Because the dragon was struggling so hard, Yeyue and I had to lean against the wall to avoid being hit by this guy when he was struggling, such a big guy, just touch it. It's not a joke.

After persistently struggling for more than ten seconds, the dragon's struggling amplitude began to gradually decrease, but it is strange that a faint black light appeared on this guy's body, and the black light quickly moved on to the dragon. The surface of the body converged, and then moved towards the head. In the end, it was all concentrated on the dragon’s head and quickly penetrated into the dragon’s ear holes, eyes and nose. In the blink of an eye, the dragon returned to normal, but the body under our feet The electric light is still shining, there is no meaning to stop at all, and the electric light is always locked to the position of the dragon's head, as if to split it.

This state stalemate can have several points of the bell, and then the dragon suddenly moved again, seeming to be gathering energy, the dragon gradually twisted its body from the tail forward to move the whole body All of his power was transmitted to his mouth through vibration, and he suddenly opened his mouth against the shrinking golden hoop, and it was much larger than when he licked the water before. The golden light on the golden hoop that restrained the dragon's mouth was prosperous. At this time, it was almost like a small sun.

However, just when this stalemate reached its peak, the dragon's throat suddenly began to squirm forward, as if it was about to vomit, and then the guy actually came out of his mouth. A bunch of black sticky things like asphalt.

This liquid is as black as the dragon’s body, and it is very viscous. It hangs on the dragon’s mouth and flows down slowly. Soon the lower end of the black substance touches the surface of the water and then sinks. The water was lost, but the part left in the dragon’s mouth was still slowly flowing downwards.

This process lasted for 3 minutes before the liquid completely flowed completely under the water surface, and the dragon above suddenly gave up resistance and closed its mouth. Without the struggle of the dragon, the power of the seal immediately recovered, and then began to slowly reduce the intensity, but the lightning under our feet was still continuously released, but the target became the black matter entering the water surface instead of the one above. Dragon.

The black substance is much heavier than water, and it is completely insoluble in water. After falling into the water, it began to creep slowly, and then the thing began to rise and stretch, and soon the top I broke through the water surface, and then began to slowly shape. Although it hasn't been completed for the time being, it can already be seen that this is a personal shape.

Yeyue pulled out the weapon on alert, ready to deal with the possible attacks of this thing, but we all know what threat it shouldn't be this thing before the transformation is completed.

Actually, the deformation process didn’t take long. It took about ten seconds to complete a very complete body shape with the black substance, and I was quite surprised that this was actually a woman. . Although this figure is still completely composed of black, the perfect curve is really easy to distinguish. Now this mass of material looks exactly like a woman wearing black rubber tight clothes that wraps her body and head, because this thing now even her nostrils and mouth are sealed, and there is no entrance or exit at all.

As we stared at the black material in a daze, the face of the thing suddenly began to refine, quickly forming delicate facial features, and growing long hair, and then without warning This vinyl figure suddenly began to change from the top of the head and the ends of the limbs to the flesh color. In the blink of an eye, the original vinyl figure turned into a naked beauty with black hair. The strange thing is that there is still behind her. A thick arc connected to her body from the ground, like a chain.

The completely humanized beauty did not make any offensive actions, but began to look at us, and of course we are also observing her. This is a beauty, that's for sure. There is nothing to say about the body, the limit in human fantasy is probably like this, it is really a point that is more or less, and even a reasonable person like me has reacted. As for the face...beauties are indeed beauties, but they don't look young anymore. The beauty in front of me gave people the feeling that she was a mature sister in her thirties, and her whole body exuded a kind of ripeness. In addition, in terms of temperament, this beauty gives a black panther-like feeling. Noble and cold, with a little laziness, but also a strong offensive. Although it looks like she doesn't care about it, it gives people a feeling that when you relax a little, she will pounce on a strike certain kill. This is simply a peerless sharp blade that shows a small cutting blade that will splash you with blood five steps in the next second. When I was swept by her eyes, I even felt the hairs on my skin stand up, as if Someone is scratching my skin with a sharp blade.

If it is not in the game and the function of the electronic brain is turned off, I guess my eyes are full of warnings now, right? Even if this woman stood still, it made me sweat. To be honest, I haven't seen the Peerless Great Demon, but compared with this one, the previous ones are simply the five scumbags! When I met those Great Demons in the past, I just felt that the opponent was very strong, at most I felt invincible, but the woman in front of me gave me the general feeling of seeing natural enemies, and even my limbs began to stiffen. I have to say that this woman feels too terrifying!

After staring at us for a few seconds, the woman’s temperament suddenly loosened for some reason. We also felt that the stiffness of our body disappeared in an instant. At that moment, I even Uncontrolled deeply exhaled.

After relaxing the body, the woman suddenly spoke. "You are not from Celestial Court?"

I was nodded, then I glanced at the dragon above and said: "This is your Soul Body?"

The woman shook the head. "This is my Avatar, the one above is the ontology, both of which are me, but I have gathered the main soul into this Avatar so that we can communicate."

I nodded continue Asked: "Then you are now...?"

"When I just drank the water, I found the smell of foreign creatures in the water, so I knew there were people around me who had been sealed off for so many years. There is an existence that can communicate with me, why should I come out to see it?"

"Then you see now, do you plan to do something?" I asked carefully. Although the other party said this is Avatar, I know that the power of this thing is absolutely exaggerated, accidentally Yeyue and I can't even stop a single move.

The other party seemed to see my nervousness and suddenly covered his mouth and chuckled. "Don't be so scared, I won't hurt you! Besides, I can't do anything even if I want to do something like this!"

"You are so strong, how can you not do it if you really want to do it!" Here?"

