Regarding the movements of the Rainbow Alliance gang, our initial guess is that the other party intends to contact those who previously provided them with flying battleships in order to obtain another batch of flying battleships.

My guess was originally very reasonable, because the opponent's fleet suffered heavy losses, and now it is normal to replenish troops. And according to our intelligence, the previous flight battleship obtained by the other party was retrieved from somewhere in South America. At that time, the people from the Rainbow Alliance happened to be going to South America in secret, so I guessed they were planning to get another batch of battleships back. This kind of thing is motivated and well-founded, and it can't be more reasonable. However, this situation is a bit wrong now.

The opponent ran to this lock demon forest. This is no longer South America. This is not in line with the original situation, and the lock demon forest seals all monsters, and those advanced flying battleships are completely different. It's a relationship that can't be achieved by eight poles, so the probability of the opponent getting a flying battleship from here is minimal.

Then, if part of the flying battleship is excluded, the other party’s motivation for coming here is probably not for gaining something, but for a different way of thinking to destroy it.

Actually, it is understandable that the Rainbow Alliance has such an idea. They first obtained a large number of battleships, hoping to strengthen themselves, but the results proved that the power aircraft can not be beaten by the self-produced us by outsourcing, so The other side changed his way of thinking. Since strengthening oneself is not enough, let the enemy weaken, which is to reduce our strength.

The strength of our Frost Rose League can now be said to be deeply ingrained. We must rely solely on the player’s strength to fight against us. Although it is not absolutely impossible to do it, the difficulty is obviously quite high, so the opponent is very intuitive. The target was transferred to the NPC forces.

The biggest difference between "Zero" and general online games is that there is no GM, that is, there are no network administrators. The rules in the game are actually embodied in the form of NPC conservative forces. In other words, the NPCs have undertaken the work of the GMs. However, there is a big difference between NPC and GM, that is, GM is the personnel invited by the game company to maintain the order of the game. They take the salary of the game company and must obey the order of the game company. Therefore, GMs are in most cases. The next is aloof, because they are simply not in the game. This is like the concept of "God". Why can Spiritual God be detached? It is because they are not in the human world, and all things in the human world have no direct interest relationship with them, so in the traditional sense "gods" can do things that "humans" cannot. Because they have no desires for "people".

GM itself is managing the game, not playing the game, so they are not players, which means that although they are in the game, they are not part of the game. It can be said that GM is the game in the game. Spiritual God, they are aloof, so players basically can't make any effective influence on GM. Of course, if you want to retaliate or win over in reality, you have to say otherwise, because that is no longer the scope of the game. As far as the rules of the game itself are concerned, GM is unshakable, which is quite certain.

However, the game "Zero" is different from ordinary games. It runs completely autonomously. There is simply no GM, which means that there is no real game manager to realize the rules of the game. It is the NPC in the game that is controlled.

Everyone knows that the game "Zero" is highly liberalized, and this is not a pure battle game. Players who like to fight can of course go to battle, but players who like to build or do research can also play various life occupations in the game. Players who like to travel can explore various game maps or go to absolutely safe public tourist maps. Travel, this is all possible. Even the elderly simply enter the game and use the auxiliary sleep system to solve the problem of insomnia, which is all right.

Of course, in addition to the above intuitive game methods, there are more complex game methods, such as diplomacy.

The management of social relations is also a long-standing human behavior, in which the relationship between people and the relationship between organizations and organizations.

In "Zero", to replace GM with NPCs, these NPCs must have abilities similar to GM. The reason why GMs in general games can manage the game is because they have super permissions. In the game, they can call the wind and summon the rain, and they can kill a player or directly manipulate their data at any time, which is like Spiritual God is controlling mortals. The manifestation of this absolute power is the fundamental guarantee that GM can manage the game world. Otherwise, if GM can't beat the high level players in the game, then it still manages a hairy?

Similarly, if the NPC in "Zero" wants to manage the game, it needs super strength. Therefore, the work of the GM in "Zero" is divided into several levels.

Level 1 is the most basic, but also the strongest level-the law.

The ring of commandments is the concrete embodiment of the law. However, because this thing is too strong and directly manages the underlying protocols and basic rules, this part cannot have the slightest self-awareness, otherwise the game itself will become a huge intelligent program instead of a world. Therefore, the manifestation of this law in the game is the ring of commandments. An absolute existence without thinking and will.

