The group of Russians, led by the president of the Russian guild, quickly entered this huge complex and got in touch with the Divine Race here, while outside the copy , The two players staying here are watching over the Transmission Passage there and chatting with each other. However, when they were talking well, the surrounding weather suddenly became strange.

"What's the matter?" The place where the sky was originally clear was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and to make matters worse, the wind started to blow around. It's not the ordinary seven-level 8 gale, but the flying sand running stone typhoon.

Neither of these two players who are responsible for guarding this Transmission Passage have visited this place for the first time, so they know that the weather here is very stable and there will be no change in simply, but not only The weather changed in seconds, and there was a typhoon. Ten seconds ago, there was still a bright sun and a gentle breeze scene. This blink of an eye has actually begun flying sand running stone, and even people on the ground can't stand still.

"Damn, someone must be deliberately making trouble." said one of the Russian players.

Another person stuck his sword on the ground and fixed his body while saying loudly: "But who has the ability to manipulate such a wide range of weather?"

"Except that Who else is the guy?" said the Russian player next to him.

"Impossible!" The player here said: "If Purple Moon is here, just kill both of us. Isn't he still afraid that we will not succeed? There is no need to use this wide range of weather changes. It's not good for us."

"Fortunately, it's just a strong wind!" The guy who spoke first looked at the flames that were swaying in the wind but would eventually be sucked into the Transmission Passage. "This channel has a strong absorbing effect on flames, and the general wind doesn't have to worry about blowing out the fire."

It was as if he had heard this guy's words, and he heard the sky right after he finished speaking. A blast of thunder was followed by a pouring rain, and the ground was trembling with the thunderous rain. What's more terrible is that the rain is too dense, and it quickly flows into the ring of gully. The thing that is used as fuel seems to be some kind of oil. Although it is insoluble in water and does not have to be extinguished, the problem is that this thing is lighter than water. After the water flows into the ditch, it floats away. stand up. When the ditch is completely filled with water, the oil on the surface begins to spread, and the original fire circle area begins to expand, and because the flame area expands, the flame located near the Transmission Passage begins to decrease, and then the passage absorbs less flame. The area also began to shrink gradually.

"Oops!" Both players noticed the change in the Transmission Passage, but they simply couldn't do anything about it. The size of this thing is shrinking rapidly, and if you want to save it, you need to let it absorb the flames, but the problem is that the kerosene here is washed away by the heavy rain, and two people simply can't help it. Even if they dumped the remaining fuel, it would be washed away immediately at the level of the heavy rain, and it was useless at all.

"What can I do!"

When the two people here were in a hurry, they suddenly heard a thumping sound with a very fast frequency. After running behind them, both of them looked back quickly, but only saw a long tail flashing by in the rain.

"Damn it!" The two of them don't care about the Transmission Passage anymore, because it's easy to turn it on again, just let the flames refuel. But if the two of them are killed and the other party destroys the Transmission Formation, then it's really done.

The two quickly stood back to back, and then watched the surrounding rain screen nervously, fearing that a monster would suddenly attack them from somewhere. However, the two waited for a long time until the Transmission Formation behind it was completely closed, and nothing appeared.

"Should that thing go away, right?" one of them said.

"Don't be distracted, stare carefully." The other person is shrewd, but sometimes it's useless to be careful.

As soon as this person's reminder ended, he saw a huge black figure suddenly rushed out from the rain curtain, moved towards him and rushed over. This guy reacted quickly and quickly used the weapon to block, but just as he raised the weapon, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind, and then the whole person flew forward, and in front of him was the one just now. The shadow of rare beast, and he himself flew directly. This is simply walking right into a trap. The guy who was hit by the huge force flew directly in front of the monster, and then was bitten by the upper body with a big open mouth, and then with a click, the body divided into two, The monster raised his head and swallowed the upper half of the corpse, and the remaining part was dragged away by the other monster that emerged from the rain.

The player who has been standing next to this player from the beginning to the end now dares to pick up his body stiff, he can't even move, because he just witnessed the whole process of his companion being killed, and There is nothing he can do about it, nothing can be done.

