After all the tigers walked out of the cave, the wall that was originally disguised as a rock automatically lowered and closed the passage again, so the tigers could no longer go back along the passage.

The tigers didn't react much after finding that the passage behind them was closed, but the tigers reacted greatly after seeing us. All the tigers suddenly made a uniform movement, which was to turn around and run away. Yes, it is running, but unfortunately this section is blocked, which means that the front and back are not connected. The tigers soon discovered that there was no way to escape in front of them, and then some tigers began to accelerate and hit the cliffs on both sides. , Actually tried to climb up. The most exaggerated thing is that the tigers can actually climb to the edge of the cliff, only a little bit can go up, scared the female audience above are screaming again.

Everyone knows that tigers have a very good jumping ability. After accelerating towards the cliff, they can step on the cliff and run up two steps with inertia. With the tiger’s physical strength, this cliff with a height of more than ten meters is just now It could block them, if it wasn't for the slight inclination of the top of the cliff, the tiger might just go straight up.

People say that the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and these tigers are also forced to be in a hurry, otherwise it's okay, why would they risk climbing the cliff? Although the height of more than ten meters can go up, it is still quite high for the tiger, especially if it can't go up, it will fall off when it reaches the top, and it is quite painful to fall. However, those tigers didn't mean to stop at all. They just kept rushing upwards, as if they had to climb up.

Looking at the group of tigers who were obviously frightened, the audience were all bosses with open mouths. They didn't expect the tigers to react like this. I originally thought it would be a dangerous and unusual human-tiger battle, but didn't expect it was a group of tigers who were so scared by us that they planned to learn how to jump over the wall.

Although the tigers are very scared, we can't stop moving forward in order not to scare them. So we have no choice but to start moving forward.

This enclosed area is actually a bit 7-shaped, with a slight curve in the front section. The tigers are forced to go to the corner to stay away from us and practice climbing walls there, but we slowly Walked over.

As we approached, the tigers immediately became more flustered, and some tigers obviously began to become anxious.

When the people above looked helplessly at the situation below and wondered if we would kill these tigers, we surprised them again.

I saw the small dragon female step forward slightly, and then moved towards a tiger who first gave up climbing the cliff because of its small size, and stretched out a hand. Because the tiger was the smallest, he knew he couldn't climb up. At first, he stopped his activities, and when he saw us, he shrank in a corner with great nervousness.

The small dragon female extends the hand's palm movement made the grinning tiger visibly stunned, then the expression on its face began to slow down slightly, and gradually unfolded, and finally calmed down. After looking at the small dragon woman’s hand for a while, the tiger suddenly walked two steps towards the small dragon woman, then suddenly stopped, looked up at the small dragon woman, barked again, and screamed, and backed away. A step away. The small dragon woman always smiled and watched that the tiger did not move, but the tiger did not respond to the small dragon woman, so she immediately started to walk forward, but the pace was very slow, and she felt a sense of fear, and her muscles were tight. , Seems very scared.

When the tiger walked halfway, the surrounding tigers had all stopped. At this time, looking at the tiger, it seemed to be waiting for the result, and the tiger was walking When I got to a place just a few meters away from the small dragon girl, I suddenly increased my speed, and walked to the small dragon girl at a fairly fast speed, and the tiger basically relaxed all over the body within the last two meters. Walked directly in front of the small dragon woman.

The small dragon woman smiled and waited until the tiger took the initiative to lower her head and touched her palm with the top of her head before she began to slowly stroke the tiger's fur, and then slowly moved her other hand up and started to touch the tiger's fur with both hands. . The tiger seemed to enjoy this kind of petting very much. There was a gu lu lu sound in his throat, and he began to arch the small dragon woman continuously, and finally started to roll on the ground, letting the small dragon woman stroke its belly.

After having the first example, when Ye Yue and I made similar moves, the tigers slowly tentatively started to approach us, and finally all became the same as the previous one. Circling around us. If it weren't for the eye-catching yellow and black stripes and the huge body shape, it is estimated that many people would treat this as a group of domestic cats.

"Is it dazzling or are the tigers really acting like a baby?" A guest asked incredulously, "How did they do it? I heard that these tigers just killed them. It’s a person!"

"It’s not the tiger’s problem, but they." A man with sharp eyes pointed to us, and then said: "If you go down for you and me, you will be eaten up immediately. "

"But how did they make tigers like that?"

