The president of the Russian guild quickly placed a huge pile of metal parts on the ground together with some of his men.

The shapes of these parts are very regular, and each piece looks like a sliced ​​pizza. When eight such metal pizzas are completely pieced together, they form a circular metal plate. Of course, the volume of this thing is huge. In fact, when the assembled metal disk is placed on the ground, the area is larger than that of elevators in most shopping malls.

After assembling this strange part, the remaining people immediately started digging a trench on the ground next to this thing, and after digging a small trench along the outer ground of this thing, they took it off again. He took out seven or eight large barrels like gasoline barrels, and then began to pour the liquid in these barrels in this ring of ditch. Soon the outside of this magic array-like thing on the ground was wrapped up by a gully filled with liquid.

After all this was done, this group of people moved quickly back to the side, and then one of the legal professions raised his hand, a Fireball Technique, and threw it away. The Fireball hit the ditch filled with liquid just played, and then there was a loud explosion sound. The liquid in the ditch instantly burned, and the huge Fireball rose into the sky like a small mushroom cloud.

Because the flame temperature was too high, the surrounding Russian players had to step back a bit. This flame is when the formidable power is large when it first burns, and soon the flame starts to become smaller, and the reason for the smaller is that a Transmission Passage appears in the center of the flame. This Transmission Passage is different from the usual Transmission Passage, it is not standing there. The general Transmission Passage is just like the door of our house, which is erected there, and people only need to go through it. But the passage above the Transmission Formation is lying on the ground, looking like a sewer well.

At this time, the flames burning in the surrounding ravines seemed to have encountered a huge vacuum cleaner. The flames that rose did not burn up at all, but just left the surface of the ravines and turned to the central channel. Mouth and was sucked in.

As the flames continue to enter this passage, the area of ​​the passage is constantly expanding, and it soon becomes almost the size of the magic array on the ground.

After confirming that this thing had been formed, the Russian guild leader waved his hand, and several people around immediately went up and took out another dozen barrels of fuel and poured it in, and the flame immediately became much larger. , But the flame did not show any upward trend, but was still sucked into the black hole.

After seeing this situation, the next few players looked towards the president of the Russian guild, and the president of the Russian guild was nodded, and then the Russian player in the front immediately without the slightest The depth of the hesitation jumped over the outer flames and directly fell into the huge black hole in the center, and then disappeared in place as if it had fallen into the abyss.

As the player jumped into the black hole, the surrounding Russia also jumped one after another. Finally, the president of the Russian guild saw that most of the people had gone down, and he was responsible for pour the fuel before. The two players said: "Help us take a good look." After finishing speaking, before the two players answered, they jumped in.

After all the players here disappeared, the two players outside found a place to sit down. Their task is to pour fuel from time to time to ensure that the flame in the center does not go out. This magic array is obviously a very special flame-activated array, that is, only flame can activate it. This design is quite unique.

Leave aside the group of people outside, just talk about the president of the Russian guild who jumped in and the group of Russian players. After they fell into the black hole, they just kept falling, but the speed of falling was not faster and faster, but slower and slower, and finally they almost drifted down slowly.

It took these people seven or eight minutes to see the ground below, and that ground is not a good place, but a huge volcanic crater. The current direction of these people's whereabouts is towards the volcanic crater. If they do not take measures, they will most likely fall into the volcanic crater in the end. However, as the altitude dropped, the speed of these people became slower and slower, and finally stopped the falling process completely when the distance from the volcanic crater was as high as several hundred meters.

After being completely suspended in the air, the three players in this group suddenly summon their own magic familiar. The familiars of these three people are different. One of them is a golden eagle-like bird of prey, the other two are a small bird like a parrot, and the other is a wyvern with a rather ugly appearance. Types of creatures.

After these three creatures appeared, the golden eagle and the parrot each grabbed the armor behind their owner, and then flew forward with them, while the one behind Wyvern became more vigorous, and he grabbed four people one by one with one paw, two still in his mouth, and then two hanging on his back, so moved towards and flew towards the front.

