Ice-bound Banshee is all about it, and other Russian guild leaders can’t say anything, they all expressed their support, and then began to follow the ice-bound Banshee. The plans are busy.

Frozen Banshee took the two newly resurrected players back on the road to find foreign aid after the Russian guild leaders left. Of course, Banshee is also wise to freeze Banshee. They brought another transmission device of that kind. After all, the person was killed at that time, and that transmission device would be kept there for no reason, so it is inevitable to bring one more.

Although Banshee's plan to freeze Banshee is good, it is a pity that she ran into a major trouble just as soon as she took people to the border.

The ice-bound Banshee, who was riding away on his mount, suddenly frowned and raised his hand to stop the people behind. Then the two players also found the problem, and leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "This is the army. The sound of the marching? Didn’t all our Russian troops mobilize near the occupied area of ​​the Frost Rose League? Who else has troops here?"

Frozen Banshee is also very puzzled. As the two players around said, Russia’s forces are concentrated in the east. There shouldn’t be any talents here now. Why do you encounter large-scale troops here? Although I haven't seen anyone yet, I can hear voices from such a distance. This team is definitely not small.

Because it's very strange where the troops came from, Banshee Frozen decided to check it out, but out of habit, she didn't swagger directly over, but carefully found a place to hide. Lean in.

Originally, the sound came from behind a mountain bag in front, so the ice-bound Banshee planned to hide behind a big rock on the mountain bag and watch it secretly, but she and the two players she brought As soon as I walked to the mountain pack, I heard a rush of horseshoes, and when I turned my head, I found that a squad cavalry came out from behind the alcove.

This team of cavalry are all dressed in neat silver Battle Armor, and the helmets that look like an inverted iron barrel are very personal. There is a T-shaped slit on the front of the helmet, which is an opening for eyes and easy breathing, and there is a long feather on the top of the helmet.

Except for this uniquely shaped helmet, all the armors on the cavalry are like silver light, and their armor is covered with a vest that looks like two aprons sewn together. This vest is completely It is white linen, it should not have any defensive power, but there is a big red cross on both sides of the thing, and there is also a cross on the vest on the horse under them.

For such a typical equipment, Frozen Banshee would definitely recognize it even if she hadn't seen the Crusaders, so when she saw this group of cavalry, Frozen Banshee's first reaction was not to hide, but to be stunned.

"Why are the Temple Crusaders running here for us?" One of the players asked in a low voice, looking at the twelve-man cavalry.

Frozen Banshee was still in a daze, but after hearing this player’s words, he suddenly reacted, and immediately said to the player: "You will immediately use Transmission Formation to go back and notify other Russian guilds. The guild leaders, it is said that the forces of the Holy See have invaded."


"What are you in a daze? Go!" Frozen Banshee saw that the player was still in a daze, immediately Angrily shouted.

The opponent was awakened by the ice-bound Banshee, and then quickly activated Transmission Scroll to prepare to run away.

Originally, the helmets on the heads of the cavalry were not so good because of the design reasons. Just now there were some vegetation on the side of the helmet, so they did not pay attention to the situation here, but the Transmission Formation started to shine. , Of course this light will be particularly eye-catching.

The cavalry immediately noticed the situation here when they saw the light, and then the whole cavalry team suddenly turned towards the ice-bound Banshee. They rushed over, and the cavalry was running. He put the lance down and started to use the tip of the gun to launch a charge skill in front of him.

If Banshee was just guessing at the beginning of the frozen Banshee, then such obvious action by the other party has completely confirmed her guess.

These cavalry are obviously scouts on the periphery of the large army, but the mission of the scouts is not to destroy the enemy, but to go forward and reconnaissance. After finding the enemy, you should go back and report it immediately, so you can directly set up the charge line. Xing began to make a surprise attack.

A large force actively sent out scouts to wipe out all the people found along the way. Isn’t this intention obvious? Frozen Banshee, even an ordinary person, should think that the opponent is trying to conceal the whereabouts of the large forces. Of course, a foreign army came here quietly, of course it is impossible to travel, especially if these are the Divine Race army, which is even more wrong. NS.

Frozen Banshee was just a guess at the beginning, but it is now completely determined, so she pushed another guy into the scope of Transmission Formation without saying a word, and then said: "You also go, go back Tell the other guild leaders to quickly transfer the troops back, and tell the Siberian Divine Race that the people of the Holy See have entered our country, let them come and block them."

"What do you do if we are gone? ?" the player asked.

Frozen Banshee said without looking back: "A few low-level cavalry can't do anything to me. You go quickly, or we will lose a lot."

The two players They weren't people who didn't know the severity, so they left here immediately after Frozen Banshee shouted. The activation time of Transmission Scroll is relatively long, and it cannot be in a combat state during the transmission process and before it starts. Therefore, Transmission Scroll is actually an item that can only be used in a non-combat state. However, the cavalry on the opposite side is fast, and when the scroll is fully activated, those cavalry can rush back and forth twice. So the ice-bound Banshee without the slightest hesitation went up, because she wasn't sure whether the two players behind her could stop the cavalry.