In the face of this situation, this guy feels that he is very powerless. He has no idea to deal with this kind of monster. Although his companion felt that he was dead wronged, this player didn't think so. His companion felt wronged because he had arranged that he was sneak attacked by something, and what he wanted to do was not wronged because he saw the dark shadows in the rain.

The creatures that just attacked them were definitely not two, but a large group. He saw at least seven or eight black shadows walking through the rain.

Faced with so many such monsters, he knew that he simply had no chance. The facts were the same as his thoughts. While he was still there stiff and shocked by the attack, a monster suddenly popped out from the rain curtain behind him and bit his head slightly. Screw it, and then he went back and resurrected.

The battle tempo is going too fast. From the weather change to the two players hanging up together, it takes less than a minute before and after. This speed is so fast that the two players arrive In fact, death does not completely change the state.

The two players here were killed, and the Transmission Formation they guarded was subsequently completely destroyed. At this time, the Russian guild leader who was leading the team to negotiate with the Divine Race He didn't even know about this matter, and he was still there after discussing the specific details with Du Xiangang.

While this Russian guild president is still discussing issues with those Divine Races, on the other side of Russia, a large army has already assembled and is moving towards the development of our guild. Zone moves.

"Did you say that Lutzov's rescuers have been invited?" a Russian guild president looked at the ice-bound Banshee and other Russian guild leaders and asked.

"Should we be negotiating based on time?" said one of the presidents of the Russian guild.

Ice-bound Banshee looked at the time and said: "The original plan was agreed. When we reach this progress position, we will wait for them to arrive before we can act."

< p>The president of another Russian guild suddenly said: "By the way, do you think we need to notify the Siberian Divine Race first?"

"Why do you notify the Siberian Divine Race?" A Russian trip The president asked.

The president of the Russian guild who just spoke said: "Anyway, this place on our side in Russia is now under the control of the Divine Race in Siberia. We rashly led the Divine Race outside into this area. , This is a provocation in itself for the Siberian Divine Race. It’s as if in reality you invited American soldiers to our Russia to fight for you. What do you think of the Russian government’s attitude?"

" I've thought about this before." Frozen Banshee said suddenly.

After hearing Frozen Banshee’s words, the surrounding Russian guild leaders all focused their attention on Frozen Banshee. One of the Russian guild leaders said directly: "Frozen Banshee, what’s the matter? Just talk about the problem! We can only trust you now."

Frozen Banshee nodded and said: "As just said, we introduced the external Divine Race to the Russian soil. This is indeed a provocation for the Divine Race in Siberia, and it is a very serious provocation. But, have you ever thought about why we should invite foreign aid?"

A Russian guild leader said bluntly "Isn’t it because the Siberian Divine Race is not good?"

"Yes, it’s because the Siberian Divine Race is not good." Frozen Banshee said: "The Siberian Divine Race is not good, so we just It is necessary to find another foreign aid Divine Race that can be used. Therefore, inviting foreign Divine Race is an inevitable action and inevitable. In other words, regarding the question of inviting foreign aid, we are bound to offend the Siberian Divine Race, so this At one point, we simply don’t need to think about it, because we have no choice. Do multiple-choice questions with only one option need to be considered?"

"Then you can’t just find someone without doing anything, right?" Asked a Russian guild president.

Frozen Banshee shook his head and said, "Why don’t you say that? The Siberian Divine Race certainly won’t agree with us, but we have to do it again, so what we can do is cut first and then play. Otherwise, if the Siberian Divine Race knows about this first and finds trouble for us halfway, our actions will be very passive. Maybe we won't be able to hire foreign aid, and when the time comes, we will still offend the Siberian Divine Race. So, since this matter has been determined to offend the Siberian Divine Race anyway, there is no need to worry about it. Everything is the first priority to achieve our goals."

"It sounds reasonable, but is there really no problem with us?"

"Don't worry, it's okay." One of the presidents of the Russian guild who supported the ice-bound Banshee Said: “As long as the Siberian Divine Race wants us to help them guard this religion, they dare not really treat us. Before, we thought about the Siberian Divine Race everywhere because we expected to meet Divine Race in other countries. Get their shelter, but now that they have shown that they cannot protect us, we don’t need to protect them everywhere."

