide some information or something. As for Bannon Songlan and Hong Ling, one is an antique-level evil giant dragon, and the other is an ancestral-level old monster. They should also be more powerful intelligence centers.

After telling them the situation, let them think about it together, and it turned out that there is still a lot of people and power. Chili said immediately that he knew something.

"Before I became the master’s favorite, I was the queen of the sea Demon Race. Egypt is also connected to the sea. I know some things. If I think correctly, this gem is probably not activated. "

Anna also said: "We have heard of Mermaid Race in Egypt. It seems that Sun God has the habit of snatching power, and the power that enters his temple will be to a certain extent. It is restricted and can only be restored after leaving. However, sometimes individual creatures or items cannot restore their power after leaving. Although this is rare, I think this gem should happen to be in this situation."

"It's not a coincidence, it's a mandatory requirement of the task." Ling said very affirmatively: "How powerful is this gem against the divine force? Don't you think the previous task was too simple? There is no reason why the prize is so good. , The task is so easy?"

"Will you continue to complete the task, right?"

"That's for sure."

"I'm afraid this is the case." Ling nodded said: "I think I even guessed what the next task is."

"What is it?"

Ling Yizhi distance. "Did you see it?"

At this time, we were flying over a bend of the river. In order to be a short cut, the plague did not fly along the river, but flew directly upstream. At this time, the river was on our right. Side, and a long winding dragon can be seen far to our left. I instantly recognized those players who were preparing to participate in the assessment of the Chosen One.

"Are you saying that the next task is to participate in the assessment of the selected candidates?"

"Not only must participate, but also must pass." Ling said very resolutely: "I I'm sure that the tasks are crossed."

The so-called task interleaving is a way of setting tasks in "Zero". Because the main system of "Zero" has a powerful single-player task customization function, the tasks that each player does are actually tailored for the player by the main system. This task will randomly set up tasks for you based on your social relationships in the game, your own strength and other factors. Simply no task is completely public. In the previous online games, the same NPC will issue the same task to almost all players. As long as you communicate with him, you will get the task, and you can even do it repeatedly. At most, some games will be slightly differentiated according to the player's occupation, but there is absolutely no personal situation. But "Zero" has this ability, and the tasks are all specially made. Different players talking to the same NPC will definitely get different tasks. Some people may get the task and some people don't. Even the same player contacting the same NPC at different times may cause the task to change.

Based on this powerful task system, cross-tasks often appear in "Zero". Cross-tasking refers to the situation where two unrelated tasks have crossed points. For example, a player of a team received a task to protect an NPC from reaching a certain location, while a player of another team received a task to prevent the NPC from reaching there. The two teams of players will inevitably conflict in the mission, unless one of them voluntarily abandons the mission. This situation is called task crossing.

The powerful artificial intelligence of the main system will formulate tasks according to the characteristics of the two teams of players. Even if there is a gap between the strengths of the two teams, the system will add helpers for the weak team or create trouble for the strong team, etc. Method to ensure that the difficulty of the task of both parties is carried out in accordance with the difficulty standard obtained when the task was first received.

In fact, the form of task crossover is not only the task of two teams against this. Sometimes it is also possible that multiple groups of players receive multiple different tasks, and on the way or fight or help each other to complete the task. Even some mission crosses will involve an entire guild, or it may involve a frequently occurring NPC behavior. And I seem to have encountered the last situation now, and some NPC incidents have been implicated in it.

Generally speaking, cross-tasking is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes the goal of the task is to send an item to a certain place, but the way to get there is very dangerous, and the difficulty of the task is simple. At this time, a relatively strong combination is often interspersed. The task of this combination may be a task such as clearing a passage to that location. Although the objectives of the two tasks are different, the tasks to be done are similar, and they can help each other. , Directly reduces the difficulty of the task.

However, the task I received to get rid of the divine force suppression is obviously super difficult, so once a cross occurs, it must be my task that conflicts with other people's tasks or the behavior of NPCs. In this way, I have to kill these people or some NPCs in the task, which is the increase in difficulty.

Ling said that this is a crossover of tasks, and obviously it won't end so easily. It would be nice to simply implicate NPCs. After all, even though NPCs are artificial intelligence, they have their own lives, so their behavior is predictable. It is troublesome if the player is unfortunately crossed into the task. Players often do some weird things, although they may not win them, but it is common to mess up the task.

Xiaochun said: "My analysis is the same as Ling's result. It should be that you must complete the task of screening the qualifications of the selected candidates. Doesn't it mean that the rewards are different every time? If you pass, according to The consistent feature of task crossing, the reward is definitely to restore the function of the divine force gem."

Bannon Songlan smiled and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry at all. Since someone has passed it, it must be done. .According to my many years of experience, in the adventurer of the whole world, your strength is at least in the top ten even if it is not the first or second, so if two people have done it, then you can definitely do it."

I said distressedly: "The problem is that participating in the competition hurts me a lot, do you know?"


