Frozen Banshee gets angry not because she is angry, but because she is irritable. The original plan was that the president should ask for support from the outside Divine Race alone, but in the end, instead of bringing people back, the other party still folded inside. Of course, it doesn't matter, it's over if you send someone there again. But the key is that Banshee was frozen in person to save the people, but the person was not saved, and Chen Yaojin suddenly appeared on the way. This is simply when it rains, it pours. The already troublesome situation in Russia has now changed. It's more complicated and difficult to understand.

After sending an unnamed fire to the group of Russian guild leaders, Frozen Banshee began to arrange tasks for them.

"President Normanoff, please take someone to Evil God World to bring our reinforcements back."

"How many people can I bring? "

"This is whatever you want, but the invading forces are the power of the Holy See of Jehovah. They have a lot of people. It is impossible for you to fight them head-on, so it's useless to bring as many people as you want. What is needed is to be streamlined. The smaller the number, the better. This makes it easier to hide from the other party’s investigation. But I think the other party’s goal is very clear. The scouts are also used to prevent the team from being exposed, so you just don’t hit the gun. Generally, there is no problem."

"Understand, then I will bring two or three of the most elite people in the guild."

Banshee nodded on ice, and then asked After waving his hand, the guild leader immediately turned around and ran out, and then the ice-bound Banshee began to explain the general tasks to the remaining guild leaders. After explaining everything clearly, Banshee Frozen did not sit idle, but left the most important thing to himself, which was to talk to Divine Race in Siberia.

The Russian side is busy, and in a mountainous area less than 500 kilometers away, the power of the Holy See of Jehovah is also gathering on a large scale.

Unlike ordinary god wars, what Jehovah’s Holy See forces need this time is to occupy an enclave, which means that the two areas are not connected. For this kind of opponent, it doesn't mean that Divine Race's power can be expanded in the past, but a certain mass foundation is needed. This so-called mass base actually refers to NPC. For a place, Divine Race, it is definitely necessary to bring some NPCs in the past, otherwise, there is no way to build your own basic power, such as temples and the like. Divine Race itself does not have the habit of building temples. The temples were built for Divine Race by believers of Divine Race. I have never heard of any Divine Race who built temples on earth by themselves.

For this reason, Jehovah’s Holy See has brought the Divine Race army this time, as well as a large number of servants of believers. Although this army can be regarded as a servant army in nature, their name is actually very loud, because the name of this army is called the "Crusaders."

The number of this crusader under the influence of the Holy See of Jehovah is as high as five million, of which cavalry is the absolute main force, almost 3.8 million, and the remaining 1.2 million is more than ninety All are infantry, and the others are special services in a mess.

The battle strength of these crusaders can be said to be quite general, just like the NPC city defense forces in most cities, probably one player can handle three to five, and this is still based on ordinary players. As a result of calculating the average strength, like some experts, it is not a problem to hit hundreds or even thousands of them by one person.

Although the individual battle strength of the Crusaders is not outstanding, the overall battle strength of this army cannot be ignored, because unlike the general army, this is an absolutely crazy religious army.

The entire crusade is basically an army of zealots. These guys will fight for Jehovah as the highest glory. At the same time, they firmly believe that if they die in the process of fighting for Jehovah, Then you will definitely be included in Divine Kingdom and enjoy eternal peace. Because of this belief, the Crusaders are basically not afraid of death. As long as the commander orders them, they can line up and sing songs to jump off the cliff collectively. For such an army, the normal army is very troublesome, because the opponent's battle is too crazy, once it is stuck, the casualties on both sides will be very terrible, and this is not the worst. The worst thing is that the morale of the crusaders is not affected in the slightest. For them, death is equal to promotion and salary increase. Therefore, if a team loses more staff, the rest will be more motivated and perform better. Even crazier. This is completely different from an army composed of normal people. If an army composed of normal people has more than one tenth of casualties, it may have various problems due to low morale. As for the situation where there are only a few people in the army who are still fighting to the death... that can only be said to be a situation. example.

Don’t think that TV will often broadcast the deeds that almost the entire army was defeated during the war and that they were still holding their positions. Just think that there are many such troops. In fact, it's just like air crashes are often broadcast in the news. It's not because there are more people. On the contrary, the reason why they are often broadcast is because they are less. News like car accidents is rarely broadcast. Why? Because there are too many. If the news broadcasts the car accidents of the whole world every day, it is estimated that a special channel will be opened for 24-hour simultaneous broadcasting to keep up with the rhythm. On the same road, the TV propaganda of the kind of troops that are still holding their positions until the last battle is not because there are many such things, but precisely because they are few, so they have to be broadcast as an example for future generations to look forward to and learn from.