Level 2, the maintainer of the rules of the game-High God.

The top ten in the game is the Second Layer of the rules of the game. They are responsible for maintaining the combination and operation of the basic rules. Any abuse of the rules will be ruthlessly attacked by them. This level of manager is already a conscious existence, but the personality is set to be a quite independent type, that is, it will not have too much overlap with the player. So far, the Mother Earth God, Nuwa, and Nu have the most contact with me, but even so, they only interact with me occasionally, which is quite rare.

The strength of these High Gods is undoubted. The combat capability in any game is as worthless as a kindergarten martial arts tournament champion in front of them. As long as they want, they can kill anything with just one look and one thought. The so-called power. This is the real manager, the omnipotent manager.

Level 3, the specific executor of the rules of the game-Divine Race.

Don’t think that our Frost Rose League has done a lot of Divine Race and just take others as improper. These guys are actually the rule makers that normal players should be able to reach. These gods appear in the game as representatives of conservative thinking. They maintain the inherent rules of the game, and they are the supervisors and executors of the rules.

Level 4, the influencer of the rules of the game-free NPC and ordinary NPC forces.

Don't think that those free NPCs that can't be beaten by anyone are useless. These huge numbers of free NPCs are actually the main body of the game. They have their own world outlook and values, and this world outlook and values ​​are actually a direct manifestation of the rules of the game, and because the number of NPCs is much larger than that of players, as long as NPCs act according to the rules, players will naturally It’s hard to fight against these rules, because as long as you fight against the rules, you will be incompatible with the entire game group like inhuman anti-socialists. This is actually the strongest way to maintain the rules, almost more than High God’s supervision. Great.

Based on the above information, it can be seen that, except for the top ring of discipline, the other parts of the "Zero" rule system are controlled by a group of conscious NPCs, although these NPCs The strength, status, and status of the people will be different, but they are indeed the managers and maintainers of the rules.

As the "invisible GM" in the game, these NPCs have powerful strengths. Although some of their strengths are not so intuitive and can't be seen by ordinary people, the strength of some NPCs is very intuitive, such as the lock monster. The group of Great Demon in the forest.

Before these guys became GM, their more intuitive identities were actually part of the game world. They live in the game, grow in the game, and even rely on the game more than us players, because the players can also go offline, and the real world can go, and NPCs leave the game and nothing is left.

Because NPCs are part of the game world, they can be influenced by players. For example, free NPCs can be hired by players, ordinary NPC organizations can form alliances with player guilds, Divine Race can become an enemy or backer or even an ally of player guilds, and even High God can become friends. It can be said that players can directly or indirectly affect these "invisible GMs", and in fact, it is not too difficult to do this. You only need to build a relationship, and maintain it, let it deepen and strengthen.

Of course, it is quite difficult to establish a positive relationship with those powerful NPCs and hope that they can do something for you, because the game itself does not want this to happen. , Secondly, these powerful NPCs have their own intelligence, and they also have their own rank and status just like people in reality. Just as a national leader will not help an ordinary person for no reason, those powerful NPCs in the game are also impossible to treat ordinary players squarely. Moreover, the leaders in reality will sit down in the face project for credibility and social image, and the NPCs in the game have absolutely no scruples in this regard. Divine Race in the authentic area is better. After all, I still count on you to provide Power of Faith. As long as you don’t die, others can be polite with you, but like Demon or the super NPC that is a wild BOSS, then You won't care about the feelings of ordinary players at all, and it's normal to even start attacking when you see you directly.

Because these NPCs have their own personalities and status, to establish a positive relationship with them, you must at least have something that people pay enough attention to. For example, you are very strong. Like me, many Divine Races can't beat me at all, so don't talk about barking teeth with me. When you see me, you will company them with a smiling face. I'm afraid I will be upset and trouble them, because They can't beat me at all. Of course, strength is not the only criterion. You can also have an identity. For example, really red.

The true red master is the North Pole Star Monarch, and the North Pole Star Monarch is the number one Divine Immortal in Celestial Court, so the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court will give him face. As a discipline of the Arctic Star Monarch, Zhenhong will naturally receive additional attention from those Divine Immortal. As long as Zhenhong is polite, it will be quite easy to establish a positive relationship.

