Chapter 505 Excuses

The Americans are now forced to be helpless, otherwise they would never borrow workers from other countries. Of course, there is a price for borrowing.

The President of the United States gave a brief introduction to their situation, and the content is very simple. That is, the Americans have a lot of machinery, space, and raw materials, but there are not enough workers. Of course, this worker does not mean the kind of workers who move bricks on the construction site

, but the high-skilled workers who can operate high-tech equipment and know some special skills.

The United States, which has a lot of resources, can produce immigrant ships in large quantities as long as there are enough workers to operate the equipment. Therefore, immigration itself is not a problem for them, or even because of the gang this time. People come up with such a thing,

The Americans will soon be able to complete the construction of all the immigration ships themselves. But now everything has become a fantasy. Because of this incident, not only the American immigration ship project has suffered a huge blow, but more importantly, several immigration ships have been lost, and there have been casualties.

Many immigration ship builders. This loss is the most deadly.

If the United States does not have enough workers, if it wants to take away all the people that need to be taken away, it needs to hurry up and build immigration ships. Therefore, increasing workers is a must, and a large number of workers are needed.

After the US President’s introduction here, the heads of countries probably expressed their views, but European countries basically don’t have skilled workers that they can support, because they don’t have many workers themselves. Fortunately, the population of European countries The density is not large, so it does not need too many immigration ships, so their immigration ship holdings are just enough, there is no shortage of spaceship, but they can’t support Americans either.

The Americans saw that Europe could not count on it, so they immediately turned their attention to our side.

Russia took the lead in expressing rejection. Of course, the excuse was that they could not keep up with the progress, and their own workers were not enough, so there was no reason to borrow.

People like us all know this statement, but it's just an excuse. Russia is actually the country with the least lack of immigration ships among all countries, because Russia is a country with a super-developed heavy industry, not only has a large industrial population, but also has a small population, among which a large proportion of industrial workers. Although such a country is not rich, the speed of building things is really not so fast.

As for the reason why Russia clearly has a large number of surplus industrial workers, but is unwilling to lend to the United States...does this still need to be said? Just look at the relationship between Russia and the Americans. Russia is eager for the Americans to be unlucky.

Russia clearly refused, and the US president had no choice but to look at the leaders of other countries. Not to mention South Korea. The country is too small to keep up with its own construction speed, let alone other things. Not to mention India or those second-tier countries. The immigrant boats are far from enough, and there are too few workers to death. Simply can’t count on them.

The President of the United States asked around, and in the end, only us and Japan were left.

Looking at it, of course, the President of the United States asked the Japanese side first. Unexpectedly, the Japanese side actually agreed, but this aspect is understandable. The situation in Japan is different from other countries. Japan has a large population

, so it needs a lot of immigration ships, so their number of immigration ships is far from enough. However, the reason why the construction speed is not fast in Japan is not because of too few workers, but because of insufficient materials.

Different from other countries, the construction progress is always slowed down due to personnel or equipment. In Japan, it is completely due to insufficient materials. It always starts construction for a period of time and starts to wait for materials until the materials arrive. Immediately start work for a while,

Then the materials are not enough, so I repeat.

There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. One is that Japan is an island country, and its own resources are too few. The raw materials needed to build the immigration ship need to be imported. However, at this moment, everyone needs these materials, so it is difficult to buy them on the market

The materials needed for the construction of resettlement ships, which leads to the fact that the materials are always insufficient. Another reason for the lack of materials is...the construction speed is too fast.

Yes, you read that right. Another reason for the lack of raw materials in Japan is because the construction speed is too fast.

Japan’s national education level is very high, and there are a large number of industrial workers. The large population is actually an advantage in this situation. A large number of highly educated population means that it is easy to get a large number of industrial workers. Therefore, the number of industrial workers in Japan is quite large, and because Japan’s own land area is small and resources are scarce, Japan The industrial workers in China are basically concentrated in the manufacturing industry, but there are not many people in the upstream and downstream industries, which increases the proportion of industrial workers who can build immigrant ships.

In addition, Japan’s degree of industrialization is also quite high, and its scale is incomparable with superpowers such as China, the United States and Russia, but its penetration rate is higher than that of the United States. Therefore, Japan’s industrial capacity is absolutely It's top-notch.

With super strong industrial production capacity, coupled with a large number of industrial workers, the speed of Japanese immigration ship construction can be imagined. Had it not been for the fact that the domestic population was too large and the additional materials had not been enough, Japan would have already completed the construction plan of the immigration ship. So embarrassing.

But, anyway, there are a lot of workers in Japan anyway, and the number is far beyond what is needed. For them, it makes no sense to have more workers and fewer workers, because they The slow progress is because of the lack of raw materials

, not because of the lack of people.

Because the situation in Japan is so special, they don't need so many workers, and lending some to the Americans is not a big problem at all.

After nodded said that it was possible to borrow someone, the Japanese Prime Minister immediately said: "Of course, the export of labor services is possible, but we hope that the United States can also give us a certain amount of compensation."

Of course the President of the United States knew that they would not give it in vain, so he asked. "What kind of compensation do you need?"

"Raw materials." The Japanese Prime Minister said without any nonsense: "We have been short of raw materials for the production of immigration ships. I hope that the United States can provide some raw materials, especially among them. Some of the special materials are too scarce, and we are short of it.


"This is a good discussion, we can talk about it slowly. But I don’t know that Japan can borrow at most How many workers do you give us?"

"About two thousand people." The Japanese Prime Minister thought for a while and said.

