I have to say that what the other party did is really amazing, and the channel airlock was welded to death. Don't even want to open this door regardless of manual or automatic mode. However, although the normal way cannot be opened, it does not mean that we can not open, after all, we are all abnormal existence.

Looking at the airlock on the top, I helplessly said: "No way, cut it slowly. I hope the sticks and the divine wind Suicide Squad won't die too fast!"< /p>

Everyone laughed when they heard me, but they didn't slow down in their hands. Ye Yue pulled out the heavy sword hanging from her waist, then pulled a wire from the side of the armor and plugged it directly into the interface at the end of the hilt, and then twisted a rotary switch next to the guard. Accompanied by a sharp sound, the blade that was originally shiny as a mirror suddenly changed as if it was wrapped in a thin layer of mist, and it seemed to have become a phantom. Feeling that the sound was not right, Ye Yue began to adjust the switch on the guard, and the harsh voice gradually decreased with her adjustment, but the phantom on the blade did not completely disappear.

After adjusting the frequency, Yeyue slammed the blade at the gate above his head and slammed it in. The moment the blade touched the airlock, he screamed again. At the same time, the sword The tip of the blade is also sparks flying in all directions, and even a slight reddening of the surrounding area can be seen. However, with this harsh sound, the blade is slowly entering the airlock, little by little, and as the depth of the blade's penetration increases, the sound on the blade is not so harsh.

Looking at Yeyue had already begun to cut the airlock, Lingling and Jingjing each took out their own sabers and connected the wires to start cutting the airlocks in the other two directions.

The cutting ability of this high-frequency vibrating blade itself is quite good. After starting the oscillator, the cutting ability will reach a terrifying state. It is not exaggerated to cut iron like mud.

While cutting the airlock on our side, the guard above also noticed a sword blade suddenly appeared from the airlock on the ground, and then two other ones also appeared. The first reaction of these people seeing the sword is incredible, because the main task of the immigration ship’s main passage airlock is to undertake the task of closing the remaining cabins when the spaceship is disintegrated or damaged, that is to say, this thing is the same as that of the spaceship. The shell is the same strong, its main material is titanium alloy, the surface is shaped with reinforced carbon fiber material, the hardness is not only more exaggerated than the tank armor, even the main armor of the battleship is not an opponent. However, such an exaggerated thing was stabbed through by a sword.

The person above is surprised, but the three-handed sword suddenly moved laterally. The three moving blades are obviously forming a triangle with three straight lines. Once the triangle is closed, the middle piece The airlock will be cut off directly. At this time, the people above were not calm. A group of people were looking for bunkers to deal with the enemies that might come up here at any time, while others took out the grenade and planned to throw it down when the airlock was cut.

The people above thought it was good, but unfortunately, things did not develop as they expected. The three-handed sword did indeed complete a triangle, but the strange thing was that the hollowed-out triangle did not fall off. Instead, it exploded upwards with a sudden bang, and everyone standing around was frightened by the sudden flying airlock. Instinctively backed up, but in the next second they reacted and quickly prepared to throw mines down, but what made them didn't expect was that a dark thing flew up before the grenade was released. After this thing flew to the center of the cabin, it burst suddenly, and then steel nails scattered all over the sky. In an instant, more than half of the people in this cabin were knocked down, and only a few people escaped.

Before the rest of the people reacted from the sudden change just now, the flying airlock has hit the top airlock and fell again, and it was like being pulled by force, this The triangular airlock fragments slipped through the seemingly tight opening and fell into the lower passage. You have to know that this thing was cut from the airlock on the ground, which means that it should be just about the size to pass through the hole, but if it is blown up and then fall down, it can actually be a little accurate in the hole. It was a little bit magical to fall without being blocked.

The facts are similar to their doubts. Of course, the thing did not fall by itself, but was controlled by our magnetic field. Otherwise, even our impossible calculations are so accurate just to make it. Through this hole.

After the gate fell, the pepper immediately moved towards a ball of lightning shot out on it. The ball of lightning exploded immediately after it flew up, releasing super strong light radiation in the air, instantly letting those A lucky survivor covered his eyes and screamed and rolled all over the floor. At this time, Sgoth was standing under the hole and making a lunge, supporting him with his hands to form a support point. I ran over and stepped on Skod’s overlapping palms, and then Skod gave a slight upward force and I was thrown up.

After flying up from the hole, I immediately supported the top airlock with one hand and landed on the edge of the hole. I've seen it when I was in the air. Apart from the corpses and the wounded, there is no one who can resist. Waiting for the people behind to come up, I went over and shot them one by one to solve the hapless ones who were still humming on the ground.

There is also an airlock on the floor where we are now, and through the airlock, you can still hear the sound of gunfire like beans exploding on the opposite side. Obviously, the fighting there is quite intense, and you can be sure of the firefight. The location is on the upper level of the passage, but this is not the way to go up rashly.

Checking the map in the electronic brain, I found that there seems to be a passage on the side, and I can bypass it from there. No need to remind me. When I opened the electronic map, everyone also saw what I was viewing, so I just marked the route on the map, and everyone immediately turned around and found the entrance and went in.

There are no guards in the side passage, we started to climb after we entered. The road design here is a bit strange. The passages are all triangular, and there will be some uplifts from time to time. It feels that it may be made for mechanical equipment or pipelines. This shape was made as a last resort, but it does not affect the passage.

After walking through a passage about 20 meters long, we entered a relatively spacious place. However, there are no escalators on both sides of the corridor in this place. Obviously, this place is not planned to be used in the gravity circle. I looked at the wall on the lower side. Although it was basically flat, there were always some protrusions. After touching it, I felt that the wall was quite solid, so I pulled out the two daggers hanging from the back of the waist, and then slammed it into the ground, and then started to move up the left and right hands alternately one blade after another.

With superhuman strength, this kind of thing is not a problem at all for us. Soon we have risen to the War Zone Foreign Domain. As long as we move back to the main channel, we can enter the crossfire area. . However, when I touched the front door and was about to open it, the back door opened first.

The door in front of me leads to the main passage, and the door behind me leads to the unknown compartment. Americans only have primordial design drawings. This spaceship has been remodeled too much, and the map is not available everywhere, so I only know that the back room is a dead end. I don't know what room it is. Originally, our Dragon Clan has electromagnetic induction capability, which can accurately identify any target that is close to us, but there are too many line equipment and pipelines in this spaceship, and the mixing of various electromagnetic signals has greatly suppressed our induction ability. In addition, our attention was on the main passage, and we didn't pay attention to the back at all, so when the door opened, we were not prepared at all.

As soon as the door behind was opened, I found that the door was opening, because the doors in the spaceship are all mechanically powered, and electrical devices will inevitably be involved in the activation of these mechanical power devices, so open the door At the moment I discovered that the door behind me was opening, but now I rely on two swords to hang in midair. This posture is obviously inconvenient to attack and dodge. In desperation, I can only use emergency strategies.

The waist and abdomen apply a slight force, leave the wall, and then retract the waist and bend the knees. At the same time, the shoulders and chest muscles force the lower body to pull up. The two daggers are still held in both hands, but the legs are not released. When I bend to my chest, the soles of my feet press on the wall in front of me, then my hands suddenly loosened, and at the same time my legs exert force, the whole person leapt out backwards, and the whole person turned over in the air and flew directly into it. Inside the door behind, and threw the person behind the door to the ground.

"Ah..." A penetrating scream almost didn't make me jump back again.

"Damn, this is the beauty pageant?" I was lying on the ground looking at the girl in front of me and the one pressed under me, and I was instantly messed up.

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