Return the assault rifle back to normal mode. As soon as I turned my head, I saw three people who looked at me stupidly, and of course there were more stunned people in the distance. They didn’t expect that a rifle that looked about the size of an ordinary machine gun could fire out the kind of thick beams that looked like a space cannon, and the monster that looked so majestic before couldn’t even resist it. It will be seconds. Think about it, how terrible is the formidable power of this thing?

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up to evacuate, it is not safe." After saying to the three people, I turned my head and looked for my gun. Although the rifle was brought back, but the pistol did not know where it flew. Fortunately, the pistol was not lost, it was just picked up by a youngster. But to my surprise, the youngster found out that the first reaction after I looked at him was not to give me the gun, but to hide it behind his back. What do you think you are a student at school doing with a gun? Besides, South Korea is also a country where guns are banned!

I didn't care about the other person's eyes, I directly activated the electromagnetic control, the gun in that guy's hand flew out of his hand, and then I grabbed it and stuffed it into the holster. But before I turned around to look for someone else, I suddenly found out that my companion’s battlefield information came next to me. I quickly pushed the youngster away. In the next second, the wall behind the guy was pierced with a big hole, and I saw it. A big guy rolled out of it.

This is not my companion, but the Little Giant whose whole body is cyan-gray color like steel, and the fist of this guy is very big, it looks like two hammers. This thing was still smoking when it came out of the wall, and it was obviously hit. But before this guy got up, I aimed the rifle at his body and pulled the trigger. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, there was a fist-sized blood hole in the guy's chest. The anti-armor ammunition of the Dragon Clan special rifle is fired at close range, even our own body cannot stop it. There was a problem with this guy's genes. Although the defensive power has increased, it has not yet reached the level of guarding the sky.

The monster got a hole and immediately yelled at me for revenge, but I answered it with another armor-piercing bullet. This time the monster knew that the weapon in my hand was quite powerful, so he immediately turned to the side One rolled, but the bullet still touched its arm and tore off a large piece of meat.

"Yeah, yes, will you hide." As I said, I flipped the switch on the side of the barrel down by one gear, and then supported my body with my right leg slightly back, and raised the gun with my shoulder. Live the butt. "Since you can hide, let's try if you can hide." I said and pulled the trigger. The assault rifle burst into a deafening rumbling sound instantly, and the dense barrage directly chased the monster and hit it. The monster tried desperately to dodge left and right, but the bullets were too dense, and he was hit frequently. In the end, he was not spared. After being interrupted, one foot fell to the ground and lost his mobility. He couldn't get up. Although his body was able to resist certain attacks, he was attacked at such close range by the dense barrage, no matter how strong his body was, he would soon be torn apart the main body structure and lost the ability to move. Of course, with Dragon Clan’s cell activity, he will regenerate quickly no matter what, so I took out a tube of green liquid from my body and poured it on its body. In an instant, a lot of puss appeared on the monster’s body. , And then burst into the water, less than one minute, the entire monster becomes a pool of liquid.

"This will be fine." I said with confidence looking at the liquid on the ground.

"Master, you did it?" Lingling just saw a puddle of liquid on the ground when she came out of the house half of the ruined house with a big sword, and asked.

I nodded and asked: "Where are other monsters?"

Lingling tapped on the side of her temple, and then opened the nearby War Zone map in the spirit net network. The marked information is seen above.

"One has been killed. Plus the two you solved, and three more. They are currently in these positions." Lingling said to me while looking at the map.

When we chased after the map information, the remaining people solved a monster, which was the monster that attacked me first. Now there are only two monsters left.

The last two monsters are the same thing as the big dog without skin and the female warrior with a skeleton outside.

When we looked for them, these two monsters were raging on a commercial street. Ling and Xiaochun were chasing and intercepting them, but these two monsters have their own characteristics and they are not easy to deal with. The female warrior has a very strong battle strength. Not only is it super powerful, it also reacts very quickly. It can easily dodge bullets. What's more, its armor is too hard. Except for special ammunition, general weapons are completely useless. But here is the Commerce District, where people are everywhere. If special ammunition is used, the formidable power is too large. If it fails to hit the target, the bullet may pass through several walls in succession, which will cause a large area of ​​casualties. This is exactly what we need to avoid, so we can't use special ammunition and can only fight melee with a monster like this female warrior.

Another monster, which looks like a big dog without skin, is relatively weaker in battle strength, but it is precisely this thing that restrained a large number of our personnel and caused heavy civilian casualties, because The speed of this big dog is too fast, even we can't keep up with the speed of this thing, so that we are always led by the nose. And this big dog especially likes to drill into the crowd. Every time he jumps in the crowd, he will drop a few people by the way. Anyway, to it, civilians are like paper, and they will be injured and killed by rubbing them.

Ling, who was confronting the female warrior, immediately said to us upon seeing us appear: "Master, go after that dog, Lingling will come and help."

Before we came, we were originally. It was Jingjing and Ling Zai who besieged this female warrior, and now Lingling is three to one. Under this ratio, there should be no problems with them in theory. After all, Ling is not easy to mess with.

The big dog on the other side is running wildly on the surrounding buildings. Yes, you read that right, it is in architecture. This thing completely interprets the concept of not taking the normal road to home. It hardly touches the ground. It uses its own speed and strong limbs to jump around on the outer walls of the surrounding buildings, and we can do it here. Only Xiao Bai and Bai Lang were the only ones who could effectively pursue them. In addition, because of the tail, Yeyue did occupy a certain amount of initiative, and could jump up and down like that mutant dog. As for other people, they could only follow to eat ashes.

"It runs very fast."

