The room in front of me is different from the room I entered before, not only the people in the room, but the room itself.

Because the spaceship is currently erected on the launcher, the rooms through the body are actually slanted. The walls facing the stern direction have become the floor, and the real floor has become One side wall. However, this is the state of most cabins, and this is not the case in this cabin.

As soon as I came in, I found that this room is actually straight, that is, the floor faces the ground, which means that the direction between this room and other rooms is 90 degrees. This is obviously abnormal, but after I let go of electromagnetic induction and scanned the surrounding structure, I immediately understood why this room was like this.

In fact, the reason why this room is facing right now is entirely because of the special design of this room. It is actually a room built on a pile of rubber rolling devices. The room itself is an independent sphere, and there are hundreds of universal balls connected to the hull. These gimbal balls and the peripheral structure stubbornly jam the main body of the room in the center, and when these gimbal balls rotate, the central spherical room will follow it, which means that the room can actually change direction at will. Of course, the door to the room can only be opened at a few specific angles, but at least this room can be angled according to the direction of gravity. In the absence of artificial gravity, this design is undoubtedly the most seize every opportunity method, and it can be regarded as a partial solution to the problem of the direction of gravity within the gravitational circle.

Although the structure of this room is strange, the people here should be even more strange.

When I just flew in, I successfully threw down a person who was still holding a pistol in his hand. When she just opened the door, she was going to attack me, but she was too slow and didn’t 't expect I can jump through the four or five meters wide passage and fly directly into the gate in that situation.

Of course, the other party's response was so poor not because of lack of training, but because... 80% of her had never participated in military training at all.

In fact, it was not a professional combatant who was thrown down by me, but a Latina beauty with very little cloth. The skeletal age scan showed that the beauty in front of me was only eighteen years old, but to me it looked like a twenty four-five six. After all, people in European and American countries seem to be more mature than Asians.

The girl who was thrown on by me screamed and tried desperately to push me away, of course it was in vain. Although I am only 1.71 meters tall, I am relatively short to Europeans and Americans, but I am Dragon Clan, and my muscle density is far from comparable to that of humans. Even with a fairly well-proportioned figure, my body has at least one hundred ten-twenty catties, which is the total amount of pure physical structure. I also have a mechanical inner skeleton made of special alloy of alien technology in my body. Although this skeleton robot uses an inner skeleton system like alien alloy, it weighs a lot less than steel, but it is metal after all, 100 kg. There are still. In the end, because the mission became a storm when I invaded this spaceship, I also put on the power armor in the shape of a dragon soul suit. This set of power armor weighs 150 kg. Calculated in this way, the weight of my whole person has exceeded 300 kg, which is equivalent to the total weight of the three strong white men. Not to mention that it was just a girl who was thrown down, even a fitness coach would never want to push me away. Of course, I didn't actually press on her, I just controlled her. Otherwise, if I completely press on with my weight, it is estimated that within an hour, she will die due to lack of oxygen due to poor breathing.

While controlling this girl, I was looking at the situation in the room. This place is not a power plant storage warehouse. According to the map given by the Americans, the original design function here was a biological vaccine storage room, but this one is obviously not, which means this is a room modified by the other party. The function of this room now seems to be similar to a dance hall. After all, the decoration is too typical, and you can see that it is the style of a KTV dance hall.

Of course, in addition to the decoration of the room, the people here are also one of the reasons why I judged the purpose of this place, because besides the one under me, there are actually more than 30 crowded. Girl, and the fabrics on these thirty-odd girls are all concentrated, and the area is estimated to be enough to make two sets of school uniforms for middle school students. I even saw a few white beauties who have extra things besides a string on the waist. nothing.

When I looked up at the group of girls on the opposite side, the girls here were also looking at me, but the next second they responded with a bang, Ling and Xiaochun were already on the left and right. By my side. The crowd on the opposite side shrank to the corner in a mess when they saw new enemies appearing, but to my surprise, two women pulled out miniature submachine guns from the wine cabinet and sofa next to us and aimed them at us.

These two sturdy girls are actually not beautiful at all from the eyes of us Asians, and even a little ugly, but the highest estimate of battle strength here is these two. However, it is a pity that the fighting champion among a group of swimsuit girls can be regarded as action actors at best, which is definitely incomparable with us.

When the two women drew a slight rush and moved towards us, Ling seemed to be at a moderate pace, but in fact, he quickly took out his pistol and didn’t even look at raising his hand. It exploded the black girl on the right. Then the gun was handed over to her left hand. Before the white girl on the left raised her gun completely, she aimed at her chest and pulled the trigger. With a small sound, the white girl's chest burst, and her whole body fell back to the feet of the crowd like a heavy blow, triggering a new round of screams.

