After opening a box is such an exciting thing, I really should find someone with a good mental capacity to do it. Anyway, I won't open the box next time I am killed.

As soon as the box was opened, I saw a red box that I didn’t know what it was. It suddenly jumped out of it, and then pounced on me, and then I felt like a giant Li Zhiping pushed it out. This powerful one is almost as good as a bulldozer. I almost didn't stop it with such a great effort. Thanks to Ling supporting me behind my back, I was able to stabilize my figure, and following me, I connected through the spirit net. From Ling's perspective, I saw what was hanging on me.

This is something that I can't say how to describe it. Simply put, this is a monster. The whole body is red, just like a skinned animal, you can see obvious muscle fibers and white ligaments. In addition, this thing is slightly larger than a human body, and may be about 2.5 meters tall, but because the whole thing is hanging on my body now, I can't tell how tall it is. Anyway, it's bigger than a person.

This thing has a pair of canine-like hind limbs, of course the size is large, and quite strong. As for the forelegs... In addition to the two legs, this thing also has something similar to an arm, five on the left and four on the right. The positions are asymmetrical, and the size and length are different, but the difference is not big.

These arms are very similar to human arms, but the structure is not right. The forearm of the arm is much longer than the upper arm, the palm is small, but the fingers are particularly long. There are short but very sharp claws on the fingertips.

This thing also has a head, but the shape is not very obvious, because its neck is particularly thick, and the head is relatively small, so if you don’t pay attention, you will think that it is part of the body. This head looks like two walnuts spliced ​​together, with an obvious crack in the middle. There is no muscle tissue on the outside of the head, but it is completely wrapped by a white skeleton. No visual organs can be seen on it. Instead, a few small holes can be seen. I don't know what it is for.

In addition to these strange structures, this thing has a tail, but the shape of this tail is even more weird. It feels like a half-length cut of a big catfish, and then it is directly installed in this monster. Fart. Same on the stock.

This tail obviously belongs to some kind of water-lifting animal, because it not only has erected fins on it, but also has scales and complete skin tissue, which is different from other parts.

We don't know why these guys will bring this kind of monster at the last moment of escape, but what needs my attention right now is how to get this thing off of me.

After this thing jumped on my body, it began to scratch my armor continuously. During the period, it also successfully buckled the protrusion at the gap of my breastplate, and then tried to pull it off. Thanks to my power armor being tightly sealed, it was not pulled away.

I feel that this thing is everywhere on my body looking for weak spots, I can only desperately want to get it off, but this thing is not slippery on my body and my hands can't use force at all. But here is not me alone, but there are my subordinates, so when I was struggling, I suddenly heard a gunshot, and then I felt that something on my body was taken to the side by a force of force. , But this guy clings to me, seems to want to take me to fly away, but I immediately reacted, turning around and just breaking free of its control, the monster flew out by himself.

After throwing away this thing, I was about to go up to solve it, and suddenly found that the lights on the five boxes next to it suddenly all jumped from red to green. We just tried to open one box before, but the rest hasn't moved yet. didn't expect all these boxes were opened all of a sudden, and then all the contents popped out.

At first I thought there would be five such monsters, but in the end, the things that came out of the other five boxes were have nothing common with each other.

Except for the monster in front of me that I don’t know what it looks like, there is a monster in each of the remaining five boxes.

The first is just a creature that looks 90% similar to humans. It is basically a human shape, but the skin color of this thing is cyan-gray color, which is a bit like a corpse that has been dead for a long time. , But there is no sign of decay. Speaking of which is a little bit like zombie. But this thing is obviously not a zombie, because its eyes are very brilliant, black gurgling around. In addition, the fists of this thing are very big, it feels like a pair of adult fists grow on the arms of a little child. Of course, it's not its small size, but its big fist.

Except for this fist and the abnormal skin color, this thing is basically a human shape. However, it has no hair and no clothing on its body, but it just happens to be able to see its super-developed muscles, which is even more exaggerated than a bodybuilder. But think about it, this is monster after all.

The second monster crawled out of that very large box. This thing is a little stranger than the previous one. Its main body is a huge ball of flesh, on which there are a dozen ruby-like compound eyes, which means that this thing has a 360-degree viewing angle, and there is no dead corner at all.

In addition to the ball-shaped body, this thing has more than 30 tentacles on its body. These tentacles are fleshy and should not have a skeleton structure, because they seem to be very smooth when moving. These tentacles are not cylindrical, but triangular prisms, and there are rows of barbs on the three corners. But this is not the key. The key is that there are sharp bone spurs on the tips of the tentacles of this thing, and they flash with silver light. This thing can flexibly control its tentacles to move at high speed on the ground, and can make complex actions such as jumping and flipping attacks.

The appearance of the third monster is the most beautiful among all the monsters here, because this thing looks like a female warrior in power armor, but this set of things on it has grown by itself The outer skeleton instead of armor, but the shape is very beautiful, but the color is not very good-looking, it is actually earth-yellow. In addition, this is the only monster here with a weapon, because this guy has a long spear in his hand, and it is a man-made object, obviously it did not grow by itself.

The fourth monster is simple, it looks a lot like a big dog, but this thing is as skinless as the monster I just ran into, and the dog’s teeth are a bit too big. . However, apart from a relatively large body, no skin, and very long teeth, this thing basically maintains the basic characteristics of a dog.

The fifth monster is similar to my creature in Handu, it's a monster. The upper body of this thing looks like a human upper body structure, but the arms become like crab tongs from the elbow joints forward, while the head looks like an alien, with a recess in the middle. The two sides bulged upward and the old one was tall, and then two eyes grew at the tips of the projections. However, the lower body of this thing has an Insect-like structure. The green body has three pairs of gastric feet. The last pair is super developed like the hind legs of a locust, and this thing has wings, but it looks like it should be a display, flying It's right not to get up.