The man next to him shook the head and said: "They naturally have their way, but I definitely don't know. "

In fact, it’s very simple to appease the tiger’s emotions, because tigers are animals, and their thoughts are very simple and direct, and our Dragon Clan has the ability to invade the brain, connecting human memory and Consciousness can be manipulated and modified, and animals are not a problem. This is like a high-level mechanical and electrical engineer, you will certainly not have a problem with him repairing children's toys, because compared to what he usually does, repairing children's toys is not only his professional type, but also relatively simple.

However, we did not modify the memory of Tiger at all just now, because it was unnecessary. What we do is to use electromagnetic waves to affect the tiger's brain waves, and then release a quiet and peaceful signal to make the tigers feel less fearful and relieved. When the tiger approaches, with our petting, we can more thoroughly control the tiger's emotions through contact, and begin to implant feelings of excitement and comfort, so that it can be linked with our petting. The simpler thinking of tigers will soon form that our touching can bring comfort and pleasure. Animals will not hide their feelings. They don’t understand what shyness and reservedness are, so when they are Knowing that our petting would bring them happiness, they immediately became like kittens and began to demand our petting unscrupulously. This is the real reason why these big cats seem to have lost their wildness in an instant.

Some people may think that the smell of tigers is very heavy. Although the round head and round brain seem to be cute on TV, in fact, close contact should be quite uncomfortable. In fact, this is limited to tigers raised in artificial captivity.

Some people who have been to the zoo may feel that animals such as tigers or lions have a very strong smell and urine, which is very unpleasant. In fact, what you smelled was not the smell of tigers and lions, but the smell of cages.

Because the big cats have the habit of using urine to divide their territory, and the tigers and lions in the cages cannot move around, so they can only get the urine on the cage, and even if the breeder cleans it frequently , As long as they find that the smell of their mark fades, they will immediately make up for it, so cleaning is useless.

In fact, although wild tigers and lions also have some peculiar smells, they are not very heavy, especially tigers, which hardly smell any obvious smells.

In fact, this matter can be understood by thinking about it. As a predator, tigers have to catch other animals to survive. If the smell of tigers is so severe that even humans have such a bad sense of smell, they can choke their noses, then in the wild, wouldn't the herbivores start to escape after a few kilometers? ? How do you let these carnivores hunt such a big smell? Don't think that standing downwind can solve the odor problem. You must know that the odor can travel far upwind when the wind is not strong, so under normal circumstances, impossible completely depends on the wind direction to cover its own odor.

In order to ensure the success rate of hunting, both tigers and lions will consciously control their own odors. Because the lion is in the tropics, it is a bit worse, but the main activity area of ​​the tiger is relatively high in latitude and the temperature is low, so the body odor will not be particularly heavy. The tigers in front of them are raised by Mei Lin. Not only are they in a semi-wild state, they won't make themselves sorrowful, but more importantly, they will be cleaned by the top, so the smell is actually not very heavy.

Seriously, if you don’t consider the smell and danger, tigers are really suitable as pets. These guys are not only very cute, but their fur is really super comfortable to the touch. The soft and fluffy feeling is really much better than any artificial blanket. It is no wonder that when there was no animal protection law in the past, many people with status liked to use tiger skin for cushions or clothes, because the texture is really very good.

Under our caressing, tigers have become domestic cats, and this level naturally loses its effect. After reacting, the staff manipulating the agency immediately raised the passages from the tigers on both sides. We also understood that this meant to let the tigers leave, so we took the initiative to help drive the tigers into the passages. In the room on the other side, the people who wanted to watch us be killed by the tiger were furious, but unfortunately no one would care about them anymore. Meilin didn't care about their existence in the first place, but she was wronged before, so she couldn't get tough. Now it is nominally let them take revenge anyway, as for not achieving their goal...This is a matter of life and death. So now Mei Lin didn't plan to ignore them anymore.

After sending the tiger away, the channel isolation belt in front of us automatically lowered, and then there were some puzzle-solving organs. During the period, we also encountered the so-called NPC, and one of them was obviously It was instigated by someone, not only gave an error message, but more importantly, this guy even quarreled us after we left and threw a grenade. However, although Terry said before that we can kill these people who harbor malicious intentions against us, we did not kill them. One is that we don’t care about these people who are instigated by others, and the other is because we have found out. The key point of this test.

Actually, the breakthrough test we are conducting is only a part of it. The real test lies in our various performances in the action.

Just like those powerful super-rich recruiting bodyguards, not only does it depend on your ability to protect him, but more importantly, it depends on whether you are loyal. As soon as the enemy comes, the bodyguard is bought directly. Even if the battle strength of such a bodyguard is stronger than Superman, would you dare to use it?