Of course, there is also the Third Type situation, such as gold coin. Because she is a national weapon holder, she has a special status and has an official title in Celestial Court, so she has a colleague relationship with those Divine Immortal, and naturally it is much simpler to talk to other people.

In fact, in addition to the three of us, there are many other situations. To put it bluntly, it is almost the same as the relationship in reality. As long as there is a way, a positive relationship can be established for many reasons.

Like a rose, her battle strength is not worthy of Celestial Court’s attention, but in the eyes of Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal, she has a higher status than True Red and gold coin, not because of her The strong people are afraid of her, not because of her background, and not because of her relationship with Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal, but because they are the largest and only Power of Faith supplier in Celestial Court.

We Frost Rose Alliance and Celestial Court have a Power of Faith supply agreement. We will deliver Power of Faith to Celestial Court in a long-term and stable manner, and Celestial Court needs to give us many preferential policies and practical benefits. Of course, I signed the above agreement, but the problem is that it is the rose that is actually responsible for the delivery. After all, she is the financial controller of our Frost Rose League. Any bulk or important materials are imported and exported without her signature. Not going.

Divine Race's demand for Power of Faith is as everyone knows, which is comparable to the desire of addicts. And Rose is constantly responsible for the daily supply of Power of Faith, and it also has certain authority to make certain adjustments to this supply. Although Rose has no right to cut off the supply chain according to the agreement, it can't even change it significantly, but it fluctuates by 20%. % Is still not a big problem. With Divine Race's resistance to Power of Faith, let alone a 20% supply fluctuation, 2% can make them break their heads.

As the person in charge of this supply directly, can you say that the relationship between Rose and the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court is bad? Every time those guys see a rose, they are simply flattering the red fruit to buy it! If Rose doesn't need Power of Faith, I guess the Divine Immortal group at Celestial Court can even come up with a way to give rebates.

So, there are many ways to establish a positive relationship, depending on whether you can think of it. Of course, although there are many methods, the difficulty is definitely not small. Otherwise, there are so many guilds in the world, why only a few guilds have been cared for by Divine Race?

Of course, the guys in the Rainbow Alliance also want to have a good relationship with Divine Race, and then use these powerful "invisible GMs" to ruthlessly crush our Frost Rose Alliance. But... it's very difficult to do this.

Let’s not talk about the relationship between our Frost Rose League and the Deity Clan. Even if we are just an ordinary guild, if we want a Divine Race in a region to help outsiders deal with player forces within our own sphere of influence, it’s almost The impossible thing, because it conflicts with the basic duties of Divine Race. Look at the Light God Palace in Europe. It is now the Divine Race that is completely dependent on our Frost Rose League, but even so, they are rarely willing to help us deal with player forces in France. This shows that Divine Race will hardly help outsiders. The power of the player is against the power of the player in the country.

When it’s okay, Divine Race is like this. Our Frost Rose League has such a good relationship with Celestial Court. The Rainbow League’s desire to instigate Celestial Court to deal with us is completely a dream. For us, even if this is achieved, it doesn't make much practical sense, because if our Frost Rose Alliance Leader is still a Chinese guild, we naturally won't care about the suppression of foreign Divine Race forces.

However, although we cannot rely on a positive relationship to instigate our Chinese high level NPCs against our Frost Rose League, the Rainbow Alliance has thought of another method. This method of speaking of which is very simple, that is, to release other evil NPCs of Disaster Grade, and these in the forest of locks are basically in this category.

The strength of these monsters is outrageous, and will not take into account the strength of our Frost Rose League and other relationships at all. The most important thing is that the Rainbow Alliance does not need to bother to establish any relationship at all. As long as these guys are released and their destructiveness, it will naturally have a negative impact on our Frost Rose Alliance. So, this is a simple method and quick results. , And the benefits may be very large. More importantly, there will be no loss even if they fail. Anyway, their Rainbow Alliance is nothing more than lighting a fire, and they have nothing to lose if they can burn it, and if the fire burns, they can sit back and enjoy it. . This kind of good thing that is completely risk-free is a fool not to do it.