The three flying creatures in this place are obviously not affected by gravity. They fly very lightly. Except for the presence of air resistance, the universal gravitation seems to have disappeared here, even without wings anyway. Can't fall, but you still need wings if you want to move.

There were three flying creatures with them, and they quickly left directly above the volcanic crater, and then they reached the foot of the mountain.

There are several situations under the generally speaking volcano. One is that this volcano has not erupted a long time ago, so the foot of the mountain is mostly covered by large green plants. Another situation is that the volcano has just erupted in the last few hundred years, but the mountains under the mountainside are all rocks formed after the lava has condensed. Because the original soil is covered underneath, there will be no plants. The third type situation is that the volcano has just erupted or is erupting, and there is a fire sea under the mountain, with red lava flows everywhere.

The above three are the basic conditions below the volcano, but this volcano is very strange. One side of it is indeed a normal volcanic form, and there are all black condensed Fire Mountain Cliffs, which means that it has just been sprayed recently. As for the other side of the mountain... it's all ice.

Yes, the foot of this volcano is completely covered by snow and ice, and it feels like an instant from Africa to the North Pole. The snow on the ground is at least a foot thick, and there is a layer of ice under the snow. It doesn't look like the situation near a volcano at all. After all, this place doesn't look like that kind of high altitude place, and the temperature is not low at all.

These Russian players hung on flying creatures were taken by these creatures and flew directly above this piece of ice, and then it was as if they had suddenly crossed a certain boundary, the gravity suddenly recovered, and then everyone underneath Those flying creatures suddenly sank. The parrot was the worst. It could barely move its owner. It could only take him to glide over, and then let it go when it was a few meters above the ground. I opened my paws and let the opponent roll and land on the snow. Fortunately, the snow on the ground here is very thick, like a soft cushion, it doesn't hurt at all to fall on it.

Although the golden eagle-like bird of prey is not very big, its flying ability is quite strong. Even if a person larger than itself is hung underneath it, it can still maintain its flying attitude, and finally it is very stable. Put his master on the ground.

The last wyvern, of course, is synonymous with toughness. With so many people hanging around, it doesn't feel the slightest effort to land, so it's very easy to land.

After this group of people landed on the ground, they withdrew their pets and turned their backs to the direction of the volcanic crater and started walking forward. However, the snow on the ground was too thick, so it was very difficult to move. Fortunately, these People came prepared, all brought snowshoes, so they could walk on the snow without sinking.

After walking a fairly close section of the road on the snow, these people entered a mountain pass. The snow here is more exaggerated than the volcanic crater side. You basically have nothing but white I can't see anything, anyway, there is snow everywhere.

Immediately after entering the mountain pass, this group of people began to consciously gather together, and then moved back to back carefully. Obviously, there is danger in this place, and these people are well aware of the situation here.

Sure enough, after crossing the mountain pass over there, there was an open valley not far away. Then a few people found that there was a beauty standing on the snowy ground not far away, a whole body of snow white and white, A stunning beauty with red rays of light shining in her eyes and her hair flying in the wind. Originally, the faces of the players in the game will not be too ugly after being modified, and most of the NPCs are also quite beautiful types, so the players' ability to adapt to beauty has been improved. However, the beauty in front of you will still make many players uncontrollable, because the beauties you usually see are covered by clothes, and this one—worn nothing. He really didn't wear anything, didn't even cover the three most important points, and went into battle completely in a vacuum.

The beauty is nothing, the beauty without clothes is amazing. When I first saw this beauty, the president of the Russian guild stepped on thunder several times. He didn't realize it until the fourth time. It turned out that it was not because of his bad luck, but that this beauty was a pit.

Seeing the beauty over there, one of the previous Russian players couldn't help but wiped the saliva from his mouth, and then said: "Boss, this... how does this beauty respond? What's the matter? Is this the quest NPC? Or I will communicate with you?"

