After explaining the work, I was going to go down and salvage the boxes, but when we were just about to start diving, a partition suddenly popped up on the main structure of the shuttle above. The hot plate, and under the surprised gaze of all of us, a white columnar object suddenly popped out from under the heat shield. This thing took a long flame and soared into the sky. The speed was super fast, and it flew out in the blink of an eye. It's the scope of our attack.

"Damn, what is that?" Although my sight can still catch that thing, because the launch was too sudden, I simply didn't see what it was.

I just asked casually, but didn’t expect suddenly found that a TV signal was connected to the spirit net network, and then I quickly discovered that the signal came from a plane that was hung on the plane. The missile below. That's right, what we see now is actually what a missile sees.

This missile is actually not special, it is just an anti-ship missile loaded with a TV guidance module.

In fact, this kind of missile is a very backward weapon, and it is on the verge of being eliminated. The reason for installing this kind of missile on the plane is mainly because the American and Japanese planes were chasing the immigrant ship before. The size of the other side was too large. The killing principle of air-to-air missiles determines how much it can deal with this size. Objects can hardly cause any decent damage, and ordinary ground weapons cannot hit the immigration ship. In the end, after much deliberation, only this kind of missile is the most suitable.

This kind of anti-ship missile that is about to be phased out is a missile that can be remotely controlled. It captures dynamic images through a camera mounted in front of the warhead and then transmits it back to the control unit, which usually does not need to be controlled. , Because this missile has a certain degree of autonomous tracking capability. The real purpose of remote control is to help this kind of trajectory identify the decoy. Because modern warships can launch a variety of decoy devices to trick self-guided missiles into attacking the decoy and miss the target, this semi-manual guidance mode appears. In this way, because there is a person sitting on the other side, the decoys that deceive electronic devices are simply useless. After all, the decoys are impossible even if they are realistic. Even people can cheat them. Therefore, this kind of missiles actually have a certain effect. .

However, in the recent period, the development of world military weapons is not balanced. The development of attack weapons is obviously much faster than the development of defensive weapons. Therefore, the success rate of decoy bombs has dropped drastically. In most cases, automatic guidance Mode missiles can accurately hit the target, and adding an artificial guidance method is easy to be interfered because of the remote control interface, so this kind of missile is about to be eliminated, and even the production line has stopped producing finished products. At present, there is only A small number of maintenance parts are still in production, which is basically out of sequence.

However, although this missile is almost obsolete, it has several very important advantages. The most important point is that it is an anti-ship missile. The destructive power is very huge, as long as it hits , It can cause huge damage to the immigration ship. The formidable power of other air-to-air missiles is too small to hit a few hundred rounds. The general anti-ship missiles are basically automatically controlled, and their targets are set to surface ships, so they will automatically fly over the sea and implement ultra-low altitude penetration. The result of this attack method is that this kind of missile can't attack the air target at all, and it is too late to modify the command temporarily, so it can't be used at all. But this kind of missile has video guidance, so it can be operated manually, which is an advantage.

Originally, this thing was used to deal with the immigration ship, but because the immigration ship fell down by itself, so the plane still took this thing and didn't throw it away. Didn't expect came in handy now. Of course, we are not going to use this missile to hit that aircraft, because it simply can't catch up. We just hope that this thing can provide a stable perspective for us to see what that thing is.

The aircraft with bombs was right in front of the aircraft, so the pilot immediately received the order to launch the missile after our sight changed. Our line of sight moved with the missile, and because the missile and the aircraft were flying relative to each other, we quickly approached the airspace near the aircraft, and finally saw clearly what it was.

In fact, when we first saw the thing flying out, what we were most worried about was not that the enemy ran away, but that the other party came to Final Struggle and fired an atomic bomb, which would be very troublesome. But at that time I was dizzy, and now I think about it completely for nothing, because the shuttle itself is not the original thing of the other party, but it was snatched from the Korean. The Koreans are not sick, so what are they doing with a nuclear bomb on the shuttle? Therefore, it is simply impossible to have a weapon system on the shuttle.

