As for the monster problem in Korea, the final solution is still not to explain, because there is simply no way to explain it.

This part of the crash of the shuttle does not need to be explained, because when launching from Japan, it has been said that someone accidentally touched the start switch to cause the false launch, and then the shuttle crashed because the people inside could not control it. , All subsequent losses were explained as the collateral damage caused by the crash. As for the subsequent battle with the monster, the information was blocked by warning and control of witnesses. Finally, the network was strictly censored to prevent the release and circulation of all related news. .

In addition to this, the last part is the situation in our country. But this part can be explained separately.

Because the escape capsule was hit by a missile in the air, its shape after landing is difficult to recognize. Therefore, if it is not related to the immigration ship, it can be explained as a terrorist driving an aircraft into the country and then being Our air defense force intercepted and was shot down. As for the casualties, it can be explained that the weapons inside the plane were smashed after landing, and our action is defined as the arrest of surviving terrorists by ground forces sent by the country.

This set of excuses can basically cover up most of the truth. Although most of you will think that there must be a problem after reading these things, but because you really want to be covered up, even if you know that there is a problem, It will not have much impact on the society itself. Anyway, ordinary person everyday all is guessing whether there are any stories behind various news. Conspiracy theories are still very marketable in the world, so many people believe that government propaganda is fake, no matter what the government says. , Anyway, the people feel that there must be behind-the-scenes intentions. However, because of this suspicion, people don’t have to worry too much now, because ordinary citizens have become accustomed to the government’s behind-the-scenes actions, so when there are real behind-the-scenes actions, no one can discover what they really want. Those suspicions are basically false, so most of the discoverers can actually find nothing. After a long time, many people regard this kind of government conspiracy theory as gossip. In fact, no one takes it seriously.

Anyway, what we need is social stability. As for the rumors spread by the people, it will not hurt at all. As long as there are no mass incidents, there will be no problems with the social order, even if there are some minor problems.

After the general situation was determined, the heads of countries returned to the secret Conference Hall to discuss some future issues. Of course, before they left, all of us were praised and praised by the leaders of various countries. For example, we and Germany also focus on awarding honors, which can be regarded as affirmation of our actions.

Because the main trouble has been resolved, we are also free here. The protection of the leaders is far from requiring so many armed forces, and there was no way before. Now that so many foreign armed forces stay in the United States, without speaking, the Americans must be unhappy in their hearts. Therefore, the countries are now more interesting. After the heads of the countries went to the meeting, the most high-level personnel left by the countries began to direct their own armed forces to withdraw from the United States in an orderly manner.

Of course, our side is no exception, so we sent most of the personnel and combat robots back to the country by transport aircraft. In addition, there was a black password box that followed these people back. This box was brought back by Chief No. 1 to our people, and we don't know what's in it.

Although most of the personnel were sent away, the action team on our country's side was not completely withdrawn, at least I stayed. In addition to me, there are Ling, Xiaochun, Yeyue, Jingjing, Lingling, small dragon female, as well as Shuangxue, Inverite, Brigitte and the 21-person jingle Knight. Both Bailang and Xiaobai were sent back to the country, and the support staff who had come before were also sent away together.

After leaving most of the personnel, the Pentagon side has obviously become a lot empty. Originally, this base was not particularly large. There were so many troops, crowded, and now people are gone. It felt empty immediately. But I didn't stay here for long, because the summit meeting was unexpectedly fast, and it came out after about an hour of discussion.

People who have not participated in international conferences may not know that the summit meetings broadcast on the news and the talks are over in an hour are all formalities. It's like getting married. It’s normal for two people to fall in love for a few months to a few years, and then both parties have reached an agreement. You and my wish, and the two Fang Family leaders also think it’s okay. At this time, going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate is a final decision. After all this is done, the wedding ceremony will be held at the end, and what you usually see is just this last ceremony. All the mess in front of it has been omitted.

So, the heads of state are meeting together, and the one on the news is the last thing to tell everyone, what we talked about here, and the results of the talks. The actual negotiation process and the final decision were actually set long ago, and preparations for that work may have started a few years ago. Such as those meetings in the United Nations, it is often a marathon meeting that takes months to a year to determine a resolution. Sometimes because there are too many meetings at the same time, and the delegations of some small countries are not enough, they can only wait to see after the meeting. The briefings, and even some countries can't even read the briefings, because the content of the United Nations conferences is too much, and they can't read the briefings faster than they can.

At this multinational summit meeting, it seems that what should be discussed is a very important matter, and the more such things become slower, but this time I don’t know what is being stimulated, the heads of countries actually have an hour We settled the meeting schedule, and then all came out and started moving to the White House for the second meeting.

Compared with the meetings in the Pentagon’s underground base, the meetings at the White House are obviously much lower in level. The simplest proof is that this time the leaders of various countries not only brought translators, but also brought many entourages in. At first, even we were invited to listen, but no one wanted to listen to me after I asked, and I really didn't want to sit there and suffer.

Know that the kind of meeting is quite boring. We just went in and listened to it. I guess we can hear you fall asleep. Fortunately, in the end, Ling had a big sister Fan, and decided to stay to listen, so we used too many inconvenient excuses to prevaricate, leaving Ling alone to listen, and no one else followed. Anyway, we have a spirit net network, if one person is there, it means everyone is there.

When the leaders continue to meet, the reinforcements of various countries have almost withdrawn, and the rest are the guards of the delegations from various countries, and the number is already very small.