This guy ran over there regardless of whether the Russian guild president answered or not. , Before I walked two steps, I heard the president of the Russian guild behind say: "If you want to die, go." midair, then turned to look at his boss and asked: "President, is there a problem with this beauty?"

Rather than waiting for the president of the Russian guild to answer, the Russian player next to him directly took a picture of the Russian player. hand. "You idiot! In such a cold place, a beautiful woman sitting there without wearing anything, normal people are frozen early. This is obviously a trap, okay? Please use your brain, don't use your lower body to think about everything! "

"Where did I have it! Didn't I want to investigate it!" The Russian player quibbleed, and then asked: "By the way, boss, what is the origin of this beauty?"


The Russian guild president glanced at the Russian player, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, said with an evil smile: "That beauty is actually... some kind of organ."

" Huh?" The surrounding Russian players were stunned when they heard this answer, and then the player who started drooling looked at his boss and asked, "Isn't this...?"

"Not so Disgusting." The president of the Russian guild said, "This beauty Dame is monster's tongue. The monster's body is under the snow layer, and then sticks out the tongue on the snow surface. On the one hand, it can be used as a bait to attract you. A kind of mad bee and butterfly went to death. In addition, this tongue, like the tongue of a snake, can sense the smell molecules in the air, and is equivalent to a kind of detector."

"I rely on, then if we get closer Wouldn’t it be over immediately?"

The president of the Russian guild said with a smile: "Nonsense, there were several people in the team that we came together at the beginning. Everyone thought this was a quest NPC, and as a result, the person disappeared within a second after it passed. The attack speed of the thing was so fast that naked eye was completely invisible, and when you reacted, there will be snowflakes flying in the sky."< /p>

"This is too strong, right?" the Russian player asked.

The president of the Russian guild said with a smile: "In fact, it's not very strong, as long as you attract that thing, you can easily kill it. The key is that the raid speed of this thing is too fast. So you must not get close to it when it is in ambush, otherwise it is really one strike certain kill. The level of this thing is not high, the defense is also average, as long as you don’t pass and let it chase by itself, normal people will It can be singled out to kill this thing. However, its attack power is definitely second to none in the same level of monsters, even players with a higher level than it are also one strike certain kill, and its attacks are often in a few tenths of a second. It’s done within it, and it’s simply too late to react at the speed of our human response."

"Then there is nothing to worry about, just let it go." said the Russian player next to it.

The guy from the previous drooling game said regretfully: "But it's really beautiful! If you can take a photo together!"

"It's okay, you go and let it After eating you, I will help you video and give you a frame by frame slow motion afterwards. I will definitely find a photo of you." A Russian player started playing said with a smile.

The guy who was joking angrily drove away: "go go go, try your best."

"Okay, now we start to be careful, let's move forward a little bit , Pay attention to avoid the attack range of that thing. Its attack range under the snow is a fifteen-meter radius, and the center point is the position of the decoy. As long as it doesn’t get close, and gradually moves away, it will jump out and chase by itself. It’s no problem when the guy comes out. It only has a very large attack formidable power under the snow surface, and there is no problem when it comes out."

"That's easy."

The group of Russian players Under the leadership of the leader of the Russian guild, he began to move around the decoy, and then began to move away from that side after going around. Sure enough, finding that these people hadn’t passed by, the “beauty” immediately turned his head and looked towards this side, and then even smiled and stretched out a hand hook towards them. The guy who had drooling before couldn’t help but watched more. After a few glances, he was ridiculed again. But the guy knew this was a trap anyway, so he didn't go straight to it, just took a few more glances.

Finding that my decoy didn't take effect, and the target was still far away from me, the monster finally couldn't help but suddenly jumped out from the ground. As soon as this thing came out, it started moving towards madly and rushed over here, frightening this group of people again.

