After hearing the encouragement of August Xun, Ying Yu Shen Hina said: "This foreign aid Divine Race is a foreign aid summoned by Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guild. It is a provocation against Divine Race in Siberia. After all, the Divine Race power is different from our guild organizations. The Divine Race power has an exclusive attribute in a certain area, so if there is a foreign Divine Race into the territory of the country’s Divine Race, most of it will There was a conflict. If this time the Siberian Divine Race took the initiative to find foreign aid, then of course it would be no problem, but the problem is that it is not the foreign aid that the Siberian Divine Race finds, but the foreign aid that Banshee and those Russian guild leaders find. . If you say that a guest called a group of his friends to the host’s house when he was a guest at someone else’s house, and did not notify the host in advance, what do you think the host will feel?

Of course, this The metaphor is not very appropriate, but I think it can probably reflect the attitude of the Divine Race in Siberia. What do you think?"

After the words of Ying Yu Shen Hina, the scene fell into silence, because everyone Thinking about the problem. This is a meeting related to the interests of everyone at the scene, not a scolding war on the forum, so everyone is not eager to attack others, but will seriously consider everyone's proposal and analyze the right and wrong, and finally put forward suggestions for improvement. Everyone is not here to quarrel, but to solve the problem, so the attitude is much more serious than when arguing on the forum. Everyone did not immediately object to the words of Yingyu Shenchu, but was thinking about the problem seriously.

About ten seconds later, Masaka Matsumoto first said: "I think the idea of ​​the Sakura Rain God Hina is reasonable."

August Xun also followed:" I also think the words of Ying Yu Shen Hina have some truth, but the Siberian Divine Race may not necessarily turn against the Russian guild because of this kind of thing. Therefore, they may not be able to cooperate with the newly arrived Divine Race, but it should be. It’s not going to fight."

"In fact, I think that since the young lady Yingyu God has thought of this step, it’s not impossible to take advantage of it."

"What? Mean?" someone asked immediately.

The president of the Italian guild who just spoke said: "Since the new Divine Race cannot cooperate with the Siberian Divine Race, and there will definitely be a major rift between the two. Under the circumstances, if we dispatch some special personnel here to instigate the two Divine Race forces, do you think there is a chance of winning?"

The words of the president of the Italian guild made everyone in a state of thinking again. But one guy screamed quickly. "I can help with this."

It is not someone else who is speaking, but the Lord who has always been here. When everyone entered here before, it was because the matter was more urgent, so the discussion was very lively, and no one paid attention to the existence of Jehovah. Although Christianity has a large number of followers in the world, this one in the game is really not very similar to the statue and portrait of the god in reality. For this reason, no player on the scene found that he was still sitting here. There is a god.

Of course, the God in the game is just one of the many gods. He is neither omniscient nor omnipotent, and even needs to be careful everywhere, because the game can crush his existence or There are so few.

Because Jehovah suddenly spoke out, everyone's eyes naturally focused. When they saw the stranger, many people at the scene were stunned, because this guy at the scene was obviously not the president of a certain guild, because there was no guild badge logo on his chest, and this guy’s clothing was also very good. strangeness. There are many professions in the game, but there are not many that can't find any metal items in the whole body. The guy in front of him was dressed in a white linen robe, and there was nothing else except a wooden weird cane leaning on the side of the table. There was no metal item on his body, at least no metal could be seen at all.

According to the standards of gamers, although it cannot be said that the amount of metal is equal to battle strength, the defense of metal equipment is generally higher, so normally high level players will have more metal parts in their equipment. At least in the same class, the proportion of the metal parts on the equipment can intuitively show the strength of a player's battle strength.

This guy in front of him is so bald that he doesn't have a piece of metal. If he puts it on the player, then only legal professions below level 200 can reach it. However, the aura on this guy is really not like that of a low-powered novice player. After all, this is Jehovah. Even if no one of the guild leaders on the scene knows him, their ability to sense is no problem. This powerful body How could they fail to sense fluctuations?

While everyone at the scene was still guessing the identity of Jehovah, the Chief-In-Charge of our guild said directly: "Jehovah Lord God, if you have a way, please tell us quickly. We are about to die!"

