If it’s on land, we need to kill all the surrounding creatures one by one, but in the water, especially in this kind of closed water, we have to kill these fish It's too simple.

Although no sound was heard, the audience outside the glass tank saw a sudden blue light flashed in the water, and then all the piranha suddenly started to twitch. After about two seconds, all the piranha started turning their stomachs at the same time, and then floated to the surface of the water. As for us, it sank to the bottom of the fish tank as if we hadn't seen the changes around us.

Because of the metal outer armor on our body, and our own physique is different from human beings, if we don’t take the initiative to swim, we will quickly sink to the bottom. But this place is the same anyway, there is not much difference between floating and sinking.

In fact, this place is not really a closed fish tank, at least it is not a small fish tank.

The opening we just came down from above is actually just an entrance, and the area we are now in is actually a passage surrounded by a one-meter-thick glass wall. The top and bottom of this channel are rocks, only two sides are glass, and outside the glass on both sides are two channels parallel to our underwater channel, so people on both sides can watch us in the glass channel The difference is that we are in the water and they are in the air.

This glass corridor is actually not always such a large space. For example, the place where we just came down to find Piranha is a bit more open. The distance between the glass walls on both sides can be about 8 meters, and as we move forward, the passage gradually narrows, and finally it becomes only 3 meters. How wide the state.

Because there are a lot of lighting equipment in the waterway we are in, and the passages on both sides are relatively dark, and the water here is quite clear, so even the area more than eight meters wide before can still be Ensure that people on both sides can see each other clearly without obstructing the line of sight due to the isolation effect of water. As for the situation where there is only three meters wide, it is exceptionally clear.

At first, because we lost the piranha in seconds, the surrounding audience didn’t pay attention to the breathing problem for a while, but when we walked underwater in the channel, there would be five Minutes later, someone suddenly reacted and asked the person next to him: "How long have they been down?"

The person next to me was taken aback for a moment, and then said as if suddenly remembering something: "At least 3 minutes That's it."

"Then they...?"

The person next to nodded, silently said: "It turns out that Dragon Clan can breathe underwater!"

"Maybe it's just a long time to hold your breath." Another person said: "I heard that there are professionally trained people who can hold their breath underwater for eleven minutes. They are artificial humans. They are definitely better than humans. Twenty minutes. It shouldn’t be a problem within."

At this time, a woman said: "The case of eleven minutes with apnea you mentioned was motionless in the water and persisted in eleven minutes, but they kept walking. Oxygen during exercise. Increase in consumption is a normal thing, right? So impossible to close for that long. If they can only close underwater within eleven minutes, it means that they have good apnea ability. If it exceeds this time, then it must be that they have a way to do water. Breathe down."

As the audience guessed, a door suddenly appeared in the passage in front of us. There is no lock on this door, only a turning handle, which can be opened easily. After opening this door, we got in, and then a prompt sounded in the water to close this door first, and then go to open the other door in front.

The space between the two doors is only a few square meters, which is almost the same as the interior space of a slightly larger elevator. Because the two doors are both metal, we don't know what's behind the front door, but we can definitely be dangerous.

Although we can't see it, it doesn't mean that the audience on both sides can't see it. Although the two doors are made of metal, the opposite side cannot be seen, but because both sides are glass, the audience outside can see the situation behind the door.

In fact, the space behind the door is a gradually enlarged open area, and the vertical height has increased from just over three meters to eight meters, and the span on both sides has also increased to about fifteen meters. With such a large span, coupled with the increased distance between the top and bottom, the space immediately becomes much wider. However, although the space here has become larger, it is not empty. Instead, you can see a lot of artificial coral reefs and various simulated landscapes. Anyway, it simulates the appearance of the natural landscape. Of course, in some places, artificial traces can still be seen at a glance, after all, the gap with the natural environment is still very obvious.

Although we didn't see anything after entering here, we immediately sensed the "great danger" that is constantly releasing electrical impulses.

