Chapter Five Hundred Recycling Operation

"Block those monsters, don’t let one go." Looking at the monsters that have been charged ahead, I can only shout Everyone catches up to find a way to control these monsters, but the monsters are different from us. We are implementing an international joint operation. Not only do we have cameras on site, but we also have video surveillance on our bodies, which means that a group of people are watching our operations. In case we do something, it will become a talking point. It may be a diplomatic incident. Therefore, we need to pay attention to civilian casualties, to protect the weak, and to maintain law and order. Anyway, we need to pay attention to many things.

But, monsters don’t need it! They can directly rush to death like a tank and trample anyone who stands in the way, even the child completely ignores it. They can climb up and down to make the exterior wall of the building into an abstract painting-like structure without having to pay for maintenance afterwards. They can do whatever they think is good for them, but we can't.

So, although we are actually better than these monsters in actual ability, but the result is that these monsters are rampaging among the crowd, it is difficult for us to really catch up to kill them. The biggest problem boils down to only two points. First, we can't shoot because it will accidentally be injured. Second, we cannot use full speed to drive away pedestrians in the way, because that will cause a lot of casualties. Monster can kill people, but we can't.

After rushing into the crowd, the police shot and intercepted them, but these things have the Dragon Clan gene, which means that, like us, they have super long regeneration ability and the damage caused by weapons. It will heal soon. In addition, police weapons can actually cause no effective damage because of their relatively small formidable power.

Because the firepower of the police force was too weak, the monsters quickly broke into the crowd and dispersed. Although these guys look uncharacteristic, they actually know certain tactics, and they know how to separate to attract attention.

Looking at the scattered monsters, we can only divide our troops, because we can’t let any monster go away. Not only is these monsters going to kill civilians, but more importantly, these things carry Dragon Clan genes, so we all need to recycle them.

When we dashed through the police line, the monsters had already dispersed after the scattered crowd, one of them killed a passerby not far in front of me, and then A vertical jump jumped into the courtyard of a private house on the corner.

"Disperse, everyone chooses their own goals." After I gave the order, I chased the monster that I just saw running into the yard and passed by.

The monster I was staring at was the fleshy ball with many tentacles on its body. This thing uses those tentacles to move very fast, and because the tentacles can walk on the ground like legs, It can also wrap around high objects and move forward like a swing, so the flexibility is very high.

When I chased outside the yard, I heard a loud noise from the yard cracking the walls, followed by the screams of women. Before I could think about it, I just jumped in. As a result, as soon as I landed, I saw three spikes in front of me.

This spike is the bony spike at the tip of the monster's tentacles. The opponent's tentacles are very flexible and have very good extension capabilities, allowing them to attack very far. Even if the main body is still in the house, the spikes can directly attack me through a distance of seven or eight meters.

Seeing the flying spikes, I didn't even hide, and the claws popped out with both hands, swiped in the air a few times, and instantly cut off all the tentacles of the thing.

The tentacles that fell on the ground struggled and twisted on the ground for a while, and soon lost their vitality, and then began to melt themselves. This phenomenon is not actually a monster's problem, but a Dragon Clan gene's problem. If my hand is chopped off, it will automatically dissolve like this monster's tentacles after a few minutes of falling on the ground. This phenomenon is actually a kind of gene protection, and the principle is also very simple. That is, there is a decomposing enzyme in our body. This thing is usually an energy conversion auxiliary substance in our body and does not decompose our body. However, this enzyme is not stable and needs to be kept stable under a low voltage environment. Once the electricity disappears, this enzyme will quickly lose its original state and become another enzyme. This mutated enzyme will combine the cells and tissues in our body, and then rearrange the DNA. Under the interference of the enzyme, our cells will have a super rejection reaction, and then they will completely dissolve themselves. .

