Following Meilin’s fingers, I saw the things on the platform, which is exactly a part of the thing.

In fact, there is not much there, there is only a rock wall, and in the middle of the rock wall is exposed a structure that is obviously metal, and this structure is very typical, because as long as it is a little bit People of common sense will recognize that this is actually a tail vent.

"This is... the spaceship of aliens?" I looked at the thing in surprise and asked, "Isn't it said that three ruins were found in the whole world?"

"No, not three places were discovered, but three places known to all countries, and this is the fourth place, only four places belonging to our Rothschild family."

The spaceship only exposed half of a tail spout. There was an artificial staircase next to it, and there were some large steel frames supporting the roof of the cave. There were about 30 staff members busy around them, all of them seemed to be scientific researchers. From the steel frame, you can see that there is a man-made hole on the tail nozzle. It should be possible to enter the spaceship from there. Since most of the spaceship is buried, only one tail nozzle is outside, so I don’t know. How big it is, anyway, it is completely inaccessible in electromagnetic induction, which means that the volume of this thing is absolutely very large. Although the size of the tail nozzle It shouldn't be is larger than our fourth special zone, it is definitely much larger than the other two relics. At least the part that I can sense is already comparable to those ruins.

"May I go over and take a look?"

Mei Lin reached out and made a request, and I immediately ran over excitedly. The people over there were panicked when they saw me appear, and only calmed down after they found Mei Lin.

I ran to the side of the escalator and jumped up a step, and then found that the entrance of the passage above was much larger than I thought. The space inside should be artificially impossible. The original equipment probably It was demolished, so it left such a big hole. If you walk inside from here, you can see the corridor inside the spaceship. There are artificial lighting and good light. Some researchers are busy everywhere. You can see a lot of exposed pipes and lines, and some people are trying to take it apart. Office door.

After a rough observation, I suddenly remembered that our Dragon Clan was recognized in the fourth zone. What about this spaceship? With excitement, I ran to a place where there might be a console. This spaceship and the fourth special zone are obviously from the same civilization, or just a factory, thinking that the style and design inside are exactly the same.

A few researchers didn't know if they were instructed, and when they saw me running, they ran over immediately, and then they came to a wall. There is an oval hatch on the wall of this place, but it is closed. Seeing me parked in front of this thing, a researcher said: "We tried this door and it couldn't be opened at all. The material of this door seems to be different from other doors. The degree of sturdiness is very high, and we broke several drill bits. I didn’t make even a small hole. We even tried the light cutting machine and it was completely useless. All the technologies that humans have today can’t do anything about this thing."

I don’t have anything at all. I took care of the researcher, but suddenly reached out and pressed his hand on the door, and then shouted in a language that the researcher could not understand: "Request authentication."

The researchers looked like fools. In my eyes, the door that originally looked like a metal turned black, just like a monitor, and then a light beam projected on my body and scanned it from bottom to bottom, and then within the range of black. Suddenly, a bunch of unintelligible characters were displayed, and then the characters flickered a few times and turned into Chinese characters. The researchers at the scene simply didn't know Chinese characters. Although they knew they were Chinese characters, they didn't understand what they meant. The text flashed by, and then the door in front of him suddenly rose with a chuckle to reveal a black hatch, and the light inside was slowly lit.

The researcher next to him was stunned for more than ten seconds before suddenly exclaiming: "This thing still has power, it can still work! Goodness!"

I don’t care about this. Guy, I stepped directly in. The space inside is very small, about three square meters, and it is crowded with two people. There was something like a computer console on one of the walls. I walked over and covered it with my hand, and the control panel in front of it popped up automatically.

I touched under the console, and as expected, I found a small hole. I hooked the corner of my mouth. I pulled out the data cable from the back of my neck and inserted it into the small hole. A green prompt popped up in my sight, but with a beep, a bunch of green data began to swipe the screen like a waterfall, and I opened my consciousness completely, and instantly felt the pain in my head. Because there is too much data and there is no cooling equipment here, the temperature of my brain is a little too high, but fortunately, it is not in the dangerous range.