"Jehovah?" Everyone was stunned when they heard such a name, and then a French guild president shivered and asked: " This, this...this is...God?"

"Are you surprised to see me?" Jehovah asked with a smile.

Boom, the conference hall turned the sky in an instant, and all these guys yelled at everyone talking at once, feeling that the solemn and solemn conference hall instantly turned into a vegetable market, and it was the kind with a particularly large flow of people . Seeing this atmosphere, even Matsumoto Masaga and the others were taken aback.

However, unlike Masaga Matsumoto's calmness, the European guild players rushed up with excitement, and even Jehovah himself was shocked by the enthusiasm of these guys. Although everyone knows that this is an NPC in the game, not the real God, but just like when you see someone COS free Goddess on the road and want to take a photo together, sometimes everyone simply doesn’t care if it’s true. problem.

Jehovah didn't expect that he was so popular, and he felt flattered in an instant, but fortunately, the Chief-In-Charge of our guild reacted quickly and directly raised his hand and threw a flash of light. , To stop the chaos on the scene. The flashed eyes of the crowd could not see for the time being, so they had to stop and wait for their eyesight to recover. At this time, the Chief-In-Charge of our guild finally explained the current situation clearly, and finally got this group done. Avid fan. In fact, everyone didn't really lose their minds about this kind of thing, but suddenly they knew that God had been sitting by their side for more than ten minutes, and they were a little too excited.

After everyone's eyesight recovered, they all calmed down, and then Jehovah began to explain to them what he meant by saying he could help.

In fact, this kind of thing is not really difficult. The key is that you need a special existence that can be disguised and mixed into the Divine Race forces of both sides, and this kind of existence happens to exist in the influence of the Holy See of Jehovah. And there is more than one.

"Do you still have this kind of special spy in the Holy See?" Chief-In-Charge, who changed our guild this time, was surprised, because I had confessed the Lord to him before, so I told him about the general situation of Jehovah’s Holy See power in advance, and because he knew some of the situation of Jehovah’s Holy See power, our Chief-In-Charge is now the most surprised person.

Jehovah said with a smile: "Our Holy See has been standing among the gods for so many years. You don’t think that we have been able to fight until now? If we can fight, the most I’m afraid it’s the Olympus Divine Race, right? In the end, you won’t be able to fight. So, being able to fight is not the only criterion. To make a Divine Race power stronger, it must be. He has the ability of a generalist, at least to ensure that he can handle any emergencies."

Matsumoto Masaka looked at the clear and logical that Jehovah said there, and couldn't help whispering to August Kaun: "Didn't expect God actually graduated from an MBA!"

August Xun said with a smile: "I heard Purple Moon said before that this image of Jehovah and reality is completely subversive, as if Said this guy is very unethical."

Masaga Matsumoto glanced at Jehovah and then nodded and said: "Sir President’s comments are really accurate!"

Just work hard with Jehovah. When talking about the power of his Holy See, on the other side, the president of the Russian guild who had left Russia finally got in touch with the Divine Race power they knew.

In fact, this faction is not a Divine Race faction at all. It should be said that they are actually an NPC faction, but because the NPCs in it are all Divine Attribute-like existences, they can also be regarded as Divine Race faction. The difference is that this faction has no territory and can only exist in dungeon missions. Of course, such an existence cannot be compared with the orthodox Divine Race faction. But how to say it! Although this is a disadvantage, it is an advantage in some respects.

Because it is the Divine Race force that exists in Guardian as a dungeon mission, this Divine Race force is different from the Divine Race force such as Divine Race in Siberia. There is no management organization in their structure. Logistics, no Outer Member, or even believers. However, in order to ensure the strength of the dungeon mission, this Divine Race force has been directly strengthened by the system to a very exaggerated level. After all, this is a highly difficult dungeon, and according to the story of the dungeon, this is a Divine Race force. If it does not show the formidable power of the normal Divine Race, it will make the player feel that the mission setting is fake. It is also for this reason that the battle strength of this Divine Race force is not only very strong, but all members of the entire Divine Race force are high level battle-type Divine Race.

"Finally here!" Looking at the huge Transmission Gate in front of him, the president of the Russian guild wiped the sweat off his face, then turned to look at the Russian player behind him and said: "Quick, take that Take things out, let’s start."

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