The woman pointed to the arc behind and said, "Have you seen this? This is called the soul chain, which always restrains my soul. Even if I expand the Avatar, I can’t get far. . In fact, I can't touch you at all when you stand in that position."

Because of the previous vibration, we are already against the wall, and speaking of which is indeed a bit far away from the woman.

"If there is nothing wrong, can we want to leave?" To be honest, I really don't want to have more contact with this woman. This kind of existence is too dangerous, and if you don't pay attention, it will be consigned to eternal damnation.

Hearing what I said, the other party immediately showed a very disappointed look and said: "Can't you just talk to me? I haven't talked to anyone for ten thousand years, please. Can you talk to me for a while? Please."

"Sorry, I have something urgent." I really don't want to talk nonsense with this woman, she is too dangerous. Seeing that we were actually ready to run away, the woman suddenly changed her expression and returned to her previous blade-like feeling. I felt a cold behind me, and I quickly watched the woman on alert and asked: "What are you doing?"

"It seems that you are not the kind of sympathetic person?" The voice of the other person said. It was completely different from before, and now she no longer had that pitiful state, replaced with the original sense of sharp aura, but this kind of sharp aura that occasionally leaked out was even more frightening.

"Just tell me, what are you going to do? We just passed by accidentally, really unintentionally disturbing."

"Being sealed here for more than ten thousand years, you say I can What are you thinking about?" The woman said this, she stepped towards us, and as she stepped forward, she floated out of the water step by step as if she was stepping on a step, and then she stepped on as if there was no weight. Slowly walked in front of us on the surface of the water.

Obviously, this woman was a lie before, she can walk in front of us, the chain seems to simply be unable to control her actions. I'm really nervous and sweating down now, and Ye Yue is also on guard, planning to take action immediately if something goes wrong.

The woman walked in front of me slowly, and then looked down at me and said with a smile: "Your soul is very complicated! You actually link so many other souls. What can I do? What? It’s hard to find a location!"

"I warn you, don’t do anything to me, otherwise I will let you know that being sealed is not the most painful thing."


"hahahaha! I won't hurt you, I still expect you to take me out." The woman laughed wildly and turned and moved towards the dragon. She stretched out her hand in the direction of the dragon, and the dragon was struggling again and opened her mouth , And then spit out a black shine bead.

If I saw this thing elsewhere, of course I would think it was a black pearl, and it was a big outrageous one. However, this was just spit out from dragon's mouth, so there is no need to guess the identity of this thing, it must be Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball is actually the inner core of the dragon. The monster has a monster core inside the monster. This is the source of power for the Demon. The monster core is repaired by the monster cultivation. Although Divine Dragon is the Divine Beast of Celestial Court, it is actually Monster Race, it just has an official identity. Dragon Ball is the dragon’s monster core and the source of Divine Dragon’s power.

Catch the monster core that fell, the woman turned around and got the monster core to my chest. Of course I wouldn’t let her play around at will, but when I wanted to move, I found out simply can't move. The whole body seemed to be shrouded in a huge energy field, and simply couldn't shake a single bit, even his fingers couldn't move.

Although I can't see Yeyue's situation, at this time I know she must be struggling to protect me, but from the fact that she didn't react at all, she was 80% frozen. In desperation, I wanted to open the training space for the help of summon pets, but after trying it, I found that the training space was also blocked and couldn't be opened at all.

The woman squatted in front of me and looked at me completely frozen and said, "Don’t bother you. Although I am suppressed by the seal, there is no problem with dealing with you. You will obediently cooperate with me. Let me go. I will definitely repay you after I go out."

"How do I know that you will keep your promise?" When I found my mouth could still move, I asked aloud.

The woman said with a smile: "Isn't this easy to guess? The difference between you and me is such a big difference, do I need to cheat you if I want to kill you? Just smash you to death."

"Do you think I'm only three years old?" I stared at the woman and said, "The reason why you want to lie to me is that you need my initiative to help you get out of here, so although you can easily Kill me, but you still can’t get out, so you can only cheat."

The dragon girl who was guessed the truth suddenly got angry and grabbed me by the neck. He lifted it up under the water, and then approached me with the black dragon ball and said: "You have to do it or not, or I will trap you here with me as a company. I can't get out. You don’t want to leave either."

"Earth Gate." Seeing the black dragon ball keep approaching, I can be regarded as quick witted in an emergency, and suddenly yelled the earth gate to summon. come out. The huge gate of the earth suddenly appeared between us and fell to the ground. The woman was startled by the sudden appearance of the gate of the earth, and the whole person slammed backwards. At the same time, Ye Yue and I were in control. The force also disappeared.

Suddenly regaining my freedom, I took a step forward and jumped into the gate of the earth, and Ye Yue flew in immediately. The dragon girl reacted immediately after a sudden surprise and realized that it was a Transmission Gate, so she hurried around from the back of the door to the front, and it happened to see me jumping into the gate.

Out of the desire for freedom, the Black Dragon woman who has ignored everything also jumped up to catch me, but I was already in the gate of the earth at this time, and the result was When the Black Dragon girl arrived at the gate of the earth, she was suddenly bounced back by a golden light, and it felt like she had been hit by a cannonball. She flew out in an instant and hit the wall with a bang. Above, I was stunned that the solid seal stone wall was knocked out of a human-shaped pit.

I felt the door of the earth flashed behind me, I looked back, and at first glance I found the girl that Black Dragon bounced away, but the next second I was caught by something else Attracted. "This is... Dragon Ball?" I was surprised to pick up the black dragon ball on the ground. Just now when the Black Dragon girl was bombed, the dragon ball actually let go and flew in. This was a lot of fun.

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