After the green data shined, I found that I successfully connected to the operation system, and then the entire spaceship control system went online, and I got a bunch of data in an instant.

Unplug the data cable with a big smile. When I walked out of the room, the group of people outside looked at me as if they were watching God, and until I walked outside, those people thought Get up and catch up.

Mei Lin didn’t come to the mountain. After seeing me down, she asked me: "Are there any gains?"

I nodded and said: "You found the treasure."< /p>

"I know." Meilin said calmly: "The point is that we don't know what baby this is or how valuable it is. We only know that it is definitely a baby. I don't know if you can tell me what it is. What is it?"

"Special support base." I said: "This thing is not a spaceship, it is an advance base."

"Advance base?" Meilin is obviously not quite understand.

"Do you know real-time strategy games?" I asked suddenly.

Although Mei Lin doesn't seem to be a person who likes to play computer games, he should know a little about everything. Sure enough, he nodded and said: "A game like "Interstellar Hegemony", right?"

I nodded and said: "This thing is equivalent to the main base in "Interstellar Hegemony"."


"What?" Meilin, who had been not surprised, had a very obvious reaction for the first time. He looked at me in an unbelievable manner and asked, "Do you mean that as long as you have this thing, you can develop all the technology of a race?"

"All are impossible, but absolutely great Part of the military products can be produced. No, it’s more exaggerated than the production of military weapons. This thing can produce machinery for producing military weapons. As long as you have this thing and resources, you can build a complete military industry and can completely replicate the alien’s. The vast majority of military technology."

"My God!" Meilin clutched her heart and looked like she couldn't accept it. It was obviously irritated.

In fact, I was also very excited, because this thing is more important than the fourth special zone in a sense, although it is not as big as the fourth special zone, but this thing is equivalent to modern Like the machine tool master bed, you can build machine tools with it, and any industrial products can be built with machine tools, so the importance of this thing can be imagined.

Mei Lin, who finally recovered after breathing for a long time, suddenly looked at me and said: "I feel a little regretful now, but I am still very grateful to make such a choice, because it is not you we may Even after studying for a hundred years, I won’t understand what I am holding."

"What do you mean now...?"

"I originally wanted to jointly develop , But now..." After hesitating for a long time, Mei Lin still said: "Forget it, our current situation does not allow us to do anything. Then, I only have one request."

"Go ahead. "

"Transform all eligible descendants of our Rothschild family into Dragon Clan, and then it will be yours. This thing will become your Dragon Clan's common property."

"I have to refuse this request of you."

Merlin didn't expect that I would refuse, looking at me unbelievably and asking: " Why?"

I talked about Hyde’s situation before, and then asked: "Do you think I might add such a factor of instability to our Dragon Clan? If it’s me like Catherine It’s acceptable, but Hyde..."

Before I finished speaking, Melin stopped my intention to continue speaking, and then said, “Hyde can be an exception. He is a special case of our family. As for other descendants... we can also discuss it. If the personality is not suitable, you can not accept it, but you can’t reduce the number of people on our side for other reasons. We can discuss the specific situation later."

I nodded and said: "I agree with this in principle. I don't mind accepting your suggestion to transform into Dragon Clan, as long as you don't get some black sheep to come in. But to be honest, even if Hyde is transformed, it's not too big. Influence, because we Dragon Clan has a collective will, if it is an individual who deviates from the main will, it is likely to be repelled by the main will and washed away. All thoughts and memories become puppet-like existences, so do not participate in people like him. Good."

Mei Lin was about to speak when a beeper rang on her body. He picked it up and answered it, then hung up and said to me: "Well, we have reached it now. The verbal agreement, and the specifics will be discussed later. The preparations over there have been completed, let’s take you to meet you first, and then show your strength."

I’m nodded and follow Meilin. After I went out, after the study and Ye Yue they met, they accompanied Mei Lin to the underground hall all the way. Mei Lin introduced me to everyone as the host. Although they knew of my existence early in the morning, they re-introduced me. It's better all at once.

