Although the mission location is quite surprised in China, speaking of which is actually a good thing for us. At least it is much more convenient to gather people. The vanguard team was sent back to Isengard. Gold coin and Zhenhong quickly rushed to my side. Of course, it was not just this person who came, but the NPC Legion with 2,000 people and the player battallion with 500 people. .

Since the gang of Rainbow Alliance are the Transmission Formation that teleported to the outside of the Locked Demon Forest, and then entered the Locked Demon Forest on foot, it means that they will most likely have to come out of here afterwards. After all, this place is within China, and it is our own turf. We have nothing to do with other people's turf. Of course, we must completely crush the other side on our own turf. Therefore, in addition to planning to go in with real red and gold coin to find them, there are also heavy soldiers arranged outside. As long as they come out, none of them can escape, because besides those NPCs and players, I even have a cannon. Brought it all. Regardless of whether you are expert or not, you should first cover it with a round of firepower, and then the battallion will be crushed to death.

It is convenient in the country. Thousands of people were assembled in less than ten minutes. After that, they were allowed to deploy their defenses on the spot. Then, Zhenhong, Gold Coin and I directly entered the Locked Demon Forest. Of course, this time he entered the real lock demon forest.

Except for an archway at the entrance, the fake Locking Demon Forest is basically a large mountain forest. Except for a few high towers in the deepest part, there are basically no human buildings. However, the real lock demon forest and the fake lock demon forest are slightly different in terrain.

Although the real Locking Demon Forest is also a mountainous area, it is not like the fake Locking Demon Forest where several big mountains are gathered together. Instead, there are only two mountains. The basic structure is a two-mountain ring. A lake, there is a big island in the center of the lake.

The mountains on both sides are not very high, but the area is large, so the slope is not obvious. The mountains are full of dense vegetation, but occasionally some human buildings can be seen. Of course, the types and sizes of these human buildings are also messy, with all shapes.

As soon as we entered the gate, I released the white waves. Sure enough, we immediately caught the smell information of the Rainbow Alliance gang, which proved that we did not find the wrong place. The next thing to do is to follow the smell to catch up.

Bailang is responsible for leading the way. We are stealth all the way, because we are worried about directly hitting the Rainbow Alliance personnel who have completed the mission and are preparing to return. We have always maintained a high degree of vigilance. After all, the concealment of this mission is very important, at least we You need to figure out what the Rainbow Alliance is doing before you can decide whether you can expose yourself.

Within less than fifty steps in the forest, we came across a human building, or a human relic. This is basically not a building, it's just a big, abrupt stone standing there, looking like an extra-large wowotou. Around this Wowotou-like stone is a circle of nets pulled up with hemp rope. There are strings of copper coins hanging on this net, and it can be seen very clearly that all the coins are shining with a faint spell. Glorious.

In fact, this fishing net array plus copper coins form a seal, and the big rock like a wow head inside is a town monster stone. The fishnet array will absorb the monster's demon power and transform it into the mana used by the monster stone, and then in turn suppress the monster below. The advantage of this array is that as long as you enter a certain amount of mana when you start it, you don't have to worry about its mana being exhausted, because the monster itself is equivalent to the battery. As long as the monster is not dead, the mana will not be interrupted, and no matter whether the monster becomes stronger or weaker, this array will always just suppress his power. It can be said that this kind of array is quite worry-free. Of course, the arrangement of this thing requires a high level Immortal Technique, that is, Divine Immortal above Heavenly Immortal can have the ability to play, and the formidable power that most people can get is at most only one third of this.

"What kind of monster do you think is sealed inside?" Zhenhong asked when she passed the stone.

gold coin glanced at the stone and said, "No matter what it is, it's a second, you didn't discuss it. The monsters here are at least eight thousand level up, so the boss can carry 1-2 moves. It’s better for the two of us to walk around. Don’t be distracted!"

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