Originally, this group of people would not have any sense of fear about this thing. The key is that after this thing came out, there were countless large and small sores on their bodies, and these sores were curled up. A lot of little things. These little things are the same creatures as this big monster, that is to say, its cubs. This guy's biological habits unexpectedly resemble a toad. Toads like to hatch their cubs in the skin of their back. When the small toads come out, they will leave holes on the back of the big toads, so the toads look so disgusting. The thing in front of me obviously has a similar habit to the toad, and this thing is much more disgusting than the toad, the pus-filled skin and the densely packed cub, the scalp of the person watching it is numb. Several players on the scene almost turned around and ran when they saw this thing.

"Don’t be distracted, attack quickly, this thing is very low defensive power." The Russian guild president’s words made the fearful Russian players around finally understand what they are going to do, so various skills are chaotic. Fei, instantly blasted this thing into scum.

As the president of the Russian guild said, the defensive power of this thing is very bad, and its own attribute value is not high, almost a round of salvo is given away by everyone’s skills. . However, all the cubs of this thing ran off the mother after the mother died, and then rushed over here one after another.

Seeing those cubs, many people became nervous again. As a result, the president of the Russian guild said directly: "Don't panic, these things are disgusting, they don't have any offensive power, and simply don't break the defense. Use a normal attack to kill them soon."

Although the president of the Russian guild promptly reminded him, it is a pity that the people around him are not as calm as him. Various skills are still flying around, and then the little monsters around are destroyed, but it is clear that this It is a waste. You don't need skills at all to deal with these little things.

Although the people around were not completely obedient, the president of the Russian guild did not say anything, because he knew this was such is human nature. It's like suddenly hundreds of thousands of cockroaches moved towards you. Normal people will definitely be scared to death, but in fact, we all know that cockroaches don't bite at all. And if you have a machine gun in your hand at this time, most people might use the machine gun to sweep the ground and try to eliminate those cockroaches. When you are calm, most people know that shooting cockroaches with a machine gun is a waste, and those cockroaches will not hurt people, and they will be fine when they pass. But when you are at the scene, most people will not have the kind of mood to analyze this and that, while screaming with your eyes closed and sweeping with a machine gun is the normal reaction of most people.

After this group of Russian players vented, they found the corpses around the ground and the overturned snow layer before they realized that they had made a little fuss. But thinking about the feelings just now, many people think that they will do it again. It's not good that I would do it this way.

The president of the Russian guild did not blame everyone, but asked everyone to gather and continue on their way. After that, they came across three such monsters one after another, all of which were easily killed. Apart from wasting a lot of magic power every time, it didn't cause much problem.

The other side of the entrance to the mountainside of the snowy area here has a clear trend of temperature rise. The more you go from here, the narrower the mountain col, and finally it turns into a Heaven's Line. Some armors are more Forgiving people even need to turn sideways to pass.

After passing from here, you can see a verdant environment in front of you, with green plants everywhere, and the ice-bound environment suddenly ends here. The clear dividing line makes people feel that this is an artificially constructed scene. .

The green grass here looks very peaceful, the air can even smell the peculiar smell of flowers and grass, and there is a small river not far away, which also looks very beautiful.

Originally, the Russian players were a little happy after seeing this. Who knows that the president of the Russian guild, who has not responded before, is very serious here. People around you know what the situation is when they see his expression. Obviously, this guy's reaction is definitely because it is not safe here, and it is more dangerous than the snow over there.

Although everyone didn’t see anything famous, but the boss is like this, of course they have to pay attention. One guy simply asked, "President, is this place very dangerous?"< /p>

The president of the Russian guild nodded and said: "It’s hard to say that the danger is not dangerous. Don’t say anything, wait a while and try to keep quiet."

I knew what their boss meant, but this was an order from the guild leader, so these Russian players chose to be obedient. They all looked around in silence, trying to find something while waiting for their boss's observation results.

You can stand in place for about ten minutes. Just when the Russian players were about to lose their patience completely, the Russian guild president suddenly spoke, but this guy said Squeeze your own voice with a very, very small voice and say: "Keep quiet, don't make any noise, don't speak, be careful not to hit the armor and the ground with your weapon, imagine you are stealing the cell key next to the prison guards who are sleeping."< /p>

A Russian player turned his head and pressed his own voice and asked in a low voice: "Why?"