After the introduction, Mei Lin asked the heads of state who had arrived a long time ago to say a few words, but in my opinion, it was just a greeting and there was no important information. In the end, Mei Lin announced that she would start the main work of tonight, so that everyone can witness the strong strength of Dragon Clan, so as to decide the way of cooperation in the future.

Amidst the noise of everyone, I was handed over to Terry by Merlin. He himself went to accompany the heads of state first. After all, he is Master, and the heads of state are the most distinguished guests here. .

"How is it? What did Mr. Merlin tell you?" Terry asked me as he boarded an elevator.

I guess Terry doesn’t know about the existence of the alien ruins, so he didn’t say it directly, but simply responded: "Nothing, I just want to cooperate with us. You know, Rothschild Erd’s current situation is a bit..."

Although I haven't finished talking, Terry also knows the situation, and nodded said nothing. The elevator just happened to be in the end at this time. After the elevator door opened, I found that there was an empty lobby like a square in front of us, and in the lobby you could see some people busy preparing various things, the most conspicuous of them was the group of people from our Dragon Fate. Because only their equipment is the largest.

"Hi." Seeing that the group of support staff over there were actually acquaintances, I greeted them on the initiative. These people are the same group of people who assisted us in completing the task today, and even the equipment they carried was the original batch, which was obviously sent here without being transported away.

After seeing us, most of the people continued to get busy after saying hello, but only one Chief-In-Charge put down a notebook in his hand and walked over. "God Young Master Lin, we have already debugged everything and can perform your maintenance at any time. In addition, we also bring a lot of spare parts. You can tell us what you need at any time. We can carry out comprehensive maintenance here, so Don’t worry, it won’t affect your performance."

I looked at the large devices in front of me, and a lot of data popped up in my sight. I checked it briefly and it was basically Our maintenance equipment, and all the equipment that I don’t know, is here. It seems that it is really complete.

After checking the equipment here, I nodded and said: "Thanks for your hard work."

"No, you guys are really hard. We are just doing some logistics services. It’s incomparable."

I stretched out my hand to stop the other party’s politeness, and then asked: "Then can we start adjusting now?"

"Of course. Stand by at any time."< /p>

"Let's start then."

After we are sure to start the adjustment, Terry immediately said: "I'm at the end of the aisle over there. You can come and find me when you are done. Now."

I nodded not to be polite to him, and then I walked to the large adjuster over there. Ye Yue and the others were not idle either. They walked towards their own equipment and after the auxiliary staff pulled up the temporary changing room made up of iron shelves and curtains, they took off their clothes and walked into the front adjuster.

Although we generally don’t need a changing room when we are at the base, not all the staff here are our people, some are from the US, so we can’t be in front of these people. They don't wear anything, what's more, Yeyue and the others are originally female characters, so they can't be taken advantage of, right?

After we entered the adjuster, the access cover outside the adjuster also fell down to completely seal us inside, and then began simple battlefield maintenance.

In fact, there is no problem in our current state. The reason for maintenance is just a routine, because the action for a while is very important, so according to the rules, conditions and time allow before important actions. To perform maintenance, this is to try to avoid unnecessary losses caused by unexpected factors.

Because it is only routine inspection and simple maintenance, the speed is also very fast, but the only ones who are fast are me and the small dragon female and Shuangxue. Because Yeyue needs to replace the prototype body in the game, the speed is a little slow. A little bit.

When all of us completed the final commissioning and the maintenance staff outside removed the curtains, the original staff in the base here were all sucked in a cold breath, not because of us but because Ye Yue, after all, she now looks like a complete beauty snake.

"How are you feeling now?" Chief-In-Charge came over and asked.

I tried to make a fist, and then nodded and said: "Very good."

"That's good." The other party waved his hand after speaking, and then a few support staff Pushing a few electric-assisted flatbed vehicles came over. Each of these small flatbed vehicles has a set of power armor, but it is strange that it is not our own.

