"Boss, what you said is light, how easy it is to rush past! The firepower on the opposite side is too strong, simply can't rush to it!"

" Then kill the opposite firepower first. Haven't all the tactical materials been copied for you? Haven't you read it?" I said angrily.

"Didn’t you take it seriously before." After Sgoth finished speaking, he said to the other ringtones beside him: "Come here and two people help me support the shield. I'll click the opposite. The firepower point."

Following the words of the three ringtone Knights, each holding a shield to form a fringe shape, suddenly ran out of the horizontal passage, and Skye moved from the fringe shape behind the three. In the gap exposed in the middle, the barrel was stretched out, and then the multi-purpose rifle was adjusted to single-shot mode, and then the line of sight was synchronized with the camera on the gun, and the electronic sight was aimed at a machine gun with a half-head stretched out to operate the machine gun. Guys. Accompanied by a small muffled noise, the guy's head was half-pulled instantly, and the fire of the light machine gun stopped instantly.

"Good job, continue."

After receiving my praise, the other ringtones Knight also formed a four-person array and walked out. The shields of three people in such a four-person array can just block everyone. The muzzle in the center is just as big as a hole. Unless it is a sharpshooter, it is not easy to hit a hole that is not as big as a kumquat. Things.

Sgets got rid of a few targets and started to become proficient in his movements. The people in front were spotted one by one. Although more guards ran out, those who just rushed out also needed to take aim. , So the firepower on our side was immediately much smaller.

We didn't dare to come out before not because we were afraid of bullets, but because the firepower on the opposite side was too fierce. Charge ahead would be beaten back by the impact, so we could only get beaten when we went out, so we didn't dare to come out. Now the firepower on the opposite side has become intermittent. We no longer worry about the shooting problem. We naturally walked out from the corner of the hiding place and started firing at the enemy above, and soon overwhelmed the firepower above. Without the interference of the opposite weapon, Skye and the others did not need a shield, and they took out long spears and started to shoot from the top.

If the people above were suppressed by us for a while, they would not be able to fight back at all. Our side began to alternately cover and climb up.

Now we are standing on the horizontal passage, so even if the spaceship is upright, we still have a place to stand, but to go up to support the Japanese and South Korean commandos, we need to go through the main passage, and the main passage is vertical. That is, the structure like a shaft. Even if our strength is great, there is no way to fight back in a place with this structure, so we must suppress the fire on the top before we can start climbing.

Because we must continue to suppress the firepower of the guards at the top, we can only go one by one, and the others must continue to maintain firepower, but we are not sweeping with guns. After suppressing the momentum of the enemy, there are only two ringtones. Knight’s guns are still ringing endlessly, and everyone else maintains the most stable posture. The gun is aimed at and kept firing. Was beaten into a sieve. There are already seven or eight enemies who don't believe in evil, and now basically all go to the Temple of the Lord for a day trip.

We are steadily advancing here, and suddenly we saw an arm flashing in the passage above, and Ling's quick reaction shot interrupted all the arms, but the thing on the hand still flew. Come down. After seeing the thing, I immediately raised the gun and shot it. The thing exploded in the air immediately after being hit, but there was no flame, but a large silver white powder sprayed out and floated down. If it weren't for the environment, it would be regarded as something wrong. It's fireworks, but I know how dangerous this thing is.

"Light it up."

As I shouted, Chili raised his hand and snapped a finger, and an electric arc swept across her fingertips, passing through the falling silver in an instant. The powder became white in the next second, and the huge rumbling sound accompanied by the terrifying air pressure shook me directly from the escalator. Yeyue and Lingling, who were closer to the powder, were blasted directly into the upper level by the shock wave. In the passage, even the Japanese and South Korean commando personnel in the horizontal passage were also hit, and the seven orifices that were all shaken were bleeding and falling to the ground.

"Your sister, are we the invaders or are they? Cloudburst bombs can be used too, spaceship is not needed?" Scot wiped the blackened mask and eyepiece from the ground foul -mouthed got up, looked at it and found that no one counterattacked, so he immediately glanced at me and shouted: "Boss, send me up."

Goth means, when he squatted and stretched out his arm, Skod rushed over and stepped on my palm. I wanted to throw it up. Skod turned around in the air and flew up the upper passage, and then he listened as soon as he entered. When I got inside, there was a whining sound, and then I saw a thing flying out of it with flames, and then blasted a big hole in the opposite bulkhead with a bang, but Sgot seemed to be okay. The sound of firefighting rang out in the passage he entered, and various long and short weapons rang together, sometimes exploding and exploding. Five seconds later, with a loud noise, Skye flew out of it with a white flame and fell into the big hole that was blown out on the opposite side.

As soon as I saw the situation, I immediately squatted and knocked on the side of my ankle, and then slammed on the ground. Accompanied by a clear exhaust sound, I flew out directly to hang the meter. On the opposite wall of the passage, he bounced on the wall and continued to rise. After going back and forth twice, he smoothly jumped into the passage where Skot had just flown out. As soon as I came in, I saw a person holding a rocket launcher about to launch. I was so frightened that I quickly lowered my head. The rocket flew directly against my head, and the tail fin was still scratched on my helmet.

