Hearing Yeyue’s shout, I immediately speeded up and started to climb forward, but this section of the road is really very narrow, and my armor is not very flat. Crawling in this kind of place is really all kinds of scratches, if the dragon soul suit is hard enough, it would have to be scratched.

It was so easy to climb to the place where Yeyue was, only to find that this low passage suddenly entered into a rather huge cave. Of course, the cave itself is nothing to be surprised. What really shocked was the thing tied up in the center of this cave.

The structure of this cave is not horizontal, but a vertical structure similar to a missile silo. The overall shape is close to a cylinder, and the bottom diameter is more than 200 meters. The depth is completely unpredictable. The space is really not as large. . However, even in such an extreme space, it does not appear to be empty at all, or even crowded, because in this huge vertical shaft is actually tied up with a dragon, a Chinese Divine Dragon whose whole body is as black as ink.

The position we entered is the highest point of this vertical well, and the dragon is hanging upside down, which means that the tail is above and the head is below, so we can only see a huge tail . However, because I also have a Divine Dragon, even if I only see the tail, I can be sure that this is the Eastern Divine Dragon. The unique imposing manner of Divine Dragon cannot be faked.

"It's so big!" Looking at the tail in front of me, I didn't know what to say. After holding back for a long time, these two words came out.

Yeyue is also mechanically nodded and said: "It's really big, is the small dragon female's body half this big?"

I looked down a little, and then Said: "More than that, the small dragon girl is about the size of this dragon 2/3/2021, but this guy is really unusually big!"

"Divine Dragon is not the Guardian God beast of Celestial Court Why? Why is it sealed here?" Ye Yue asked.

"Remember the black Qilin?"

"You mean that the black individual is a bad omen in the ethnic group? Celestial Court really believes in that thing?"

I shook my head and said, "Celestial Court is not an idiot. Although the black individual is an ominous omen, although it was made up, the battle strength of the black individual in Divine Beast is generally more than twice that of other people of the same race. It’s so many times, and the black individual seems to have a strong natural violent factor. This kind of existence is like a child holding a nuclear bomb launch button. What do you think would happen if you were Celestial Court?"

Yeyue heard After my explanation, she was silent. She also understood that if this were the case, Celestial Court's actions would not be so unacceptable.

After answering Yeyue's words, I started to observe the dragon again. Of course, this dragon will not be suspended in midair out of thin air. At this time, this guy was actually suspended in this vertical well. In this vertical well, two densely packed two people hug a large and thin iron chain extending from the surrounding walls, and then connected to the body of the dragon, and it is not as simple as simply tied to the body. At least half of the iron ropes are even It anchored directly into the body of this dragon, I don't know if it was hung on a bone or simply passed by.

In addition to these chains, which are too many to be counted, I also saw a circle of densely packed seal runes on the wall behind me. All these inscribed runes were painted with gold paint. , In contrast with the black stone on the wall, even a little rays of light can reflect a clear flash.

In fact, in addition to the runes on the walls, I also found that there are also runes in the form of steel stamps on the chains, but the difference from the golden runes on the walls is that the runes on the chains are all It's dark red.

"It's an exaggerated seal." Yeyue also saw these things when I checked these runes, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Go, let's go down and take a look."


Although there is no platform around this vertical well, it is densely packed The chain, so an existence like ours with good enough physical fitness can actually use the chain as a step to jump down layer by layer. However, just when Yeyue and I landed on the first chain, the huge Black Divine Dragon suddenly twisted violently, and at the same time, a roar that shook people's head dizzy came from below the cave. It came up, the huge sonic impact almost didn't make us somersault. At the same time, the rune tied to the chain on the dragon body suddenly lit up and quickly spread from the vicinity of the dragon body to the surroundings, and quickly spread over me. His feet are connected to those runes on the wall. After all the chains turned red, the place where the chains rooted on the wall immediately began to glow, and then the golden rune on the wall quickly lit up and spread to the surroundings in a radial pattern. After a while, the entire vertical well was illuminated by the shiny rune. Even the black and shiny Divine Dragon is covered with a layer of golden.