Our own power armors are exactly the same as the armors in the game. Everyone has their own armors, and all of them here are the same, and there are only three sets. Obviously, there is no preparation for the night. Moon, after all, her tail is not suitable for general power armor.

"What is this?" I asked in confusion looking at the three sets of power armor in front of me.

Chief-In-Charge explained: "I don't know what's going on. Anyway, the above command is to put on you this kind of power armor. I don't know what the specific situation is."

I reluctantly shook my head and walked over, and then scanned the power armor with my eyes.

This is a very simple power armor, without any extra functions, it is the basic protective armor plus the active power system, nothing else, not even a helmet, the function is so simple Only slightly better than the first generation of power armor.

"This thing can be considered as power armor?" Yeyue knocked on the power armor in front of him and asked.

I shrugged and said: "Follow him, anyway, we are the monkeys of the circus today. They can do whatever they want."

Since I have said so, Yeyue and the others have nothing to say. They each found a set of power armor to wear. Although Yeyue did not have a power armor, she got an unpowered breastplate. Although it was quite crude, it was better than nothing. .

Finally, after the installation was completed, the small dragon girl asked them where the weapon was, but the Chief-In-Charge on the other side actually shook his head and said, "I don’t know, the person in charge of the weapon was called away after we came. Now, that’s what we are responsible for."

"No weapons?"

"The ghost knows what's going on." Chief-In-Charge is obviously also quite inexplicable.

"Okay, if you don't have a weapon, you don't have a weapon." As I said, I told the maintenance staff here and walked to the passage there. Ye Yue and the others quickly followed. During the period when Ye Yue wandered around, it caused a lot of discussion.

The passage is indeed not too long. After walking past, I arrived at a regular octagonal room, which looked like a lounge. Apart from Terry, I saw about eight people here. These people are not very old. The largest of them is Terry, who are basically between the ages of sixteen and thirty. Besides Terry and another woman about twenty-seven and eighty-eight They are all concentrated below twenty-five.

Terry stood up immediately after seeing me come in, and a few of the remaining people followed suit, but three of them didn't move. Among the three people, there is a man about seventeen or eighteen, a twenty-three-four man and a woman who is about eighteen years old. They all seem to be more rebellious. The other few who stood up were obviously well-educated. Although they didn't know how they thought about it, they did a good job at least on the surface, giving people a sense of courtesy.

Terry gave me a brief introduction to these people, and it turned out that they are all children of large families, but I want to come. Of course, it will not be ordinary people who can appear here and sit with Terry.

After the greetings, Terry guided us to prepare to leave from the other side of the passage, but the younger of the three who sat there still remained unchanged and did not join the greetings The young man suddenly opened the mouth and said: "I will be better in a while, but I have placed a heavy bet to stop you from making it to the third test. Don't let me lose money."

I would definitely be furious immediately before I figured it out, but it's different now. I turned my head and glanced at that guy. After marking this guy as a "thorn" in the spirit net network, I turned around and continued walking without saying a word in Terry's nervous gaze. Terry saw that I didn't get into trouble and immediately relaxed. Then he turned and fiercely clicked the guy with his finger. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning of the action and expression couldn't be more clear. The eldest woman in the crowd walked over and directly gave the guy a brutal head. The taller one immediately jumped up, but I didn’t pay attention to the latter, and she and Terry walked into the front space. .

This passage is not long, and there is no fork in the road ahead. After a dozen meters, I entered a small room. There is only one door in front of this room, and it is a gate, obviously not the kind of door that people here can open by themselves.

After Terry arrived here, he said to me: "I can only send it here. You can walk in after the door opens. Behind this is a mission similar to the one on a TV show. The same environment, but the difference is that the institutions here are more complex and high-end, and it doesn’t make it really deadly. I have a password, and I can’t tell you what obstacles are in front of you, but I know that those things are very powerful, anyway. If I go in, I won’t be able to leave alive. You shouldn’t have a big problem, but you must be careful. In addition, some rules need to be explained."

"You said."