Looking at the thing going around in the vicinity of the vicinity, I knew that this big dog actually has some intelligence. The purpose of the other party should be to cover the female warrior, and the two parties should have a certain relationship. Anyway, the big dog never leaves a certain range around the female warrior, even now it just takes everyone around in circles, just doesn't leave. In fact, at the speed of this big dog, if we really want to escape with all our strength, it is really not easy for us to chase without the aid of an aircraft. But since this thing doesn't go far, it's a lot easier.

"Has anyone brought a rope net?" I asked in the spirit net network.

"I didn't bring it. It wasn't a capture mission before. Why did I bring that stuff?" Xiaochun replied.

"In that case, I have to use this weapon." As I said, I re-hanged the rifle on the rack on the back, and then stretched out my hand and took out something like a grenade from my waist. Seeing that monster went around in a circle and moved towards me again, I decisively turned the grenade-like thing, and then moved towards monster and threw it towards where it was about to land.

The metal object that I threw out is indeed a grenade, but it is not an explosive grenade. This thing started immediately after hitting the outer wall of the building, and directly formed a Black Sphere with a radius of more than one meter around it, and then disappeared completely in a flash. The wall that was smashed and the contents inside disappeared with this grenade. A large hole with a diameter of more than two meters and nearly three meters was opened on the front of the building, and everything in the hole was gone. The cut was smooth and flat, and it felt like a bite was eaten by something.

In fact, those things haven't disappeared, they just can't be seen. This grenade is actually something left over from alien technology, and, like many alien technologies, it is the kind of technology that we know, but we don’t know why. We can imitate exactly the same grenade based on the alien's grenade, and the formidable power is similar, but we still don't know how this thing produces this effect. Anyway, what we know is that this thing can crush all matter within a radius of one meter and five into atomic form after activation, which means that the attack effect of this thing is similar to proton rays, which can destroy the molecular structure and disintegrate the matter.

The monster just now had a good landing point, but because my grenade directly blasted a large area around the landing point, so the thing went empty all at once, and then One head hit the wall opposite the big pit and tumbled and fell off.

What I want is this opportunity. When the monster rolled down, I rushed over, and the long sword in my hand was lifted up by me.

The monster fell to the ground as a tumble and wanted to stand up, but I rushed to it in two faster steps, then raised the sword and fell, hitting the monster’s head. I went down, but just as I was about to cut off the monster’s head, a warning from my companion suddenly came from the spirit net network, and then I quickly retracted the sword and retreated, and in the next second a silver white thing was brought with it. A gust of wind wiped my face and flew over, then pierced a load-bearing pillar on the outer wall of the building with a bang, and then passed through again, linking a Korean and a foreign tourist in this commercial building. I took the candied fruit stick, then took two people and nailed it into the opposite wall to be completely stopped.

The flight trajectory of this thing just now, if I don’t stop the chopping and slashing, this one should greet me solidly, but the other party’s intention is also obvious, just to force me to avoid , And then rescued the mutant dog.

As soon as I stepped away, the female warrior had already broken through the blockade composed of Ling, Jingjing, and Lingling moved towards me. This intention couldn't be more obvious.

Obviously, this female warrior and this mutant dog are not the same as the previous monsters. Their intellectual retention is obviously much higher than that of other monsters, and there are certain emotions, at least this The previous behavior of the dog and the action that the female warrior had just rescued the dog were not just a simple tactical cooperation. This should be a rescue operation brought about by emotion.

Looking at the female warrior rushing over, I simply drew away and backed away for a certain distance without fighting both of them at the same time. After the female warrior rushed to the big dog's side, she immediately took a precautionary posture and pointed at me. Obviously, the other party had already identified me as a more threatening existence.

"These two seem a little bit intellectual." It is obviously not only me who found that these two monsters are different from other monsters, but Ling and Xiaochun both found the problem.

I glanced at Ling, and then said in the spirit net network: "This should be the conversion rate completed by good luck. Not only does it retain part of the intelligence, but the battle strength is also better than those mutations. It’s much better if the direction goes wrong."

"No matter how it evolves, it still does not evolve perfectly. It is definitely not our opponent." Lingling said.

"Yes, they are not our opponents, but I am worried about the casualties in the vicinity." After looking at all around, I said to Ling them: "It is better to solve these two monsters as soon as possible, no There is another accidental injury."

After determining the target of action, our side suddenly moved again, but instead of rushing to fight, we took out all rifles.

The battle strength of these two monsters is very strong, so it is a bit difficult to catch up to the battle, but we have many people, and it is much easier to take advantage of the weapon.

So, creatures with brains are more difficult to deal with than those without brains. The two monsters on the other side reacted fiercely and started rushing outward. The location used as the breakthrough port was Frost Snow, but Frost reacted quickly, quickly dropped his weapon and held it in front of her with her hands, and then saw a large white frost mist quickly appear in the space in front of her. The weapons on our side followed the actions of the two monsters all the way through.

Although the two monsters were hit with some bullets, they were all minor injuries and did not affect their battle strength. However, these two monsters didn't expect, and it was the breakthrough they chose. They have made a big impact.

Although the two monsters successfully jumped out from Shuangxue, when they landed, they suddenly found that their limbs were stiff, and they were unable to make flexible actions. However, we did not intend to give them buffer time. As soon as the two monsters landed on the ground, the sound of the wind breaking behind them followed, and then there was a bang. The big dog's body was cut in half, and the female warrior was sprinkled with blood. However, this result surprised us all, because I originally planned to chop the two together, but the big dog suddenly rushed forward and blocked my attack with his body. As a result, it was cut in half. But the female warrior got a buffer time and rolled away from me.

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