The president of the Russian guild pointed to a particularly lush tree next to the forest. The tree whispered: "There is a terrifying demon over there."


"Hushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... , The president of the Russian guild next to him hurriedly covered his mouth, and then whispered: “People who don’t believe use a telescope to look at the particularly lush tree on the other side of the river. You’ll know after reading it.”

The tree is actually not far away from them, at most it is only one hundred and fifty meters to two hundred meters. At this distance, a tree can still be seen very clearly. However, since their boss asked to use telescope, everyone had to take out their own telescope and looked at it curiously.

It was nothing if I didn't watch it, but everyone was almost not scared to death. The tree over there is not actually lush and leafy, on the contrary, it is actually a tree that does not grow well, and it does not have a few leaves at all. But why did people think that this big tree was very lush before? That's because this big tree is covered with a densely packed Flying Insect. The two wings behind this Flying Insect are completely emerald green. When it stops on a branch, the folded wings hang there like leaves, and when millions and tens of millions of Flying Insects lie on a tree When it's on a big tree, it looks like This big tree is luxuriant, but in fact, it is simply not leaves but insects.

The president of the Russian guild pointed to the other side and whispered: "Did you see the mouths of those things? That stuff is just like a shredder. If they attack, they can put us in it every time. One of the people was completely wiped out. There were only a few of us, and we were killed after being attacked a few times by them. Also, there were too many things to calculate with the magic of surface attacks, and even if they were killed Good, so the best way to deal with these things is to stay away from them and just go around."

Because everyone is holding a telescope, so the Russian guild president’s statement is very common. Agree, after all, they have seen the shape of the mouthparts of those insects from the telescope, which is clearly a kind of Carnivorous Insect! Moreover, the number of this stuff is really terrifying. Although the size of each insect is almost the same as that of the known one, when tens of millions of insects take off and dance, it is really scary.

Knowing that this thing cannot be offended, everyone took back their weapons at the suggestion of the president of the Russian guild, and then removed all the armors on their bodies, and moved forward tiptoely wearing their underwear. Although this state will lower their defenses, they don't need to fight here at all. As long as they don't alarm those things, there is no other danger here, and it's no problem if they don't wear armor. And if they are disturbed, then even armor is useless, because it is said that these things will drill in along the gaps in the armor, and when the time comes is even more terrible.

The movements of this group of people are very light, but the speed is not slow. They quickly touched the bank of the river, and then began to walk around the small woods after carefully pouring the water, and they soon arrived. The other side of this flat land. There is a cliff on this side, and on the cliff you can see a figure standing there. The shape of the figure is very strange, not a hero sculpture, but a sculpture of a suffering prisoner. This man was tied back with his hands, one eye was missing, his ears were also cut off, and a horse-like chew was still stuffed in his mouth, but the most terrifying thing was that this man was still entwined with a kind of The thorny thorns, large and small scratches all over the body.

The sculpture of this victim on the top of the cliff looks quite weird, but now everyone has no time to deal with this, just approach the rock carefully and start under the command of the president of the Russian guild. Climb up the cliff.

The height of this cliff is not too exaggerated. Although the mountain is almost straight up and down, because there are many protrusions on the surface of the mountain, there are many places to take advantage of it. As long as the skill is a little more flexible, people can climb Go up.

Everyone is a specially selected person. The president of the Russian guild thought of this link when he selected them, so he chose more flexible careers, so this cliff did not cause them. Any obstacles all reached the top of the cliff in a few minutes.

After coming up, the president of the Russian guild immediately slumped to the ground and said: "Okay, you can rest assured, there is no problem here. You all wear the armor back."

A Russian player next to him asked the president of the Russian guild, "Why don't we fly up directly?"

"Do you think those Flying Insects can't eat your wyvern?" That Russian The guild leader called the other party dumb in one sentence.

Another Russian player looked at the direction inside the top of the cliff and asked: "That's our destination, right?"

