The sharks that circled around us soon started to take action. The smaller Great White Shark first broke away from the circle around us moved towards the edge of the small The dragon female swims over, and the surrounding audience watched all this and began to unconsciously clenched their fists and became tense.

Great White Shark arrived at the small dragon woman in only two seconds, and then was about to launch an attack, but what the audience didn’t expect was when Great White Shark opened its mouth and was about to bite down. But it suddenly flicked its tail as if stimulated by something, moved towards the distance and swam fast, even the other sharks nearby turned around and ran as fast as if they were frightened by something, and the surroundings were completely quiet in the blink of an eye. After getting down, all the sharks are trying their best to move towards the distance to escape.

The outside audience is naturally a little unfathomable mystery to this incident, but in fact, we ourselves are very aware of what happened.

Speaking of which is actually very simple, just like dealing with those piranhas just now, we just made some electricity in the water. It's just that the current is actually much smaller than the voltage when dealing with piranha, so there is no such horrible arc, only a weak current.

About why sharks are scared off by such a low voltage... In fact, the reason is very simple, thinking that the shark’s electromagnetic induction ability is very good. It's like a dog can't stand the strong smell of perfume, but people don't have any reaction. The reason is that the dog's nose is very good, so the smell that humans don't feel is too pungent. In the same way, piranha cannot sense the current in the water, so we can only cook them directly with high-voltage electricity. But this is not necessary to deal with sharks. Because sharks are very sensitive to electrical signals, super-powered electromagnetic waves are enough to make them feel uncomfortable and actively avoid them. Even with super-powered electromagnetic waves, the voltage at which piranha can be cooked directly is still much lower.

Although the audience outside did not understand what happened, they knew one thing very clearly, that is, the sharks had run away, and now they can no longer pose a threat to us.

Without the threat of sharks, we easily rushed through this particularly large water tank. However, although we didn't feel anything, the audience outside finally discovered the problem.

Those who had paid attention to the time before now took out their watches to check the time, and soon everyone came up with an approximate time when we were in the water. So far we have stayed in the water for a full fifteen minutes, and during this time we simply did not come into contact with any air. Although we do not have activities such as fierce battles underwater, we have been moving after all, and the power required to move underwater is very large. The amount of exercise like ours is absolutely impossible and has always relied on the method of holding breath to adapt to the underwater environment. Although whales can hold their breath underwater for two hours, the proportion of whales’ lungs to the body is unusually large, so that is not our reference. The volume of our lungs is obviously not as large as the proportion of the lungs of whales, so we theoretically impossible to have too much apnea time than humans.

"They definitely have organs such as fish gills." Some audience members firmly said: "It is impossible for normal people to hold their breath for such a long time. This is definitely not normal."

"Yes, they must have organs such as fish gills."

The audience everyone talking at once quickly reached an agreement because the situation on the scene was too obvious. We have stayed underwater for more than fifteen minutes, and there is still no hypoxia reaction. This is definitely not a simple apnea ability to explain.

Just after the audience's discussions became consistent, we also encountered the next isolation door, and after passing through this isolation door like the previous one, we entered a closed compartment. These compartments are not actually used to drain water, but mainly to isolate the water flow between the water tanks on both sides. For example, we entered the shark section from the piranha section before. The function of the two isolation gates is to reduce the amount of water exchange caused by our passing back and forth, and the reason is that the water quality on both sides is different.

Piranha is a kind of freshwater fish, while Great White Shark is in the sea. One of the two sections of water just now is freshwater and the other is seawater, so it needs to be isolated. The isolation cabin we are facing now is also used to isolate water, but it not only isolates fresh water and sea water, but it is more important to insulate.

When we opened the isolation, it should be said that when I touched the door handle on the other side of the isolation room, I found the problem. The door handle in my hand is very cold, which means that the water temperature behind the door must be very low.

The water temperature in the two sections just now is around 28 degrees, which is quite warm. After all, the water temperature in nature is usually not so high. Although I am not sure about the temperature behind this door, I guess it is probably zero degrees.

Sure enough, when we opened the door here, we immediately felt a burst of icy water flowing out of the door, and we stepped into the waters over there against the cold. The door closed again.

The temperature of the water on this side is really zero, because there is an obvious thick layer of ice on the top of the water tank, which means that the water temperature here may not even reach zero.

