Although there are indeed some of us who do not understand the rescue of the Japanese and South Korean commandos just like Skots, we at least know that this matter is necessary, so we did not deliberately grind foreign work. Complaining in the mouth is a complaint, but the action is not slow at all.

The situation of the Japanese and Korean commandos is a bit different from ours. We sneaked in secretly before, the purpose was not to be discovered, and then safely controlled the computing center and power plant, so our equipment selection is mainly light. However, the Japanese and South Korean commandos have been completely exposed, and the infiltration operation has become a tough battle, so we don't need to do any concealment.

On the way to this spaceship, our support team has also arrived. Replaced the previous ordinary armor, put on the same power armor as the armor in the game, replaced all the original pistols with long spear, and then brought Xiaobudian and Xiaobai who arrived with the transport team, of course. There are a lot of robot dogs. These guys have low cost but good battle strength, especially in narrow areas, which are much stronger than ordinary soldiers.

Because the actions here were exposed, the troops outside did not wait for the Japanese and South Korean commandos inside to control the spaceship before they began to storm the launch platform. When we arrived here, the periphery of the base had been completely controlled by the US military. A large number of US troops were invading the interior of the base for final cleaning, but the exchange of fire did not stop because the opponent's personnel were fighting stubbornly near the launch platform.

Because the US military is afraid of accidentally hurting the spaceship, it dares not use heavy weapons. There are a lot of people on the opposite side and the firepower is strong enough, so it will really feel a little bit impossible to start for a while. Fortunately, the US military is not completely helpless. Although heavy weapons cannot be used, they also have non-lethal weapons, such as shock bombs, which can make the enemy lose the ability to resist for a short time. Besides, although the US military does not have heavy weapons, ordinary guns can still be used. The shell of the immigration ship needs to withstand the harsh environment test in space, and is definitely not inferior to the tank. Therefore, the gun is definitely not bad for the main shell. At most, it can damage some external antennas or sensors. But those things can be replaced, so no one cares.

The tactic that the US military can use is to cover with shock bombs. After stunned a group of people, use this as a breakthrough to rush forward. Of course, the effect is not ideal, because the US military has not enough shock bombs to cover the entire position, so whenever people here are stunned, the surrounding enemies will come to reinforce, and the US military is not a divine wind Suicide Squad. The so-called assault is not about running madly forward with guns, but a group of people holding explosion-proof shields in front, and then moving forward a little bit. Of course, this speed is not as fast as other reinforcements, so every time I get beaten back, I can't rush up at all. Fortunately, there are not many heavy weapons on the opposite side, so the casualties are not too big.

Of course, we need to go from the launch platform to board the ship, so the battle line here must be penetrated first. The U.S. commander in front obviously knew that we were coming over, and when he saw us, he ran over and introduced me to the situation, but I reached out and interrupted his introduction. "I've already seen the battlefield situation analysis on the way here. We will open a breakthrough to let your people follow and prepare to expand the results. Nuwa will tell you the specific tactical arrangements."

"Okay "

After confirming the plan, we walked behind a short protective wall that the U.S. military had just built. From here, we could see that the guards on the opposite side were fighting with the U.S. military here, but almost all of the attacks on both sides When shooting blindly, watching the bullets fly around, in fact, they didn't hit a few people.

After confirming the current situation for a while, I waved forward, Brigitte and Inverite took a step forward, and then the projection device on the back popped up instantly, and then I saw black jars. Draw a parabola and fly over. Of course, the opposite side saw these slow-flying objects, but it was obviously not probable to intercept this thing with the weapon in hand, so these things finally landed safely.

Those cans did not explode after they landed, but suddenly started to emit a large amount of white smoke. At the same time, the cans began to rotate with the help of high-pressure smoke, which not only made the smoke spread faster and more evenly, And there is no way to pick it up and throw it away.

As the smoke spread, I waved my hand again, Xiaobai took the lead in jumping out of the protective wall and rushing to the opposite position, and behind him were a dozen robot dogs.