Because as long as there is low-voltage electricity maintenance, this enzyme will be quite stable, so the bioelectricity in our body will maintain the stability of this enzyme, and even if someone else gets the structure of this enzyme, It is useless to release lytic enzymes directly to us, because this enzyme itself is a reversible substance, as long as there is voltage, it will automatically become a harmless enzyme, and it will also generate stronger energy for us, and the effect is similar to an intensifier.

So, someone who uses this mutated enzyme on us will only make us stronger, and the effect is equivalent to injecting us with stimulants. However, once a certain body structure leaves the body and loses the voltage, it will soon be automatically dissolved due to the conversion of enzymes, and this destruction starts from the inside. The first thing to be destroyed is the DNA sequence, so we are in battle. If there is any body parts or blood dripping on the road, it is nothing at worst, because there is no way for others to extract anything from it.

The monster was cut off the tips of the three tentacles and immediately retracted the tentacles, and then uttered a very unpleasant scream, and then this thing directly smashed into the other wall on the opposite side. The street behind the main street.

Seeing that the monster ran out, I hurriedly chased it from here, passing by the big hole in the middle, it happened to see the people in the room with horrified eyes. But I didn't have time to watch them, so I just chased them out. Looking in the direction of the monster's escape, the thing has been charged ahead by more than fifty meters away. There were two torn bodies lying on the side of the road, which seemed to have just been caused by the thing, and there were many screaming crowds around them, all survivors.

This thing is too fast, this is not a solution. I looked at the top and made sure that there were no obstacles. I just opened my wings, then the plasma thruster ignited, and the whole person soared into the sky.

This monster has too many eyes, and there is simply no blind spot. After seeing me chasing, he immediately turned around moved towards a street on the side. I turned to one side and made a large angle deflection, and then crashed into the wall of the second floor of a house on the side of the road with a bang. However, I scanned the house before, and there was no one inside, so no casualties were caused.

I didn't wait for the monster to react at all. As soon as I hit the room, I ran out of the other window at the oblique corner of the room. I actually hit the building on the initiative just now, the purpose is to use the wall to slow down, and now I jumped out of the window here just above the monster's head.

The monster’s intelligence level is obviously not very high. Although it can judge my trajectory, it can’t understand the trick when I walk through the room until I jump from the window above its head. Come out, this thing only noticed my appearance.

Although I was approached by a trick, this thing reacted quickly. When I saw me, it immediately rolled a lot of tentacles and tried to kill me, but I waved the claws with both hands and cut it off. Several of its tentacles slammed straight on the main body of this guy, which is the big meat ball.

The subject is approached by me, and this thing is obviously violent. Those tentacles on his body began to dance frantically. One of the tentacles twitched on my chest and smashed me out.

When the person was still in the air, I pulled out the rifle behind my backhand and prepared to fire, but one of the tentacles of the thing swept over it intentionally or unintentionally, and it hit my gun and hit it. The gun flew away.

The rifle was taken off, I quickly cut off the tentacles of the thing with a blade claw, then adjusted my body shape and landed steadily, and then I saw that the thing suddenly rushed up without warning, completely. Stance desperately with me.

To be honest, the thing I am least worried about right now is that this thing fights me desperately, on the contrary, it is troublesome if it doesn't fight me desperately. As long as this thing is willing to fight me, then I have 10,000 ways to kill it, but if it keeps running, it will be troublesome.

Looking at the monster rushing, I shot the pistol from the side of my thigh without the slightest hesitation at that monster. But the tentacles of that thing suddenly gathered to block the bullet. Although several tentacles were interrupted, the bullet was also deflected and missed the core. Of course I didn't expect one shot to get it done, so I shot three in a row, but this thing had too many tentacles, all the bullets were blocked, and the pistol was also entangled. But I gave up the pistol decisively and took the long sword-shaped high-frequency vibrating blade in my hand and slashed it horizontally.

Although the tentacles of that thing are very flexible, they are just like noodles in front of the high-frequency vibrating blade. I cut off several tentacles with a single sword, and then I waved the long sword and kept cutting. Drop the tentacles of that thing, and gradually get closer to this thing.

