I was surprised not because I saw a monster, but because there was an archway faintly hidden between the forest and the mountainside on my back. You can see the plaques on the upper floors.

The plaque on this archway has a very distinctive Celestial Court style. The golden frame, blue silk bottom and vermilion inscription are all the usual features of Celestial Court.

According to the name written on this plaque, this place should be called-Suo Yao Lin.

Most people are surprised when they see the name It shouldn't be, because hearing the name will feel that this place is like an ordinary leveling area. Think about it, lock the monster forest, it is natural to think that there must be a lot of monsters inside, and then players can continue to kill monsters as long as they enter. Isn't this a leveling area?

However, it is true for ordinary people, but it is not true for people in the know like me.

There are actually more than one Suo Yao Lin, but two. The real Locked Demon Forest is a semi-plane, similar to the legendary Heavenly Paradise, which can also be seen as a copy map in the game. Of course, this kind of copy will not be copied indefinitely, but only one, and there is no restriction on the number of people and time to enter, as long as you have a way to enter, you can enter whatever you want.

As for another lock demon forest, that is the real leveling area. However, in fact, according to my understanding, the lock demon forest that players usually come into contact with is not actually the lock demon forest, but the projection of the lock demon forest on the main map in that semiplane, that is to say, it is A lock demon forest formed by the condensation of power.

This fake lock demon forest and the real lock demon forest are not the same thing. Although the former is the power projection of the latter, the structure of the two and the types of monsters inside are different, so There is no reference at all except the name.

Of course, the locations of the two Lock Demon Forests are actually overlapped, and they share the same gate, which is the archway that we saw with the words Lock Demon Forest written on them. As long as you pass this archway, you will enter the lock demon forest range, but normally you will enter the lock demon forest projected by that power, not the real lock demon forest.

In fact, we can regard the plaque at the entrance of the Locking Demon Forest as the Transmission Gate, and the moment you pass it is equivalent to being teleported. However, this Transmission Gate will perform selective transmission, and those who do not meet the requirements will be directly transmitted to the fake lock demon forest, that is, the lock demon forest where the players are leveling. Those who meet the requirements will be prompted to choose which Locking Demon Forest to send to. Of course, domestic players have basically never entered this person who really locks the Demon Forest, because the start condition of the transmission response of the Lock Demon Forest is-your name is not on the Life and Death Book.

Life and Death Book is in charge of the Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle of all the creatures on the land of China. In layman's terms, players and NPCs in China are all recorded in the Life and Death Book, so even this It is a well-known leveling zone in China, but almost no one knows whether it is true or false.

Many people may be surprised that since this place does not allow all players with records on the Life and Death Book to enter, and this thing is set up in China, does it mean that no one can enter? NS?

This is of course impossible, because the game system will not set up a copy without players. Since the conditions for entering the Locked Demon Forest are people who are not recorded in the Life and Death Book, that means foreigners can. There are people in China who have not been recorded in the Life and Death Book.

Foreigners are well understood, but also not all foreigners can, because although foreign players don’t have a roster record in the Life and Death Book, that means you don’t die in China. If the foreign player has ever died in China and the resurrection point is in China, then the temporary information will be recorded in the Life and Death Book, which means that the foreigner will be disqualified. In other words, only foreigners who have not died in China can enter.

As for the domestic language...Of course, ordinary players can't enter, but there is one type of person who can be an exception, that is, the registered staff of Celestial Court. In other words, as long as you are Divine Immortal, you can enter.

So far, among the international players in our country, there are only five people who meet this requirement. Three of them are me, Zhenhong, and gold coin. I am King Hades, the Celestial Court Divine Immortal is absolutely authentic, and I am not a grassroots officer, but a high level official. Zhenhong and gold coin are not mixed with official positions, but because they are holders of national instruments. The holder of the national equipment itself is a state-level existence, so it has the official canonization of Celestial Court, which is regarded as a temporary Divine Immortal. Although it has no power, it has a reputation, so it can be regarded as meeting the requirements.

I have only seen one of the remaining two people. It’s a female player. It seems to be called Fairy. Anyway, it’s an Immortal Sect player. He has a high level and passed the civil service exam in the Celestial Court. Now It is a genuine Divine Immortal. There is another one I just heard, but I don’t know what it’s called or what kind of person it is. Anyway, there are only five of us who meet the requirements in the whole country.

If foreign players have been mixed in China for a long time, they are basically the same as players in our country. Because your impossible will never die, so foreign players who have been mixed in China for a long time will still not be able to enter. Foreign players, because of the short time, usually come with a purpose. Impossible went straight to this leveling area, so almost no one came.