"Let me say, we were..."

"Not good!" I just pressed a Russian guild leader and was interrupted by a loud yell before I finished speaking.

A group of Russian guild leaders and Banshee Frozen frowned and looked at the player entering their Conference Hall. After seeing this guy gasping for breath, one of the Russian guild leaders immediately asked: "What the hell is going on? What made you rush in so hurriedly?"

The player who shouted badly took a few breaths before saying, "That's going to accompany President Lutzov. Two of the people who asked for foreign aid have come back."

"After answering, I will come back, you..." The Russian guild president who answered the question suddenly got stuck here, because he I found myself obviously different. I heard that it was those people who came back, so he thought it was a good thing. Why should I rush? But he soon remembered. The player who reported the news said that it was two people who had been brought out by Luzov, which meant that Luzov himself had not come back.

According to what they knew before, they shouldn't have come back so soon, and if they want to come back, it should be a large group of Divine Race with them. But the current situation can be seen very clearly, that guy named Luzov simply didn't come back, only his two subordinates came back.

If the negotiation goes well, they should come back together, but now there are two people coming back early, which is absolutely wrong.

The ice-bound Banshee was quick to react, pushed away the guy who was in the way, and then shouted at the people over there: "Go and call them in. We need to ask questions."

When the surrounding Russian guild leaders heard it, they also said that the guards should bring the two players, and when the two players just arrived at the door, the guards let them in when they heard the sound.

Seeing these two players coming in, the Russian guild leaders immediately looked at the two men in surprise, because the aura on their bodies indicated that these two men had just come out of the Temple of Resurrection.

"Why? Why did you hang back?" Frozen Banshee looked at the players and asked.

The two players immediately talked about the problems they encountered after hearing Banshee's words, and Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guilds were both after listening to their introduction. A little dumbfounded.

"Will the climate in that place change randomly?" asked a Russian guild president.

The president of another Russian guild next to him shook his head and said: "The terrain environment there is very special. There is a self-contained climate environment, which will not be affected by the outside world, so under normal circumstances, there will be absolutely no such thing. This happens. And if the climate really changes, it must be man-made."

After this Russian guild leader finished speaking, the other surrounding Russian guild leaders all looked towards Bing Bing. Banshee was sealed, but Banshee frozen, but did not go to say anything immediately, but again looked towards the two players who came to report, and then asked: "How did you die?"

"By the monster Killed." One of the players said.

"Then the monster that attacked you should have the information about it?" Frozen Banshee asked.

If a player in "Zero" is in a battle, if he is attacked, the information displayed in the battle record is such as "You were attacked by something or something, how much blood was lost, and appear at the same time What is the effect" such prompt record. Of course, if the opponent does not break the defense, then the HP prompt is just one point, and if the attack used by the opponent does not have an attribute attack, then there will be no final effect. This is the setting anyway.

If a player is attacked by a monster, then the prompt is roughly the same, but there will be some small changes in the front. The first sentence is "You were attacked by something or something."< /p>

The so-and-so here is where the monster belongs, and what is the name of the monster. For example, if you are lucky to attack a certain player, the other party will see the prompt "You are lucky enough to be attacked by the player Purple Moon's favorite Demon Dragon King..." Of course there are some descriptions of losses in the back, but the front is correct. .

However, these two players actually replied directly after hearing the question of Frozen Banshee: "There is no information. It shows that we were attacked by the mutant rain demon."

"No reminder from the owner?" A Russian guild leader who found the problem confirmed with surprise.

The two guys who came back from the resurrection immediately nodded and said: "There is no information. It shows that the two of us were attacked by the rain demon. There is no other information."

People confirmed that the surrounding Russian guild leaders and the ice-bound Banshee began to show very solemn expressions, because they all thought of something deeper.

In fact, it is not too deep. Generally speaking, if a familiar or a summon creature attacks a player, there will be a reminder of who they belong to. If it is a guild, the guild information will also be displayed, but this time the two people did not see who they belonged to or their forces. Said that the creature that attacked them did not come from the player's power.