In addition to the monster I just threw away, there are a total of six monsters, which were previously enclosed in six boxes.

Looking at these monsters, we are all very surprised, and because this is the outer circle area, the police have always been on guard here, so they saw the monsters after they came out.

We are used to seeing monsters anyway, so we didn’t have any reaction when we looked at them, but the policemen were very scared, but at least they were military personnel, and the resistance was reasonable, but they didn’t have anything behind them. Among the ordinary persons who had come to withdraw, they were completely confused. The screams rang out instantly.

As soon as the screams over there sounded, I knew something was going to happen. Sure enough, the monsters abandoned us collectively moved towards the blockade formed by the police and rushed over in the next second.

In fact, as soon as the monsters came out, we scanned the structure of the monsters, and then Nuwa completed the data analysis in one second, and then sent us a copy briefing.

Because the spirit net network sends data directly, it is much faster than the conversation method. In less than a second, we understand the origin of these things.

Speaking of which These things have a lot to do with us, because they are actually ordinary organisms infected with B13 cells.

The B13 virus itself is a genetic virus and has no cell structure, but for the B13 virus it should belong to a naked state, that is, to simplify the genetic information to the minimum and remove the protective layer to form The most direct genetic virus. This virus form of B13 should be said to be the most basic form that is easy to research and manufacture, and the B13 organism is actually a man-made lifeform, which is different from any species on Earth. The biggest feature of B13lifeform is that it can switch between viruses, bacteria, multicellular organisms and complex organisms. This is why the genetic blueprint of our Dragon Clan is obviously the same, but Ling and I are both human forms, but Yeyue has a snake tail, and luckily it is a huge giant dragon form. It's not that our genes are different, but that our gene expression is different. In fact, from the inside, we are all the same. This is why we say we are Dragon Clan, because although everyone looks different, they are actually organisms based on the B13 genome.

In fact, even the B13 virus is considered to be a Dragon Clan individual, because we are the same at the genetic level.

Of course, because the B13 virus is too diffusible, in order to be safe during research, the Longyuan Gene Laboratory designed a DNA-free cell matrix, and then let the B13 virus bind to it. B13 cells are formed.

Compared with B13 virus, B13 cells are very low infectivity, but they will undergo matrix erosion and replacement. To put it simply, if you inject B13 cells into a certain organism, it will soon become a Dragon Clan lifeform covered by the B13 gene.

However, there is one thing to note here.

Dragon Clan transformation is not just about infecting people like zombie in biochemical movies. This is a very complicated process, which is why Dragon Clan transformation requires corresponding equipment.

Dragon Clan transformation is not impossible in the wild, but at least two Dragon Clan members need to be present to guide the transformed individual. In this process, a large amount of energy material needs to be supplemented for the transformed individual, otherwise it will cause Conversion failed. As for the six monsters in front of them...Unfortunately, they are all the products of the failed Dragon Clan gene transformation.

Yes, these things that look ugly to no friends are the same as our Dragon Clan. They are the product of Dragon Clan gene, but the transformation failed.

Dragon Clan genome carries a large amount of genetic information, which can instantly evolve corresponding organs or coping capabilities according to different environments. For example, if we enter the water, fish gills will grow quickly. This is an appropriate adjustment to adapt to the underwater environment. This genome itself is contained in the Dragon Clan gene, but it is generally not expressed. Come out, unless it originally evolved according to aquatic organisms.

When an ordinary organism comes into contact with the Dragon Clan gene, because the Dragon Clan gene is too powerful, it will replicate and replace all the cells of the host without hindrance. Of course, this process takes time. And this by itself will not cause a change in consciousness.

In fact, human cells are dying all the time, but because cells divide and regenerate, the two are basically in a balanced state. Although human cells have been replaced many times in a lifetime, this person is still this person, and this will not change. The replacement of the Dragon Clan gene is also based on the same principle. It will not have any effect on the consciousness of the person itself. The replacement is a gentle gradual replacement. Of course, this is also the reason why it is best to use large-scale equipment, because a large amount of inert solution can be injected into the large-scale equipment during the replacement process to slow down the replacement process, so that the effect after the conversion is completed will be better. Of course, everything can be simplified if there are no conditions, as long as there are two Dragon Clan members to help stabilize the gene.

According to the information found by Nuwa, an armed transport vehicle at our base had an accident and fell over a cliff. Afterwards, the search team recovered most of the cargo on the vehicle, but because there was a mud ditch under the cliff. , So some things may have sunk into the bottom of the mud pit and cannot be found. In the end, about thirty Dragon Clan transforming potions were lost.

Of course, it is roughly confirmed that these things should be buried under the soil. After all, there were landslides and heavy rain at the time, so the search was too difficult, and it was normal to find them. However, it now appears that these lost transformation potions have been found by others, and they know what these things are for, and they have used six more.

It's a pity that these people don't know enough. Although they know what these things are for, they don’t know that Dragon Clan transformation needs guidance, or that their equipment cannot meet the requirements. Anyway, the guidance fails. Eventually, the injected test subjects become the things in front of them because of gene expression errors. .

Of course, because the Dragon Clan gene is self-disciplined, these monsters have become weird, but they have not died. This is very different from general genetic experiments. So the Dragon Clan gene is very strong, even if it makes a mistake, it will not die, but will become a monster.

When we understand what these things are, we are even more worried, because since those things are Dragon Clan, the battle strength must be very exaggerated. Once you enter the crowd over there... the consequences are unimaginable!

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