"Because I am an animal trainer. Adventurer I was indeed invincible in the PK battle between them, but in many competitive matches and levels, the number of participants was limited, and even no helpers were given. If you PK with someone, no matter how strong he is, I will have nearly nine thousand evil spirits. Knight plus 21 ringtones Knight, coupled with you so many familiars and spirit controllers, as well as the summon creatures with four gems, the guilds with fewer people can't stop me, let alone a player. The competition is different. I’m impossible to pull the nine thousand evil spirits Knight to play against people. Even the summon creatures will definitely be limited in number and abilities, or simply not used. Although without you, my single-player battle strength is among the players It’s pretty strong, but I’m a beast trainer after all. Don’t expect my single player battle strength to solve everything, just like don’t expect a mage to get a place in a wrestling match."

"I know it's a bit difficult, but you have to try it?" Ling asked me.

The plague also turned around and said to us: "How is the meeting going? If I really participate, I will fly over?"

"Turn, let's go to the selection Screening.” I finally made up my mind. Anyway, this kind of screening competition will generally not bear the consequences of death. The temptation of divine force gems is too great, and it is worth paying for it.

It was already twilight when we flew to the destination, and a large group of players gathered near the evaluation site for the Chosen. The plague suddenly fell from the sky and scared many people around. Although I have several giant dragon familiars, in an environment where most players can’t even carry the poor one or two familiars, my ability to appear on a giant dragon is already a manifestation of my strength. . There are more giant dragons in Isinger, and the people in our guild are numb, but to outsiders, giant dragons are still a rarity. Five dragon islands gather 95% of the giant dragons in the entire game, and the remaining vast space is only 5%. It can be imagined how rare a giant dragon is. Fortunately, the small dragon woman is in human form today, otherwise it will definitely scare a few to death. Compared with the number of giant dragons, the Chinese Divine Dragon is absolutely as precious as the giant panda.

After dark, the number of people gathered here began to increase. I let the plague change the human form, so as not to be killed by the surrounding eyes. Other humanoid demon familiars and demon familiars that can become humans come out to let out the wind. Even people who are not too big like Bailang and Shuriken came out to feel the breath of the desert. Of course, others don't know, there are actually two Familiars under the sand, but they can't see them.

The elder rose vine stretched its tentacles under the sand. With his help, we eavesdropped a lot of useful information from the conversations of people around us. First of all, I know that the real screening start time is late tonight, and the test process does not need to queue at all. That place like an arena is not a testing venue. The real venue is in a space specially designed for screening, and there will be no spectators at first, and all participating players will enter the screening of First Level at the same time. Those who pass will immediately enter the Second Level, and those who have not passed can choose to be sent out or stay to see other people's tests. So there will be no audience at the beginning, but there will be more and more audiences later. Also, it doesn't matter if you are late at night. Anyone who arrives before 12 o'clock in the evening Egypt time can start the test immediately.

I was still worried that so many people would take part in the test this time. In case of a knock-out competition like a sports meeting, wouldn't it take months to end? But listening to what they said, it seems that it won’t take so long. Everyone started the test at the same time, and the speed must be very fast.

I felt that the tentacles of the rose vine were not long enough. There were too many people here, and a lot of information could not be collected. I simply let the ghost worms out. These little fellows are scattered around the venue and can send all kinds of information back to me soon.

Sure enough, the little things quickly helped me get some information. Some people who participated in the screening had come once two months ago, and they knew some general rules. The first is that the target of the 1st stage test seems to be a servant, it is said that it is just an ordinary creature, but it is not allowed to wear armor, no weapons, and no helper, so although the opponent is not strong, it is not easy to pass.

There are still a few people who have passed many levels, and they even know the rest of the situation. According to these people, the screening is not entirely the content of the battle, it seems that even the character must be assessed, and the method is myriad. And I heard the most critical message, there are indeed players fighting against each other during the screening process, and it's still a chaos. It is said that after passing a certain level of screening, all those who pass will be sent to a place, and then a big fight will be carried out, and the last elimination system will be executed, and the first few people who have died will be wiped out, and then enter the first stage test.

It's a pity that no one here has been to the final test. Obviously the two people who have been rewarded are not here, or have not been eavesdropped by the little beetles. But this information is enough, at least I know some very important information.

I was eavesdropping proudly when a young white warrior suddenly walked up to us with a large group of people. "Is this your thing?" The guy was holding a ghost worm in his hand, and the ghost worm was struggling to bite him.

I laughed embarrassingly: "Little things are not safe, they like to run around. Don't care, they won't attack people without my order."

"I don't think they would run around restlessly without your order?" The youngster stared at me fiercely.

"I just let them move freely, is there any problem?" I stared at the young man's eyes and said: "Besides, I let my insects run in the desert. Huh? Could it be that they bit you?"

"That's not enough."

"Since there is no, it means I didn't offend you. I let the insects I raise come out in nowhere. The Lord’s activities in the desert shouldn’t be considered an infringement of your rights, right?"

"You leave the insect and I don’t care. You use it to eavesdrop on us and say you haven’t offended us?"

Really didn't expect someone could find me eavesdropping on their conversation, I thought no one could find the ghost worm! Besides, even if you find it, you shouldn’t know that these little things can be used as bugs!

"Why do you say I'm eavesdropping?" I just refused to admit it anyway. Grabbing an insect is not considered evidence. I can’t do anything to me if I don’t admit it, right?

It was the young man who made me didn't expect: "Of course I know you are eavesdropping on our conversation with these little things, because...!" He suddenly took off his helmet and turned it around He lifted his hair up. There was a beetle-shaped protrusion at the base of his neck that was exactly the same as mine. "Because I am also a parasitized person." (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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