She said that it was easy before, just to make the two players feel at ease to leave. In fact, she simply didn't know the level and battle strength of these cavalry. After all, Frozen Banshee is different from me. She has been in Russia since she entered the game. In fact, she has not been abroad much, unlike me running around the world, so Frozen Banshee's knowledge of these cavalry is limited to knowing that they are the Holy See. After all, the criterion of the cross is too obvious.

The most important thing for them now is to let others know that the power of the Holy See has entered the territory of Russia, so the ice-bound Banshee can only let those two players go first when they are not sure whether they can go. , At least she can be sure that she can at least block these cavalry for a while.

Looking at the cavalry sprinting with all their strength, Frozen Banshee raised his hand and moved towards the ground in front and shot a ball of blue light. The flight path of the ball of light was obviously sinking, which was moved towards the ground, so the cavalry did not slow down at all. The ball of light hit the ground directly, and then did not explode, but moved towards a large mirror-like ice surface spreading out around it.

Under normal circumstances, the cavalry stepped on the ice, and they were running like this. Most of them were going to wrestle, but these cavalry remained unmoved at all. Just when they were about to step on the ice, the cavalry A faint white light suddenly lit up on the Hezha, and then the cavalry stepped on the ice like a tank, and the ice under their feet was crushed directly under the trampling of iron hoofs, without any hindrance at all.

I didn’t expect this trick to be of no use to these cavalry. The ice-bound Banshee quickly summoned a huge blue ice magic array in front of him, and then as the magic array lit up, a large dense Icicle was Like a torrential rain, it spurted out of the magic array, and then the cavalrymen moved towards the opposite side flew over.

Seeing the Icicle flying in front, the cavalry did not evade, but suddenly shouted collectively: "Holy Spirit guard." As they shouted, the bodies of these guys immediately lit up. The dazzling white light just hit those Icicles directly.

In the eyes of Banshee's expectation, Icicle ran into the cavalry, and...shattered. The first icicle was smashed by the rays of light on the cavalry, and then the second icicle was still smashed. The cavalry was still rushing, and then after eating seven or eight icicles in a row, when the ninth icicle hits, that rush The rays of light on the front cavalry suddenly burst, and then the following Icicle pierced the cavalry into a sieve with a puff puff puff sound, and then rolled off the horse. Even his horse was torn to pieces on the spot. .

Although the first Knight died, there are still a lot of Icicles. The cavalry behind them ran into Icicles one after another. Of course, the process was very fast. The corpses were lying on the ground within two or three seconds. All the two cavalrymen died, and even the horses did not survive. However, Frozen Banshee's face was quite ugly, because she... was injured.

Although the battle strength of these cavalry is not exaggerated, their fighting will is really too strong. Knowing that he couldn't stop it, he still rushed to Icicle without hesitation, and then sacrificed all of them. No one turned to escape or even slowed down. At the same time, on the premise that they knew they were going to die, several of the cavalrymen flung their hands as if they were throwing guns. Although the guns were not used in this way, the speed of the horses gave these guns super formidable power. In addition, the ice-bound Banshee didn't expect the opponent to be so tenacious, so the reaction was slow for half a beat, and one of them was finally ridden. The gun hit the edge of the ear, leaving a slight blood line on the ear.

This kind of injury is nothing. She is almost the Russian Number One Person. With such a strong battle strength, against several Rangers, she was actually injured and used her skills. You must know that she is a high-end battle strength, and dealing with this kind of miscellaneous soldiers should be the right thing to do every second! But in the end, not only did she fail to move every second, but she was also injured. Although there are reasons for her own negligence, in any case, the battle strength of these cavalry has surpassed that of the players under her. And this is what she worries most.

The battle strength of these cavalry is so strong. Their current situation is that there are wolves before and tigers behind, and the family is still unstable. This will make a group of robbers come out from nowhere. This is really true. Make her feel mentally and physically exhausted.

The frozen Banshee was in a daze, and suddenly he saw a large group of cavalry rushing out over there. As soon as the opponent appeared, he saw the corpse of his companion on the ground, and then one of the cavalrymen made a gesture, and immediately one of the cavalrymen pulled the horse's head and turned back to the back of the mountain bag, while the rest drove the horse to trot to the ice. Close to Banshee, they didn't immediately start attacking. Obviously, these people realized that they might not be able to freeze Banshee, so they planned to surround them first, and then wait for the support to come.

Frozen Banshee certainly understood what the other party meant, but she didn't plan to wait for the other party's support. Her task is to cover the two players to leave safely. Now that the two players are gone, it doesn’t make any sense for her to smash with the opponent’s army alone, so she said nothing, before the opponent’s encirclement was completely formed and turned around. run.