"Okay, okay, we must ensure that we can draw some materials as much as possible to support you." Hearing that more than two thousand people can be transferred, the president of the United States immediately became excited, because more than two thousand people This means at least five immigration ships. Generally speaking

Three hundred people are enough to build a migrant boat. Of course, the number of people I'm talking about is the final number of people to assemble. After all, Spaceship's parts and instruments are produced in various factories in advance, and then pulled over for assembly. The worker mentioned before

also refers to this kind of worker who can complete the assembly on site. With a scale of 2,000 people, as long as there are enough materials and a large number of mechanical equipment, there is no problem at all to start the construction of six immigrant ships at the same time, and it can definitely be completed before the last time.

If you are willing to take risks, it is possible to start construction of seven ships at the same time. This is why the President of the United States is so happy after hearing that there are more than 2,000 people.

After borrowing more than two thousand people, the President of the United States no longer asks us if we can borrow people because he needs enough people. The Americans have almost completed the construction work now. The shortage is not very large. It doesn’t make much sense to borrow more

people. Japan’s ability to borrow 2,000 of them is basically enough. .

In fact, even if the Americans ask us, we will definitely not lend them, because our own immigration boats are not fully enough, and we do not lack materials and equipment. So we don’t have anything to support from the Americans

Even if we give them some people, we don’t get the benefits we need, so we simply won’t borrow it, and now the Americans just don’t ask. Took the right way to us.

After confirming this matter, the heads of countries began to discuss together how to solve the mess left by these people.

I won’t talk about it here. There are at least hundreds of thousands of witnesses in N countries along the way. How should this matter be concealed? How should the media of various countries unify their opinions? His, everyone’s response is different, so in the end, it’s certain to wear gangs, so the media from various countries need to communicate with each other, at least to find a reasonable excuse.

As for this issue, in fact, the heads of state have discussed it roughly before we came back, but the matter has not been finished before, so it is difficult to determine whether it is feasible, and now it is just a final confirmation.

The unified argument of the media of various countries is actually quite simple. First of all, why did not launch the two launches publicly announced by at first in order to cover up the other party’s escape behavior. The explanation for this problem is a technical failure. It is claimed that the immigration ships were delayed due to technical reasons.

, Anyway, just make an excuse to say that it can’t be launched. Anyway, ordinary persons don’t understand such a noble thing as spaceship in the universe, so how do the experts say they believe it?

In addition to the first few immigration ships, what remains is the battle that took place on the other side's transfer from the fake immigration ships to the real immigration ships. At that time, there was a fight in the city, not to mention the scale, and there were many casualties. In this case, it is impossible to fully explain.

As for this matter, the last solution everyone came up with was to block the news without explaining it. Anyway, the immigration plan is about to begin. The US government will load all the survivors in that city into the immigration ship in advance, that is, enter the dormant cabin, so that the probability of the real situation reported by these people can be completely resolved. Of course, a city suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth like this, it's definitely impossible. Therefore, in the end, a cover-up is needed. Regarding this rhetoric

, the final decision was to pretend that the chemical weapons leaked and the whole city was infected, and then the US military sealed off this area, so that information leakage could be prevented. Ordinary persons in the lockdown area are definitely not allowed to enter anyway. Don't expect to come out even if you go in.

Besides, the news does not need to be blocked for too long. Anyway, the immigration plan will be implemented soon. When the time comes, there is no need to block.

In addition to this, the next step is the final battle in New York and the immigration ship flying out of the building.

There are two parts to this question. The first part is that everyone announced that the flying immigration ship was a spare experimental spaceship. Because the first few spaceships had problems, one was launched. As for why I would make an appointment in the center of New York

, the best way to solve this problem is to pretend to be confused. It directly declared that the launch site was a suburb of New York City. Anyway, except for the witnesses in New York City, outsiders don’t know exactly where the spaceship flew from. Although this kind of detail can’t be pushed

knock, it’s okay to fool around for a short time, as long as you stick to the immigration plan. Start execution, then everything is not a problem.

As for the collapsed building in the center of New York, and the damaged personnel...The explanation is also strange.

The official statement is that two fighter jets responsible for escorting the scientific research ship collided in this airspace and then crashed and knocked down the building.

Although this kind of thing speaking of which is indeed a bit unreliable, but like the previous explanation, it can be regarded as an explanation if it is unreliable, at least in a short period of time. As long as the witnesses nearby at that time are warned and controlled

, I believe that when public opinion begins to spread, we will no longer need to control it.

The next step is the trouble after spaceship lift-off.

The spaceship flew all the way after lift-off, and then suddenly burst. This is not a big problem, because the spaceship is in the sky, and it fell because we were destroyed from the inside instead of being shot down, so This can be explained as a launch accident.

There is no way to verify this sort of ordinary person, and the credibility is high.

In the end, this thing fell in Tokyo. It was a natural crash. There was nothing to say, it was an accident. It was just a cover up.

The real trouble is the shuttle that flew from Tokyo to Seoul and then pushed down a large block of houses. The second take-off of this thing is really hard to explain.

Although this thing is a bit annoying, but we have to brace oneself nonsense. The external claim is that a local Japanese entered the cabin after the spaceship crashed, and then hit the switch, causing the scientific research carried on the spaceship

the landing spaceship to be used for inspection was accidentally activated, and then launched by himself . Although this explanation is far-fetched, no one can verify it anyway, so it can only be used in this way.

After that is the more annoying problem, that is, the problem of spaceship after falling in Korea.

Compared to the previous situation, many people in Korea have seen monsters. This has caused everyone a headache for a long time. How to explain.

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