In fact, before we entered here, many women in the audience on both sides began to cover their mouths and exclaimed, because the wide area here is not artificially made. , But a total of six Great White Sharks.

There are many types of sharks. Although Great White Shark is not the most ferocious, nor the largest, it is definitely the first in overall strength. The one bigger than it is not as fierce as it is, and the one bigger than it is not as fierce as it is. In terms of battle strength, Great White Shark is definitely No. 1 in the shark family. Of course, more importantly, this is one of the few sharks that will actively attack humans. Although there are many types of sharks on Earth, there are actually only a few that can eat people. Most sharks are actually in a state of being eaten by people, not they can eat people.

Of course, Great White Shark is often eaten by people, but that is when humans use harpoons and large nets to fish. If both humans and sharks are in the water, then in most cases the Great White Shark eats humans instead of humans eating sharks, because even equipped with underwater harpoon guns, the success rate is not the same when facing Great White Shark. high.

The four of us now only have a sword in their hands, and no other weapons, because the other weapons were damaged in the previous level. The equipment that the other party prepared for us is very rubbish, almost completely useless. The reason for the remaining sword is due to our careful protection. And so much emphasis on this sword is not that we hope to be able to use it to hack afterwards. What to chop, but think that this thing is relatively long, and some organs may be used as a stick. After all, we don't know what the front mechanism is like, there is a tool that can at least have a wider range of options.

These six Great White Sharks are obviously specially selected, because the normal Great White Shark is generally only between four and five meters in length, and the six Great White Sharks here are actually more than six meters in length. of. In terms of the normal size of Great White Shark, this kind of Great White Shark is basically High Level basketball center in Great White Shark. Anyway, it is the kind of super long body, because most Great White Shark will not actually grow this big.

Although these six Great White Sharks are more than six meters in length, four of them are only 6.2 meters in length, and one is about 6.5 meters in length, but the last one is scary. It seems to be at least seven meters above.

If this group of big guys are in the sea, it is estimated that even if there are more than 100 people falling into the water, it is estimated that there will be no survivors. Now we have only four people, and we are facing six Great White Sharks.

Some people outside the audience are worried, and some people think it should be fine. As for thinking like this, it is entirely because of the situation of the tigers before. But after these people discussed with each other, most of them became worried, because many people suddenly reacted. The difference between Great White Shark and Tiger is still very big. As a high-level predator, the tiger's brain is not very low-level. Although it is incomparable with humans, the tiger's intelligence is quite reliable. On the contrary, compared with the brave and smart tiger, Great White Shark is completely a second fool.

When I heard about the oceanographer Dissection sharks, I would find all kinds of strange things in the belly of these big guys. Among them, I even found the solid shells fired by the ancient battleship. If sharks and chickens need to eat some stones to help digestion, then it’s not a big problem for it to swallow some obviously inedible things, but the problem is that sharks simply don’t need these things to help digestion. On the contrary, these things will cause them. The shark has indigestion. In this case, the shark will still swallow all kinds of edible and inedible things in its stomach, so you can imagine the shark’s intelligence level.

The intelligence level of this guy is not at the same level as that of tigers, and the premise that humans can domesticate animals is that this creature is smart enough, because if it is stupid to a certain degree, it will not be able to form sufficient conditions. Reflex, therefore, it is impossible to recognize the concept of "master", and there is no way to associate "to please the owner" with "rewarded" because they do not have this kind of related thinking ability.

Shark is one of the typical creatures that do not have this kind of thinking ability, so you have seen killer whale performances in the aquarium, but you never see anyone who dares to be with Great White Shark in the aquarium performance. Unless what he wants to do is a suicide show.

Because the audience suddenly analyzed that Great White Shark this thing cannot be tamed, and deduced that we might not be able to calm and control the shark, many people began to worry.

Compared with the previous audiences who did not take us seriously, and all kinds of contempt, contempt and even hatred, many people’s attitude towards us has changed significantly, even Some people made a 180-degree U-turn. This phenomenon is actually a human instinct.

