After cutting off the big dog on my side, the female warrior was instantly frozen. She looked back at the corpse on the ground slowly, and then suddenly screamed up to the sky, and with her screaming, I suddenly found that the surrounding magnetic field began to be severely disturbed. The stones on the ground began to lose control and floated towards the sky. Even some large building fragments meant to rise. What's more, even us were affected, and our bodies began to float upwards uncontrollably.

"Damn! This thing can be controlled by electric field."

All the monsters that were killed before did not have our electromagnetic control capabilities, so we always thought that these monsters were all the same , But didn't expect this monster like a female warrior can actually use this electromagnetic field control ability.

The screaming female warrior seems to have gradually adapted to the control of this new ability. When she suddenly stopped screaming and turned her eyes to my side, I immediately understood what she was going to do. A visible shock wave of a white naked eye suddenly swayed in front of me, and made a sound like a bomb exploding. Our electromagnetic force field just completed a confrontation in the air, and the collision effect was quite amazing.

I found out that I have this ability. The monster like a female warrior did not run away, but turned to face me, and then stared at me with a stronger spirit again. Wave.

This spirit strength field moved towards me at a very fast speed and rushed towards me, but the result was similar to the previous situation. The spirit strength field was again less than two meters away in front of me. Blocked, and the spirit strength this time didn't even trigger the big explosion like before, it just produced a strong gas explosion.

Finding that pure spirit strength does not seem to cause me harm, the female warrior suddenly moved towards me and rushed towards me. This guy not only has an outer skeleton like an Insect on his body, but he also acts like an Insect. When he rushed towards me just now, it was like an Insect's explosive sprint. He reached the extreme speed almost instantly. If you don’t pay attention, it will feel Like a teleport, it came to me in the blink of an eye. Of course, no matter how fast the action is, it is useless. When the opponent rushed to me, he was suddenly hit by a pistol on his forehead.

The female warrior-like monster obviously knows the pistol, so it paused at the last moment. However, the other party is not that kind of worry-free existence. It paused for a while, and then suddenly squatted around the muzzle. The right hand lifted my arm around my arm and was about to squeeze my gun’s arm, but I reacted faster. I moved my left hand back and raised my right leg to shine. It's on the other's stomach. The monster was kicked into flight, and then slapped on the ground in various ways.

The female warrior who suffered a big loss did not give up, but stood up with a slap on the ground, and then moved towards I launched an attack again, but my action was too fast, and the other party just got something interesting I kicked it over, then raised my left foot and stepped on this guy’s chest. The right hand large-caliber pistol was aimed at this monster’s head and it was a shot. With the blood splattered, the monster ended up being just After a few convulsions, he stopped struggling.

Our Dragon Clan’s brains are protected by special alloys, but these counterfeit goods are not available, so when facing bullet headshots, they have no resistance at all, and they are directly knocked down by a shot. . Of course, the main reason for this result is that I was the one who shot the gun. If you can’t control it if you change to an ordinary person, it’s not easy to hit the head. Don't forget that the opponent has the explosive power and reaction speed to dodge bullets. Without the super ability to control the opponent first, even if you want a headshot, there is absolutely no chance.

After solving the last monster, we began to recover the corpses. Although the splashed liquid and dead corpses actually have no research value, in order to prevent accidents, we still need to recover as much as possible. It's not a big problem here. However, while we were still busy looking for something to recover the corpse, we suddenly heard a rumbling sound, and as soon as we turned around, we saw an aircraft taking off behind several buildings not far away.

If it is a general aircraft, there is nothing at worst, but the key problem is that this is not a general aircraft, but a rather strange delta wing aircraft.

It can be said that this kind of aircraft is quite familiar to us, because this thing is the shuttle that comes with the immigration ship.

The size of the interstellar immigration ship is too large, so there is only one chance to lift off and penetrate into the atmosphere. Once it is used up, it will never fly again. However, we still don't know anything about the immigrant planet. All the information is based on data inferences and guesses. That is to say, we don't have any reliable evidence to prove that the planet over there is suitable for human survival.

Because of this reason, our immigration ship can’t just rush down like this recklessly after arriving on the opposite side. After all, this is an interstellar immigration ship, not an interplanetary missile. We can’t be careless. . Therefore, when the spaceship approaches the target planet, it will not go down immediately. Instead, it will first enter the planet's orbit and stand by while launching a small shuttle to explore the way. First find out the general environmental conditions on the planet and find or clear out the landing site before it is the turn of the large immigration ship to land. And just to let the migrant ship go down, it doesn't mean to go down all at once, but to drop in batches. In this process, a large number of shuttles must be transported back and forth for materials and some engineering personnel.

According to the plan made by everyone, this kind of shuttle is the pioneer of the alien colony, so each immigration ship will be equipped with four to six such immigration ships as standard. The specific number is determined by the country of construction. The decision, after all, the situation in different countries is different, and death cannot be completely restricted, but 4 ships are basic configurations, and each immigration ship must have at least this number.

The thing that just took off is obviously a shuttle. This thing can not only penetrate the planet's orbit into the atmosphere and land on the surface of the planet, but it can also take off from the planet and return to the orbit, and generally speaking a ship. This kind of shuttle is capable of autonomously making at least three orbital round trips without any maintenance. In other words, the fuel reserve of this thing is quite large, and it can enter and exit the atmosphere many times. Of course, it is definitely not feasible to replace the immigration ship with this thing, because the equipment of this thing is too simple to do such complicated long-distance navigation, but it is not difficult to simply get rid of the planet's gravity.

The shuttle that is taking off now is obviously not launching normally, because when this thing flies up, there is smoke from above, and you can see a hole in the wings from a distance, but The propeller of that thing was so powerful, even so it flew from the ground with billowing smoke, and it was flying towards the sky at a huge elevation angle.