The morale of players in the game is not too serious because the death penalty is not too serious, so it is generally not easy to go wrong. Although the players will also be low and timid, it is generally unlikely that the player formation will be defeated as a whole. Players can fight like heroes in the game. However, compared to players, NPC troops have a larger proportion in the battle, and these NPCs are affected by morale.

If an ordinary NPC army encounters these crusaders under the influence of Jehovah’s Holy See, as long as the two sides fight, this NPC army is basically abolished, because they have no courage. Continue to fight these lunatics, but on the other hand, the Crusaders are excited because many people died in the last battle, because they held that they might die in the next battle, and then enter the Divine Kingdom. Become the true people of the Lord. Therefore, although the battle strength of the Crusaders is not very prominent, and even does not reach the average line, if it really fights, this army has an overwhelming deterrent against most NPC forces.

Frozen Banshee knows that Jehovah’s Holy See has such a very difficult crusade, and she has personally fought these guys before, so she knows the troubles of these guys, and it’s because That's why she has a special headache.

Located in the valley, Jehovah’s Vatican forces quickly assembled their troops here, and within a few hours they have gathered about two million troops. These people did not go to the battlefield in the form of Legion, but scattered from the local area. The advantage of this is that it is faster. Large forces will delay time for various reasons, but if they move separately in a squad situation, the speed will be much faster.

Of course, this trick can only be used by Jehovah’s Holy See powers, because their troops are fanatics, and if the general troops are really to be dismantled in this way for long distances, it is estimated that they will wait for the place. There is still half of the army left, even if the army is disciplined.

On the Russian side, Jehovah’s Holy See powers and the Russian guild powers headed by Frozen Banshee are busy, but the Siberian Divine Race is now idle and boring. This group of guys have been hit too many times before, so now their morale is a little low, everyone is together and sighing to reflect on whether they really did something wrong.

Just when the gang of Siberian Divine Race was groaning and depressed, Frozen Banshee found them with a few of his men, and learned of the Holy See of the Lord from Frozen Banshee. After the forces actually came to Russia, the gods of the Siberian Divine Race were completely uneasy. This group of guys just felt a little depressed by our Frost Rose League and Celestial Court, but they have not yet reached the point of survival. However, the nature of the entry of Jehovah’s Holy See power into Russia is completely different.

The reputation of Jehovah’s Holy See power outside is heard by these Siberian Divine Races, and now this group of guys have run to their borders. This clearly shows that they are grabbing territory! In the face of this situation, the Siberian Divine Race also immediately reversed from the previous depression, because now it is a situation where they will die if they don't work hard. They really have to work hard.

Although the mood on the Siberian Divine Race has become very complicated, the ice-bound Banshee is quite happy. At least the Siberian Divine Race is now desperate and will not lose the chain like before. .

The situation on the Russian side is chaotic and complicated, but on the US side, the context is clear.

Free Divine Race has officially entered the war, and our guild, because the chaos and order Divine Race has all been transferred to the United States, a large number of people have all gathered together and started targeting the free Divine Race. The high-end existence launched a cleanup operation.

The round-up battle against Free Goddess that I personally supervised is the most important battle, but I don’t know what dogshit luck the Free Goddess took. She was called away in advance at the most critical moment. , So that the encirclement prepared by our side is useless.

We definitely need to carry out the round-up of the free Goddess here, because in any case we need to get the free Divine Race out of the war sequence as soon as possible, otherwise, this battle will become a war of attrition. Even if we helped the Sea King Palace settle this civil war, our guild’s investment was too great, so big that we had no profit at all, and we still had to post money into it. Since the establishment of the Frost Rose League, I have never done such a loss!

Because we can't let Free Divine Race make our operation lose money, so I am impossible to let Free Goddess.

"Is it clear?" I asked the military god with the communicator. "I can't let her run away this time!"

Christina also followed: "Yes, obviously I was ready last time, but the target suddenly changed his mind and left the ambush circle at a critical moment. All the traps that have been so energetic are all set up. It's really a loss!"

"Don't complain!" Gold coin said: "For this ambush, I don't even care about my beauty." I don’t think there is anyone. I rushed over to join the battle early in the morning, but I waited for a long time in the ambush circle but found it was nothing. Who do you think I should tell?"

"It's alright, alright , I’m not asking you to come to the conference!" After stopping the complaints of gold coin and Christina, I directly asked the military god: "Is the information summarized? Where is the other party?"

"The intelligence analysis has come out. The other party's current location should be in Rainbow City."

"I..." I originally wanted everyone to act with me, but suddenly I heard this answer Misfired. Rainbow City is where the headquarters of the Rainbow Alliance is located. Let alone the strength of Goddess, the city alone is not so easy to win. Now the free Goddess is actually in Rainbow City. How can we engage in the beheading operation?