Although elementary school textbooks say that the temperature of the ice-water mixture is zero degrees, the premise of this setting is under a standard atmospheric pressure environment. Pressure will change the freezing point of water. If the pressure is high enough, the water will not freeze even at extremely low temperatures. Of course, the pressure here is not so ridiculously high. It just keeps the water temperature here at about one degree below zero, and this temperature is not entirely due to the artificial pressure applied here, and more importantly, the water here is It's flowing, and it's pretty fast. Water flowing at high speed is more difficult to freeze at the same temperature, so the two attributes together create the sub-zero water environment we are in.

Although the temperature is only one degree lower than ordinary ice water, the temperature here is human standards, it can really kill people in minutes.

Normal people soak in ice water below 10 degrees without protection, and usually persist for no more than 10 minutes. Of course, people who like winter swimming are more resistant to cold and can hold on for a longer period of time, but that is also something that people gradually exercise. And normal people must do preparatory activities for protection before winter swimming. If you suddenly throw the winter swimming champion into ice water without any preparation, he won't be able to hold it for a few minutes. And the first winter swimmer can only hold on for a short while, usually just a few minutes before going ashore, otherwise it will get frostbite. After that, the time needs to be extended a little bit, so that the body has a process of adaptation.

Like us, we just suddenly entered the water of sub-zero temperature from 27 to 8 degrees. This temperature change is not that big, and we don’t have a winter swimming hobby. If a normal person encounters In this case, it is indeed freezing to death within a few minutes.

However, the above situation is only based on human standards, and it does not affect us in the slightest. It's not who we are not afraid of cold. Of course, our ability to withstand cold is indeed much stronger than that of human beings, but the key is that we use electromagnetic control to stabilize the layer of molecules on our body and maintain it under a stable vibration frequency. The essence of temperature is actually the frequency of molecular motion. The more active the molecular motion, the higher the temperature, and low temperature refers to the decrease of molecular motion. Of course, zero degrees does not mean that molecular motion stops. The state of real molecular motion stops refers to the thermodynamic temperature scale of zero degrees, which is the so-called absolute zero. At this temperature, the molecules will stop vibrating completely, that is, the well-known Brownian motion will stop completely at absolute zero, and the matter will disintegrate at this time and enter the fourth state besides gas, liquid and solid—— Condensed matter.

What we have just done is to say that the molecular vibration of the body surface is stabilized at a fixed frequency, which is equivalent to maintaining the temperature of the body surface. At the same time, because we constrict the vibration of the molecules on the body surface, the kinetic energy of the molecules is no longer transmitted, so our heat loss is very low. In this mode, we don't actually need to consume a lot of energy to fight against low temperatures. After all, our way of resisting the cold is different from that of humans.

In fact, the reason why human beings will freeze to death is mainly due to two kinds of injuries. First, the body fluids freeze; second, the chemical reaction is delayed.

Cold temperature will transform the liquid to a solid state, which means that various tissue fluids such as blood in the human body will gradually freeze. But the injury actually started before the blood freezes. We all know that blood can transport oxygen, but in fact there is not only oxygen in blood. There are actually a lot of other gases dissolved in our blood, and the solubility of gases in liquids is directly related to the temperature of the liquids.

When the external temperature is too high and the human body cannot keep up with the heat loss, the body temperature will begin to drop, and as the blood temperature drops, the blood in blood vessels will begin to release various gases, and at the same time , Not only gas, but various chemicals in the blood will gradually precipitate out. Crystals will appear in the walls of blood vessels. It is not ice, but chemical crystals such as salt in the blood. These substances can be dissolved when the blood temperature is high, but these substances will be precipitated when the temperature drops.

The gas separated from the blood can cause cavities in blood vessels, which can lead to cardiac arrest in severe cases. Crystals in the blood can block blood vessels. And even if none of this happens. The blood, which has lost a large amount of chemically dissolved substances, has lost the function of blood, and it can no longer play the role of transporting substances, that is to say, the human body's circulatory system has stopped working.

If the situation deteriorates further and the blood itself starts to freeze, it will be completely finished. Usually people freeze to death before reaching this group, but there are exceptions, such as local frostbite. Because of the hypothermia in certain areas, the human body adjusts itself, muscles tighten, and capillary blood vessels are closed. This can reduce the rate of heat loss, but the blood will be cut off in some areas, and then the blood in the blood vessels in this area will coagulate and freeze. The frozen blood will swell and open up the blood vessels, causing the blood circulation system to be completely paralyzed. The surrounding cells will also freeze and crack due to the low temperature. Then even if you resume questioning, the damage has already occurred. This is the origin of frostbite.

