The Gate of the Earth is a special passage used by the Mother of the Earth to enter and exit her Divine Kingdom. The back garden occupies a small piece of land as my troop point and item storage area, and it can even be used as a passage. This is like some homeowners renting out one or several single rooms of their own suites to others for use. I am the tenant and have the right to use a small area, and because I need to get in and out of this room, I also have the key to the door of the house.

Of course, the Gate of the Earth is Goddess, not a charter wife, and they are one of the top ten, second only to the second layer of the ring of discipline game. Her back garden will never allow anyone without permission to enter and exit casually, and as long as she is unwilling, don't even think of forcing a breakthrough regardless of your strength.

Although the Black Dragon woman has boundless mana and can crush an existence like me, she still doesn’t count in front of Mother Earth, so she just hit the protective barrier of the Earth’s Gate as if she had been The train crashed, and was shot out in an instant, almost crashing the sealing wall.

The Black Dragon girl who fell and was confused struggled to get up from the ground and shook her head. After a little stabilization, she immediately discovered that her dragon ball was missing, so she immediately started looking around in surprise. At first she thought she had fallen into the water, but as soon as she looked up, she found that I was standing in the gate of the earth holding the dragon ball, looking at her and smiling.

The instantly violent Black Dragon girl rushed towards me. Of course, her target was actually the dragon ball in my hand, but the result was the same as last time. Because I was standing in the door, although it was close to the door, even if it was only one centimeter away, it was inside the door, and the Black Dragon girl couldn't touch me at all. The Black Dragon girl who hit the gate of the earth again was bounced off again, and this time it seems that the rebound strength has increased. After landing, the Black Dragon girl who has not got up for a long time can lie in the water for seven or eight minutes. Reluctantly stood up.

I rushed to the door again with difficulty, but this time she did not rush into the door of the earth again, because she had realized that it was not something she could open. The two impacts just now made her fully understand that the power of this thing and her power are million miles apart, simply insurmountable.

Standing outside the gate of the earth, less than ten centimeters away from me, the Black Dragon woman faced me across the gate. She glanced at the dragon ball in my hand, and fiercely said, "Return the dragon ball to me."

I deliberately pretended to be inaudible and turned my ear to her, and then shouted loudly. I asked: "What did you say? I can't hear you!"

"Hurry up and give me the dragon ball, or I want you to look good." The Black Dragon woman said fiercely.

"Aiya, I'm so scared!" I deliberately made a very exaggerated look, and then provocatively said: "You come in and show me something good! I'm looking forward to it."


"You..." Although I wanted to tear me up alive, the other party knew that this was an impossible task, and she couldn't get in at all. The entrance of this place was sealed with a powerful seal, and a powerful aura that made her feel terrified was constantly pouring out of the gate of the earth. Because of this kind of breath, she didn't dare to try to touch the restriction on this door again.

"What's the matter? Why don't you come in to make me look good? Oh, so you can't come in!" I deliberately irritated the other party.

The Black Dragon femininity almost exploded, but I can’t help it. She can't get in, and it's useless to regenerate her breath. In fact, it's a good thing that she can't get in, because once she does get in, what awaits her is the punishment of Mother Earth. This is the territory of the Mother Earth. Without the permission of the Mother Earth, even the other nine High Gods can't enter and exit casually, not to mention that she is a creature of the lower realm.

"How on earth are you willing to return the Dragon Ball to me?" The Black Dragon girl who had already recognized the reality suppressed her anger and looked at me and asked. But even if reason told her not to be angry, her expression is still quite ferocious now.

The way I looked at her deliberately stimulated her and said: "Are you begging me?"

Looking at me for a long time, the other side turned his head and said:" Yes."

"But why didn't I hear the meaning of begging?"


"Look, you dare Stare at me. Is this the way to beg?"

"I tell you, don't be too arrogant. Although I can't get in, you can't get out. I've been here for ten thousand anyway. For many years, I don't care about staying for another 10,000 years. If you have the ability, you will never come out." The Black Dragon female said introvertedly.

I deliberately said in a surprised look: "Aiya, I forgot to tell you something." I paused for a few seconds to lift the other's curiosity before continuing: "This space There are other exits, and there are more than one. The one in front of you is a mobile exit, which will move with my position, but there are also many fixed exits that are out of your reach. I just need to close it This exit can go out from those exits. It makes no sense for you to block here."

