"Your sister!"

The moment the black shadow lurking next to the Rainbow League gang suddenly came out of the water, even us who were far away on the top of the mountain were scared For a jump, the reason is not how huge this thing is. I have seen a lot of large creatures. There are many super large creatures in my own magic familiars. For example, black flame and small dragon females have a length of more than kilometer when fully expanded. Creatures of this level are basically for humans. Just like a mountain that can walk, the shock is quite exaggerated.

Because I have seen large creatures, I am not scared by large creatures. What really scared me was not the size of the monster, but the appearance of it or her.

This monster is not ugly at all. On the contrary, she is quite beautiful, or a little too beautiful. The monster that emerged from the water was exactly a 20-meter tall female giant. Not only did she look very beautiful with neat features, but she also had a very good body. What? You ask me how do I know she is in good shape? The answer is simple, because she simply didn't wear anything.

You can imagine that a giantess who is a meter tall stands less than five meters away from you, and the other party is wearing nothing. What can you see when you look up? The answer is obvious. All you can see is the part that the man would pay attention to, and from the perspective of the current height difference, the Rainbow Alliance gang are simply standing in the best observation position.

What do you say? Can't walk when you see a beautiful woman? Banshee actually has the same effect.

The majority of the Rainbow League gang are men. Suddenly seeing such a shocking picture at this distance, these guys are all stupid there in an instant, and individual resistance is not enough. Okay, even with a silly smile, almost drooling.

The results of the players' distraction on the Rainbow Alliance side are obviously quite bad. Although these people are completely fascinated by Banshee's naked carcass, Banshee does not intend to wait for them to see enough. I just stretched out my hand and grabbed it. The female players in the Rainbow Alliance are very good. Because they are all female, they didn’t completely lose their minds. They quickly started to back away when they saw the monster making a move. Unfortunately, the male players reacted a little slower. Although only two people were caught in the end, the others were also shaved and swayed so embarrassed.

The sudden attack made this group of people finally regained their sanity, and then the group began to look for a safe place, but the height of Banshee was dominant, and he didn't stop catching two people, so he took a step forward. The muddy land by the lake, and then moved towards one of the Rainbow Alliance players chased it. The guy saw Banshee coming towards him and quickly turned around and started running, but what made him didn't expect Banshee actually did an amazing thing at this time.

Banshee, who was running, suddenly raised her head and stuffed the two people held in the left and right hands directly into her mouth, and then she looked down while chewing on the two players in her mouth. Towards the player who was still running away, but she did not continue to chase, but watched the guy suddenly jumped off after running for a while, and then slammed into the player's back with the force of thunder for less than one. meter away. The guy who was escaping was directly overturned by the shock wave caused by the Banshee's landing. Before getting up, the Banshee grabbed it and stuffed it directly into his mouth and chewed.

After eating three players in the blink of an eye, Banshee was obviously not satisfied. He raised his head and wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, then turned around and continued to search for the next target. Zhen Hong looked at the monster in surprise and said, "My God, do you want to be fierce? Wei Mao feels that the monsters outside are not the same thing at all?"

"The situation outside you I don’t know, Celestial Court is so powerful, Monster Race can only abide by Celestial Court rules if it doesn’t want to destroy the clan, just like those who obey the laws in the real world, even if it is a crime, how many people really dare to kill? But these are all monsters who have not accepted the control at all. What they show is the nature of Monster Race, completely instinctive things, just like eating Human Race, there is no restraint, no mercy, no worry, killing and devouring are them. The only thinking of this. Even if the strength of such a thing is the same, the combat capability is definitely several times that of the monsters outside, not to mention the strength of these things is very abnormal."

I heard the explanation of gold coin. After that, Zhenhong was also nodded, because she actually also knew the difference. The previous question was not so much a question as a sigh.

Just as we were talking, the monster killed another person, then walked to the lake and picked up all the corpses on the ground, stuffed it into his mouth, and splashed the blood. After eating all the corpses on the ground, the Banshee immediately began to search for nearby targets, but the Rainbow Alliance guys obviously knew that the monster battle strength in this place belonged to the force majeure type, so they didn’t even plan to fight back, just one Running vigorously, and this group of people were actually scattered and ran away, that Banshee was obviously quite entangled in which side he should chase after.

Despite a bit of entanglement, Banshee used instinct to make a choice after considering it for less than a second. She squatted directly, and then suddenly took off. With a bang, a deep pit appeared directly by the lake, and Banshee flew up to a height of fifty meters, and then moved straight towards us and fell down.


Gold coin and Zhenhong, who have already launched the onlooker mode, screamed directly in disregard of the image, then threw down their snacks and turned around and ran, but this time Running is definitely not going away, so I made the most correct decision with a nerve-reaction ability that surpasses humans.

"Absolute barrier." Suddenly threw down the real red and gold coin, and activated the absolute barrier to protect the three of us at the same time. In the next second, Banshee directly carried huge kinetic energy. Hit us.

"Ah..." It was quite huge, but after a soft scream, there was a tremor of the mountain shaking. Of course, this is not the cry of real red or gold coin, but the sound of Banshee.

In fact, it is easy to imagine it.

Then Banshee doesn't even have clothes, do you think she wears shoes? so! When she just fell down, she stepped directly on my absolute barrier.

The bodies of the generally speaking monsters are very tenacious, so ordinary rocks or wood will not hurt her soles of feet. After all, compared to their physical strength, these are in our view. Something that is very hard can be said to be very soft to them, so even if it is running barefoot, it will not feel uncomfortable for this Banshee. After all, her body is tenacious, unless it is. Stepping on a large piece of sharp steel, otherwise the rock will crush her foot and will not change anything.

However, what she stepped on was not stones or softer soil or branches, but my absolute barrier.

The characteristic of Absolute Barrier is that it is invincible within 30 seconds, which means that within 30 seconds, even if the moon falls from the sky, it will not cause any direct damage to us. According to the calculation method of hardness in reality, the hardness of the absolute barrier before failure is infinite, and it simply won't be deformed by any external force.

For such a hard thing, even Banshee’s feet can’t be spelled out, so the Banshee just now was basically an ordinary person who jumped down from the second floor and stepped on one. Glass beads the size of a ping-pong ball, and the man is still barefoot. Normally, if this kind of thing happens, a broken foot is the most basic, and maybe the whole person can fall for good or bad by slipping under the foot.

Of course, Banshee’s body strength is not an ordinary person after all. Although her ankle was really badly injured, and she really fell a big somersault, it did not affect her much, but the pain is still It was quite painful, at least from the way she was rolling around holding her feet.

"Quick, quick, don't be dazed, quick cannon!" Seeing that Banshee was rolling there, I quickly removed the absolute barrier while directly sandwiching the real red and gold coin and ran with me. Flying across the woods with two big bags in between.

"Boss, let me down and let me run by myself!" Zhenhong reacted and reminded me quickly.

I shook my hand and threw the real red out. After the real red landed on the ground, he chased me and ran forward, but the gold coin didn’t mean to come down at all. In this case, I should keep the distance first. important.

"Almost." Feeling that the distance is almost the same, I hurriedly shouted: "Come and grab me, I will take you away."

"Boss, the monster is catching up! "Zhen Hong suddenly yelled at me, making my hand tremble and almost didn't throw out the gold coin.

"Quickly, come and send us!"

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