The next time will naturally enter the hapless time of the Rainbow Alliance. With the death of Death God's guards, the Banshee kept jumping around in the crowd. Soon the attached players from the Rainbow Alliance were all caught and thrown into their mouths. But in the process, I discovered a situation, that is, this Banshee seems to be able to distinguish biological characteristics. Although she kept attacking my Death God Guards and Rainbow Alliance players in the process, she only ate the Rainbow Alliance players, and killed my Death God Guards in the most direct way. Wouldn't eat them at all.

Although I don't know if Banshee's behavior is caused by instinct, but at least it is certain that this Banshee has a very strong sensing ability and can keenly discover the basic characteristics of the target creature. Death God guards are not natural creatures, even if they are eaten, they are useless, so she doesn't use the method of devouring these Death God guards. However, this also shows from the other side that this guy's desire to kill seems to be uncontrollable.

If this Banshee has been chasing us and the Rainbow Alliance before because of the instinctive reaction brought by appetite, then since she does not eat Death God Guards, then why should she chase them? Therefore, in addition to being able to eat people, this Banshee has another characteristic that is bloodthirsty. The Great Demon of Ancient Era is indeed not the same level of monsters as these good babies of modern times.

The people on the Rainbow League side were killed by the Death God guards, and the Banshee quickly killed bits and pieces, and the rest were on the run. These guys can see it now. It's useless to hide like this. Although the Banshee is not good at finding hidden targets, the Death God Guard is very good at it. So these guys simply can't hide, and as long as they are discovered by the Death God guards, it is equivalent to being discovered by Banshee. So, instead of waiting for death here, we should run separately, at least there is a glimmer of hope.

The players of the Rainbow Alliance who dispersed all moved at the fastest speed after they dispersed. My Death God Guards are too low-level, so they can deal with ordinary players. They can deal with these highs. Level players are a little bit strenuous, and they can't do it if they want to stop their movement. After all, Death God Guards are originally units that rely on numbers to win, and a single battle strength is actually not very prominent.

I can monitor the movement of the entire battlefield through the eyes of the darts, and the speed of the darts determines where I want to see where the darts can move in lightning speed. It can be said that it is almost like the perspective of God. However, within the sight of the darts, I quickly discovered a not-so-good situation.

Two of the scattered Rainbow Alliance players jumped directly into the lake, and then began to swim towards Lake Heart Island.

On the Lake Heart Island, you can see a huge building hidden in the woods. The shape of this thing at first glance looks like a Japanese castle tower.

In fact, the castle tower was originally the architectural style of our country during the Warring States Period, but because it was weaker than China before the Meiji Restoration in Japan, they admired Chinese culture very much, and naturally like to learn from China s things. This tenshukaku is a building created by the Japanese after learning from China and blending some of their own designs. However, because of the great cultural and historical changes in our country, this architectural style has gradually disappeared, but Japan has retained this architectural style. Naturally, many people now see it and think that the castle tower is a Japanese thing, but in fact, this is a truly purely native architectural style.

In fact, this building and the castle tower are just similar. There are still some differences between them. After all, the Japanese did not copy them completely after studying. They did something according to their own habits and understanding. Modifications, coupled with so many years of changes, Japan’s castle tower and its original form have also undergone certain changes. Naturally, the Zhailou structure of our country, which was the original template, will naturally not be the same as the modern Tianshou pavilion. The two are just somewhat similar.

Of course, a building would not attract my attention, but it is different in this place. The Divine Immortal in Celestial Court clearly stated that the artifacts in the lock forest must be used to seal the monsters, and the stronger the monster, the greater the seal, because it is too small to be impossible to subdue. The Great Demon.

The castle-like building, locked in by the sight of the darts, can be seen even across the lake. The scale is absolutely terrifying. For a building of this scale, the strength of the Great Demon suppressed below can be imagined. The two Rainbow Alliance players actually moved towards Lake Heart Island and passed. If this allows them to open the seal of that thing, it will be a big trouble.

"True red, gold coin, follow me."

True red followed me in confusion and asked: "What happened?"

"The people in the Rainbow Alliance used the lured the tiger away from the mountain plan, sacrificing most of the personnel to lure the monster away, and now two of them moved towards Lake Heart Island."

"Lake Heart Island? Isn't that the location of the most powerful monster here?" Gold coin asked in surprise.

"Not necessarily on the island, I only know that it is near the lake, but the probability in the center of the island is very high. But even if it is not, none of the monsters here is someone who is easy to deal with, so In any case, you can't let those two guys succeed."

Of course, Zhenhong and gold coin also understand what I mean. There is no monster in this kind of place that can be dealt with. The Banshee was simply not the monster they released, but just a simple projection of power. As a result, the Rainbow Alliance and both of us flee in embarrassment. From this, you can imagine what it will be once the body appears. Kind of situation.

Knowing that things can’t be delayed, Zhenhong and gold coin immediately speeded up and ran away with me, and soon we were back to the lake. At this time, the Banshee had disappeared and was probably cited. Drove to another place. However, the Rainbow Alliance players who caused her are almost dead, right? It is not so simple to deal with that super projection, and it is absolutely impossible for a few people to die.

Because we ended up using teleportation for adventure, the speed is very fast. When we reached the lake, the two Rainbow Alliance players had not yet arrived on the island, but the viewing distance was up to ten meters. Can go ashore.

"They are almost there!" Gold coin called out after seeing the two players.

I frowned and looked at the lake in front of me. Although I was very anxious, I couldn't help it. I didn't notice it because I hadn't been to the edge of the lake before, I only saw the lake on the top of the mountain, so I didn't notice it. I only found out that there was a seal on this damn lake.

I originally thought that the castle tower was the seal, but now it seems that the entire lake is a seal! In this area, flying is prohibited, transmission is prohibited, and there is even an energy suppression effect. Once inside the lake, the magic power of the whole body seems to become glue, and it simply does not flow.

True Red and Gold Coin also know that they need to catch up quickly, but flying and teleportation are forbidden in this place. When we swam over, the other party must have landed long ago. "What to do?" Zhen Hong asked anxiously while looking at me.

At first I was also anxious, but after hearing the words of Real Red, I suddenly thought of a way when I turned around and saw Real Red.

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