Although I know that this place must not be left in the usual way, I can’t just sit here and wait for it to die! I tried to sense the gate of the earth and found that it could still be used. Now I feel more relieved. If there is no other way to leave here, at least I can use the gate of the earth to leave, which is a little troublesome. However, there is a backup plan that at least has some insights, and there is no need to blindly bump into it.

To leave here, of course, you have to study along the normal path. Although I know that 80% of them cannot be opened, you have to try it before you can rest assured.

After coming out of the room where I was just now, I entered a rather large room. This room seems to have both the functions of the hall and the corridor, and both ends are connected, so you can directly see the Tianshou The situation outside the pavilion.

Looking at the woodland outside, I involuntarily walked to one of the entrances. This place is a circle of balconies surrounding the building. It seems to be unobstructed. You can leave the castle tower just five or six meters ahead. But I know it will not be that simple.

From the steps on the balcony surrounding the castle tower to the ground on the base of the castle tower. This base part is slightly larger than the castle tower itself, and is different from the wooden superstructure in that the base below is made of stone, which is the same structure as the city wall, except that it is not a wall but a The stone platform is much stronger than the city wall.

After coming down from the balcony and walking to this place, there is only a one-meter-high fence between me and the ground outside. The height of this fence has just reached my waist, even for ordinary persons, a fence of this height is completely unstoppable. If you want to go in the past, you can turn over at any time. But I would not be so reckless and really think that I can leave here by turning over.

I tried to open the Phoenix Dragon Space and found that it was really usable. Then I took out a piece of garbage equipment that I didn’t know when to sweep it in, and then without the slightest hesitation. This equipment moved towards the outside of the Tianshou Pavilion and threw it out.

Although I am trying to do this, I actually have no hope, and I can even imagine that the thing is bounced back by the barrier or burned. However, just when I thought the equipment would be bounced back, the small dagger flew out of the castle tower and plunged into the soft mud outside the castle tower without encountering anything in the middle. Intercept.

"Fuck me!" Looking at the dagger stuck on the ground a few meters away in surprise, my mouth was open and I didn't know how to close it. "What's the situation?"

I was still a little uncertain about the success of the first experiment. I quickly took out the heavy sword with both hands from the Phoenix Dragon space, and then threw it into the distance. The heavy sword revolved and flew more than 30 meters under my power and disappeared in the woods. Because of the shelter of the trees, it was impossible to see where it flew, but I am very sure that it did fly out.

Two consecutive experiments have proved one thing, that is, weapons can be thrown out. Now that the structure of this seal is very different from what I imagined like a protective cover, at least I know that the weapons are free to enter and exit.

After thinking about it for a while, I snapped my fingers. A Death God guard appeared next to me, then jumped out of the fence in front of me without saying a word, and then fell on On the ground outside.

"Damn! Death God guards can also go out? Is there no protection at all? Or is it because Death God guards are not living creatures?"

After thinking about it, I decided it would be better to try again, so I brought out the summon of Hong Ling. Hong Ling itself is the Great Demon native to China. No matter what biological characteristics the seal of this place is for, as long as it can seal Great Demon, it should be effective for Hong Ling. Unless the seal can accurately identify the target and only seal the target Creature, otherwise it should be triggered.

The Red Ling who got out of summon also jumped out quickly, and then broke my guess again. She actually went out too.

This seal actually doesn't work on monsters, so what does it work on?

I don't know the characteristics of this seal at all, I can only let myself risk it in the end. Anyway, even Hong Ling went out. Doesn't it make sense that this thing will work specifically for me, right?

After thinking about it, I stepped back two steps and started accelerating forward, stepped on the guardrail, and then jumped out, and then I saw a translucent air in front of me where there was nothing. The light film suddenly flashed, and then I felt as if I had hit the jelly. The whole person fell into a smooth and soft environment, but the resistance in front of me was getting bigger and bigger, and then when my inertia ran out This thing began to rebound, and instantly bounced me back to where I had taken off.

"Your sister! Actually really reacted to me!" After getting up from the ground, I was safe with an expression of disbelief. Before so many tests, even the monster red Ling went out, can't I get out because of Mao? Secretly said that I am more like a monster than Hong Ling?