Because human beings are socialized animals, they need a strong leader. Although subjectively these people know that we are not humans, they subconsciously apply us to the human system because of appearance. So after discovering that we are very powerful, some people start to instinctively want to get close to us. . This is actually an instinctive reaction to chase powerhouse and worship powerhouse, but many people don't know it.

In the attention of the audience with different expressions, Great White Sharks almost immediately discovered our existence. It's not because of the smell of blood on our bodies, but because of the electromagnetic waves on our bodies.

Many people may not know that apart from being the best smelling animals on Earth, sharks are also one of the few organisms with electromagnetic wave induction ability, and they are only It is in the range of perception that the shark really uses this ability as a radar.

The hunting method of the generally speaking Great White Shark is like this. First, rely on the sense of smell that is more sensitive than electronic sniffer to search for the bloody smell in the sea water, and then determine whether there is a target in the vicinity. If so, move towards the area with strong smell, then, Second Step, rely on its electromagnetic induction ability to determine the electric field of surrounding organisms, and draw the surrounding bioelectric field distribution map in the brain, and then determine the target position. Of course, if you can't smell the smell of blood, the shark may directly use electromagnetic induction to determine the distribution of surrounding creatures, and then choose a target to attack.

In this hunting process, electromagnetic induction is like a radar to help Great White Shark determine the types and distribution of surrounding creatures, and then it instinctively selects the electric field information of the main food types, and then tracks and attack. This process is a bit like the working principle of active radar-guided missiles, and the accuracy is very high.

Of course, this power plant sensor in Great White Shark is not entirely used as a radar. In addition to being used for range search, Great White Shark can also use electromagnetic induction to determine the Earth's magnetic field, thus playing a role in global positioning. Of course, this is only a rough positioning, not so precise, and sharks do not need such precise guidance capabilities. They are not torpedoes after all.

In addition to locating and searching for targets, Great White Shark's electromagnetic induction also has a Third Type application, which is to perceive the emotions of creatures.

Yes, Great White Shark has the same ability as mind reading. Although it cannot see what you are thinking, it can know your mood. Fear is one of Great White Shark's favorite characteristics of electromagnetic waves. When it finds that a target emits this type of signal, it will use it as the first attack sequence. Having this ability has many benefits to Great White Shark. For example, it can rely on this ability to determine whether the target will resist. If conditions permit, choosing a target in fear that will not resist is obviously better than attacking a brave target. To be a safer choice.

Although sharks don’t mind fighting, this kind of sensing ability can avoid unprovoked battles. After all, there is no hospital in nature for you to treat illnesses and wounds. Most of the injured wild animals do not recover completely. Hopefully, after all, the living pressure of animals is much greater than that of humans, and death is a very common thing for them. Therefore, even predators such as Great White Shark or tigers who can hardly find rivals other than humans generally do not let themselves take risks, because their instincts tell them that they may die if they are injured.

These Great White Sharks relied on the electromagnetic induction ability to quickly draw our outline in the brain, but they could not sense our emotions, because our Dragon Clan itself has electromagnetic control. Ability, so the brain waves are shielded, and we won’t be able to spread it if we don’t let go.

Although we don't know our emotions, these Great White Sharks don't have any doubts. Their intelligence is not high enough to understand the emotions of doubt. Just a little bit of induction, the Great White Sharks started to lean towards us after not finding the emotional signal. Obviously, these guys are ready to attack, because there are no other creatures besides us. As for the audience outside, because they are not in the water, the electric field will not be reflected in the mind of Great White Shark, so the people outside are actually equivalent to invisible to them.

Only four of our targets were discovered. Great White Shark, who had been hungry for a while in advance, immediately made the decision to attack, and the desire to eat. Hope to make them fearless.

"Look, those sharks are encircling." The surrounding crowd soon discovered the intention of Great White Shark, and because of the large area of ​​the water, some people started to run. , I hope you can see it more clearly by getting closer to the glass. However, the Great White Sharks will not act according to the script. They have no intention of stopping at all. After approaching us, they just circled around us two times before suddenly starting hunting operations.

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