"What is this again?" Looking at the closed gate in front of her, the small dragon woman asked with some confusion.

Yeyue turned to look at the two giant sculptures on both sides for a while and then suddenly pulled us back, and at the same time the two giants that were supposed to be stone sculptures actually moved. The most recent one hit the place where we were just standing with a hammer. Even the audience standing on the cliffs on both sides felt a violent shaking of the ground under their feet.

"Robot?" The small dragon woman looked at the colossal road as she stepped up in surprise.

"So big?" Shuangxue said: "The toys of the rich are really extraordinary!"

"Although it is not very practical, it is quite interesting to be honest. , If it weren't for the doomsday immigration, I would also like to get one for fun." I said, looking at the two giants.

Yeyue looked at the giant robot approaching in stride and said: "If you don't mind, do we wait to solve this problem and then chat?"

"Oh, forget the business "I said, using electromagnetic induction to perform a thorough scan of the two giant robots, and then turned to Shuangxue said: "It looks like it suits you."

Shuangxue stepped forward and said: "No Questions, leave it to me.” While speaking, I looked at the two cliffs, then moved towards the left side for a run-up, slammed the front cliff and jumped up on the shoulders of the giant robot. Then he hooked the guy's head with one hand and stood behind its neck, and then the right hand clenched into a fist and slammed into the back of the head of the giant robot. The head of the giant robot looked quite big, and it was punched through like plastic, and then Frost did not take out her hand, so she moved inside twice, and then the giant robot stopped suddenly. , Following the rays of light on the eyes flickered and suddenly moved again.

Originally, the surrounding audience thought that the giant robot was about to fight back. After the giant robot was started again, it waved the sledgehammer in his hand and pointed it at the chest of another giant robot next to it. one time. Only a loud noise was heard, and the giant robot was knocked to the ground with a hammer from his companion.

moved towards the above Shuangxue made an OK gesture, I jumped to the chest of the fallen giant robot, and then closed my eyes by pressing the chestplate of this guy with both hands. The giant robot, who was about to stand up again, suddenly flickered violently after I closed my eyes, and then the action was stopped and stopped. Finally, with the rays of light in the eyes, it suddenly went out. This giant robot also seemed to suddenly disappear. I lost my motivation and lay back on the ground and didn't move anymore.

On the other side, the giant robot controlled by Frost Snow also flashed its eyes at this time, and then Frost suddenly pulled out a large chipped circuit board from the head of the giant robot with a move of her arm. The giant robot suddenly knelt to the ground and lost balance with the upper body moved towards the front and crashed down, but because this guy was too big, it turned halfway down and got stuck on the sides of the mountain. I couldn't go down either.

The giant robot that I turned off was already lying there very quietly at this time, while the small dragon woman walked over like a stroll in the courtyard, and then she was on the side of the giant robot's head. Find a cover plate close to the position of the ear. Because there is no tool, the small dragon girl directly went up and smashed the surrounding metal plate with two fists, and then inserted her hand into the gap exposed by the deformation of the metal plate. Tugging outside, the result was that the two-finger-thick metal armor plate was bent, revealing a row of buttons and two data ports hidden underneath.

After seeing the data excuse, the small dragon girl directly pulled out the data cable from the back of her neck in the surprised gaze of the surrounding visitors, and then plugged it into one of the ports.

As the data connection is completed, the small dragon woman sees a waterfall of data flashing in her eyes, but people outside can’t see it, and the small dragon woman quickly figured out the colossus in the data. The operating procedure of the robot. The small dragon woman raised her right hand and extended her thumb to signal to me. I immediately released the hands pressing on the chest of the giant robot, and the eyes of the giant robot under me suddenly lit up when I left my palm.

In fact, I didn't destroy this giant robot just now, but used a strong electromagnetic to create a reverse voltage in this guy's body. No matter how the robot works, it must use electricity, and only when there is a potential difference in the circuit will current flow. What I did is to generate a reverse potential difference in the direction opposite to the main circuit of the robot. In this way, the current in the circuit will return to zero, which means that the robot will suddenly lose power. Although the battery is still working, because the voltage of the reverse current and the forward current are exactly equal, no current actually flows in the circuit. The effect is the same as removing the battery or cutting the wire.

As a robot, there is no electricity in the body suddenly, of course this guy will not move, and just as the small dragon female controlled the computer of the giant robot, I stopped the reverse voltage , And because the circuit system has not been damaged in any way, the robot immediately recovered as soon as the voltage on my side disappeared. However, the program of the Colossus robot that has regained power has been modified, and at this time it has become our robot.

The colossal robot that stood up again went directly to the stone gate over there under the control of the small dragon woman, picked up the sledgehammer of his companion, and pointed it at the stone gate. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the gravel on both sides of the mountain walls suddenly fell straight, many people almost fell to the ground by the shock, and some women even gave out exclamations.

The thickness of this stone gate is amazing, and although it looks like a natural stone, it is actually a reinforced concrete man-made object, except that it is made of natural rock. However, although the reinforced concrete stone gate was strong enough, it was completely destroyed within one minute under the sledgehammer of the giant robot. We rode the giant robot directly through the stone gate and entered the space behind.

Just when we were going to ride on the giant robot to continue forward, the broadcast above our head suddenly rang, and then we heard a voice saying that we didn’t expect that we would control the giant robot, so hope We may not continue to use this giant robot for the following levels, otherwise the subsequent demonstration will be meaningless. After all, the things in this passage were originally designed according to the human body structure, such as those flaps or pits. With the height of this giant robot of more than eight meters, it would just step over the pit with just one foot. How to play?