Hong Ling outside the station was also quite surprised when she looked at me. After that, she jumped up by herself without waiting for my order, and she was not affected in any way. After coming up again, Hong Ling tried to jump out again, but he still went out without responding.

After repeated tests, I got the result that all my transforming creatures can freely enter and exit this castle tower. For them, this place is no different from an ordinary house. They can enter and exit at will. Will not be blocked in any way. However, as long as I tried to get out, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of me to block me back. If you don't let go, even the familiar will be pulled back together.

"His grandfather, what's wrong with this thing? Why don't you let me go out?" Looking at the unobstructed air now, I just can't figure out why I can't get out.

Although I don't know why I can't go out, since the pet can go out, I need to finish the work first. Let Ling lead the team and lead my Familiar out to intercept and kill the two players, and then I left the corridor outside the castle tower and went back inside and started investigating everywhere.

I can’t get out of this place. There must be a way to get me out, but it definitely requires conditions, so I need clues now.

The area of ​​this castle tower is not small, so the investigation also needs to have a sequence. You can't search randomly, otherwise you may miss some clues. I plan to go to the top to look for it first, because the height of this kind of building is generally a more important position, and its relatively small area, it can be found quickly, and it can also overlook the entire island from above, so that the outside situation can be determined .

Ling’s speed is obviously much faster than I expected. Before I got to the roof, I heard a muffled rolling rumbling sound from a distance, followed by a series of explosions. The sound seems to be quite loud.

Speed ​​up a few steps to climb up the attic, push open the window facing the direction of the explosion, just to see a red rays of light flash by, a large piece of wood on the edge of the island suddenly fell, but Before all the trees fell, a blue flash suddenly appeared in front of it, which looked like something like Blade Qi, but the thing just flew out and was slapped away by the sudden appearance of Mila. , Immediately after Mira opened her mouth, there was a ray of destruction. There was an explosion on the ground, and a large Fireball skyrocketed, but someone was seen flying out, but before landing, he was suddenly taken out of the forest. The straight beam of light rising into the sky penetrated, and the corpse was broken into dozens of pieces before it hit the ground.

After the rays of light flashed past, the forest returned to calm, and then I heard Ling report that the mission objective had been killed.

Ling and the others came back on their own, but I continued to search on the top floor. There is really nothing in this place to be honest. The entire room is about five meters square, the area is really small, and there is no furnishings. Just in the center of the room is a shelf like a chair, and on this shelf is a pair of armor. Of course, I would never touch this armor, because this thing is obviously the center of the seal, and as long as the armor seal is taken away, it will be completely finished.

After spinning around this gorgeous-looking armor, I finally found nothing else, so I had no choice but to look for it. The structure of the lower layers is larger than the first, but there is basically nothing inside. This itself is not a place for people to live, it is just a seal, so there are no daily necessities and a lot of furniture inside, there are only a few things, almost every room can be obvious at a glance, basically you can’t hide things. of.

Because this place is empty, I am rather helpless, because I can't find a clue at all! When I returned to the second floor, Ling and the others also came back. Of course, I also let them spread out to help find them. There are always too many people to find something that one person would miss.

In fact, this idea of ​​mine was quickly verified, because we actually discovered the mechanism here, and this mechanism cannot be discovered by a single person anyway.

The design of this mechanism is very fucking, because it is a linkage mechanism. First of all, the armor I found on the top floor is not only the core of the seal, but also the switch of the mechanism. The armor is not a piece of scattered parts hanging on a shelf, but a combined humanoid structure, which looks like a person sitting there. However, the saber hung around the waist of the armor had some problems. This sabre was not completely inserted into the scabbard, but about a centimeter of the blade was exposed, and the blade was not completely inserted into the scabbard.

This is actually the first trigger condition of the mechanism. To activate the mechanism, the knife needs to be fully inserted into the scabbard, and you need to keep pressing this thing because the knife will pop out as soon as you let go Come, become that kind of stretched out a little bit state again.

If you are a person, let alone the light movement mechanism does not work, you will not see it even if it works, because the final entrance of the mechanism is in the middle of the lobby on the first floor.