"If the purpose of the Rainbow Alliance is to add chaos to us, then they will definitely choose the most difficult monster to release first." Gold coin looked at me and asked: "Boss, please tell me you I know where the most difficult monster is here."

"Unfortunately I don’t know!" After I finished speaking, I looked around and said, "But although I don’t know where the monster is the most difficult To deal with it, but I know an insurance."

"Insurance?" Gold coin obviously doesn't understand what I mean.

I don’t have time to explain to them now. Summon yelled to them both after he got out of Yeying and jumped up: "Follow me."

On the one hand, I needed to track the smell On the other hand, we need to pay attention to our whereabouts that cannot be discovered by the Rainbow Alliance, so the tracking speed has always been slow, but now we are not following those Rainbow Alliance people, but to find that "insurance." Compared to before, our biggest advantage now is to know the place, we don’t need to move, and we don’t need to be cautiously aware of whether we will be discovered. Now we just need to move towards the target and run.

Seeing that I was riding Ye Ying and ran out first, gold coin immediately summoned out his own Heavenly Fox and jumped on it. After her Heavenly Fox caught her, a blue fox fire was born under her feet and chased me. When I got up, Zhen Hong yelled anxiously from behind: "Hey, what should I do? My pet is useless in this place!"

The really red Divine Dragon pet is too bulky It’s big, it’s totally unavailable in this kind of place. Although Divine Dragon can be reduced, everyone knows that the size of the dragon will become very twisted when it gets smaller, so Zhenhong doesn’t want to be in this place at all. Summon Divine Dragon had no choice but to chase us on foot and ran out. Fortunately, she is a Body Refinement System, moving very fast, but barely able to keep up with us.

Yeying in this lock demon forest is like a cloud of smog, flickering looks very elegant, but in fact, the speed is amazing. The Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox of gold coin can barely keep up with our shadows. As for the true red, it almost runs out of breath. The terrain of this place is complicated and there are too many obstacles, even if you want to be fast. I can’t get up soon. In desperation, Real Red can only try to keep up with our rhythm, but for example, I am constantly expanding. Fortunately, I am not charging with my head, but running at a low speed. Let Zhenhong completely lose it.

After running for about ten minutes, I saw a cave on the hillside. At the entrance of this cave, there is a long sword that looks ordinary. It feels like this sword. There is no difference in the kind of sword that the elderly usually hold during morning exercises, and there is even a similar golden tassel hanging on the hilt. However, don't underestimate this sword. This thing is a standard Heavenly God Weapon. It is said that it is difficult to find a few top Supreme Treasure in the Celestial Court.

This thing can be inserted here and no one takes it for a reason, because there is a super difficult monster sealed in this cave, and this sword is inserted on the formation eye of the seal formation, As long as this sword is not pulled out, don't even think of it if you are exhausted, but as soon as this thing is pulled out, the monster inside will immediately burst out with the breakthrough seal.

"This is the insurance you are talking about?" Gold coin landed beside me after I stopped, and then looked towards the sword and asked with interest.

I know what gold coin is thinking, so I reminded in advance: "You don't want to play that thing. This thing is the controller of the formation eye. As long as you dare to pull out the monster inside, you will immediately Will run wild, so don't move if you don't want to die."

"This thing seems to be of Divine Item level! Should you die once for this thing?" Gold coin is still a little unwilling to give up.

I shook my head and said: "Unless you plan to delete the account and re-training. The monsters here are different from ordinary monsters. They are said to be very special, so don't make bad ideas."

"Huh, I say you are sincere... Are you sincere?" Zhen Hong caught up with breathlessly, holding on to gold coin's shoulders, panting and saying: "Boss, you have so many demons...divide me. Can't it?"

"It's not a few steps anyway." I replied and walked directly to the sword, then lightly held the hilt and tried to lift it up. Gold coin quickly wanted to remind me when I saw my movements, but after a try, I let go of the sword. In fact, I simply didn't plan to pull it out. Once this thing came out, it would be us who suffered first, so I simply didn't want to pull out this sword. Just now, I just tried to see how much power this thing needs to be pulled out. Although I've heard of this thing, I haven't been here after all, so I need to confirm it.

After determining the strength needed to pull this thing out, I started to get busy. First, a lot of weapons with long handles were vacated from the Fenglong space, and then Summon used Inverite as an electric welding machine, and welded these long handles and long spears together to make a simple tripod. , And then said that this tripod is placed on top of this sword. After I got this done, I took out a pulley block, which was originally used to carry items, but it is also suitable here.