The monster attacking people of the player power will inevitably leave a message. This is inevitable. Of course, the NPC cannot see this prompt, only the player can see it when reading the battle report information. However, in fact, in addition to the player power, there are other monsters, such as the NPC power or the wild monsters in the leveling area.

If a player is attacked by a guardian beast of our Frost Rose League, the message that this person sees will show that he was attacked by a certain creature of the Frost Rose League, but if this person If you are attacked by Divine Beast of Divine Race in Siberia, you will not display any belongings, only the name of the creature that attacked him. Of course, if it is a wild devil beast, it will not be displayed, because the wild devil beast has no attribution at all.

The two players are both high-level players, and their strength is not weak, but when those monsters attacked them, they were completely crushed. That is to say, this monster is very powerful. Those two players simply didn’t. The chance to fight back was killed. Other monsters at such a high level are naturally wild, but wild monsters at this level will not run around. They are all in the depths of the Daxing leveling area and will not suddenly emerge from somewhere because of them. 'S strength is too strong, if it suddenly emerges from a certain area, the nearby players are estimated to be all bad. In that case, this monster is not for players to level up, but for cheating. Therefore, the range of activities of this kind of high level monster is very regulated, and it will never run randomly.

The place where the two players perform their tasks is not the leveling area, let alone the depths. Then the appearance of this powerful monster is abnormal. Therefore, 80% of these things belong to them, and because they do not display the information of the attacking power after attacking people, it can be determined that this is a creature from the NPC power, because only their creatures can be assigned according to the needs of this power. Various specific areas are dedicated to perform tasks.

If two Russian players were killed outside by a monster of an NPC force, of course there is nothing strange, because if this kind of thing happens to happen, although the probability is not high, But it is not uncommon, and it is not a major event, so naturally nobody pays attention. However, at this point of view, it happened that the person guarding the Transmission Gate was killed. This purpose is too strong. Although it does not rule out the possibility of a real coincidence, most people at this time are not likely to believe that this is really just a coincidence.

Obviously, the content of discussions between Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guild before freezing Banshee was leaked, and judging from the identity of the attacker, the biggest suspicion is the Siberian Divine Race.

The Siberian Divine Race itself is an NPC force. If they send certain creatures to attack the player, the prompt on the player’s side is that there is no display organization information, only the prompt for the identity of the monster. This is the same as those two. The information reported by the Russian players is consistent.

Secondly, the task that the president of the Russian guild took the two players to perform was to invite an outside Divine Race force to Russia, and whoever opposed this matter is undoubtedly This is the Siberian Divine Race. In other words, they not only have the conditions to perform this task, but also have the motivation. Joining can be sure that the Siberian Divine Race really knows this, and then it is very likely that the Siberian Divine Race did it.

Of course, the ice-bound Banshee and the Russian guild leaders are not stupid. Although they all think the Siberian Divine Race is the most suspicious, many people also realize that other forces are also possible. Especially our Frost Rose League.

Our Frost Rose League is not the same as the general Divine Race forces. Many guilds know this. Among them, the Frozen Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guilds know more. The biggest feature of our Frost Rose League is that we have money, but the most special feature is that we can mobilize many NPC forces to help us fight. This is something that no guild can imitate. There are only one or two Divine Races in the world that the logarithm will have an intersection, and most of them can only maintain a good relationship with one Divine Race, and this good relationship is still one-way, that is, the player maintains a good Divine Race influence. Relationship, and the Divine Race faction has not paid attention to this player or player influence at all.

This situation is very common in the world, but our Frost Rose League is different. We are not only related to many Divine Race forces, but also many of them are closely related. This situation is unimaginable for most guilds, and even if they want to envy them, they can’t envy them. , Because most of the relationship between our Frost Rose League and these Divine Races was established by me, and it is very rare for me to be the number one player in the world.

Because our guild has a large number of Divine Race relationships, it cannot be ruled out that this incident was done by our Frost Rose League. Because like the Siberian Divine Race, we first have the conditions to perform this task, because we can let other Divine Race help us kill these players. Although the Divine Race forces cannot easily participate in player battles, only the war of defense can come out to help, and there are many restrictions.