"The level you entered is a canyon-like crack with spectators on it. You can use the rock walls on both sides to move, but you can't climb to the stands. You can also destroy the wall, but you are not allowed to make holes in the wall to switch around. There are no restrictions on other things. My suggestion is to let go of all your abilities. The more exaggerated your performance, the better, and it’s best to shock those bastards to death."

Rui said this remark sincerely, so I was also slightly smiled, patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry, I understand what you mean."

Terry nodded, and then I decided to leave. But after two steps, he turned around as if suddenly remembering something, and said: "Ah, I almost forgot the most important thing."

"Anything else?"

Rui nodded and said: "Yes, very important things. There will be three kinds of tips in this channel, you need to pay attention to."


"Yes." Terry explained: "Although this level is mainly violent, there are actually some puzzles and other things, so there will be some hints. One of the hints is the text or pattern hints in the equipment. This kind of hint is definitely They are all correct, but they are often very vague and you need to guess by yourself."

"Is this not everywhere in the game?" The small dragon woman said: "Anyone who has played "Zero" should You know it well, right?"

Terry nodded and said: "Of course I know this. I am mainly talking about the remaining two prompts. One of them is broadcast, and the other is similar to NPC. The existence of."

"Damn, are you doing a real-life game? Why did you even come out with NPCs?"

Terry explained: "It's not true The NPCs of all influence are the people arranged by all influence. Some of them will appear as your enemies, and some are pure NPCs who can communicate with you or provide help. These people are arranged by us Great Influence, but The personnel belong to different forces, so their attitude is unclear."

"Unknown attitude? "I grasped the point at once.

Terry nodded and said: "This is what I want to remind. These people come from different forces, so they represent different ideas. If they are inclined to you, they will give help and various tips, and even provide supplies, but if they are hostile, they may deliberately mess up or give wrong tips, but because these people are arranged in chaos Yes, and they will all show up wearing exactly the same power armor, so I can’t tell you who is reliable and who is at risk. All of this requires your own judgment, so you can't fully believe these NPCs, because some of them hope you can die here. "

"Is there still a mortal danger here?" "Shuangxue asked.

Terry nodded and said: "Yes, this demonstration is a demonstration of real guns and live ammunition, so casualties are allowed. Not only you, but even those NPCs also allow you. Killed. "

"This is fine too? Does a test do this? "The small dragon woman asked in surprise.

I stretched out my hand to stop the small dragon woman from continuing to ask, meaning to continue: "Then the last kind of hint? "

Terry said: "The last kind of hint is ghost-like special effects characters composed of holograms. They can't actually help, but they will give various hints and answers. Beware of the hints given by these projections. They are often dangerous warnings, and they need to tell you the key to cracking the danger, which needs to be taken seriously. Well, that's all I know, you must be careful, I hope you can pass all the cards safely. "

I nodded and said: "Don't worry, I don't want to die yet. "

Terry Nodded turned around and left the small room. Before leaving, he pressed a switch on the wall, and then an iron gate at the entrance of the room slowly lowered the room. It was completely sealed.

After the room was closed, I tried to connect Yeyue, the small dragon girl, and Shuangxue with Spirit Net and reminded them to be careful. Then I turned on all the scanning functions and started scanning the surroundings. Environment.

This room looks like all around are cement walls, but in fact, under our detection, we found that there are many cameras hidden around, and there are also some infrared detectors and the like. We also found that the concrete on the wall was actually only about two centimeters away, and the back was all steel plates.

As soon as we scanned these things, we suddenly found four steel plates protruding from the top of our head. It looks like the top of the head is closed. We have no plans for this, because the strictly speaking test has not yet started.

After the steel plate is closed, there is no danger, but the gate in front of us suddenly starts to rise. As the gate with the obvious lead plate was raised, our electromagnetic scan immediately found that there was an electromagnetic leak in the room, and immediately after the door was fully opened, we saw the outside situation.