The distance between the firefighting of the two sides is actually not too far. The distance between the people on both sides is less than one hundred and fifty meters. For Xiaobai and the robot dog, this distance is only a matter of seconds, almost In the blink of an eye, Xiao Bai and the robot dog rushed into the smoke. Although the enemy has moved towards here to shoot, there is no way to aim when it is invisible. The bullets shot by the guardrail only have a few hits, and the robot dog itself is bulletproof. As long as it is not hit continuously, there is no problem.

After successfully rushing into the opponent's position, the robot dog and Xiaobai immediately began the massacre. We saw that the robot dog and Xiao Bai had just disappeared in the smoke, and there was a scream in the smoke. There were still muzzle flashes and gunfire, but the screams did not decrease. Instead, the screams increased. More and more. Suddenly, a corpse was thrown out of the smoke, and when it landed, the corpse was almost out of shape.

The little white in the smoke sent a signal. I stood up and led my subordinates and started rushing forward. There were almost no bullets on the opposite side. The enemy who flew towards us, the position was broken through by the robot dog There is no time to defend, and can only fight with the robot dog in the position.

We have already adjusted the retina to infrared mode, we rushed into the smoke and started to kill the guards. At such a close distance, we didn’t need to aim at all. We were almost holding the trigger of those people’s heads. I saw the guards fall down quickly. Although the people on both sides were coming for reinforcements, there were robot dogs blocking them and couldn't make it. Our side immediately moved towards after killing all the guards in this section and sent a signal behind, so the US army began to advance across the board.

Because the front line was invaded, the defensive rhythm was completely disrupted. This time the enemy’s firepower became sparse and messy. It simply couldn’t stop the U.S. troops from advancing. Soon the U.S. troops all broke into the opponent’s bunkers. In the beginning of the final clearance, and I have taken Ling and the others into the spaceship from the boarding gate below.

As soon as the hatch of the boarding gate was opened, we received a warm welcome, and a rocket flew over. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the flame spread to both sides along the strong magnetic field in front of me. When I walked out of the flame, the people inside were shocked, and even the guy at the door forgot to pull the trigger. He had already replaced a new bazooka on his shoulder, but because of our performance, he completely forgot about it.

Although he was stunned, I have no habit of being in a daze. Raising his hand was a shot and opened a big hole in the guy's forehead, then rushed up the stairs in two steps and rushed in through the small hatch.

Of course, there are all guards inside the cabin door. I was caught on fire as soon as I came in, but I am simply not afraid of bullets. The power armor of the dragon soul suit has perfect protection, and I didn’t even deploy it. The defensive field just carried all the bullet attacks. Of course, I didn't stand and be beaten, but fired at the opponent. After five seconds, all the people on the other side were lying on the ground, and the ground on my side was full of flat warheads.


When I heard my voice, people outside immediately followed, and then we started to move towards the main passage, but we just walked less than two meters away, just watch The entrance to the main passage in front suddenly opened, and then a hand suddenly stretched in. I reacted the fastest, and I quickly raised my gun to that hand and shot it at the center of my wrist. The specially designed bursting warhead knocked down that guy's entire hand, and at the same time, there was a chubby thing that fell.

"Open the force field." Accompanied by my shout, Jingjing quickly stepped forward to prop up a magnetic energy shield, followed by a bang, and the front passageway was instantly covered by flames and smoke Engulfed, but because the ventilation system was working, the smoke was quickly removed, and there was no big problem on the surrounding walls.

The opponent didn't want to blow up the spaceship, so they used offensive grenade. The biggest difference between this offensive grenade and the defensive grenade is that it does not have prefabricated fragments, and only relies on the shock wave generated by the explosion to kill the enemy. The advantage of this is that it is not easy to accidentally hurt yourself, but the disadvantage is that the formidable power is not large enough. However, in this kind of place, these shortcomings have turned into advantages. After all, in this kind of place, no one dares to sabotage indiscriminately, so offensive grenade with smaller formidable power can be used casually.

The other party’s grenade was originally intended to be thrown to our side, but they didn’t expect us to react so fast, and we were able to hit the arm that came in. Generally speaking, it’s not like opening the door and throwing a grenade. In one second, normal people couldn't react, but not only did I react, but I also hit that person on the wrist.