After the rune turned on, I obviously felt a huge air resistance. Obviously this was the power of the seal, but all I felt was the power leaked from the seal. The real power was concentrated there. On the dragon's body, my side is just a little bit of revealing prestige. However, even Yu Wei has been so terrifying, and one can imagine how terrifying the pressure of the seal itself is. However, even with such a powerful seal, the dragon was still struggling and twisting. Obviously, the seal could not completely suppress this guy's actions. If it weren't for the chains, this guy could smash the surrounding walls and get out in just a few strokes.

The dragon has been facing the seal for one minute before it gradually calms down, but the seal on the wall did not go out immediately, but kept on. I looked at the dragon, and then at the chain under my feet, and found that the chain extended into the dragon's body. I instantly understood what happened just now. The chain passed through the dragon's body and connected to the inside of the dragon body. We suddenly fell from above and hit the chain. This was tantamount to pulling the foreign objects stuck in the body. If it doesn't hurt, there will be ghosts. No wonder that dragon struggled so hard.

After figuring out the reason, Yeyue and I began to carefully select the chains to jump down. Not all the chains are connected to the dragon's body, only about one-half of the chains are Those who enter the dragon body are simply tied to the outside of the dragon body. These chains will not pull the wound. As long as these chains are stepped down, there will be no problem.

After jumping for several times, we saw the dragon’s hind paws. It was surprisingly big. The paws are probably the same as pinching an earthworm when grabbing a train. But at this time, this claw obviously has no way to produce any lethality, because there are actually claws on this claw. Each finger on this paw has a huge metal ring, and these metal rings are all connected to a disc-shaped metal part with a metal rod. There is a huge Tai Chi Chart on both sides of the metal part. Obviously this is also a kind of seal.

Continue down to a long dragon body, and then we can see the front paws of this dragon. Like the two paws behind, this guy’s front paws are also locked, and the lock is more thorough. There is actually a connecting rod between the Tai Chi discs on the two paws, and this connecting rod is still Y-shaped. There was a fork connected to the huge collar on the dragon's neck.

The size of the collar locked on the dragon’s neck is so big that it’s like a circular square to us. In addition to the densely packed rune as always, there is a circle of spike-like protrusions around this collar, but if you look closely, you can find that these things are all active, and it should be able to penetrate the collar under certain trigger conditions. Some kind of mechanism is activated internally, or this thing is simply used to kill the dragon. Of course, the probability of the latter is not big, because if it can be killed, it will not be sealed at the beginning.

After crossing the collar like the Grand Plaza, you will see the dragon head down.

Frankly speaking, the face of this dragon is still very good. It does not have the hideous face of those monsters. After all, this is the Divine Dragon. Although it is black, it is still Divine Dragon after all, not rare beast. The slender face is well-defined, and even looks a little beautiful. Especially the pair of horns, black and shiny, can almost be used as mirrors, and the angles of bending and bifurcation are also just right, and they look neither bulky nor small.

Of course, the shape of this dragon head is actually very embarrassing at this time. The body is locked like that, and the most aggressive head is naturally not easy to deal with.

The dragon’s mouth is covered with two golden metal rings. The cross section of this metal ring is more than two meters in diameter. It surrounds the dragon’s mouth and completely seals the dragon’s mouth. . In addition, this guy's horns are also covered with an invisible seal, the structure is like two bow knots, but the strong magical fluctuations can be felt on it.

There is also a metal seal with two claws on the dragon’s eyes, which looks like a rare beast in the form of a lion hanging upside down under the dragon’s head, and then uses two front claws to ring Going over the dragon's head and covering the other's eyes is the same. Of course, this thing is definitely a powerful seal, because I absolutely lost the energy of the high level Magical Artifact in this thing.