We are completely stupid after seeing this stuff. This group of people is also very awesome and can run this way, but depending on how they robbed this kind of shuttle, it is estimated that there are not many people left, otherwise they should not rob the shuttle but the immigration ship.

The shuttle with billowing smoke has just risen several hundred meters high, and we suddenly found another thing rising behind the building. The shape of this thing is a bit strange, it looks like a missile at first glance, but the main structure of this thing is a bit weird when you look closely, there is actually something like an anchor dragged behind its main structure, and this ship The anchor-like thing and the front projectile are not hard-linked, but are connected by a chain or the like.

I don’t know what is going on with this strange structure, but I have to say that the speed of this thing is really not covered. It actually started to accelerate immediately after it got out of the obstruction of the building, ten seconds. It caught up with the shuttle that was in the ascending period at the time, and then a huge hole was directly opened on one wing of the shuttle with a thud, and at the same time, a circle of blue arc swept across the entire shuttle, and then I saw that the shuttle started to deviate from its course and rolled in the air.

The shuttle that lacks a wing is like a fly without a head, but the speed of this thing is too fast, we are not sure where this thing will fall, we can only fly up and follow , And finally confirmed its landing site.

Although I don’t know why Hans and the others still let the other party find the aircraft to take off, since it is already like this, what can we say? I can only think of a way to intercept that thing first.

"Dragon Clan members pay attention, take off, let's chase the shuttle."

"Understand." All Dragon Clan on our side quickly activated their plasma propulsion The machine flew up, and then started moving towards the huge shuttle that was tumbling in the sky rushed past.

Although the shuttle on board the immigration ship is not as big as the body of the immigration ship, the actual volume is not small, because this thing itself is to transport materials back and forth between space and the ground, so as a cargo spaceship , This thing naturally needs a certain volume, so this kind of shuttle is actually quite large.

After we ascended to the height of the city above all the buildings, the shuttle has started to move towards the sea crookedly, but if it looks like this, it may not fly far and it will fall into the sea. , So we all quickly accelerated to catch up. After all, the group of missing Academicians have not been found yet. Maybe they are on this shuttle. If the shuttle crashes into the sea, at least we have to go down and salvage them?

It doesn’t take much effort to chase the shuttle. This thing is completely flying in the sky, because one wing is completely knocked off, so it is completely dependent on the unique guided exhaust system of the spacecraft. , But this thing itself is only used to adjust the posture, the output is not very large, besides, this thing is not designed for the atmospheric environment, so it is a bit laborious to operate, and more importantly, the working time of these things is limited, and the longest time each start It takes only thirty seconds to turn off the engine, so although the shuttle can still fly with this thing, there is no way to talk about stability or anything, and it's pretty good if it doesn't completely lose its direction.

Because we need to waste a lot of time to adjust our flight attitude, the speed of the shuttle simply can't get up quickly. We hung far behind and watched it fly lower and lower. Obviously, it was about to fail. .

After more than ten minutes of difficult flight, the shuttle was finally unable to withstand it. Suddenly, an auxiliary propeller on the side exploded while flying. This auxiliary thruster will be turned off every time it is ignited for a few seconds in space, because there is no resistance in space, just give an angular velocity, and then wait for the spaceship to adjust to a suitable position and then push it backwards to stop it. There is no need for auxiliary thrusters to be turned on all the time. It is totally illegal operation like this. This thing has only been exploded until now and is considered to be of high quality. After all, the immigration ship is designed according to standards that can be used thousands of years later, so good quality is certain.

Without an auxiliary propeller, the shuttle completely lost its attitude control ability. The entire shuttle dashed forward with a drawing circle in the sky, and then gradually approached the surface of the sea, and finally hit the surface of the sea and bounced fiercely. I got up, turned a somersault in the air and hit the sea again with the top of the shuttle. This time I removed the antenna on the top without knowing what it was, but the shuttle bounced up again and threw it away in the air. The remaining half of the wing then began to roll, and finally rolled out along the surface of the sea after hitting the sea surface for the third time. After turning over several kilometers away, it completely disintegrated, and the huge kinetic energy tore away all on the shuttle. The protruding part, but because the main structure is relatively strong, it is not broken, but it is bare because of the absence of external facilities.

Although the main body was not crushed in the end, it was knocked out of a big hole. After rushing for a certain distance on the sea surface, it plunged into the sea and began to sink. To be honest, if it weren't for the big hole, this thing could actually float on the water. The shuttle itself deliberately controls its own weight in order to enter and exit the atmosphere, plus a reasonable seal, so the average density of this thing is actually very low, and there is no problem in floating. Even considering that primordial week impossible has an existing airport, vertical take-off and landing is a waste of fuel, so the shuttle was originally planned to land on the water. In other words, the shuttle is actually a seaplane.

"The thing is sinking, quickly, go and hold it." Seeing that the main body of the shuttle was sinking due to the impact damage, I hurriedly asked everyone to go over and help hold this thing. Fortunately, this thing didn't fall apart completely, but there were a few big holes leaking, so the sinking speed was not too fast. Of course, we can’t plug these holes, so all we can do is slow down the sinking speed. It would be nice if they were lucky, and their size could completely hold the wreckage.

I was instructing everyone to hold on to the wreck to ensure that it would not sink quickly. Suddenly, I heard Frost’s scream, and then I understood why she called because there was a break under the spaceship wreck. It actually cracked completely, and then several large boxes slid down from it moved towards seabed and sank. These boxes are exactly the same as the monsters we found before, so these boxes are most likely to contain monsters, and the other possibility is that they actually contain Academician. But no matter what the possibility is, these things can't be lost.

"The others stabilize the hull, Shuangxue and Ling follow me down."

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