After the explosion, the gate was slowly closing, and I and others quickly rushed to the edge of the gate. Skeet and Lingling moved the fastest, throwing the rifle in their hands and squatting down, clasping the lower edge of the door with both hands and lifting it up to prevent the gate from being closed again. This is a high-pressure explosion-proof door with amazing hardness, so once it is closed, it can be difficult to open it again.

Originally, the closing force of this kind of gate may be as high as several tons, let alone a person, even if an oxygen cylinder is placed on it, it will definitely be pinched off, but Skeet and Lingling actually rely on brute force. Supporting the gate, accompanied by an unpleasant mechanical friction sound, the inverted gate began to tremble and was lifted up a little bit.

The people outside thought that the gate would fall, and we must not be able to get in now. Didn’t expect the gate to drop to less than 20 centimeters left and suddenly started to rise again. A few of them grabbed the lever and pulled down desperately, but the gate just couldn't get down, and it was still slowly rising.

The people over there reacted immediately after being surprised, so two grenades planned to come again, but when the grenades flew into the gap under the door, they seemed to hit an invisible wall. The same bounced back again, followed by a rush of confusion, and then with a bang, the people outside instantly collapsed a large area, many people were lying on the ground holding head groaning, but more people were just a little bit. The reaction is gone.

"Help." After making sure that no one outside has the ability to resist, I quickly lifted the gate with a few familiars around me, and the gate that was already slowly rising was pulled directly. When he got up, the people behind quickly rushed in, and the gate had completely lost the ability to open and close up and down at this time, and the driving device inside had been completely twisted.

After entering the main channel, we found that this place seems to be a little bigger than expected. This is not the same as the main channel design of general spaceship, at least from the blueprint and the one we just completed the suppression. Spaceship is different. We don't know what this means, but since we have already entered, we can't delay here.

"Up." I said to take the lead and started climbing, but the airtight gate above was closed. We had to open the gate manually when we got to the side, but the other side of the gate was guarded by guards as usual , But unlike the previous two groups of people, the guards here are super bold. As soon as we opened the gate, we listened to them yelling and surrendered to us.

After all these people are anesthetized, they are still in the passage below, and the Americans will follow behind to gather the prisoners. We just have to go all the way forward.

After this gate, no guards were encountered. It is estimated that most of the guards were attracted to the outside of the computing center by the hapless Japanese and South Korean commandos. We went to the outer circle area of ​​the computing center before we went again. It was intercepted, and this time it was a group of people, all armed with large-caliber weapons.

This large-caliber weapon is obviously designed specifically for the fighting in this place. Large caliber means that the projectile is heavier and can still achieve the same or higher muzzle kinetic energy even when the initial velocity is reduced. Of course, the kinetic energy of the projectiles of large-caliber weapons decays quickly, but here is inside the spaceship, and the engagement distance will never exceed 50 meters. In most cases, the two sides may shoot at each other five or six meters apart. In this case, the kinetic energy loss of the bullet is completely unnecessary to consider, and the large-caliber and low-speed projectile is more lethal to personnel, but the formidable power of the hard material of the internal structure of the hull is very small. Therefore, this weapon not only increases the lethality of the personnel, but also reduces the damage to the spaceship itself. It can be said that it is the best weapon in the spaceship.

Unfortunately, although these weapons designers are weapons experts, they are not national experts, because they simply don't know the secret projects that countries are studying. If they knew it, they would understand that if such a big thing happened, it would definitely be a special unit like ours, and the special unit like ours is just like an armored unit. Anti-personnel weapons actually have no meaning to us, so the other party What should be done is not to reduce the armor piercing ability in exchange for lethality, but to reverse its cultivation, otherwise it is simply impossible to cause harm to us.

As soon as we rushed out, we were attacked by a lot of firepower, but as I said before, this large-caliber ammunition deliberately reduced the initial velocity to reduce the damage to the wall. As a result, Even if this thing doesn't penetrate the wall, it won't penetrate our armor.

A group of us are like undead Vajra, holding guns and not hiding from each other's bullets, just standing there and shooting at them. Of course, the result was that we were still standing a few seconds later, but the other party all died.

"Scum." Yeyue kicked the dead body beside her foot in disdain, then glanced at the airlock above and said: "Boss, it seems to be welded to death. How are we going up here? ?"

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