Of course, almost not all of them. Of course, there are also players who accidentally came here to mix for a few days. However, these people only sent out a bit of broken information. Many people thought it was a rumor, but In fact it is true.

Those foreign players who came to this neighborhood because of various accidents and suddenly have a thought to level up here, they received the teleportation option when they passed the lock demon forest archway, and some of them were I chose the real lock demon forest. However, what they didn't know was that all those imprisoned in the True Lock Demon Forest were Great Demons of the 8,000 to 10,000 level. Although everyone was sealed, even the leaked power projections were 2,000 to five. Thousands of battle strength, can this thing be touched by ordinary players?

Even if I am here, I can only single out one or two Great Demon's power projections without losing. If there are more than three, I can only run away. Generally, players come in as many as they come and die, so those foreign players who come in are all pitted without exception, and after going out, they will find that they can no longer come in, because their death here is equivalent to being recorded in Life and Death Book is on.

Although these foreign players will post some information on the forum later, because domestic players cannot enter, it is rare for foreign players to come, and they can no longer enter, so Most of their words are regarded as rumors. However, the fact that ordinary players don't know doesn't mean that I don't know either!

I learned about this place at Celestial Court, and I remember that Erlang Shen, who was better at mixing with me, told me. At that time, Erlang Shen secretly gave me a note and told me to burn it after reading it. After opening it, I found that it was some location marks and annotations. At first, I didn’t react to it. Later I figured out that this is actually China. Map markers for super copy space of regions. After that, I also imported the information of these places into the guild public map of our guild, telling our guild players to walk around these places.

At the time, Erlang Shen's note mentioned this lock demon forest, but Erlang Shen didn't say that he could not enter. He just explained about the entry rules, and then told me that this place is two thousand and five. It’s best not to go in before the 100th level, and if you want to go in, it’s best to avoid the large buildings inside. The place where people live is actually equivalent to prison, which is specially used to seal monsters. And the reason why this building is big is because the monsters inside are too strong, and the seal is too small to subdue him. Therefore, the larger the building, the farther away it is, because every such large building must be sealed with a 10,000-level old monster.

Since it was confirmed that it was this place, I immediately went to summon and followed us to check it out. We first found the Transmission Formation that flew over before, but obviously our previous worries were all worries, because there was simply no one guarding it. But it’s right to think about it. Since this place is outside the famous leveling zone in China, there is so much traffic, and a few foreigners are guarding this place, are you going to be gang-pushed? Anyone who dares to despise China's population will end up being beaten as a pig.

Along the Transmission Formation, the White Waves quickly identified the smell of the Rainbow Alliance gang, and then tracked them all the way to the archway of the Locked Demon Forest.

Although this archway looks like two pillars supporting a luxuriously decorated door, it is the only entrance to the Lock Demon Forest. Although this area is full of mountains and forests, it looks like it’s everywhere. Entrance, but after some tests by the dead hobbyists, the result of entering from other places is to be teleported to a certain distance from here, that is to say if you keep moving towards the lock demon forest, as long as you touch the lock demon The periphery of the forest will be sent away immediately, and will continue to run after it appears, and then it will become an endless loop. It doesn't matter how many times you run, because as long as you don't enter the archway of the lock demon forest, you will never get in.

When I arrived here with the Vanguard team, of course, they were immediately watched by the players, but I didn’t have time to communicate with them for the time being. Instead, I let the white waves smell the past along with the smell, and the result was confirmed. The thing, that is, the people of the Rainbow Alliance entered the real lock demon forest, because after choosing the fake lock demon forest, the smell of passing through the archway was immediately interrupted. This shows that the other party was teleported to the True Lock Demon Forest.

Since it is known that the opponent has entered the True Lock Demon Forest, it is not convenient for the pioneer team to follow the next part. For one thing, they can't get in at all, and secondly, even if they do. Because of their battle strength, they are also sending food to the monsters, so they must re-recruit players to enter.

As I said before, the only people who can enter this real lock demon forest can only be Divine Immortal from Celestial Court, or foreigners who have not died in China, and there is a restriction in this. , That is, you can’t bring an ordinary person in. After all, it’s all super weird, and it’s useless for ordinary players to enter.

The only people I can think of who will meet the requirements are me, Zhenhong, and gold coin, even Christina can’t bring them. It is not that she is not strong enough, but because Christina died in China, and she is not a member of Divine Immortal, so her name is on the Life and Death Book. As long as there is a name on the Life and Death Book, they cannot enter this Locked Demon Forest, so Christina can't count on it. All I can find is True Red and gold coin.

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