After flashing past the rocket, I raised my gun and opened fire, but there was a sudden tú tú sound on the other side. The rifle in my hand was lifted out by a huge force, and I was also hit. The sparks can't stop backing away. There were actually two people standing behind the opposite person, but they were not holding ordinary rifles, but single infantry cannons. The caliber of this thing is 22 millimeters, and the firing speed is two rounds per second. The firing speed is not too fast, but the formidable power is particularly large. It is specially used to deal with lightly armored targets such as armored vehicles and non-reinforced ordinary buildings. It can be said to be an entry level anti-armor weapon.

The gun in my hand was shot off, so I won’t pick it up anymore. With a flick of both hands, oh la la, the claws on both arms pop out directly, and then squat forward, swinging his arms back and forth in front of him, along with sparks flying in all directions, all the shells flying towards me are cut into by the claws. The two halves flew to the sides, and I rushed to the person in front of me in a blink of an eye. With a wave of the right hand, the guy with the infantry cannon who had walked to the front felt light in his hand. A half of the infantry cannon fell off with his two fingers, and the person next to him raised the infantry cannon and aimed it at mine. The side of my head was about to fire. I grabbed the barrel with my left hand upwards and suddenly squeezed the barrel. With a creak, I squeezed the barrel directly. Then I pulled it back. I waved my right hand downwards. The cannonball slid out and fell to the ground. The guy was also surprised to take half of the cannon and backed up two steps before realizing that his left hand was only his wrist. I was still holding the first half of the gun in my palm, and I was holding it in my hand.

People at the back found that the infantry artillery in front was broken and immediately began to cover fire. I am not afraid of infantry artillery, of course, I would not care about ordinary bullets. As long as the quantity is not enough, it will not have any effect on me.

Throwing away the half of the barrel in my hand, I swept the head of the guy with the infantry cannon next to me with a right hand, and then stabbed the claw of the left hand into the heart of the gunner who turned to run. Pulling out the claws and pushing the corpse away, I looked up towards the few people who shot at me in the front passage. The two shoulder armors on my shoulders suddenly bounced up, revealing two silver ones, which are a bit like a paper cone resonator in a speaker. Then I saw a large number of arcs around these two things gathering up ahead of the two silver things, where there are two white light balls with amazing brightness that are growing rapidly, and they turned into ping-pong balls in the blink of an eye. It was big, and the two light balls seemed to vibrate violently, as if they were trying to get out of control.

Before the person on the other side could react, I saw that the two light balls suddenly moved towards them and flew towards them. The speed is comparable to the rockets, and they arrived in front of them in an instant, the next second. I saw the two light balls explode each self-destruct, but there was no shock wave. Instead, the light ball instantly turned into a black spot, and then the people around were sucked into the black small as if they had encountered dust from a powerful vacuum cleaner. Disappeared among points.

The two black dots disappeared after less than a second, but after the black dot disappeared, the people on the scene were also gone. There was only one residual broken arm and sprays everywhere on the ground. Yes, blood, some guns and pieces of clothes, and even the covering on the wall is missing a large piece, and the cut is extremely smooth.

Looking at the calming space, the two things on my shoulder immediately fell back into the armor. I reached out and touched these two unremarkable little things, and I was very emotional.

These two little things are actually not weapons designed by our Dragon Fate, but some kind of ready-made weapons dug up in the Fourth Special Zone. Thanks to the fact that our Dragon Clan DNA code has successfully passed the identity recognition of the Fourth Special Zone, we can operate many original functions and can access a lot of information in the spaceship. These two gadgets on my shoulder are the experimental weapons mentioned in the materials, but there is no detailed description, and we can’t see any useful information based on our identification level. I only know that the gadget is a weapon and the interface behind it corresponds to it. Control standards. This is the first time I have fired this weapon with live ammunition. The technicians have tried it in the laboratory before, but I have never used it. At that time, they told me that this weapon was a face-to-face kill, with a controllable kill radius, and would never accidentally injure targets outside the attack range. At first I wondered what weapon was so special, but now I understand it. This damn thing turned out to be an artificial wormhole generator, and it could be reduced to the size of a flashlight, and it was weaponized. How strong is the technology of the builders of the Fourth Special Zone? Such a heaven-defying thing was actually made out.

In fact, the thing that was just launched is an unformed wormhole. After launching, it will continue to emit electromagnetic radiation according to the number of electrons it carries, and at the same time it will gradually become unstable. When the instability caused by the escape reaches a critical point, the wormhole will open, and then instantly exhaust its own energy to suck in itself and everything around it. In this process, as long as the total amount of energy in the entire wormhole is controlled, its killing range can be controlled, and as long as the energy ratio of the external stable electrons and the internal magnetic anomaly area is controlled, its outbreak time can be controlled, and because of the flight of this thing. The speed is fixed, so the precise control of the burst time can determine the distance at which it will burst, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the range.