However, the above conditions are mainly the result of rapid loss of temperature. Usually the human body does not cool down so quickly, so the real cause of freezing to death should actually be the cessation of the body's chemical reaction.

The human body is a bunch of complex compounds that continuously undergo chemical reactions together. This is the essence of life. However, many chemical reactions require a certain temperature. Organisms are very sensitive to temperature changes. For example, when the human body has a fever, the body temperature only rises by a few degrees, which can prevent the reproduction of bacteria and viruses in the body. Therefore, fever itself is actually a way for the human body to resist external invasion. As for controlling the temperature of fever, it is good to protect the brain, because if the fever is too high, it will damage the brain and cause other problems.

A temperature difference of only a few degrees can inhibit the growth of bacteria in a large amount, which shows how sensitive organisms are to temperature. It's better for cold-blooded animals. They have adapted to low temperatures, and warm-blooded animals, that is, creatures with constant body temperature like humans, once their body temperature undergoes a large-scale change, the chemical reaction in the body will go wrong.

The main trouble caused by low temperature is that it slows down the chemical reaction. People consume energy to live, just like there are many electrical appliances in a huge factory. Every cell in the human body needs energy. These energies are all chemical energy produced by chemical reactions. Low temperature will cause the speed of chemical reactions to drop, and even some chemical reactions will stop completely. Once the chemical reactions in the human body slow down or stop, the cells will lack energy, which will then cause the body temperature to drop further, and then the situation will continue to transform into A vicious circle. In the end, when the human body's chemical reaction speed is reduced to the point where it cannot sustain life, people die.

Our Dragon Clan is better than humans in this respect, because we are designed as weapons, so the chemical exchanger used for energy in our body is a kind of chemical exchanger that can work at extremely low temperatures. The substance, that is to say, low temperature will only reduce our physical fitness, will not freeze us, at least will not be frozen to death because the chemical reaction stops. Of course, this low temperature also has a range, and we have to kneel when we reach zero degrees.

In addition, there are two essential differences between our Dragon Clan cells and human cells. First, there are dual mitochondria in our Dragon Clan cells, one of which is responsible for chemical reactions. Like humans, it transforms chemicals in the cell sap to provide energy. But we have another mitochondria. This mitochondria can also transform chemical energy, but it is different from the other in that it can absorb electricity, heat radiation and directly convert energy to provide cell power. It can even use the above two energies in reverse to synthesize Energy substances that can be used by ordinary mitochondria. In other words, if our Dragon Clan has no food for a long time, it can be charged. Of course, the voltage must be controlled well, and we are not complete robots after all, and the charging speed is very slow. It is only an emergency maintenance system, not our main energy supply method.

Secondly, in addition to the mitochondria, there is something called a deification factor in the cells of Dragon Clan. Of course, this is the name everyone gave, but in fact this thing is the B13 strain.

When performing Dragon Clan transformation, B13 virus progenitor will first infect cells, then inject RNA, and then regenerate cells to form Dragon Clan cells. When this step is completed, the Dragon Clan DNA in the cell will undergo incomplete division to produce a brand-new RNA core, and then automatically generate a protein protective layer to encapsulate it. In this state, it feels like every cell of our Dragon Clan always has a B13 virus strain, but in fact, this strain is always dormant.

So, what does this thing do?

The answer is—emergency.

When our Dragon Clan dies, the RNA virus will carry the mark of life and enter the virus community state. At this time, our individual may die, but the mind will be uploaded into the Dragon Clan spirit net network, and if If the spiritual net network is disturbed or cannot be uploaded due to other reasons, then our will will be carried by these viruses and stored in RNA in an archive. Afterwards, as long as it finds this kind of non-infectious German RNA virion, and then applies special stimulation, it can use RNA to reversely restore DNA information, and then reproduce the whole person. Of course, this function is confidential. Apart from our Dragon Clan and a few researchers, very few people even know about this within Dragon Fate.

In addition, in addition to the role of this RNA virus strain as an emergency record after death, it also has a function-acting as a battery.

When our body is unable to supply energy due to some reasons, the internal circulation system does not work. These RNA strains will begin to output power in the reverse direction, which can support the body's short-term activities or help repair wounds. These abilities can allow us to fight against low temperatures.

Of course, we still don’t like the cold, so we use electromagnetic control to seal the molecules around the body instead of using the body’s resistance to fight against low temperature.

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