In fact, this rare beast-shaped seal not only uses the front paws to seal the longan, but also uses the hind paws to seal the two dragon ears, which means that the dragon is not only locked in its body, Even sight and hearing are sealed together. Such a terrifying seal is really cruel. If it were me, it would be better to be killed directly. This kind of can’t be seen and can’t be stopped. Divine Physique is still wearing chains and hanging in a sealed underground cave. It’s definitely better than Death is even more uncomfortable. Imagine the punishment of confinement in reality. It is still confinement without torture, and usually does not last more than a week, but this dragon is not only made like this, but also I don’t know how long it has been hung up. This is endless. It is estimated that the human mental state might have completely collapsed long ago. But this dragon obviously didn't look like it had lost its ability to think, because when the dragon screamed before, there was an obvious flow of consciousness, which was not an instinctive reaction.

After observing the situation here, we landed on the ground at the bottom of the vertical well. The ground in this place is not dry, but soaked in water, but the depth of the water is only ten centimeters. With the rays of light emitted by the rune on the wall, you can see that there are rune underwater, but it doesn’t light up. I can see a general idea with the help of reflections, it is estimated that this is a powerful rune, only when the dragon is struggling very hard will it react.

We have calculated the size of this dragon when we came down from above. The maximum diameter of this guy’s body is 160 meters, and the average is more than 130 meters. The head is Like the general Divine Dragon, it is much larger than the body. This guy's length is about two thousand one hundred meters, this length is indeed much larger than that of the small dragon female, but it is not the most exaggerated in Divine Dragon, but the strength of Divine Dragon is not necessarily linked to the size.

While we were standing in the water looking at this big guy's head, the big guy didn't expect a sudden action. This guy actually opened his mouth by little by little. The two circles on the metal circle on the dragon's mouth immediately lit up the dense golden rune, and then began to tighten, but the power of this dragon is too great. It was too big, and it opened a small slit against the shrinking metal ring, and then a pink tongue stretched out and quickly plunged into the water below to roll up some water and then retracted it again. After licking a sip of water, the guy immediately opened his mouth again, and then continued to stick his tongue out to lick the water. Although he had to make a lot of effort each time, he could finally get some water in one mouthful.

To be honest, looking at this guy, I even feel sorry for the dragon, especially when I know that the seals of Celestial Court are not all the heinous existences. Although Celestial Court has indeed sealed the existence of some demons, it is actually more of the existence of different interest groups from Celestial Court, which means that most of the detained by Celestial Court are their enemies and not necessarily bad guys. The original black Qilin, the sealed Monster Race, and my beloved Hong Ling, these all are solid evidence.

Although it is pitiful for the black Divine Dragon, I dare not provoke this guy easily. Celestial Court may imprison a kind-hearted existence that is different from their camp, but they will never take such a great effort to seal an insignificant nobody. So, no matter whether the guy in front of him is good or bad, at least one thing is certain is that this is definitely a strong and perverted existence.

Just when we were preparing to return carefully and stop disturbing this guy, the dragon that was trying to drink water suddenly moved. The other party was trying to drink water with his tongue, but suddenly he stopped. After hesitating for a few seconds, the guy suddenly licked his water again, and then seemed to be savoring. Ten seconds later, when we thought this thing was going to be quiet again, the mutation protruded.

The dragon suddenly raised its head and started struggling. The chains around it turned red in an instant, and the golden rune on the wall that was about to dim in an instant turned into a searchlight. I can even feel the ground shaking violently.

In the course of the dragon's fierce struggle, I suddenly found that the magic array under my feet was also lit up. The magic power began to converge, and then a ball of light gathered in the center of the cave. A large number of electric arcs flew out from the ball of light, straight into the Divine Dragon above, and the Divine Dragon immediately screamed and twisted violently, but this guy didn't mean to be quiet at all, on the contrary, he struggled more and more. .

"Why is this thing crazy?"

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