Although it sounds simple, this is just the principle of control. As for how this gadget generates wormholes and the specific operation methods of this thing, they are all proper black technologies. We have so far Can't understand any trace. The people in the technical department don’t even know how to copy it. To us, this thing is like Zhuge Liang suddenly picked up a mobile phone. After studying for a period of time, we will probably figure out some simple functions and operation methods, but this How the gadget works is completely blackened. Let alone imitation, we don't even understand the theoretical basis of this thing, but because there is a manual, we will use it.

After killing the last group of guards in the passage, the remaining problem is the group of guards above.

The lateral passage on the side of the main passage has a distribution structure similar to tree branches, that is, the one on the left, the next on the right, and the next on the left. The passage we just cleared was the horizontal passage of the main passage, which was located on the lower level of the passage where the Japanese and South Korean commandos hid, and because there was another passage above that was controlled by guards, so we wanted to pass it. Need to continue to work hard. Of course, after clearing out a part of the enemy, the rest is much simpler. It's a pity that the wormhole weapon on the shoulder has a long cooling time, so I can't use it temporarily. Otherwise, this kind of weapon with large formidable power and will not accidentally hurt them is definitely the best choice to kill a witness to silence them.

"Hey, Scott, are you dead?" He returned to the passage and shouted into the large hole opposite.

One hand grabbed the edge of the hole with difficulty and crawled out, which instantly shocked me. "Damn, what's the matter with you?"

Scott lifted his helmet and spit out black smoke and said, "How do I know this is the battery compartment! It was almost burnt!"< /p>

"Do you mean that the battery compartment behind you is short-circuited?"

"Almost, but rest assured, the fuse is activated. The battery is okay, and it can be used by recharging. But mine The air filter is burned out."

"You idiot won't use your electromagnetic control ability to temporarily bridge it?"

"I said the boss, I am not Get ready to jump over. I was bombarded by a rocket! Then suddenly, how did I know I would fall into the battery compartment!"

"Forget it, don’t come out for now. Nothing. You can’t put down your mask if you filter the air. I don’t want to go back and change your head.” After speaking, I shouted from below: “Jingjing, Lingling, come up and help. Xiaochun, give us a full-screen scan. Others. People are ready to suppress firepower. Prepare, three, two, one, hands."

With my voice, Jingjing and Lingling bounced back and forth on the wall of the main passage like two monkeys, rushing in a few strokes. I rushed past the floor where I was to the upper passage. Of course the guards above wouldn't watch. The guys dropped a bomb directly, but when Lingling bounced it back with electromagnetic force, they brought down a lot of their own people.

I took advantage of the chance that the people above were shaken by my own bomb. I also grabbed the escalator outside the passage and crossed the upper passage twice to the horizontal passage hidden by the Japanese and South Korean commandos. When I came up, I saw Japanese and Korean commandos squatting next to a gate in the middle of the passage, pointing their guns at the hole. Behind them were a few wounded and two corpses on the ground. It looked like these guys. It's also miserable.

Seeing my appearance, the Japanese and South Korean commandos immediately turned their guns up to prevent accidental injury. Then the leader of the Korean commandos said: "You can only come to us five minutes later. The corpse is collected."

"Then you should really thank God." As I said, I walked in front of them, but didn't stop, instead, the Vietnamese people walked directly in front of the gate. "This door...?"

"It's already open." The technician in the Japanese commando said: "We were not idle while fighting, but..." He motioned to the backpack on the ground. , I just glanced at the bag full of bullet holes to know what happened.

Originally, as planned, the assault team was to rush to the computing center, and then directly connect the data transmission device brought with the central computer, so that Nuwa can use the mobile data center outside to invade here, and Once Nuwa erases the spaceship operation system, then this spaceship will be completely controlled by Nuwa. When the time comes, you can close all the cabins just like ours, so that the guards cannot easily come together, and those people are impossible to carry with them. Focusing on weapons, the passage was suddenly closed. At most, there were only some light weapons around them. Naturally, it was impossible to pose too much threat to the commando.

But the bad luck of the Japanese and South Korean commandos was that they could not enter the computing center in time. As a result, the other side could unblocked the concentration of guards and got heavy weapons. What's even more unfortunate is that although they opened the computing center later, the data transmitter was hit by a stray bullet, and it was useless to get in. So the unlucky Japanese and South Korean commandos could only be suppressed here and wait for rescue. If we hadn't completed the task just in advance and rushed over, they would have to wait to die.

"You are really unlucky." I shook my head and opened the door and walked in. Then I saw that all the armor plates were raised outside the large computer group in the computing center. "Damn, how come even the passive defense system is activated?"

The Japanese technician said in embarrassment, "I accidentally connected the wrong line, and as a result the dormant defense system was activated!"< /p>

"You're quite something." As I said, I jumped in, jumped to the top of the core computer in it three or two times, and then knocked on the armor plate under my feet. "I rely on! Titanium alloy! Lingling. Come and help, we need your cutting machine."

"I'm not free!" Lingling roared loudly in the upper passage, and there was a violent explosion. , And then there was a series of gunshots, which seemed to be really busy.

I shrugged helplessly, and then said: "Then there is no way. Xiaochun, it's up to you."

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