Chapter 507 turned out to be a clothing store

The store that Terry was referring to seemed to be no different from other stores, and at first I I don't even know what the store is, because apart from the sign on the outside, you simply can't see what is in the store. Other shops have large transparent glass on the outside side, but the outside side of this shop is a waterfall. The water flows down the glass with a certain slope, naturally forming a kind of frosted effect. From the outside, you can only vaguely see the general silhouette of the shop, but you can't see exactly what it is.

Although I still haven't figured out what's for sale here, I didn't resist either. I was dragged into the store by the guy Terry.

I thought I probably knew what it was selling when I entered the store, but it turned out that I was even more confused after being dragged in.

The design styles of the inside and outside halls of this shop are similar, and the white material occupies an absolute dominant position. There are no shelves in the spacious hall, but a circle of glass mirrors. It feels that the whole room has become much larger. There is a counter directly opposite the door, close to the deepest wall of the shop. In addition to these things, the only remaining furnishings in the entire shop are the four-corner floor lamps and the two double sofas with the door facing away from the entrance.

To tell the truth, this is the first time I have seen such a clean shop. No matter what other shops sell, they have to be displayed for people to see, but there is nothing here. A sofa is placed in the center of a circle of mirrors. This can't always be a mirror or a sofa, right? Besides, Terry is obviously unlikely to bring me here to buy furniture.

In fact, compared to no merchandise, this place is even stranger because there are no salespersons. Even if the average store is self-selected, how many salespersons should always be waiting at the counter? It's clean here, there is no one. But they don't worry about being stolen, and they have nothing to move anyway.

When I was about to ask Terry what this strange shop was going to sell, a glass wall suddenly fell on the door behind us to seal the entrance of the shop. I can’t see the inside of the shop at all. But I'm not worried about the danger. I really plan to do something. Obviously, a glass wall can't stop it.

Just after the glass wall closed the entrance and the water curtain completely blocked the outside view, the wall behind the counter suddenly opened two small doors, and then you saw two beautiful women from childhood. Stepped out of the door.

The dressing of these two beauties is really different to be honest, at least not comparable to the salespersons in the general store, because they are simply not wearing braids, but polymer rubber.

Polymer rubber is a kind of clothing material that has become popular recently. It has many advantages, such as good elasticity, comfortable hand feel, and abrasion resistance. The biggest difference between real stuff and natural rubber is that it is not easy. Rupture, and breathable.

Everyone knows that natural rubber can be made into balloons and tires. The air permeability is basically zero, so it is very uncomfortable to wear on the body, because the human body can perspiration, and these water vapor exhaust The cloth will make people feel very uncomfortable. However, this polymer rubber does not have this problem. Its air permeability is very good. Although it looks very dense, it actually has good air permeability. Moreover, as long as the thickness is slightly thicker, this thing can even function as a safety suit, because it has super tensile resistance and a certain degree of hardness.

In fact, a certain degree of hardness is the reason why this material is really popular. What? Don’t you say that the softer the clothing material, the better? Wrong, if you think so, it can only mean that you don't pay attention to dress at all.

In fact, most of the clothes worn by the stars, models, and various beauties that you see are not based on comfort as the first element. It can only be said that these clothes are based on the appearance, a little Taking into account the comfort, and comfort is secondary, the main thing is to look good.

For this reason, clothing materials should not be soft and should not be soft. On the contrary, it is better to have a little bit of hardness, because it is easy to shape. Otherwise, the clothes will not look loose at all, and they will change in the end. In the same state as pajamas, comfortable or comfortable, but not beautiful.

Actually, the reason why polymerized rubber garments are really popular is that they are the same as gelcoats made of natural rubber. They are very close to the body, so they can draw exaggerated curves. Because this kind of polymer rubber itself has a certain degree of hardness and super elasticity, so whether you are too thin, or have fat in some places, or the shape of the leg muscles is not good, as long as you wear clothes made of polymer rubber, you can do it. Easily help you correct it.

If you are too thin, because the garment itself has a certain degree of hardness, its own shape is fixed, and it will not completely collapse and cling to your small arms, so it looks like It's stronger or plump than it actually is, because the polymer rubber will hold up the part that you originally lacked. It doesn't matter if you are too fat and have fat. Although it cannot be said that the flesh on your body disappears completely, because of the hardness and elasticity of this thing, it will naturally compress the abnormally growing fat on your body, and try to show the line structure that was set when it was manufactured. Of course, if you are fat and stuffed into a small polymer rubber garment, you will definitely feel a little bored, but this kind of garment is usually worn by beauties in the social world. You also know that these beauties are not afraid to use knives on themselves for beauty. What does it mean to hold their breath a little? Just get used to it.

Finally, if there is a problem with the curve on your body, for example, the muscles are too developed and there are no lines or anything, it is fine. After the polymer rubber is shaped, it will automatically constrain your body to squeeze your curve into the set shape.

Thanks to this perfect feature, polymerized rubber clothing is very popular now, especially for beauties who like to follow the fashion and people who often need to go to social places will especially like this kind of clothing.

In fact, not only women, but men also have a lot of polymerized rubber clothing. After all, this thing is not too lenient. Women's polymerized rubber clothing is to show off the figure, so it will be close to the body, even deliberately one size smaller than the body, in order to reduce the fat. But men's clothing can be more generous.