Ice-bound Banshee is nothing if not running. The leading cavalry immediately pulled out a whistle from the neckline and blew it in her mouth as soon as she ran like this. As soon as the stern whistle sounded, there was a roar immediately behind the mountain, as if something big was moving.

Frozen Banshee, who was escaping, suddenly heard the sound behind the mountain bag and glanced back, but she almost didn't make her fall directly. After a loud noise behind the mountain, a white lion actually stood up. This is not a very strange lion. It looks similar to the male lions in the animal world. Of course, there are differences. The first one is big. This guy is almost a moving hill, with the head and the tail may be nearly a hundred meters away. The second is that this guy is very handsome. Unlike the lion in the animal world, which is surrounded by flies and has messy hairs, this guy is quite handsome with full limbs and feels like a bodybuilder in a lion.

Finally, the color of this lion is snow-white and snow-white, and there is not a single hair on the whole body, and it should have been lying on the back of the mountain before seeing this guy’s appearance, but there is a little dust or dirt on his body. No stains, it looks as smooth as if you just had hair care.

Although this giant snow-white lion looks mighty and majestic, even said to be very beautiful, the ice-bound Banshee is not happy at all, because the lion has crossed the mountain and rushed towards her. come over.

The hill just now is at least 50 meters high. Although it can only be regarded as a kindergarten-level mountain in terms of mountains, it is 50 meters high after all. As a result, there is no lion at all. Touching this mountain bag, I rushed over in one step, and it seemed as easy as a cat jumping over the threshold. But think about this guy's size, assuming he has the normal jumping ability of a cat, then at least it can be determined that a height of less than 500 meters will definitely not pose any problem to him.

For such a rare beast, the ice-bound Banshee is about to run. She is different from me. I rank first in the world in terms of overall quality, so the battle strength ranks first in the world, but I am often dragged by many people who are lower than me. In fact, that’s because I can’t deal with those people. Fully exert battle strength. After all, I am the first overall player, but the strength of those people is focused on heads-up. For example, the ice-bound Banshee is the most typical example. Although she is not very high on the battle strength list, if she really fights, she can actually knock out many players who are higher than her. However, in some cases her strength will be far from what I want. For example, now.

If I run into this big lion, simply don't have to work hard, just find a large monster to drag him, prepare a single high damage skill and you can KO, but the ice-bound Banshee can't. She didn't have a large Familiar to block this thing, she didn't have time to prepare for her high level skills, and this thing was so big, the health bar must be long and scary, and her attack was just like a tickle. There is no deterrent at all.

Here, the frozen Banshee is being chased by the white lion. On the other side, the Lord is also quite depressed.

"What? Exposed?" Jehovah asked when he looked at the angel who came to report.

The angel nodded and said: "Yes, my lord. There were three people before the other party. When our outpost found the other party, the other party seemed to recognize our equipment, and then two guys started Transmission. Scroll, the remaining cavalry who killed us, when the second team arrived, the two who fled had already been teleported away, and the guy who left behind was very strong in battle strength, Guardian had already caught up, but For a while, I couldn’t help the other party."

"Guardian can’t figure it out, it’s expert!" Jehovah sighed, "I actually encountered the opponent’s high-level personnel in such a place, isn’t it? Said that the other party’s high level personnel are concentrated in the east? How come they came here? Why is our luck so bad!"

"My lord, now that we have been exposed Is it possible to stop acting in concealment anymore?"

The Lord nodded said: "Well, there is no need to hide now. Let the notification go down and prepare for the assault of the whole army. We must use the fastest Speed ​​is over. Even if the other party knows that we are coming, it will take time to prepare. If we move fast enough, we can still take advantage of it."

After the Lord’s account is completed, the team immediately begins to form the team. Before they In order to conceal, they are moving quietly. They dare not walk on roads and can only walk on trails. They cannot use auxiliary spells. They can only walk on foot. Flying is absolutely forbidden. But it's not needed anymore.

After the reorganization of the team was completed, Jehovah directly used divine force to activate the large-scale divine technique, and then added a large-scale divine technique to his entire expedition, Legion, and the team ran all the way along the main road in Russia. The troops blessed by the divine technique moved at an amazing speed, almost twice as fast as before, and the ice-bound Banshee barely hid in a hole at this time, and then started Transmission Scroll here and ran away.

"Frozen Banshee, are you back? What happened to the two players who reported that there are foreign enemies?" Frozen Banshee was given by the presidents of the Russian guild as soon as he returned. Surrounded, because they didn't know the specific situation, and the things reported by the two players were not very detailed. But when Banshee Frozen came back so late, he must have been in contact with the other party, so as soon as these people saw Banshee Frozen, they surrounded him and waited for her explanation.

"Be quiet. We are really in big trouble this time!"

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