However, the rules are dead, and people are alive. The system clearly stipulates that Divine Races in various countries cannot leave the country. As a result, there are still many Divine Races running around the world? So, for many things, as long as you have a way to find another way, you can actually find a breakthrough method. As for the question of helping to kill a few ordinary players... Is there any excuse for this kind of thing? The rule that Divine Race does not participate in guild wars is a general direction. The system will not be accurate enough to kill a person and go online and think that this Divine Race violates the rules. After all, the management system of the game "Zero" is intelligent, but what is the biggest difference between artificial intelligence and rigid computer programs? Doesn’t it mean that artificial intelligence knows how to be flexible? Therefore, many system regulations in "Zero" are actually implemented as elastic indicators, not absolute standards.

If our guild asks a certain Divine Race force to kill these two players, the other party can find a dozen excuses to kill the two players. Therefore, this kind of thing is completely possible for our Frost Rose League. The conditions are implemented, and the cost is very low, and it can even be said to be a matter of opening your mouth.

In addition to execution ability, our Frost Rose League, like the Siberian Divine Race, does have a motivation to do so.

Siberian Divine Race does not want foreign Divine Race to enter Russia out of protection for itself, and our guild has the same idea. This foreign Divine Race force came to beat us in the final analysis, so of course we don't want them to come. So, on this point, we and Divine Race in Siberia have the same views.

Ice-bound Banshee and the Russian guild leaders know that our guild and the Siberian Divine Race have the motivation and conditions to perform such tasks. However, inferring from the whole thing, the ice-bound Banshee and those Russian guilds The guild leaders feel that the Divine Race probability of Siberia is still higher.

Why do Frozen Banshee and the presidents of Russian guilds think the Divine Race probability of Siberia is higher? The answer is simple, because our Frost Rose Alliance does not make sense.

Our Frost Rose League is indeed motivated to prevent the Russian guild from inviting outside Divine Race to help, but if we really know about this and plan to organize it, then why do we need another Divine Race? What about the power?

Our Frost Rose League and their Russian guild are already hostile. Both sides know that the other is their enemy. The relationship is clear and there is no possibility of relaxation. So why should we care about the Russians? What do you think of us?

Just like in World War II, Germany occupied France and then fought with Britain across the strait. The Americans used various weapons to support Britain and France. The Germans were just like us at the time. They certainly did not want Britain and France to be supported, so the Germans directly used submarines to attack the fleet that transported support materials to Britain and France, blocking maritime traffic. This should be the same as our current attitude of the Frost Rose League. However, when the Germans did this thing, they were not low-key at all. Although the submarine is very mysterious, every time the American and British transport ships are sunk, the Germans will be high-profile propaganda. On the one hand, they can give themselves. Staff can increase morale and on the other hand can deter opponents. This is a good thing. Why should we hide it?

We are in the same situation now. Attacking the president of the Russian guild and the people he brought with him on the one hand can increase our morale on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can threaten to freeze Banshee them. The equivalent to warns them, "Don’t play tricks, we There is a way to deal with you". So, although we have the motive to do this, there is absolutely no reason to do it sneakily. We really want to attack these two people, just send someone directly, there is no need to ask outsiders for help. This kind of thing is really abnormal.

On the contrary, the Siberian Divine Race is more reasonable to do this.

First, they are NPC forces themselves, so there will be no hints after the battle.

Secondly, the Siberian Divine Race really did, and I certainly don’t want the ice-bound Banshee and the Russian guild leaders to know. Although the Siberian Divine Race must think that the ice-bound Banshee and the Russian guild leaders did not do the right thing, but after all, they and the Russian guilds need each other, so it’s a last resort Siberian Divine Race. I don't want to make the relationship stale. Attacking two players like this to destroy the Transmission Gate, this is equivalent to warning Banshee the frozen Banshee to tell them not to make small moves, we know what you are doing. However, if the Siberian Divine Race comes with great fanfare, the faces on both sides will not look good, so the Siberian Divine Race has the desire to act in secret. This is different from our Frost Rose League.

