"Does some of you have space magic?"

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Captain of the Vanguard Team looked at me and asked.

"If we use this thing in the past, the biggest probability is to hit the opponent’s guard and be attacked before we can react. Although I am not worried that we will be caught in a pot, but this will definitely return. Expose our whereabouts. I don’t want people in the Rainbow Alliance to know that we’re here, so we need a little trick."

The Captain of the Pioneer Group said: "I know some space magic, but I haven't upgraded it much, is it useful?"

I'm nodded. "You don't need to do anything, as long as you can start Transmission Formation."

"Oh, this is no problem."

Transmission Formation requires a player who understands space magic to start. This is different from Transmission Scroll. Compared with fool-operated reels, Transmission Formation also has a more complicated operation method under the premise of having a lot of advantages. The two are like the difference between a fully automatic camera and a fully manual camera. The former is convenient and the latter is professional.

I don’t know if anyone is guarding the Transmission Formation in front of us, but we can’t bet, so I thought of a way, that is, let the people in the pioneer team help me operate the Transmission Formation, and I I borrowed the power of the familiars to force the distorted space to make the Transmission Formation deviate from the coordinates. This job requires super-powerful magic control and super-high output ability, which is definitely not possible for ordinary people, but this ordinary person does not include me.

After confirming the plan, let everyone focus on the magic array. After all the members are in place, the Captain of the pioneer team starts the Transmission Formation, but in case we change it to a similar size, the shape is almost the same. The magic crystal replaced the original one. This is mainly to worry about the problem of coming back. Of course, the more important thing is to prevent the people of the Rainbow Alliance from seeing from the magic crystal that someone has activated this Transmission Formation after them.

Although my plan allows us to deviate from the coordinates and not appear on the opposite Transmission Formation, there is one thing that cannot be avoided. After Transmission Formation is started, the opposite Transmission Formation must be started. This is There is definitely no way to control it, but as long as we don’t show up on the opposite Transmission Formation, there’s nothing at worst. Anyway, most people don’t know how Transmission Formation works, as long as there is no person on the opposite side with a strong sense of magic to guard the Transmission Formation. NS. I am confident about this. After all, the magical induction is strong, and the wizard is obviously not suitable for guarding, especially for jobs like transmission formation. Assassin and warrior with stronger raids are the best arrangements, so unless The people on the opposite side are all from the Rainbow Alliance, otherwise there should be no wizards guarding the Transmission Formation, which means it doesn’t matter as long as we can not appear on the Transmission Formation.

"Okay, get ready, listen to my orders, I will start sending when I count to one."

"Understood." Captain of the pioneer team responded.

"Well, prepare, three, two, one."

At the moment I counted to one, the Transmission Formation suddenly flashed and we disappeared above the Transmission Formation. To be honest, when the transmission started, I started to regret it. I regret not having to find another Transmission Formation expert from the guild, because this is simply not an ordinary Transmission Formation.

Currently, Transmission Formation in the game is basically only divided into size. If there is any special classification, transnational Transmission Formation can be regarded as one type, but whether it is transnational Transmission Formation or ordinary domestic Transmission Formation , The teleportation feeling of the two is the same, that is, it will feel suddenly black around, and then this darkness will last for a different time according to the teleportation distance, but the longest will not exceed 5 seconds. After that, the surroundings will regain the light, and at this time you are already on the target Transmission Formation. Although the transmission distance and energy consumption of different Transmission Formation are different, the transmission feels basically the same. In addition, the transmission of the Transmission Gate is slightly different from the Transmission Formation, that is, when passing through the Transmission Gate, it is not completely black, but will enter a tunnel surrounded by streamers, and you will reach the opposite side after passing through, and the length of the tunnel is also It is related to the distance between the two Transmission Gates, but in fact, this tunnel usually only takes one step to cross, and basically it rarely takes two steps to cross.

However, the Transmission Formation we just used is different from any transmission system we have used before. This thing has no time to accumulate energy after it is activated. Originally, there would be a few seconds delay from the beginning of the regular Transmission Formation to sending people away. This is much faster than the scroll, but also not instantaneous. However, the Transmission Formation we are using starts instantly. I just started the Transmission Formation as soon as I counted it. There is no response time at all. This is definitely not a feature of normal Transmission Formation.

In addition to the super fast startup speed, the bigger problem of this Transmission Formation is that the transmission process is not completely dark.