Like the most classic men’s suit, this thing pays attention to a smooth and straightforward thing, so compared with the fabric, the polymer rubber has a huge advantage. After all, this thing is harder than linen and artificial woven fabrics. So the suit is almost like armor, and the shape is very beautiful. More importantly, there will never be embarrassing situations such as open pants, after all, this thing can be as big as six or seven times its original size, even if you wear swimming trunks made of polymer rubber and turn into a Hulk. There is no need to worry about running out, anyway, it will definitely not collapse. Also, don’t worry if it rains, mud, or alcohol spills on your clothes. After all, this thing is rubber. No matter what stains are on the surface of the polymer rubber, it is difficult to keep it. If a glass of water is washed down, there is basically nothing left. For those high-end business people, they can maintain their image no matter what accidents they encounter during the negotiation. What a good attribute this is.

For these reasons, this polymer rubber is also a very suitable material for men's formal wear. Moreover, the current polymer rubber technology can change the surface texture at will. As long as you want, you can gradually transition the surface of the polymer rubber garment from a mirror-like high-reflective state to a texture that looks like cotton. In other words, although the clothes are made of polymer rubber, they may look as shiny as crystal film, and some may look completely flannel.

The costumes of these two beauties are all polymerized rubber, and they are both of the super tight-fitting type, and the curves are quite exaggerated. When I watched them walk over, I was worried that their waists would accidentally snap off.

In fact, in addition to being particularly tight, the polymer rubber clothing of these two beauties also has a large scale. Although the clothing of these two people is actually wrapped from the ankle to the neck, it almost covers the area of ​​the diving suit. However, in addition to the various textures of polymer rubber, there is another aspect that woven fabrics absolutely cannot do, that is, it can be completely transparent or translucent.

This is the case with the clothes of these two beauties. At first glance they seem to be slightly serious OL outfits, but if you look closely, you will find that the clothes are actually translucent, with various curves and key parts. They all give people a feeling of being able to see inside, but not clearly.

Seeing these two costumes, I finally understand why the glass of this shop needs a water curtain. It seems that this design is still very necessary.

These two beauties are obviously a pair of twins, and deliberately use heavy makeup to cover up the different parts, so it looks like they are two mass-produced beauty robots. This design concept is quite in line with the sci-fi style design of this mall, and it can be regarded as an extension of the designer.

As soon as the two beauties came out, they stepped on nearly twenty centimeters of bright silver high heels and walked in front of us, and then smiled and handed each of us a handheld electronic menu. The left side of this thing is a titanium silver frame, and the middle is all transparent plexiglass, but in fact this is a display, and it is touch-sensitive.

When our fingers touched this frame, shopping options immediately appeared on the display. This is the reason why there are no items on display here, because all the items are out of stock. Yes, this place simply doesn't have any ready-made items for you.

This shop uses the most old-fashioned words to explain, it is a tailor shop. Yes, strictly speaking, this is a tailor shop that specializes in custom clothing, and they sell custom clothing made of polymer rubber. There are a lot of processing machinery and professional designers behind that counter. As long as you make a request, they can get you a polymer rubber garment you want within ten minutes after you confirm the order. The clothing is all 3D printed. Anyway, the polymerized rubber is liquid before it solidifies. Just spray out the shape you want like an inkjet printer.

Sure enough, it is hard to see such a high-end clothing store. It is not only fashionable, but also high-tech. Who would have thought that there is a 3D printing workshop behind this small store?

"I said you are planning to bring me here to buy clothes?" I asked with the electronic menu.

Terry said with a smile: "In fact, it's mainly because the places you will go to are relatively high-end. If you wear this suit, I will not be able to mix in the future."

I looked down at my body and said, "I don't seem to have any problems with this, right?"

This suit of mine is not a combat suit. At any rate, we also followed the leaders of the country to visit. When have you seen the bodyguards of the head of state appear in military uniforms? People are all standard suits and shoes, right? Moreover, we are not ordinary bodyguards, so it is naturally impossible to wear that standard black suit, so the people on my side are all the suits that I brought from home before. Women including Ye Yue and the others are also in capable suits. Although these are not big brands of clothing, but also not roadside stalls, it shouldn't be too bad, right? At any rate, we do the same for national-level meetings! Your president said nothing.

Terry probably knows what I think, and decisively explained: "You are not bad in this body, but the kind of place we are going to is to fight this thing, so no matter what, we don’t ask for enough. , But be extreme. The more top-notch things are, the more popular they are over there."

"Then wait, I will put on my power armor."

"Damn, do you wear that stuff for parties? If it's alright, don't move, at worst clothes will cost me a trip, right?"

"Of course it's okay "

"Damn, you brat deliberately, right? I said your family is so rich, you still play this set with me?"

"Others gave it and spent money on your own Can I buy the same thing?"

"It's alright, I'm afraid of you. Don't tell me, can I pay for it?" After Terry finished speaking, he took the electronic menu After a few clicks, he handed it to one of the beauties and said: "Get me a set of this first."

Terry obviously comes here often, so he moves very quickly. After a few clicks, we are still paying. Study the presentation on this electronic menu.

This thing is not complicated to operate, but there are too many options in it, so some are not clear about the situation. But the main problem is Yeyue and the three of them. I don't have a big problem. Men's clothing can't make any tricks anyway. This kind of high-end party is just a casual suit. You can't get a hip-hop style outfit, right?

Terry's clothes were made when we were still studying clothes, and it was really fast enough. And when the clothes were taken out, they were still warm, about forty degrees Celsius, which was truly fresh out of the oven. But let alone, it looks pretty.

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