Hang the pulley block on the tripod, and then tie the traction rope to the fairy sword, and then pull the other end of the rope to a tall tree nearby. I found a format and inserted a dagger in the trunk, and then used the handle of the dagger as a pulley to hang the rope around the handle of the dagger. I took out two extra-large Warhammers and tied them to the hanging rope, but I did not let go. Instead, I asked Inverite to come and help support the two Warhammers, and then I tied another one to the Warhammer. A rope. After taking the rope to a higher branch and tying it, Warhammer was dropped in midair.

After hanging the Warhammer, I wrapped a Explosive Charm around the rope that hangs the Warhammer, and I attached a citrine to the Explosive Charm at the same time.

"Well, that's fine."

After I jumped down, I let Inverrit loose Warhammer. Anyway, there is a rope hanging on it, and this thing can't fall. . Gold coin and Zhenhong looked at the things I had made in confusion and asked, "Boss, what are you doing?"

I checked the structure of this simple device to make sure there was no problem. explain. "The monsters here are the kind of irrational type that will attack all creatures they see, including other monsters, so if those in the Rainbow Alliance release the strongest monster here, then we can release this monster. Because of this. The two of them are the strongest, so their aura will attract the attention of each other, so as long as the two monsters appear together, they will definitely fight first. They will not take care of us until the winner is determined. However, if The Rainbow Alliance did not release those monsters, so I can’t release this guy. Otherwise, I’m not happy to find myself."

Zhen Hong obviously didn’t understand it and said: "I probably understand you. Meaning, but what does this have to do with the things you arranged?"

I asked in surprise: "Isn’t this clear? I think it’s already very simple!"


Gold coin also immediately said: "Yes, this is very simple. You see, the two big hammers are very heavy, but now they are hung by the rope, so they won't fall off, but the boss is hanging The hammer’s rope is pasted with detonation charms and citrine. As long as the boss wants, he can remotely activate the detonation charms, and then the explosion will blow up the rope. After the rope is broken, the hammer will fall, and the hammer will fall down. During the process, another rope will be pulled to move, and the other end of the rope is connected to the fairy sword on this side. As long as the hammer on the other side falls, the weight of the hammer will be converted into an upward pulling force to pull the fairy sword from the formation eye. After it comes out, the seal will be invalidated, and then the monsters inside will come out."

True red suddenly realized after listening: "so that's how it is, it is a good way, but why are you boss? Don't use summon creatures to pull out this sword directly instead of using such a complicated mechanism?"

"Want to know?" I asked with red eyes.

True red nodded said: "Of course I want to know, otherwise I ask what you are doing?"

I said with a smile: "You will know by touching the hilt."< /p>

Zhen Hong glanced at the fairy sword over there in confusion when she heard what I said, and after thinking about it for a while, she was still wise not to pass. She is just reckless and not really stupid. Does this thing have any traps?

When I saw Zhenhong didn’t really try it, I explained with a smile: "There are the coordinates of the All Souls Heart Devouring Curse and the tribulation thunder on that thing. Unless you know how to solve the curse, otherwise you only have to Holding the hilt of the sword will activate these two traps, and then you will twitch all over your body because of the Heart Devouring Charm, and you can’t throw it away. At the same time, the tribulation thunder will start to gather energy with this sword as the coordinate. Like the monster crossing Heavenly Tribulation, the tribulation thunder will start to hack you one after another, and as long as you don’t let go and you have not been hacked to scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the tribulation thunder will continue to hack you one after another, and The general Heavenly Tribulation is different. The monster of Transcending Tribulation will pass the level as long as the number of heavenly thunder corresponding to its strength is passed, and then the tribulation thunder will disappear, but this tribulation thunder has no upper limit, and it will continue to strengthen with each heavenly thunder. Both are twice the formidable power of the previous one. After ten times, the first tribulation thunder is 1024 times the formidable power of the tribulation thunder. Who do you think can stop it?"

"I rely on, boss, you too Are you ruthless? You still let me touch this?"