Looking at the two women being killed, I remembered when I was holding on to the ground, but the beauty under me suddenly smeared the saber around my waist and wanted to pull it out. Feeling the movement underneath, I took out the pistol like lightning and pressed the trigger on the side of her temple. With the bang, the top half of the Latin beauty's head was turned into fragments and flew out.

Get up from the ground, then look at the group of beauties who shrunk into a ball, then switch to English mode and say: "I don't want to kill you, so please stay quiet and stay here. Someone will receive you. If you want to make trouble, just look at these three role models.” After I said that, I turned around and walked to the door to leave here.

This is just a group of entertainment tools found by the wealthy. They spent so much effort to build this luxurious spaceship. Do you still expect them to be in the spaceship every day like a secluded Taoist priest? Go on meditation? Of course it is impossible. What these people want is enjoyment and what they want is happiness. Therefore, all the hedonic resources on Earth can not be less, especially the girls that men care about most, and more should be brought. As for the choices of these girls...

They can betray themselves for money. Now there is a doomsday threat on their heads. What else can't be done to survive?

Ling and Xiaochun also turned to follow me when they saw me turning to leave. These are not the main goals, and there is no need to waste time on them. However, just as I turned around, a man suddenly rushed out of the crowd behind him. This guy was shirtless, wearing a pair of big pants, and holding a very light machine gun. Although I knew there was a man here before, I thought it was just an unrelated person, and didn't take it seriously. This guy didn't expect the courage to rush out by himself.

Since we take the initiative to die, of course we will not refuse. Before the guy pulled the trigger, Ling turned around and exploded the guy's head with a shot, and then jumped out after me without even turning around. We have to rush to the War Zone area, and the Japanese and South Korean commandos over there may be unable to withstand it, at least as Nuwa said.

In fact, the Japanese and Korean commandos are worse than we thought, and the reason is that there are several heavy units among these guards. Although spaceship is not suitable for heavy weapon activities, it does not mean that there is no such thing. This time, a dedicated heavy weapon, a defense robot, appeared here. In fact, this thing is just a ball, which relies on magnetic force to fly and move in the spaceship. It is equipped with light armor and automatic weapons. It has a good defense, and the most important thing is that it has enough firepower.

Faced with the attack of this kind of spherical robot, even the firepower of the Japanese and South Korean commandos could not withstand it. After all, it was an infiltration mission, one without heavy weapons, two without support, and could withstand it. That's strange.

In order to ensure that the Japanese and South Korean commandos are not caught in one go, we quickly opened the way to the main channel, but the worst thing is that the person on the opposite side is ready to greet us. As soon as the door was opened, a spherical robot flew over from the passage, turned around in the air and stopped the body. The two sides of the round body suddenly popped out, and then two short-barreled machine guns were stretched out.

"Fuck me!" Seeing the thing aimed at us, I quickly pulled Ling Xiang and jumped out. The next second we were just standing where we were just being beaten into a sieve by a row of bullets.

Facts proved that my reaction was really good, because the thing that was carrying was not an ordinary machine gun, but an electromagnetic ray gun. The ammunition fired by this gadget is actually a tungsten alloy wrapped with electron clusters. When the outer high-concentration electron cluster encounters air, it will produce an ionization reaction, and finally form a dense plasma protective layer outside the central tungsten alloy. This protective layer will release a large amount of heat energy to melt through the surface armor at the moment of contact with the object, and then the tungsten alloy in it will penetrate the melted surface armor deep into the interior at ultra-high speed.

The other party actually deployed this ultimate weapon in the spaceship, which is simply unimaginable. Ordinarily, the other party should be worried that the spaceship will be destroyed, so the armed robots here should not be equipped with high formidable power weapons. But the weapon on the spherical robot is just the opposite. It is not only formidable power, but also the most dangerous high-penetration weapon for spaceship. This abnormal setting makes me wonder. But fortunately, we have electronic sensing capabilities. When the thing appeared, I discovered that the weapons on both sides of this thing were not ordinary machine guns, so I pulled Ling to avoid the first attack in time.

After Ling and I walked away, the spherical robot was cut in half by Lingling's sword, but more spherical robots began to flood in along the passage, and we had to open the protective force field. Fought fiercely with the spherical robot. Thanks to our magnetic energy shield, those spherical robots would have nothing to do with us for a while, but we were also blocked by a large number of spherical robots. As for the original support mission, there is simply no way to talk about it.

"Xiaochun, scan the surrounding space to see if there is any other passage through."

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