The purpose of this cover-up is to let those around us understand the strength of our Dragon Clan, not to clear the level for the purpose of clearing the level, so using the giant robot does not make much sense to us, although it can make Our subsequent tasks have become simple, but the task itself is not our goal, so there is no need to struggle with this.

After hearing the broadcast, we decisively gave up the control of the giant robot, and then jumped off the shoulder of the giant robot. After landing again, we continued to move forward and encountered some small organs along the way, but the design strength was too weak and did not play any blocking effect.

After walking for a while, we entered a slightly wider gorge, and the height of the rock walls on both sides of this gorge is also low, and the people standing on it are like looking upstairs on the fourth layer. The people on the ground feel the same and can clearly see our every move.

Although we have slighted our strength before, but now, except for a few people, most people have correctly recognized our strength, so many people are now beginning to be interested in us. They are no longer waiting for the level where they bet before they are ready to see us accidentally, but start to follow our movement a little bit forward, because for them it is no longer important to bet.

When we walked into this area, the cliffs on both sides were already crowded with people, and at the entrance behind us, there was an isolation door slowly rising from the ground.

In the previous passage stage, we encountered this situation where the isolation door was raised behind. At that time, we broadcasted the notice. Whenever we saw this kind of green painted metal wall, it means that this is The rules do not allow the destruction of such walls. Similarly, if you see a certain item that is also painted green on the way, it means that this item cannot be destroyed by violence. This is all the rule.

Now that the wall is rising behind, that means we can’t go back. Because according to the rules, although the top of this canyon is open, we can jump directly up there with our physical strength, but the rule is that no matter what method we use, we can fly or climb, but the height of any part of the body cannot exceed The height of the lowest point at the top of the cliffs on both sides. For example, the shortest cliff on both sides of this place is only about eleven meters from below, which means that we can’t jump to the area above this height, and the door behind us also rises so high, that is to say It's a foul if we turn over.

As the metal isolation door rises, on both sides of the passage that looks like a cliff in front of us, suddenly a few gates disguised as rocks rise, exposing the passage inside. Almost the moment the stone gate rose, we felt a very special atmosphere.

"ao..." Accompanied by angry roar, both us and the people on the cliff suddenly thought what was going on.

Although everyone hasn’t seen what’s in the cave yet, this roar is the roar of a tiger. This is very easy to identify, and everyone knows that the owner here is inside the valley outside. There are fewer tigers, so as soon as everyone heard this voice, they immediately guessed that it must be a tiger.

The tigers in the cave did not make everyone wait for too long. They quickly came out of the cave, and not one, but a total of 22 tigers, all of them were adult tigers, with strong bodies. , Physical fitness is super good, and although the tigers here are said to be raised in captivity, but because the owners here use the method of feeding them live, the tigers here are actually very wild, which is not a concept at all with those in the zoo.

Although we have seen our superhuman fitness before, it is just basic data after all. In the hearts of these audiences, we are still fleshy, so if we are not careful, we may still be bitten. Death, after all, tigers are too strong in everyone's minds, and we are not made of steel after all. Of course, because of our previous performance, these audiences didn’t think we would be eaten, they just thought we might be in great danger. After all, we were only four of us, although Yeyue looked more like a legendary creature, But after all, there is a big gap in numbers. Besides, the tiger is also impossible to be the fifth scum of war.

Looking at the 22 tigers walking into the enclosure from the monitor’s live video, Catherine turned around in a bad tone and said to the group of people behind him: "I have already added the tigers to the level as agreed. You should always be satisfied now, right?"

"hmph, as long as they are eaten by the tiger, we will be very satisfied."

The speaker turned out to be the one who thought The father of the guy who pitted me, and the people in this room also included a few youths and their parents who were present at the time. These people were all hurt or frightened at the time with a grudge. Under the instigation of the dead guy’s parents, they put pressure on the host here, which is Meilin, together. In the end, Meilin could only do something. Concession, so there is a scene of these tigers entering the level.

Of course, Meilin is not completely weak, although the energy of those people's unity really makes Meilin need to pay attention to it, but also not particularly important. However, unlike the group of guys who have not thought about or paid attention to our test performance because of the previous events, Meilin has been watching our test performance with the heads of state, and he has given us details before. The investigation was much more detailed than those outsiders knew, so he was very sure, let alone 22 tigers, even 220 are useless. For us, the wild dancing on Earth is not a threat at all. However, Mei Lin was still quite dissatisfied with this matter, for one time because of the attitude of these people to put pressure on him, and secondly because he felt sorry for his tiger. Like most rich men, Mei Lin has a quirk, that is, he likes tigers very much, otherwise he would not have so many tigers in his own villa. But tigers are not pets after all. Although Mei Lin feels a little bit distressed about these tigers, she is not at all willing, so in the end she agreed to compensate the other party in this way, but on the condition that no matter what happens afterwards, the other party will not be affected by this incident. Make trouble unreasonably.

Although the audience feels that we are in danger, the group of guys who were pitted by me feel that we are dead. Meilin and the heads of state think that the tigers are definitely going to die, but we are on the contrary. Relaxed.

It can be said that the tiger is the level we are least worried about now, and the reason has been said before. Tigers are wild animals with unusually keen senses. In the eyes of these tigers, we are a group of dangerous predators and wild beasts even more powerful than them. What would you do if you encounter a wild beast that is stronger than yourself in the forest? It goes without saying, of course, it's running farther or hiding it. Otherwise, would he rush to die? Although no one is as smart as a tiger, the truth is still clear. So...

"What?" The people who watched the tigers' reaction at the scene were all dumbfounded.

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