Just when I cut off a lot of tentacles and was about to get close to the core, I suddenly felt my feet tight. That thing actually knows tactics. It first confronted me with a bunch of tentacles, attracting my attention, and then hidden a tentacled from the side to round to my back, and then pressed against the ground, passing under the fragments of the severed tentacles. Then, it stretched directly to the edge of my ankle, and then suddenly broke out, entangled my feet.

After my feet were entangled, I immediately lost my balance. The thing lifted my feet very quickly, lifted me upside down, and then slammed into the wall on the side of the road. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, I was directly smashed into the room.

It's really Niu 13, there are actually two people sleeping in this room, and they wake up when I hit the bed and knocked over the bed. I said you two are the reincarnations of Sleeping God? Nearly one-fifth of Seoul was flattened when the emigration ship fell off. This movement is bigger than the earthquake, right? These two guys actually slept like a dead pig. If it wasn't for me to knock over the bed, would they wake up tomorrow morning and find that the entire world has changed? Oh, it's not right. It's around ten in the morning in Korea local time. Isn't it time for everyone to get up long ago?

Anyway, my accidental entry made the youngsters chaotic, but before they had time to react, or before I could react, the tentacles under my feet Suddenly he used his force to pull me out again. Although I grabbed the wall and all kinds of things that I could get, but the thing was too powerful, and the things I grabbed were crushed alive in the end and couldn't hold me at all.

I was helplessly dragged out of the room again. Obviously the monster didn’t intend to let me go. Instead, he grabbed my foot and threw me across the long street. In the courtyard in the middle of the villa.

The yard in the middle of this villa does not know what it is for, it is actually a concrete floor. I only heard a bang, and I was directly smashed into a big human-shaped pit, but the next second I flew up again, the thing was using me as a sandbag, and it felt harder against the surrounding area. It's just a mess.

"Your younger sister is still addicted, right?" When I was flying into a rage out of humiliation, when I was thrown above my head for the Nth time, I suddenly turned on my power, and my whole person was like a rocket soaring into the sky. rise. The monster tried desperately to hold me, but because it was too sudden, its other tentacles didn't find a place to fix it, and as a result, the whole monster was taken by me and flew together.

The thing didn’t want to be taken up to the sky. The tentacles on the body immediately spread out to try to grab something, but it was the same as when I was pulled out of the room before. Although it caught something, it’s because It was too little, so the strength was not enough. In the end, I just pulled it up all the way, and then soared into the sky.

The thing changed its strategy when it found that it could not control the upward trend, and began to shrink its tentacles as if to narrow the distance between us, and then climbed onto me, but I simply did not give it this opportunity. As I was ascending, I suddenly turned off, then pushed in the opposite direction, and my body dropped suddenly. When I was passing by that thing, the claws flipped over and cut off the tentacles entwining my feet with a click, and then the whole person rushed straight to the ground and slammed in front of the three stunned youths.

The two men and the woman are holding my rifles, staring at me falling from the sky with dull eyes. Obviously they were planning to use my rifle to help, but because our weapon has a locking function, unless authorized, ordinary people can't use it. So they couldn't shoot a bullet after tossing for a long time.

Without time to wait for their response, I pulled my rifle with swift motion, then quickly pulled out a thick cable from under the gun body and inserted it into the port on the waist, then raised the gun to the sky The falling monster. As I aimed, the rifle in my hand suddenly began to unfold rustling sound like a deformed Vajra, the whole body of the gun became larger and longer, and at the same time, some blue particles visible by naked eye began to appear in the front of the gun body. That is actually the ionization phenomenon of air, similar to miniature ball lightning.

In less than a second, the rifle reached the firing threshold, and then as my finger pressed it, a dazzling white beam pierced the sky, and the monster was instantly crushed into an atomic state.

"I think you are not dead this time!"

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