What humans need now is to let us Dragon Clan become the actual operators in the immigration process, that is to say, we are also: pilots, pilots, security, military, equipment maintenance and other tasks in One body not only must ensure that various external crises are dealt with and make decisions during the flight, but it must also find ways to ensure the normal operation of the equipment to ensure that humans can safely reach the target immigration planet. All this requires not only our ability to do things, but more importantly the temperament of our race, otherwise when the time comes, we will run away by ourselves when we encounter something, but humans are all in the dormant cabin. This Doesn't it mean that human beings are directly on the road to extinction?

So, the level test is not important, the real key is actually the psychological test. Of course, this psychological test is not as simple as sitting there and doing multiple-choice questions, but using a series of our reactions and decisions during the test level to judge our principles and behavioral habits. Can determine our true psychological characteristics, this is the key content they want to see.

Unfortunately, although these people use this test level to hide the psychological test part of it, their behavior is too naive. Of course, the main reason is that they don't understand the terrifying of our Dragon Clan.

Because it is a completely artificial lifeform, our brain is optimized and designed, while the human brain has evolved over a long period of time. It has many useless evolutionary traces. These leftover parts are The so-called undeveloped brain. In fact, it is simply not undeveloped, but useless part at all. In fact, there are very few precedents for supernormal evolution in nature, that is to say, few animals will evolve abilities that exceed their needs or cannot be used. Similarly, the human brain is also impossible to evolve too much beyond the need for use. Because the laws of nature are like this.

However, our Dragon Clan is an artificial creature. The aliens who designed our Dragon Clan are designed with the goal of optimizing their abilities. Therefore, our brains are not in terms of reaction speed, memory, and logical judgment. Ability and other related abilities of human intelligence tests are much better than the human brain. What's more important is that we use a compound brain. In addition to the biological department, we also have a small electronic brain based on a quantum chip. As the master control, the biological brain provides perfect logic and open thinking ability, while the electronic brain is like a personal computer equipped with the biological brain. It is a tool that makes our thinking easier.

Under these conditions, we can think of all the methods that humans can think of, and they are just like adults and children. Many children deceive adults with lies, and think that their lies are perfect. They don't know that adults will know it is a lie when they hear it, but they don't want to care about it.

This test designed by these guys, we saw some clues from the very beginning, and even I can confirm that Terry's previous remarks weren't originally intended at all, at least not at all. His words are actually a psychological hint. If we kill those "NPCs" as a result, our scores in the psychological evaluation of these people will drop. This is a trap. Unfortunately, all of their plans were seen through by us, and after discovering this speculation, we contacted Nuwa and hacked into all the electronic products here, eavesdropping through the monitors to read lip language and the sound collection function on mobile phones and other devices. We have connected everything together and verified each other many times. The conclusion is obvious, our test is simply not these levels in this canyon, but has already begun when entering this villa. Including those who deliberately find faults, they are actually part of the test, but the hapless ones don't know it.

Since we all know that this is actually a psychological test, what should we do?

Does this still need to be asked? Of course it followed their plan. If we don't know this, of course we will follow our own meaning, but now that we know that this is a psychological test, even the test criteria have been figured out. Now we are like excellent students who have already got the answers in advance. Although we will do each question by ourselves, we will also actively check the answers. If the answers are different from the answers we got in advance, of course we are Will fill in the correct answer. Otherwise, is it possible to watch yourself get points deducted? I think few people can really do that, right? People who really do this are not called noble morals, they are brain-disabled. Especially when this exam is very important, you can't do that.

According to the information we have, the interaction between these "NPCs" and us is that some people will be harmful to us, some people will be friendly to us, and what we have to do is to treat those who harm us Show basic humanity, that is, you will be angry, but you can't do too much, otherwise you will be judged as bloodthirsty, which will deduct points. As for those "NPCs" who behave well, our correct answer is-kindly respond. The answer is actually very simple, but not everyone can do it. Otherwise, this world would have been a unified society a long time ago.

After passing about five or six kilometers of checkpoint channel, the canyon is over, but the track does not end there, because a hole appeared in front of us, and when we were asked to jump down I realized that there was actually a huge fish tank below.

Yes, this is an aquarium, and it turned out to be an aquarium for piranha.

The audience who moved down a long time ago looked at us trapped in the piranha surround with different expressions. Obviously, each of them also has their own ideas. It’s a pity that we have only one response. That is-kill all piranha, and in an instant.

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