Because of this deep-seated reason, Frozen Banshee and those Russian guild leaders think that the Divine Race probability of Siberia is still higher, and it depends on our Frost Rose League and myself. It is estimated that after killing these two players, he might still threaten the corpse directly in the Banshee's Conference Hall. We can really do this kind of thing. As for being so sneaky now, it really doesn't conform to our habits.

What the Frozen Banshee and the group of Russian guild leaders don’t know is that they all guessed wrong.

We really did this attack, and we did not do it personally, and the real attackers, it is estimated that they would never have thought of killing them. Those attackers are actually Sacred Beast from a voodoo god from South America. This thing can only be active in high humidity environments, so there will be that heavy rain. We borrowed these Sacred Beasts from someone. The other party lent us ten Sacred Beasts in the face of me and Power of Faith. Then our guild sent someone to secretly transported these Sacred Beasts to the Russian trip. Near the area where the president opens the Transmission Gate.

Of course, we didn’t know where they were at the beginning, but because the guy who had endured to follow this guy before, we knew the direction of movement, and then based on the opponent’s ability and time, we accurately estimated the opponent The approximate location of the gang, and then we launched a carpet investigation of the area with our guild's powerful investigation methods, and they soon found this group of people.

After knowing the location, the transportation spaceship of the bank carrying those Divine Beasts moved directly to behind a hill near the area and concealed it, and then a small aircraft was separated from the transportation spaceship. This aircraft is equipped with a mirage system, which means it is invisible. Because this thing is an infiltration aircraft, it is quiet and silent when flying, and it is invisible to visible light, and it has an energy shielding function, so it is almost impossible to find. With the powerful stealth penetration capability, the small aircraft easily reached the area near the opponent, and then took out the two Divine Items we borrowed from Celestial Court-thunder sails and wind sock.

These two Divine Items are not the kind of Divine Item written on the equipment level, but the Magical Artifact used by the real Divine Race. In fact, these two are the Divine Items commonly used by Celestial Court, because these are the equipment used by Celestial Court to manage the weather, one for rain and the other for wind.

For the newly added land, the Jade Emperor is also considered to have spared it, and directly loaned two things to us for use, and then the players in our guild reached the sky above the opponent with a flying machine, and then unfolded two pieces. Divine Item created high winds and heavy rain.

After the appearance of howling wind and torrential rain, the Divine Beast immediately reached the vicinity of the two players with the help of the concealment of the rain screen, and then things were simple. Although the name of the small gods in South America is not well-known, they are Divine Race after all, and these ten creatures are genuine Divine Beast after all, so the two players were quickly killed without revealing the fact that the attacker was us. .

After we got the two people, the Transmission Formation was taken away directly by our people, and then the scene was washed by heavy rain. There really was no trace left, even if it was the ice-bound Banshee they sent People came back and found no clues.

There are two main reasons why it took so much effort to quietly kill these two players.

The first point is that the motive that Banshee and the Russian guild leaders speculate is that we don’t want the Russians to invite the Divine Race to help them fight. After all, this matter is not what we do. Good thing.

This second point is the part that Banshee and the Russian guild presidents did not guess. The reason why we have to spend so much effort to get in with such great favors and interests must also act in a concealed manner, in order to sow discord.

According to our intelligence, the relationship between the Russian players and Divine Race in Siberia has been clearly ruptured. Although there has not really been any substantial problem, after all, the two sides are not so happy anymore. This At that time, as long as we further widen this rift, the cooperation between the two parties can become more difficult. If the two parties cannot cooperate wholeheartedly, then one plus one may not necessarily equal two, and there may even be a situation where one plus one is less than one, and this is our goal.

The cooperation between the Russian players and the Siberian Divine Race has been dismantled, and then our Frost Rose League’s development zone in Russia can be said to have peace of mind, because we have now included this area into Celestial Court’s management scope. If Russian players attack, we can ask Celestial Court to send people down. If the Siberian Divine Race does not participate in the war on the Russian side, even if the main force is not at home, Divine Race alone can block the Russian side. Attacked.

Since there is such a big advan

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