"Do you think we have a spy here?" Gold coin asked: "How come every time she tries to attack her, she either suddenly changes her course or happens to be in the worst place to attack her? ?"

"We only met twice in total, let alone we planned it many times." Christina finished looking towards me and asked: "President, I think we are actually caught in I have lost my thinking."

I turned my head and looked towards Christina and asked: "Misunderstanding? What mistakes have we fallen into?"

"Our most fundamental goal is actually not to kill Goddess. , But to let the free Divine Race withdraw from this American Civil War, right?"

I nodded and said: "Yes."

Christina followed: "That's right If you want Free Divine Race to withdraw from this battle, you don't have to kill Free Goddess?"

"So what else can I do?" Zhenhong asked.

"We can sneak attack the divine force core of Divine Race freely." Christina said in a surprisingly endless voice. We were all stunned when the words were spoken, and then we watched Christina there in a daze. Christina, who was a little uncomfortable by us, followed and said, “Don’t you think this method is good? Since Goddess of Liberty is not in the headquarters of Liberty Temple, and now Liberty Divine Race is participating in the American Civil War, it must be the most of Divine Race. They were all sent out. In this way, their headquarters must be very empty. If we can concentrate our superior battle strength, and then give the opponent's headquarters a bit of a cruel gesture, it might be impossible for me to get a free Divine Race. The divine force is the core!"

"This way..." I dragged the sound for a long time and suddenly said: "Maybe it is really feasible."

I heard After my words, Christina immediately said excitedly: "Look, I said this method is feasible!"

"No, boss, do you really plan to attack the headquarters of Freedom Divine Race?" Gold coin was surprised Asked.

"If you can, why not?" I shouted to the communicator after I said: "Military god, give me a tactical assessment, if we now raid the nest of Divine Race, what is the chance? Get their divine force core?"

The military god calmly replied for a while, then fell into silence, and suddenly replied about five minutes later: "The evaluation result is out. According to my analysis, If the raid plan is implemented now, then the success rate is between 40% and 80%."

"Why is there such a big fluctuation?"

"Because you have limited too few conditions."

I thought for a moment and said: "Our participants here include me and blood red rose, Christina, true red, gold coin, ice-grabbing, Poseidon, Hades, Vina, Xinghuo, Peacock and Twelve Star Gods. In addition, I will make the magic musicians formation led by Hong Yue, plus some members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, as well as the high-end players of the Sea King Palace, to delay the time for Goddess to return to the headquarters. And, I will use some special equipment of our guild for the headquarters of Free Divine Race. Under this premise, what is our success rate?"

"More than 58%, not more than 98 %."

"Has it been halfway?" I slightly said with a smile: "That is the value of a gamble. What do you think?"

Christie Because Na was the first to propose this plan, she agreed the fastest and immediately said she supported my decision.

Both Zhenhong and Gold Coin hesitated a bit, but in the end they agreed. After all, the various decisions I made as the president are quite accurate, so they all feel that my decision will generally not come out. Too big a problem. Besides, even if it fails, it’s not difficult for so many people on our side to retreat. So although it’s a gamble this time, it’s actually a small stake but a big win. The most important thing is just in case. If the bet is won, this benefit is huge.

Since I’ve decided to do this, I immediately told the guild’s think tank about this plan, and asked them to help improve the plan. Of course, Rose will also inform me, after all, she and I'm different. I run outside all day, and I don’t deal with the specific affairs of the guild. But Rose basically handles all kinds of things in the guild, so if I go out to do errands, I can completely want to walk to Walk, but if Rose goes out with us, it must be arranged in advance, and it must not be left for too long, otherwise there must be a problem.

In fact, not only is the rose not going to be out for too long, Vina and Hades also cannot go for a long time.

Hades’s task is to take care of the Power of Faith collectors we set up in the underworld. This task is very important, so it’s very dangerous to leave people, even if it’s to let Hades out this time , It can't be too long.

Vina's situation is similar. She is responsible for maintaining the divine force core of Divine Race, so she can't run around. After all, chaos and order Divine Race is different from ordinary Divine Race. Our Power of Faith is too much, so the core of divine force is always in high-speed operation. It must be watched by the Lord God to make people feel relieved. Of course, it is not a moment. Don’t leave people, just say that once the main god is not there, if there is something wrong with the divine force core, you can only keep it closed for a period of time. This will affect the chaos and order of the Divine Race’s cultivation speed, so we generally don’t let Vina. Running around.

However, this time it is of great importance, so in order to ensure our success rate, I think we can let them come out temporarily. Anyway, it's a gamble, how can it be done without the capital?

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