At first I was also anxious, but after hearing the words of true red, I suddenly thought of a way after turning around and seeing true red.

"Really red, can the cannon on earth play?"

"Of course." True red's fists collided, making a heavy muffled sound.

"Then prepare."

Zhen Hong looked at the position of the opposite person, then took a few steps back and found a rock sticking out of the ground and stood on it. It will require effort, and the soft soil by the lake cannot provide enough support. Of course, a stone stepping on the foot will be much more stable.

I also took a few steps back after True Red stopped, but moved towards the center of the lake. After a distance of seven or eight meters from Zhenhong, I looked towards Zhenhong again and asked: "Are you ready?"

True Hong nodded: "Come on."

< p>I nodded, then squatted slightly to prepare for the start, and then began to count down: "Three, two, one." With an exit, I instantly started moving towards Zhenhong rushed away, and Zhenhong also showed up One after the other's horse step, she twisted her waist and closed her shoulders and began to accumulate energy, and the golden Divine Dragon relief on her shoulders began to shine.

The distance of seven or eight meters almost passed in the blink of an eye for me. I jumped up less than two meters away from the real red, and then turned around in the air and aimed my feet at the real red The side of her shoulders slammed out, but the real red was exerting force at the same time. The Divine Dragon on her shoulders instantly floated and formed a golden magic array in front of her fists with the fists she threw out. At this moment, my feet just stepped on this magic array.

"Dragon's Might-blasting." Real red roared out at the moment when I was stepped on by the magic array, and the fist charged to the limit rushed forward with the strength of Thunder's Wanjun. I stepped on her fist and flew out like a cannonball moved towards the center of the lake.

Woo...the two Rainbow Alliance players who just stood up from the shallow waters on the shore of Lake Heart Island heard such a dull blast, and at the same time, a sound appeared on the lake next to them. The white separation zone, the entire lake was actually divided into two, and neither of them realized what was going on. They felt a whirl of the sky, and the whole person was taken directly by a strong wind and flew up in the air. It was on the muddy ground by the shore, but both of them ignored the mud that they gnawed. After landing, they both immediately raised their heads and looked forward, because there was a deafening noise just in front of them.

I need to explain the source of this loud noise. It is actually... well, I admit that I just played off.

The two Rainbow Alliance players are about to board Lake Heart Island, and flying and teleportation are prohibited in this place, so we use normal methods to stop them before they touch the seal. The plan I thought of was also very simple. Anyway, Zhenhong had great strength, so I jumped up and used her as a catapult to send myself over. Although it is not possible to fly in the no-air area, there are no restrictions on the use of inertial flight such as jumping or throwing, which means that my method is feasible.

However, the key point is that Zhen Hong and I have roughly estimated the strength of both sides.

Both Zhenhong and I underestimated the strength of the other party, so that they used too much force. According to my original plan, I only need to fly over the lake and land on the island first. The entire flight process should be a fairly smooth arc trajectory. However, because the power output of me and True Red was too large, the propulsion generated after superposition was obviously beyond the standard. As a result, I instantly broke through the speed of sound, and the whole person was flying across the lake almost in a direct state, behind me. The resulting vacuum wave even cut the lake surface.

Originally, if this was an ordinary Lake Heart Island, it would be fine. What's great is that I was injured a little bit. However, there is a super dangerous seal in the middle of Lake Heart Island!

I originally came to the island to prevent the people of the Rainbow Alliance from breaking the seal, but in the end, I did what the people of the Rainbow Alliance wanted to do but did not have time to do. After flying over the lake, my speed was still too fast. Although I realized the speed was too fast the moment I flew out, I couldn't do anything about it. There is a forbidden air field in this place. Although I spread my wings and tried my best to adjust my posture, the wings in the forbidden air field have no effect at all. My wings seem to have lost resistance, and the whole person rushes in a straight line. Towards the huge sealed building resembling a castle tower in the middle of the island.

Although I don’t want this very much, but in this situation, I really can’t do anything. In the end, I can only watch myself crash into the pedestal under the building similar to the castle tower. And because of the kinetic energy, I made a big hole directly in the pedestal, and then it emerged from under the floor of the first floor of the castle tower. After hitting the furniture on the ground, I was blocked by a jade stone screen. Come down.