Me and Xiaochun are not in the White House. Instead, they are arranged in the vicinity of a professional hotel to take care of this kind of foreign affairs reception. But we just settled here and it didn’t take long for Terry’s guy. I found it.

"Hey, are you settled here?"

"Just got it. Why? Are you planning to take me somewhere like this?"

< p>Terry grabbed my shoulders and said, "Of course. It's rare for you to come to the United States once. Of course I will take you to have fun."

"But my people... "

"It doesn't matter, just bring them all."

"Bring them all?"

There are many people on our side. Of course, those in the delegation will not mix with us, but there are quite a few people on my side. In addition to Ling's observation meeting, there are 29 people on our side. Of course, Ivorite and Brigitte Impossible followed us out and wandered around. After all, their image is a robot, and they are too big to be disguised. After all, it is a medium-sized robot with a height of more than two meters, and the body structure is not designed according to human beings, and there is no way to disguise it. However, even if they don't go, there will still be 27 people, plus I will make 28. Isn't it grandiose for such a large group of people to go out? This is too ostentatious, right?

This guy Terry is also just a brain. Hearing what I said, I remembered that there was a big house on my side. It seemed that it was really inconvenient.

Without waiting for Terry to speak, Ivorite and Brigitte directly said in the spirit net network that they were not going, because they also knew that they couldn't make it out. After that, the guy Skott ran over and said, "Well, boss, why don't you give us a vacation? We want to go out and play by ourselves."

"Go and play by yourself?"

Nodded and said: "Well, Merida and Celine want to go shopping in the mall, Vera wants to go to Disney, Eugene and Lan said they want to go to Las Vegas."

"Damn, your plans are quite rich?"

"Isn't this known for a long time, I haven't had a chance to come out!" Sgoth said sorry.

I thought about it for a while and said: "That's OK, you can discuss it by yourself, but if you play separately, I suggest that the minimum standard should not be lower than the two-person team, and you are not allowed to go alone."

"This is okay, we only have three groups at most."

"Okay, then I don't care about you." I said, turned my head and looked towards Xiaochun and they asked "Is there anyone you want to go with them? Let's go with them."

"I'm going to Disney." Xiaochun, Jingjing and Lingling cried out together.

"Then you decide to group by yourself, the principle is the same, and you are not allowed to go alone. After you finish the discussion, follow me if you have nowhere to go."

They said they had a lively discussion. Among them, Las Vegas and Disneyland became the main targets. One vote was taken away. There were not too many people who planned to go shopping in the mall, but they also left a few. indivual. After a few minutes of discussing the situation, the only ones left with me were Ye Yue, Shuang Xue, and the small dragon girl.

There are only three people left, and I'm four people, so it saves a lot of trouble. The guy Terry took us straight downstairs, and then left the hotel in their car. As for the Scots, when I came out, I sent each of them a credit card. They were all accounts of Longyuan Group, which would definitely be enough. As for the route, are we Dragon Clan still afraid of getting lost or being abducted?

After the team was dispersed, Terry drove us to a nearby shopping mall. I was surprised to see the car stopped at the door of the mall and asked: "Didn’t you mean to take us to play? You won’t Are you planning to take me shopping? Someone in our team said that they would come shopping."

Terry said with a smile: "If you are not here, let me go shopping with these three beauties. Don’t mind, just leave it with you. I’m here to bring you to purchase equipment."

"Purchase equipment? Are you going to take me to war?"

"You pay for the war. Use equipment? Just pinch it with your hands, right?" Terry said in a pun. The last time he came to our Dragon Fate, I also took him out to play. As a result, he had a conflict with others. At that time, he almost broke the opponent with a gun. Thanks to my reaction, I almost blocked it, but because I didn’t pay attention to it. Big, I squashed the barrel of Terena's commemorative Colt python. It was then that Terry began to realize that I was not a normal person.

"Just tell me what you plan to buy."

"You'll know when you get there." Terry couldn't help but drag me down, Ye Yue and the others. He just laughed and followed, but didn't say anything.

After the five of us got off the bus, we entered this shopping mall. Unlike the bustling shopping plaza you see in movies and TV, this shopping plaza is very clean. The shopping plaza covers a large area, and there is a large circle of plazas on the periphery. In the extremely expensive land of Washington, this kind of place should be an absolute high-end consumer place, otherwise there will not be so few people.

The entire building of the shopping plaza is like a white dome, the inside is circular, with a circle of shops surrounding the periphery, there are as many as 8-Layer, but the top seems to be a movie theater And entertainment venues, the sixth layer below is for shopping.

After we came in, we felt that this mall has a special sci-fi atmosphere. It's not that there are many advanced equipments here, nor that there are robots here, but the design styles here are all simple styles. .

The ground and walls are all high-reflective white materials, and a small number of plants are dotted around the mall. They are scarce, but they just highlight the greenery. The lights and trash cans in the mall are basically white thin strips, and you will think that they are handicrafts if you don't pay attention to their shapes. Except for the shop LOGO composed of light guide panels, all shops do not have any promotional posters and the like, and the shops are also smooth and clean. They are built with a large number of glass and white materials. Basically, the entire mall except for the things you sell No other colors can be seen.

"This place is so quiet!"

"Of course. This is the most expensive shopping mall in the United States. There is no one. How many people do you think can afford it? "

"At least you can."

"Please, your dragon fate is the world's first group, okay? Even if you hate the rich, it won’t be your turn, right?"

"I'm just talking about it. By the way, you haven't said what you want to take me to buy?"

"Of course I bought that." Terry pointed forward and said smoothly.

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