The outside of this gate is indeed a canyon like Terry said. It is about seven or eight meters wide. The ground is a bit uneven, but it does not affect the passage. The rock walls on both sides are obviously natural, because they are not very It is flat, but it has obviously undergone manual treatment. Some prominent parts have been removed to make the cliffs on both sides not so easy to climb. Although naked eye can only see these, it is found in our electromagnetic induction. There are hidden cameras everywhere, and there are no blind spots at all. It can even be said that there are at least three cameras in each position that can take pictures.

We are observing the environment, and suddenly we heard the sound of broadcasting above. "Four members of Dragon Clan, your test mission has already begun. Your mission goal is to pass through the entire passage. The rule is that it is not allowed to drill holes in the rock wall to bypass the mechanism, and it is not allowed to leave the test channel range from the top of the canyon, and there are no other restrictions. "

This rule is really simple enough, we walked into this canyon without much thought.

Because Terry said it was dangerous here, so we came up It turns on all the sensing capabilities, and completely releases the brain’s thinking limits, and enters the normal working mode. Now the surrounding time seems to us to become one-sixteenth the original speed, but in fact Time hasn’t slowed down, it’s just that we have become faster.

As our senses are all let go, we find that there doesn’t seem to be any danger in this section, because there are ordinary rocks around me. I guess this is probably because the test channel has just started, so the organ hasn’t arrived yet.

Although we didn’t sense any danger, we still moved forward a little bit cautiously and kept walking more than a hundred There is no problem with meters, until after turning a corner, we finally found the difference here.

The ground of this passage is actually a flap, as long as it is stepped on, it will fall off, while the bottom is It’s a compressor. If it falls in, it will be compressed into small cubes like steel scraps. In addition to discovering this mechanism, we also found that there are some people standing there on both sides of the rock walls. Obviously, this Those who are here to confirm our strength, and the reason there is no in front is because they know that there is no organ in front, only here will there be, so everyone is standing near the organ and waiting to see us accidents.

We didn’t care about the people on it. We used electromagnetic induction to confirm the area of ​​the flap and jumped over. There was a sigh from above. Sure enough, just like those youngsters when we came before, there are quite a few here. People place a bet on us, and the content is nothing more than where we die, because these people simply don’t believe that we can pass these organs completely, and the reason is because in their opinion, the dangers of these organs exceed human adaptation. There are too many abilities. Although they know that we are Dragon Clan, not humans, they never think how strong our Dragon Clan is, so they think we absolutely can’t make it.

Skip this flap After that, we went through various traps one after another. These idiot traps like the tomb mechanism in the game are not only slow to death, but also have low formidable power. We almost completely ignored those things and went down this way. The spectators around finally started to pay attention. As for the reason they valued it, it was because of the mechanism we just encountered.

This mechanism is actually very simple, it is a huge stone ball hidden above it. In a beam, after we pass by, the stone ball will fall and crush us, and because this section is downhill, the speed of the stone ball is getting faster and faster. Normal people simply ten deaths without life, because in the stone After the ball fell, a stone wall more than one meter thick and more than eight meters high rose up in front of it. Normal people would definitely be blocked, and then be crushed to death by the dozens of tons of stone ball that came up behind. However, the fact is that when the stone ball fell, the small dragon girl who was under the stone ball did not run. Instead, she directly carried the stone ball weighing dozens of tons that fell from a height of five meters on the big screen. It can be clearly seen that the rocky ground under her feet burst and shattered at the moment she caught the stone ball, and the small dragon woman’s feet were all sunk into the ground, but she just held it and took the stone ball at will. Throw it out and directly smashed through the stone wall more than one meter thick in front.

Those who are standing on the cliff looking at it are all dumbfounded. If it weren't for the vibration of the stone ball when it hit the stone wall, they might even think that the ball was made of foam. As for those who were watching the broadcast, they didn’t believe it and ran directly to the cliff here. They didn’t believe that the small dragon girl really carried a stone ball weighing tens of tons until they heard other people’s personal confirmation. The ten-ton stone ball was thrown dozens of meters away and hit a stone wall more than one meter thick.

It wasn't until this time that the people at the scene realized for the first time that our strength is not just the level of special forces. This has completely surpassed their scope of cognition.

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