When I was hit and confused, I stood on the ground and turned over with difficulty, and then when I opened my eyes, I saw that the screen above my head was moving towards me and fell down. Although my mind wanted to hide, my body couldn’t follow. I could only raise my hands to cover my face, and in the next second I heard a crisp sound accompanied by the impact on my arm, and the screen instantly fell to pieces beside me.

"It hurts!" Holding head sat up from the ground, and I moved my sore cervical spine while observing the surrounding situation. To be honest, this situation is pretty weird now. Although the strength I had just flown over was great, the seal definitely shouldn't be so fragile. Although I would hit the seal at the time, even the cut open seal shouldn't fly in. It can even be said that this sealed building is completely abnormal. Not to mention that this is a demon-suppressing seal used to seal Great Demon, even the general castle tower should not be so fragile. Because the castle tower this thing is actually a fortress, it is generally the central fortress of a large castle, and equivalent to is the last fortress. This kind of building itself is quite strong and shouldn't be so fragile at all. Besides, there is still the power of the seal on it. Even if the speed is twice as fast, I definitely shouldn't be able to crash into it so exaggerated.

Although I don’t understand it, I didn’t get entangled in it. It’s not my habit to be horny. If you can't figure it out, put it aside first, and get started as soon as possible is the right choice.

After getting up from the ground, I started to observe the situation in the room. This place looks very similar to the architectural style of the Warring States period in our country, which is very similar to the Japanese style. The whole ground is tatami mats, and of course it’s already out of shape by me now.

There is a low table on the side of the room. It should be used for kneeling, because there is no stool, and this height is not suitable for sitting on a stool. Of course, this short couple has been overturned now.

The center of the room should be where the screen is placed, but now the screen has become a piece of debris, but the red sandalwood frame is not broken, but the inner side is two meters in diameter. The jade stone screen was completely shattered.

In addition to these things, there are only a few candle holders left in the room, and then there are four walls. However, the buildings of that era had no inner walls except for the outer walls. These walls are actually the structure of a Japanese-style sliding door, and they are all on all sides. This design is a bit like those private rooms in current restaurants. The separate compartments are separated by movable pull-boards. When needed, multiple compartments can be combined into a large room. When the large room is not needed, the partitions can be pulled up to become small rooms. This design is flexible and easy to use. Of course, the sound insulation of this kind of wall is certainly not very good, after all, it is mobile. As for the walls all around in the room I'm in... what effect do you expect from a layer of silk yarn?

After observing the general situation here, I got up, and then carefully walked to the big hole that I just knocked out and prepared to go out, because this is where the seal is, although it has been destroyed by me A lot of things, but if you run around here, you may damage more things, so I plan to go out first and see the situation. And the two Rainbow Alliance players are still there, even if I didn't break the seal just now, they will continue to destroy the seal when they come up, so I need to settle the two Rainbow Alliance players first.

I was right, but when I walked to the big hole, I was dumbfounded, because the big hole I just smashed into was healing at the speed visible to naked eye, like a living body Like tissue regeneration, the edges of the hole squirmed and stretched out, and when they met other parts, they merged with each other. When I saw it, there was only a small hole as thick as a thigh left in the hole. Because I didn't dare to break the seal, I didn't dare to expand this hole at all. If there is a limit on the number of times of self-repair or a cooling time or something, wouldn't it be over?

After watching the big hole on the ground completely healed, the messy things in the room began to move to their original position automatically, and those things that appeared and broke were also automatically combined and repaired. In less than two minutes, the room was restored to its previous appearance. Except for the fallen screen I don't know why it was not restored, everything in this place became intact and neat and tidy.

"The seal that seals Great Demon is really different!" After sighing the strength of this seal, I began to worry again.

The entry channel is blocked, then how do I get out? What? You say go to the gate? Please, this is a seal, the purpose is to prevent the contents from going out. If this can go out through the gate, is it still called a seal? Change the name to Inn, forget it.

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