"I just asked, and I didn't plan to do anything." Zhen Hong defended it for a while without saying anything, and then began to move with us.

Although I knew that there were a lot of monsters suppressed in the Locked Demon Forest, but after I really came in, I realized that the number was far beyond what I had imagined before. Here, as long as it is something with artificial traces, besides the road, it must be suppressed by monsters. And I really want to vaguely remember that a certain Divine Immortal once told me that there is a path up the mountain. Suppressing a demon dragon, so even the road is not necessarily an ordinary road.

After walking around the big stone, we ran into a deformed tree not long after. It is completely different from the tall and tall normal plants around. The tree in front of you is twisted into a strange shape like an abstract sculpture. The branches are entangled with each other, and there is no clear branch direction at all. Moreover, the tree is from the beginning to the end. There is no leaf on the foot, but some black fruits the size of a human head can be faintly seen between the branches.

Similar to the previous stone, a circle of cordon-like isolation belt is drawn around this tree with hemp rope, but there is no such complicated mesh structure, just surrounded by hemp rope. It's just a circle. In addition, these hemp ropes will choose to hang a yellow charm at intervals. Although the things here are at least thousands of years old, the charms on the yellow paper are not fading or decayed at all, but also exudes a faint light. golden light, like made of gold leaf.

"What kind of monster is this?" Zhenhong curiously asked when he looked at the distorted tree.

gold coin glanced at the big tree over there, and then said: "I don't know what the monster below is, but the tree above is not a monster."

"This tree Not a monster?" Zhenhong is not good at identifying monsters, so he doesn't know much about these things.

gold coin explained: "The tree is a seal. The real monster is under the root of the tree. The big tree will continue to absorb the monster’s power as it grows, and then use the power of the magic spell outside. Purification, the final strength is used to strengthen itself. The bigger the tree grows, the weaker the monsters below will be. When the tree is fully mature, the monsters below will be completely sucked up, and then the tree will probably change. Let’s become something like Demon Immortal."

"So ugly, can you become Divine Immortal?"

"It is normal to absorb the demon power to grow, and the shape is strange." gold After the coin said, "Unfortunately, it's not a peach wood. Otherwise, it would be nice to get a branch and make a Peach Wood Sword. This kind of plant that absorbs demon power and grows is already a Demon Immortal body before it reaches adulthood. If it is made into Peach Wood Sword, the formidable power is absolutely amazing!"

"This thing has grown into this virtue, can you still see what kind of tree this is?" Zhenhong asked in surprise.

"I didn't see it, I felt it. The energy of peach wood will not be so obscure. This thing is basically invisible to the original tree species, but it is definitely not peach wood."

"hey hey hey, there seems to be another eh." Really red with sharp eyes found another tree twenty meters away, and it can be faintly seen through the gap between the trees blocking the road I saw a similar seal circle over there.

Gold coin became excited immediately after seeing the trees over there, and then ran over there, but she just ran for two steps and suddenly felt a huge force pulling her directly I went back, but I just felt that I lost my balance and I was caught by someone suddenly, so I didn't fall.

Gold coin was pretty sure that there was no one behind her before. It was really red on her side, but I had already walked out in front for a while. This unfathomable mystery was pulled back by the people behind it. She was startled, but from the breath, she felt that the person who caught her was quite familiar, so after just being startled, she slowed down and did not take any further action.

Looking towards behind him, gold coin was surprised to find that it was me who pulled her. She opened her mouth and pointed at me in surprise for two seconds, then quickly turned her head and looked towards where I was supposed to be before, but she didn't see anything. She immediately turned her head and looked towards me, but not yet As soon as I spoke, I first opened the mouth and said: "Look at what is in front of you?"

Although it is a bit unfathomable mystery, gold coin still turned around and looked towards himself. It turned out that there was a densely packed rope net less than two meters in front of me, and it was different from the previous rope net that was sealed with stones in that the amount of copper money on this rope net was obviously more, but The biggest difference from the previous seal is the tree inside. The branches of this tree have been entangled with the rope net outside, and some have even stretched out.

This picture is obviously different from the seal that she saw before, which only had a simple isolation, which means that what she saw before was actually a kind of illusion.

"I just...?" Gold coin asked, pointing to his uncertainty.

True red nodded said: "We walked well and found that you suddenly turned your head and looked at the big tree over there in a daze. I called you and didn't respond twice, and then you suddenly moved towards that The seal ran over. If it weren’t for the boss’ reaction to drag you back, you’d have pounced on it now."

"Fall in the sewer!" Gold coin looked depressed at the big tree over there. Jumping straight, but there is no way to get angry, even if she knows that it is the monster under the big tree over there, what can she do? Rush in and go heads-up? People are eager. Regardless of whether the outer seal is a simple rope net, it seems that it can be cut with just two stabs, but this is true for the people on the outside, but not for the monsters inside. This rope net is actually not the only thing we can see. The bottom of this rope extends all the way to the bottom of the big tree, and there is a large area under the ground that is covered by this net. If you pull this net and lift it upwards, you can finally lift up this large piece of ground with the soil inside the head and the tree.

This thing is called inescapable net, which is the most classic and practical array among Immortal Sect arrays. It not only saves time, labor and materials, but also the most important effect. The only drawback is This kind of array is internal and not external, and the sealed things can easily get out of trouble with the help of foreign objects. This is the reason why this lock demon forest must be closed, otherwise, if someone who doesn't know the situation touches it, the demon inside can come out and behave.

The monster inside just now obviously controlled the thoughts of gold coin temporarily with magical power, and then created an illusion to make her rush to the seal over there. As long as the gold coin hits, it will inevitably cause the seal to loosen, and then that The monsters are confident that they can rush out. It’s a pity that this monster has too little power to use in the seal and can only control one of the three of us. As a result, Zhen Hong and I are more vigilant, so the gold coin was caught by us before it hit the seal. Hold it, and the spirit of this exciting gold coin has returned to normal, and it will be much more difficult for the monster to start.

"The name is not in vain of the lock demon forest. This is the little demon in the periphery. It can do this kind of thing. Will we get in and out of it?" gold Coin looked at me worriedly and asked.

I shook my head and said: "You are not alert enough, so just pay attention to it later. The monsters here are all sealed, and at most it is to create some illusions or power projections. It’s so amazing."

I just finished talking about gold coin and suddenly my expression became serious. Then I looked at me and asked, "You said the Rainbow Alliance guys are okay. Isn’t it just to release these monsters to harm us?"

"This...seems like this is really possible!"

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