After the Transmission Formation started, we found ourselves as if running into a glass ball. The range of this glass ball is the range of Transmission Formation. We can walk around in this range at will, and we can see The scenery outside is changing rapidly, as if we are in a high-speed moving aircraft. This is completely different from the regular Transmission Formation. When the regular Transmission Formation transmits, it simply won’t let you see the scenery along the way, because the transmission essentially ignores the intermediate distance, so there is no problem of seeing the scenery, but this Transmission Formation does It seems to be doing a physical movement, which actually allows us to see the outside environment retreating rapidly. The only thing that is different from our own movement is that the external environment we see now is blue, which is a bit close to a black and white film, but it is indeed possible to see things outside.

This kind of weird transmission made me hesitate for a few tenths of a second. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and quickly activated the interference ability to control the transmission point. Otherwise, if we were in a daze, we would definitely fall directly on the opposite side. On Transmission Formation.

Facts have proved that there are indeed several differences between this Transmission Formation and the general Transmission Formation. Not only can we see the scenery outside, but the transmission time seems to be wrong. No matter how far away the normal Transmission Formation is, the black screen time will not exceed five seconds, and this time we have maintained the transmission state for fifteen seconds in this blue glass ball-like transmission state before the transmission is over, and before that we actually still I was surprised to see the original Transmission Formation used for reception, but the space-time bubbles around us burst later than expected because of my forced input of energy. As a result, it was as if a car had passed the station, and we slid directly past the Transmission Formation. , And then was threw away that kind of magical teleportation state.

At a distance of about seven or eight kilometers from the target Transmission Formation, about two meters above the ground, a white light flashed suddenly, and then a person was seen rolling out of the flash. This person turned a few somersaults directly on the ground and broke a small tree with a click, and then was blocked by the bushes behind. Before he could react to the pain, there was another flash less than a meter away. The two people in a group flew out like a ball, and after rolling all the way out on the ground, they suddenly separated and turned a few on the ground. After somersault, land steadily.

The three people just stopped, and there were two consecutive flashes more than ten meters behind them. The tree stabilized his figure, and the other person drew a sword and plunged it into the ground as soon as he came out, and then he took a long sword and plowed a five or six meters long ditch on the ground to completely stabilize himself.

As soon as the five people stabilized their bodies, they quickly spotted each other, and then began to gather together, but before they could communicate, they saw a black shadow on top of their heads falling down, quickly spreading out and defending. The five people in the action quickly realized that it was me and another team member, so they put away their weapons and walked back.

I looked at the surrounding people, and then asked: "Isn't it hurt?"

"Wipe it, little problem." One of the team members said.

I looked around for a while and said: "Strange, why doesn't this place look like a tropical rainforest?"

Captain of the Vanguard Team is also frowned: "It is indeed not, this Obviously it is not a tropical plant, but it reminds me of the forest in my hometown."

"Boss, when you say that, I feel that this place looks a little familiar to me?" A member of the cutting-edge team Said.

"Familiar?" I looked around in surprise, and then also found this problem. It seems that this place is really familiar. It's not that I've been to this place, but that the structure of the forest environment is familiar.

"It's useless to guess, just look at the coordinates." A player next to him started to check the coordinates while talking, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the coordinates.

Looking at how he froze there with his mouth open, we all curiously asked: "What's the matter? Where are we?"

The player who was in a daze heard my question. Slowly looking up, we opened our mouth and paused for a few seconds before opening the mouth and said: "Boss... we seem to be home!"

"At home?" I patted him suspiciously . "Open the data for us to see."

The other party immediately set up display sharing, and then we were all dumbfounded.

"Your elder sister! Why are you back in China?" The players in the pioneer team cried together.

Before I used many methods to deny that Transmission Formation is the probability of transnational Transmission Formation, but now the reality has given me a big mouth. Your sister sent us directly from the tropical rain forests of South America back to China. Why is this sincere to slap me in the face? The Transmission Formation only uses a piece of white magic crystal that is so big to complete the transnational transmission of this distance. What about our guild’s transnational Transmission Formation? Burn money?

"Boss, Boss, don't think about the Transmission Formation, we seem to be sent to an incredible place!"

"Amazing place?" I looked in surprise Down with that player, then turned his head along with his gaze and was dumbfounded. "Your grandfather, why are you here?"

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