The mechanism on this scabbard is actually equivalent to insurance. Only when the knife is fully inserted into the scabbard can the mechanism for opening the door be activated. Otherwise, even if the mechanism is found, it will be useless. As for the location of the real organ... Ordinary people estimate that you can't find it.

The location of this second organ is between the second and third floors, not in the mezzanine, but on the stairs upstairs.

The pillar with a railing on the stairs from the second floor to the third floor is actually movable, and if the knife on the top floor is not inserted in place, the thing cannot be moved, only when the knife is inserted into the scabbard This column can be pushed outwards. When this thing is pushed, the mechanism won't open by itself, you still have to find the entrance yourself.

The reason why we were able to discover this entrance was entirely because of the large number of people, so we ran into it.

First of all, Yeyue, who was looking for clues on the top floor, had obsessive-compulsive disorder who likes to tidy everything up, so he saw that the knife was not fully inserted into the scabbard and gave it a hand. Secondly, when Ye Yue inserted the blade back, King II happened to be walking down the stairs, and he heard the railing next to him seem to make a slight click. This sound is actually the sound made by Yeyue when the locking device below is released after the safety is opened. Of course, normal people will not go to the fragments to pull the railing posts, but because of the abnormal sound, the II will try one by one. I took a look at the pillars near the place where the sound was made, and found the pillar that could be pushed aside.

Of course, this is not enough, because even if this mechanism is pushed, the entrance of the secret passage below will not open, just unlock it.

The real key point is that I was a little frustrated because I found a circle without clues, so I was resting on a pillar in the middle of the hall. This castle tower does not have internal walls, and uses a complete frame structure. Therefore, the four main support columns in the center of the hall are very strong, and four or five people cannot fully embrace it. At that time, I was leaning on one of the pillars, and it turned out to be just above the secret door. The second generation found the mechanism and pushed it, and the concealed door lock on my back was immediately released. The hidden door suddenly lost its support, and then I fell backward. If I didn't react quickly and grabbed the borders on both sides, I almost fell straight down.

For such a complicated mechanism, if I hadn't touched it too hard, he wouldn't even want to find out where the mechanism was when I was exhausted by another person.

After discovering the entrance, I just got up and found that the entrance was closed again, but it was easy to find it once. I first learned from the second king that he had discovered the mechanism, but I don't know why he couldn't move it again. Ling quickly guessed that there were preconditions for the activation of this mechanism, so he asked everyone what they had touched just now, but eliminated them one by one, and finally found the knife, so we discovered how the mechanism works.

Because the entrance to the underground is very narrow, and there are too many people to open it, so I put away most of the familiars and let the two Death God guards start the mechanism. Zhu Jingjing, Ye Yue and the king entered the cave together.

Jingjing took the shield and walked in the forefront. I followed the second to support, and Yeyue was the third, the queen of the king.

The inside of this column is actually a downward staircase, but it is very narrow. You need to be sideways to look towards downward, but after dropping only two floors, the steps suddenly disappeared. The lower part didn't look like it hadn't been repaired, but was broken by something. Only some protruding stones remained on the wall, which was obviously the previous steps. But this is not a problem for us. Anyway, the passage is not big. Stepping on the wall bounces back and forth and jumps down. This speed is faster than before, especially Yeyue, her tail can actually be like a screw in this vertical passage. Form a thread, and then rotate down, not only the speed can be controlled at will, but also stop at any time.

The depth of this cave is far less exaggerated than we imagined, and it will come to the end after a drop of about 20 meters. Below this is a circular stone chamber. There is a pile of broken stones on the ground in the center of the stone chamber. The material should be the same as the previous stairs, but I don't know why they all fell into fragments.

There is only one exit in the stone chamber, so there is no need to choose a route. After exiting the exit, there is a passage, but unlike the stone chamber, the passage is not decorated. The ground of the previous stone chamber was also covered with blue stones, and the walls were also black bricks. Besides the ground was roughly flattened, the walls were directly like natural caves, and the passages were very narrow. Some The place even needs to knock off the protruding rocks on the wall to squeeze through.