Their destination is just behind the top of the cliff. Behind the forest, not far behind the forest, there is a mountain higher than this side, and at the top of the mountain is a group of buildings. Obviously, that is the destination of this trip.

"Why are all black?" A Russian player asked, looking at the forest ahead and the mountain in the distance.

In fact, the forest is not black, but the trees here are super dense, and the leaves are all dark green, and there is no sunlight on the ground under the forest because of the shelter of the trees. So it looks really dark. As for the mountains in the distance-the thing is really completely black. There is no vegetation on the mountain peak, and there are black rocks everywhere, and the edges and corners are sharp, and it looks quite barren. The buildings on the mountain are probably built with rocks on the mountain, so they are also black. Basically, it looks like a black forest is connected to Montenegro, and the black mountain is the cluster of palaces.

"There is a feeling of Black Forest, what do you think?" a Russian player asked.

The president of the Russian guild said: "The reason why this place is of this color is because it is the residence of Evil God. The gods we want to contact are not the place Guardian God Race. They are Evil God, so everything here is evil style. But you can rest assured, I have a special relationship here, we will not be attacked, but there are some devil beasts in the forest ahead, and the level is not low , Need to pay a little attention."

After hearing the explanation of the Russian guild leader, these people began to quickly walk into the forest. They are advancing very fast here, because although the forest is dense, they are not walking in the primitive forest. In fact, they came from the edge of the cliff and walked into the forest only a few tens of meters before they encountered a horizontal road, and then the road turned to the direction of the cluster of palaces they were going to. According to their boss, this road leads directly to the palace over there, so don't worry about getting lost, just run along the road.

Although the impossible road in this forest is really the same as the highway in reality, it is a compacted dirt road after all. The ground is dry and hard. The most important thing is that there are no obstacles, so they The moving speed is very fast.

This group of people is very lucky. Although their boss said that there is a devil beast here, they didn't run into any of them. They only ran into a deformed monster when they were about to leave the forest. This thing looks as if two centaurs remove the human part, then butt the wounds together, then transform the butt of one of the centaurs into a mouthpart full of sharp teeth, and then let this thing The red sarcoma that grows out is basically the shape of the thing in front of me.

Although this thing is disgusting, its attack power is average. The key point is that this thing is completely blind. It has no eyes, and its hearing is average, and because this thing is on the road at first, the group of people saw it from a long distance, so they stopped there and waited for the thing for a while and then walked away by themselves.

After avoiding this thing, I came to the foot of the mountain. The road up the mountain was a ladder that looked as if it had no end at all. They all say goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse. The mountain didn’t feel high when I looked at it from a distance, but when I got to the front, I realized that the height of this thing is really not low, and the steps below are even more so. Scary.

"I'm dizzy, when is this going to climb?" someone complained.

"No matter how high you are, you must go up. Shut up and climb!"

At the urging of the president of the Russian guild, everyone began to climb the mountain desperately, and then climbed in one breath. In an hour, the stamina was completely exhausted before reaching halfway up the mountain. Everyone took out the stamina potions they had prepared and drank them in one gulp. A Russian player threw the bottle and started complaining: "I finally know why you bought two more bottles of physical potion when you let us out! This is even more tiring than a marathon!"

"In other words Can't you fly up to this place?" a Russian player asked.

"Divine Race will shoot down any existence that dared to fly around your temple. You don't want to be beaten down and fly." said the president of the Russian guild.

Another player immediately said: "I start to miss the Dark God Palace. It was built underground. No matter how deep it is, there are so many steps!"

"All climb It’s halfway through, don’t complain, hurry up, it’s useless if you go back late!"

At the urging of the president of the Russian guild, everyone crawled for another hour and finally killed another bottle. After the stamina potion, it reached the square in front of the building at the lowest position on the top of the mountain.

"Your sister! I finally came up! I swear, I won't climb the mountain again!" A group of Russian players slumped on the edge of the square while panting and complaining. Even their boss was panting.

"Okay, it's finally here, hurry up and take a break and call the door."

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