"The report found no usable access, and the nearby channels are too small for humans to get through."

"Can't people get there?"

"Yes, people can't get through." After Xiaochun answered, she directly sent the three-dimensional scan results to my electronic brain, so I saw this so-called channel that people can't get through.

Don't say it, it's really hard for people to get through, because they are too flat. I don't know what this strange rectangular passage is for. It is wide enough for two people to pass by side by side. But it is too flat. The distance between the upper and lower faces is only a little over ten centimeters. If it is a small child under six years old, he may be able to crawl over it sideways, but our body type is definitely not good. Of course, it’s not really hard to get through. If we ruthlessly tear off the skin and flesh on our body, we can actually go through it in pure mechanical mode. After all, if there is no skin or flesh, our Dragon Clan mechanical skeleton can be folded, and it can be drilled in many places. In the past, but we would not be cruel to self-harm in order to rescue the Japanese and South Korean commandos, even if it does not hurt.

"Is there any other way besides this channel?"

"This is the only channel besides the one in front of you."

"Then There's no way. Attack."

Resolutely reject the spherical robots that rushed over and then Jingjing opened the way. We formed a column form behind, and then propped up the electromagnetic field to force the opponent's fire forward. Chong, the magnetic field in front of Jingjing was splashed by sparks from electromagnetic bombs, and many bullets even passed through the strong magnetic barrier. Fortunately, Jingjing still had a shield made of special materials.

Because my subordinates are all biological consciousness derived from the original units in the game, so I have my own fighting habits. Jingjing is a holy shield angel in the game, has a perfect shield battle skill, and she likes to use shields very much. Because of this feature, we tailor-made this special shield for her.

This shield is made of a special material found in the Fourth Special Zone. Because it contains an element that cannot be found on Earth, it cannot be copied even if the composition is known. At present, apart from the shields in Jingjing's hands and the addition of a small amount of this material to our weapons, the only purpose of this thing is the outer shell of our Dragon Clan's electronic brain, because this is the key to our Dragon Clan's life. Even if the body is beaten into a sieve, even if the head is cut off, even if the head is split, as long as the electronic brain is intact, we are immortal. Therefore, we used the material with the best physical properties we can find so far to make the outer shell of the electronic brain. This metal, which is almost indestructible with Earth technology, has amazing hardness, and has quite good toughness and shape memory ability, even if it is The super strong external force changes the shape, as long as the external force disappears, it will be restored immediately.

The shield in Jingjing's hand was originally an experiment. We used the test electromagnetic railgun in the base to launch full power. In the end, even the support frame that fixed the shield was shaken away. The depleted uranium pellets of the artillery shells were even more fragmented into atomic states, but the shield was only shattered, and it was not penetrated. Although it was split, it still remained because some parts were not completely disconnected. The original shape. This is just a shield with a small amount of this substance, not a pure material, which shows the terrifying performance of this thing.

Jingjing pushed forward with this shield, although the firepower on the opposite side was fierce and unusually fierce, there was no way to penetrate our defense. Although it took a bit of effort, we still rushed to the exit of the passage with an attack, but we were forced back a few steps by a series of explosions when we got here. Fortunately, we inserted our arms into the wall in time, so we were not blown. fly.

The person on the other side seems to not want us to rescue the Japanese and Korean commandos. They actually use explosive weapons in such places, and they are of a huge might model. The damage to the spaceship by this thing is very serious. As we can see the naked eye, the surrounding walls have been severely deformed, and the number of damaged equipment inside is unknown.

"Damn it, do you think we don't have heavy weapons?" The bombed covered in dirt Sgoth raised his hand and threw a plasma plasma ball. The plasma ball left the passageway immediately Turned a turn and moved towards the location of the attacker above and flew over. We can control electromagnetic force. Plasma itself is plasma, which is one of the things we are best at controlling. Therefore, as long as the plasma ball is near us, it can be pointed and hit like a tracking missile.

Although Skott’s plasma ball will inevitably have a significant impact on the circuit system of spaceship, we can’t help it at this time. Following the beginning of Skeet, a lightning ball or even an electric arc flew everywhere on our side. An scorching smell floated outside in an instant, and the firepower to attack us was immediately reduced. The most important thing is that all the spherical robots fell in the electromagnetic attack.

In fact, these robots should be the thing we are least afraid of, because our electromagnetic control ability is the nemesis of some electronic and mechanical creations, but the environment of this place determines that we dare not use our electromagnetic ability indiscriminately. , Even the electromagnetic barrier cannot be fully deployed, for fear of hurting the surrounding lines. But because the other party took the lead in using the huge might weapon, we no longer have any scruples. Anyway, this side has been bombed out, even if the electronic system is not damaged, will anyone dare to use it?

This spaceship is a matter of tens of thousands of lives when it flies. Who dares to be careless? It looks like this neighborhood, and it must be completely removed and replaced later. Do you think someone will check which instruments are still available, which need to be repaired, and which need to be replaced directly? No, no one has that time. For the sake of speed, there is only one method they will use-replace them all. The characteristic of assembly line operation in modern industry is that it is easy to produce but difficult to repair. Those automated car production lines full of robots, a one minute car, are fast enough to dazzle you, but if you ask to go to a repair shop to repair a faulty car, it will take several minutes to check where there is a problem. There are several cars off the assembly line on this Kung Fu production line.

So, in a hurry and not short of money, it is better to change it directly. Although this spaceship is not assembled, the parts are. Therefore, instead of wasting time to check where there is a problem, it is better to replace everything that may be damaged in the affected area, and the speed can be faster.

Since we are not worried about damage, our electromagnetic power naturally started flying unscrupulously, and as our strongest power unfolded, the guards on the opposite side finally could not hold it. An electric arc swept past seven or eight people and it became a skewers. No matter how strong the guards were, they couldn't hold it.

"Boss, I saw the Japanese and Korean commandos." Ye Yue suddenly shouted beside me.


"There seems to be a lot of casualties. I scanned a few brain waves that are gradually disappearing."

< p>"Move fast, pick them up in the past. Be careful not to accidentally hurt them."

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