I don’t know if it’s because of the underground of Lake Heart Island. The passage is obviously very wet, the walls are all wet to the touch, and the ground is also super slippery. I have to The claws at the bottom of the boots were opened to stabilize the body. The King and Jingjing were also almost unable to stand when they were walking and slipping. I finally had to take them both back, and they couldn’t help here because of the situation on the ground. . However, compared to the situation of Zhi Jingjing and King’s unable to move a single step, Yeyue here is almost like on the highway. The slippery ground is too suitable for her snake tail, as long as half of the usual. Yeyue can move on the ground at twice the speed before, and the narrow wall will not affect her mobility. On the contrary, she can change her coverage at will. She can even use a snake body to support it. The wall allowed itself to advance upside down along the ceiling of the cave.

"I said Yeyue, do you have to show off so nakedly? I know that your tail is better than my legs. You don't have to stimulate me like this, right?" Watching flying over my head I'm really speechless when Yeyue is flying around.

When I heard what I said, Ye Yue smiled and fell down beside me from above, and then said: "Isn't I adapting to the environment in advance?"

" Do you still need to adapt? I feel like you grew up here! So, do you feel any unusual aura?"

"If you want to talk about the aura... It’s getting colder."

Although only the body is a snake body, Yeyue does have certain characteristics of a snake. For example, she is very sensitive to temperature and can immediately feel the subtle changes in temperature. , Especially when the air temperature drops.

"Cold?" After hearing Yeyue’s words, I realized that the surrounding temperature had indeed dropped a bit, but this was not the focus of my attention. What I asked Yeyue about was actually another kind of breath. A very evil atmosphere. My nose can smell a faint fishy smell in the air, not a fishy smell, but a bloody smell.

"Did you not find out?" Ye Yue looked at me in surprise and asked.

I shook the head and said: "The temperature has dropped a bit, but haven't you noticed the smell of blood in the air?"

Ye Yue took a sharp breath after hearing what I said. After taking a few breaths, and then savoring it for a while, nodded and said: "Don’t you say that you didn’t pay attention, it’s true if you smell it carefully. Is there something hurt in front of it?"

"I think it might be a Pile of bones."

"This is a seal. Where can the bones be eaten by the monster?" Yeyue asked me back.

I was right to think about it! Creatures outside this place can't get in at all. Even if someone enters here and is eaten occasionally, they probably have become bones early. There shouldn't be a bloody smell.

If we can't figure out the reasons, we decided to move on, and we can see what happened. Anyway, we can't get out anyway, so we might as well explore it first and maybe find out.

After continuing for a short distance, we found that the passage has widened a lot, at least there is no need to hit the stones on the wall, and there is no need to move sideways. However, although the width of the passage has increased, the height of the roof of the cave is getting shorter and shorter. Continue to advance for more than ten meters, and then after turning a turn, the top of the passage suddenly sinks, becoming a state where the average height of the product is only about 80 cm.

"I'm dizzy, why is it so short? Which bastard fixes the passage below?"

Yeyue said with a smile: "It doesn't affect me anyway." After that, I went straight in without waiting for me to say anything. By the way, I am now more and more envious of this snake's tail, it is so much easier to use than human legs.

Because the average height of the passage is only 80 centimeters, I had to start crawling forward on all fours. What's more terrible is that the passage began to narrow after seven or eight meters. After another five or six meters, the passage became no more than eighty centimeters high and only eighty centimeters wide. To be honest, this size is actually quite spacious without armor, but for me with heavy plate armor, this size is quite cheating.

Although in theory I can pass the height and width dimensions of eighty centimeters, the problem is that this seems to be a natural cave and it was not dug out manually, so you can’t expect it to be flat, eighty centimeters. It's just the average size, and the size of some locations is much smaller than this. Of course, you can easily get through if you take off the armor, but how dare I take off the armor in such a dangerous place?

While crawling helplessly, he constantly knocked off the obstructive stones with an eternally transformed hammer. The speed of advancement was less than ten seconds and one meter, and it was only fifteen or six meters before the boss was abolished. However, just as I was struggling to hit the stone, Yeyue's cry suddenly came from in front of me.

"Come on, master! Great discovery!"

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