This is the fact. Through the camera in front of the missile, we finally saw the whole picture of the thing.

Although this thing looks like a missile, it is actually a small plane, or an escape pod is more suitable.

This thing is obviously divided into two parts. The latter part is relatively long, more than twice as long as the previous part, and the structure is very simple, just a cylindrical rocket thruster. Although the first half of it is shorter, it is bigger and the shape is a bit like a bottle gourd, but the ratio of the front and back parts is not so exaggerated, but rather close. The slightly smaller part at the front is the escape pod, which can seat eight people, and the thinner part in the middle is the connecting device, which can be disconnected if necessary. The slightly larger protruding part at the back is the power system of the escape capsule itself. The rocket at the back is used for emergency launch. This part is the real flight power system.

The escape capsule itself has the ability to land on the planet surface independently through the atmosphere, and because it has wings and independent propellers, the escape capsule also has the ability to fly, and even after landing, it can recover. Flying is not a disposable item.

Interstellar immigrants are for humans to catch ducks on the shelves, and the resources that can be brought to the past are too few and too few, so almost everything is multi-purpose. In addition to its own escape capsule function, this escape capsule itself is also an aircraft that will be used as a small vehicle after the establishment of a colony in the future. Although this gadget cannot be used as a fighter jet, it can be used as a small transport aircraft or reconnaissance aircraft. Therefore, this thing itself is designed to be used many times, and it is not the kind of escape pod that is simply thrown out and left alone.

The power of the rocket behind this thing is not small, and the fuel contained in it is quite large. After the launch, it has not separated for a long time, but has been accelerating. The escape hatch raised its speed to five times the speed of sound in one breath, and then moved towards our country and flew away.

Although the American and Japanese planes both caught up, they were obviously not fast enough, and they were pulled apart when they chased them.

In fact, speaking of which is our unlucky. The opponent couldn't run away. The reason why it was able to launch was entirely because we held the main cabin. Previously, the shuttle had been spinning around because it lost its wing on one side. The other party couldn’t find the launch angle, so it didn’t dare to launch. Hit the ground and fell to death. Therefore, they knew that the shuttle could not be secured before they dared not launch it. However, when the shuttle was implemented, we held on to the main structure of the shuttle in order to save the scientists who might exist in the box. As a result, we found the launch angle for the other party, so we have the current situation. Going on.

"Boss, what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do? Chase it!"

"What about here?"


"Mark the coordinates, let the big man behind, let us chase that thing."

Although our speed here is not very good, we can't watch the other party run. You can only start the thruster to fly first.

In fact, we did not fly for long, because it is already not far from our territorial waters. It used to be too far to support, but now it’s close. However, the first thing that arrived was not a domestic plane, but a large ultra-high-speed penetration transport plane that took off from a secret base under the sea nearby.

This kind of transport aircraft is not big in size, and its shape is very special. When it is folded up, it looks like an extra-large missile. If you don't say anything in advance, you would never think that it is actually a transport plane.

This transport aircraft is transported by a dedicated submarine, which can be very close to the coast of the enemy country, and then launched by the submarine underwater. Of course, the submarine can also be launched from the surface. After launching, the transportation opportunity immediately drilled out of the sea, and then relied on the four sets of rocket boosters behind to accelerate to more than eight times the speed of sound in a very short period of time, and then penetrated into the enemy’s airspace at an ultra-low altitude and went deep behind the enemy’s airspace. Send to the carrier.

Of course, this thing is not prepared for conventional warfare, but belongs to a special combat unit. Its main function is to project special forces or special materials into the enemy's rear. It is a special warfare weapon.

We are good luck, and there happened to be a transport submarine of this type nearby that was undergoing maintenance, and it came up immediately after receiving the order. However, because time was too tight, the combatants were not brought in. Only a few combat robots were packed into the transport plane in time. Humans did not get in anyway, because it took too long to wait for the combatants to gather. We don’t lack battle strength anyway, what we lack is the transportation unit, so let them come as fast as possible.