I said with a smile: "You have the Divine Dragon body protector, and the Heart Devouring Curse doesn't do you huge might. You want to let go anytime It’s okay. As for tribulation thunder, it shouldn’t be a big problem to stand up to the seven or eight things with your defense. I don’t think you will be so stupid that you won’t let go, right?"

" Then you are too dark!" Zhenhong complained and climbed up to my Night Shadow, and then said: "As compensation, Night Shadow is temporarily owned by me, I don't want to run away!"

< p>gold coin said to the side: "Fortunately, I didn't touch it before." After speaking, she suddenly realized something, and then looked towards me and asked in surprise: "No! Boss, haven't you touched it? Why are you okay? Ah?"

I said with a smile: "Didn't I say it before? Just know how to solve the curse."

"How do you know how to solve the curse? Huh? "

"Trade secrets. "As I said, I walked in front of Ivrit, Ivrit automatically placed a large font, and then the armor on the front of the body unfolded to reveal a space that can accommodate just one person. I took a step back and just entered Ivrit's body. Then the armor on Ivorite’s body was closed again to completely include me. This is one of Ivorite’s special forms, which can be turned into a power armor-like structure to wear outside of my body and provide me with extra The protection and many auxiliary functions, but I think the biggest benefit is actually Ivrit’s fire absorption ability. When attacked by an enemy, it can absorb fire damage and turn it into energy while recovering mana and health. The enemy who encounters Fire Element is absolutely He stubbornly. "Okay, let's look for the target again. "

The insurance has been completed. Next, we will continue to look for the Rainbow Alliance and their trails. After all, the premise of opening the insurance is that the Rainbow Alliance has really released the monsters, and that is a last resort insurance. Of course, it’s best not to start. After all, even if insurance and the released monsters fight both sides suffer, it is not so easy to end. Besides, two super monsters are fighting against each other, and how many others will be released. The monsters are coming. After all, there are seals everywhere here. If some fucking monsters come out, we are still alive? So, this insurance is just like nuclear weapons. The best condition is to lie down on the launch pad. If the above state is really used, it will hurt the enemy by one thousand and self-harm by eight hundred.

In fact, the monsters here are not so easy to release. The seal outside the monster under the tree before So it seems to be easy to break open. That's because the monster itself is not the kind of monster that is particularly difficult to deal with. Celestial Court doesn't care about such monsters at all, so the seal is just to get rid of it, even if it does come out. It’s easy to recycle. There is no need to worry at all. The real danger in the Locked Demon Forest is actually those Super Monster Kings. The strength of these guys is very terrifying, and they are not the same as the monsters I rescued from the hell side. Monster Kings are the existence that Celestial Court can't handle.

I reached an agreement with Celestial Court and got the Monster King from the hell side. Since the Monster King can be put into hell, it means that these monsters have actually been subdued. , Otherwise it’s simply impossible to put them on the hell side to be tortured. On the contrary, the monsters here are really terrible, because the Monster King here is an existence that the Celestial Court can’t handle. It can’t even be killed and can only be sealed.< /p>

Of course Celestial Court will not wait for these super dangerous existences. Therefore, all such unsophisticated monsters will inevitably have quite complicated seal protection, just like the "insurance" just now, although It seems that as long as the sword is pulled out, the monster can be liberated, but if you have the ability, do you really try to pull it out? The moment you touch the thing will make you happy. As for pulling it out... even if you have that kind of thing Iron will can’t do it either. The pain of all souls eating the heart is not something that humans can bear. Besides, even if you’re not afraid of pain, Heavenly Thunder is not a joke. This thing basically deals with ordinary monsters one or two times. It can be killed directly, even the last Transcending Tribulation before the Demon Immortal becomes a fairy is just six or seven heavenly thunde r That's all, with this perverted defense, who dares to touch this sword indiscriminately?

Of course, this thing actually has a loophole, that is, you can pull out the fairy sword without being affected by using a dead object, but no one knows this loophole, anyway, the monsters won't know.

If the Rainbow Alliance is going to cause us trouble, we need to find the strongest monsters here, and the seals of those strongest monsters are very terrifying existence, even the people of the Rainbow Alliance need to unlock it. It takes a lot of trouble, and it can’t be done in twos or twos, so I’m not too worried about time.

After putting on Inverite, I took off directly into the jungle and moved fast, the night shadow w

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