The other party was obviously taken aback when she heard what I said. She didn't think there would be other exits in this place. , But it’s right to think about it carefully. The breath here shows that this is the resident of a certain super powerhouse, and she can determine based on the comparison between her own strength and the other's strength, that this space is 80% of the semi-plane opened by others, that is to say People can create planes by themselves. To be able to do this kind of thing, to open a few space channels is as easy as an ordinary person lifting a brick, so she completely believes that I am telling the truth.

"Well, I admit defeat, how do you say you want to return the Dragon Ball to me?"

"Return it to you?" I suddenly sat down, lazy Deliberately holding the dragon ball and looked at it carefully. "This dragon ball is a good thing! Speaking of which I also have a dragon." As I said, I gave the small dragon girl out to summon. At the gate of the earth, my abilities will not be sealed, so I can summon at will. NS.

After seeing the small dragon girl, that Black Dragon girl was really stunned. At a glance, she could tell that she was a dragon girl, the same as her. But after seeing the appearance of the small dragon girl, her first reaction was to find that the clothes on the other party were very beautiful, and then later realized that she was naked. Seeing her hurriedly covering up, I couldn't help but say: "Don't cover up, you have seen everything that should be seen, and it's useless for you to cover up."

"humph." Black Dragon female coldly snorted, in place After turning around, a suit similar to the small dragon girl, but with a pure black dress appeared on her body. It looked like a queen fan.

"Sure enough, it's too straightforward to wear nothing. It's more subtle and more beautiful." I pretended to appreciate it.

The Black Dragon girl deliberately made a few quite seductive movements when she saw me, she showed off her body that is indeed quite the best, and then said: "You feel very much about my body when you work. Interested, then, if you are willing to return my dragon ball to me, I can let you play with this body. How about? You won’t suffer from this trade, right?"

"Don’t suffer? I Okay? What do you think of me? Alright, okay, don’t joke with you, talk about what you can exchange, if you are satisfied, I’ll trade with you, if you are not satisfied Then... I will give it to my pet as a snack."

"My dragon ball is poisonous and will poison to death if eaten."

With one of my Snapping his fingers, Hei Yan appeared beside me. "Then, this is my pet black inflammation. His characteristic is that he has a particularly good appetite and is completely immune to toxins. The Power of Darkness on your body will become a scum compared to him."

Black Flame comes from the Sea of ​​Silence. In terms of strength, it may not be as good as this Black Dragon girl, but in terms of negative energy intensity, of course Black Flame is more powerful. Anyway, Black Dragon girl only has dark attributes and is still an energy creature in nature. , This is completely different from the negative energy organism like Hei Yan.

"Okay, okay, don't give it to him. I have good things here." After seeing Black Dragon, the Black Dragon woman knew that her intimidation was useless. Heiyan's negative energy Biology eats poison. Medicine is equal to tonic. If her dragon ball is eaten by black inflammation, it is indeed a tonic, so she is really worried that I will feed the dragon ball to the big snake.

"Hurry up and tell me what good things you have, I have no patience."

"There are some, don't be impulsive, I have...I have a treasure."

"What's in it?"

"Some of the Heaven and Earth Treasure left over by Ancient Era are so large in number that I can't remember them for so many years."

"Heaven and Earth Treasure will continue to send three spiritual powers after being picked. For more than ten thousand years, there has been no spiritual Qi for a long time. What do I want that thing for?"

"I still have it."

"What else?"

"I still have a piece of cold iron for ten thousand years, I can..."

"Stop , I have so many things that I can use to repair the city wall. Change one."

"I still have...and..."

The Black Dragon girl still has a long time Nothing came out, but it's right to think about it. Having been sealed here for more than 10,000 years, what good things do you expect from her? She didn't know that she would be sealed back then, how could she reserve something in advance for emergency use? So, there are only a few things she can really handle, but I'm not that kind of foolish character. I see a lot of all kinds of weird things, and I don't like some low-end treasures at all.

"Isn't there anymore? Then I will feed the pet."

Seeing that I turn around and really want to feed the dragon ball to the pet, the Black Dragon girl is immediately anxious. "Wait a minute. I have one more thing."

"If you fool me with some rubbish this time, I won't wait for you to say the next thing." I warned.

The Black Dragon girl solemnly nodded and said: "I still have another treasure, that is my own body." When I heard the other party's words, I immediately threw the dragon ball, and the other party hurriedly shouted and explained: "I'm not talking about this human body, I'm talking about my dragon body."

On hearing this explanation, I stopped and turned my head and looked towards the Black Dragon woman. "Explain."

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