As soon as the submarine left the port, it launched the transport plane directly, and then the transport plane rushed out of the sea and moved towards us. It flew two times, and after meeting us, it went in a circle to chase the escape capsule and flew past.

The speed of the escape capsule is only five times the speed of sound, and after the booster rocket is used up, the speed drops to twice the speed of sound, but the transport plane we took can reach 8 times the speed of sound, which is obviously faster than the other party. too much. It is a pity that our transport aircraft also relies on rocket engines to accelerate, which means that 8 times the speed of sound has a time limit, and this speed cannot be maintained forever. However, the rocket engine on the transport aircraft obviously takes longer to fly than the opponent’s booster, and even if the rocket engine is turned off, the transport aircraft still has a terrifying speed of up to 4 times the speed of sound, which is much faster than the opponent’s escape capsule.

In fact, if we chase here, there is no idleness on the domestic side. Several fighter jets took off in an emergency to intercept. In addition, the location of the opponent's possible landing point was also dispatched by mobile air defense forces to make an emergency interception. The only thing that reassures everyone is that the opponent’s escape pod impossible has a weapon system. In the worst case, the opponent’s escape pod directly hits the building. This situation will be slightly worse. After the opponent landed, the opponent should have some weapons in their hands, but the ones that can be brought into the escape pod will definitely not be large weapons, and those individual equipment should not cause much problem.

The coastal area of ​​a small city on the east coast of China. There is a large square here, because there is a beach in front of it, the scenery is good, and the air is good, so everyday all will have some small couples and other activities here. Of course, only during the day. At night, here is the famous square dance center nearby, which is the world of aunts.

At this time, because it is noon and the sun is better, there are not many people on the beach, but after all, it is a seaside square, and there are still so few people no matter how few people are.

Just as the people in the square were doing their own things, a few military vehicles suddenly rushed over outside the square. These cars did not go through the entrance of the square at all, because there was a row of stone piers that prevented vehicles from entering, and the cars could not get in at all. However, although these military vehicles did not take the stone piers against it, it does not mean that there is no way to take the isolation belt.

The armored military vehicle at the beginning drove directly into the green belt on the edge of the square, and then broke the stainless steel guardrail and rushed into the square from the flower bed side, completely ignoring the circular depression in the center of the square. The steps in the area rushed down all the way, and then rushed up from here, and rushed to the platform by the sea before a flick to stop.

Behind this armored crossover are three large military vehicles. The front shape is the same, but the inside structure of the carriage behind it is a bit different. The car body in the front looks like something very complicated, but because the structure is too messy, it can’t be seen, but the two cars behind are more obvious. They are clearly a missile launcher and a transportation support. vehicle.

This is actually a basic mobile air defense group. The off-road vehicle at the front is an armed reconnaissance vehicle and a pilot vehicle. The strange shape is actually a radar car and a command car. The one carrying a rotatable launcher is best recognized as a missile launcher. The last one looks a lot like an ordinary truck, except that the one with a boom in the middle is the ammunition and support vehicle, which is responsible for maintenance and ammunition replenishment.

After the four cars rushed into the square, several soldiers jumped out immediately, and then they saw that the complex structure on the top of the radar car was slowly erected, and the structure was still slowly unfolding, although there was no Fully raised, but the structure of a huge radar antenna can already be seen. The missile car on the other side is also unfolding, but instead of unfolding the launcher, it is unfolding the metal stabilizer. The launch vehicle is not the same as the radar vehicle. The radar does not produce reaction force, so it can be used directly when it is erected. However, when the missile car is launched, it will have a great impact on the car body. Therefore, it is necessary to deploy a set of metal stabilizers like a crane to lift the chassis up. The car body remains stable.

Just as the action team was unfolding, in the sky far away, the person in the escape pod was also nervously looking at the coastline in front, because they simply didn’t know what was waiting for them. . Moreover, as it is now, although they are still in Final Struggle, they actually already know their destiny.

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